Chrysis fastigiata Rosa, 2018

Rosa, P., 2018, New species of chrysididae (Hymenoptera) from Central Asia, Russia and Iran. Part 1, Far Eastern Entomologist 371, pp. 1-27 : 21-23

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Felipe (2022-10-08 15:38:36, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-07 14:46:10)

scientific name

Chrysis fastigiata Rosa

sp. nov.

Chrysis fastigiata Rosa , sp. n.

Figs 37–40 View Figs 37–40

SPECIMENS EXAMINED. Holotype – ♀, Kazakhstan: 40 km SW vill.

Bairkum, Kyzyl-kum, 15.V 1992, leg. V. Kazenas [ZIN].

DIAGNOSIS. Chrysis fastigiata sp. n. belongs to the C. elegans species group for cylindrical, elongate habitus; TFC faint; face broadened below, subparallel and short malar space; apex of T3 edentate; pubescence short and whitish; forewing radial cell closed. It can be easily separated from other species by the unique shape of the third tergite apical margin, in posterior view, forming a widely open angle,

somewhat roof-shaped, similar to Chrysura baiocchii Rosa, 2013, yet with unmodified internal urites; and also for the double and coarse punctation of the last metasomal tergum; finally for body colour, with head and mesosoma green and metasoma red to violet. Only C. transcaspica Mocsáry, 1889 shares a similar coloration, but the latter is immediately recognizable for its habitus, similar to C.

elegans Lepeletier, 1806; larger size, even exceeding 10 mm; in dorsal view, head broadened behind compound eyes; posterior margin of T3 bent downwards.

DESCRIPTION. Body length 7.0 mm. Fore wing length 4.8 mm. Female. OOL

= 1.3 MOD; POL = 2.1 MOD; MS = 1.0 MOD; relative length of P:F1:F2:F3 =

1.0:1.5: 1.0:0.8.

Head. In full face view, length 1.7 mm, width 1.8 mm. Apex of clypeus medially straight; TFC faint, yet with prominent brow, overhanging sunken scapal basin; the latter hollowed, medially polished with scattered small punctures, laterally densely,

minutely punctured; brow, in frontal view, with large, subcontiguous to confluent punctures; vertex with small, reticulate punctures, and impunctate area laterally to posterior ocelli. Malar space 1.0 MOD, shorter than F1 and subparallel. Subantennal distance less than 1.0 MOD. Subgenal carina almost complete, extending from middle gena to mandible joint.

habitus, lateral view; 39 – head, frontal view; 40 – metasoma, dorso-lateral view. Scale bar =

1.0 mm.

Mesosoma. Length 2.5 mm; width (PPW) 1.8 mm. Pronotum anteromedially slightly depressed, without distinct anteromedian groove; punctation double, subreticulate, with medium-sized punctures (about 0.3 MOD) and small punctures (0.1

MOD) on interstices; punctures laterally denser. Mesoscutum with medium-sized punctures, larger towards mesoscutellum, among notauli, with polished and shining interstices, 1 PD apart; notauli and parapsidal lines complete; notauli with deep, round pits, decreasing from posterior to anterior margin. Mesoscutellum with double punctation and polished interstices; punctures denser towards axillary trough. Punctation on metanotum irregular, subreticulate, with punctures of different size and large anteromedian fovea. Mesopleuron with shallow, sparse punctures; episternal sulcus formed by deep, subrectangular foveae. Propodeal teeth triangular, markedly enlarged, divergent and pointing backwards.

Metasoma. Length 3.2 mm. Punctation on first and second tergum with medium-sized, subreticulate punctures, about 1 PD apart, with minute dots or small punctures on interstices. Third tergum with strongly contrasting, irregular, coarse punctation, consisting of large, deep foveate punctures, and small to minute punctures in the interstices, with distinct longitudinal median carina; apical margin distinctly dorso-ventrally angulate in the middle, without lateral angles and with a narrow apical hyaline rim; pits of the pit row deep, round, and separate, a little larger than larger punctures on the tergum; post pit row area with minute punctures;

second sternum with large black spots, medially separated by a thin line and covering about 2/3 of sternum length.

Coloration. Head and mesosoma green; dorsally with rosy reflections, more obvious on mesoscutum close to mesoscutellum and on the latter. Metasoma red to violet, with greenish reflections, ventrally green, with coppery reflections. Mandibles brown, with green reflections at base. Scape metallic green, pedicel and flagellum black. Legs green, tarsi brown. Tegulae metallic green. Wings hyaline, with brown veins.

Vestiture. Frons, vertex and mesosoma covered by sparse, whitish, long (1.0

MOD), and erect setae. Metasoma laterally, posteriorly and ventrally with long whitish setae.

Male. Unknown.


ETYMOLOGY. The specific epithet fastigiata (adjective, feminine), from the

Latin fastigium (= roof), refers to the angulate roof-shaped third metasomal tergum,

seen in posterior view.

Gallery Image

Figs 37–40. Chrysis fastigiata Rosa, sp. n., holotype ♀. 37 – habitus, dorsal view; 38 –











