Abcoronalis Lu & Zhang, 2018

Lu, Lin & Zhang, Yalin, 2018, Abcoronalis protrusus, a new paraboloponine genus and species (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae: Drabescini) from Borneo, Zootaxa 4459 (2), pp. 387-394 : 390-391

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Plazi (2018-10-11 20:12:08, last updated 2024-11-29 12:54:49)

scientific name

Abcoronalis Lu & Zhang

gen. nov.

Abcoronalis Lu & Zhang View in CoL , gen. nov.

Diagnosis. Body yellow and green without diStinct pattern. Head Slightly broader than pronotum. Crown angularly produced and depreSSed between ocelli, not elevated poSteriorly, Slightly longer medially than the next to eyeS, coronal Suture veStigial, anterior margin with Several indiStinct tranSverSe StriationS. Ocelli well Separated from eyeS, Situated on SutureS Slightly underSide and not viSible dorSally. Face aS broad aS long. AnteclypeuS flat, conStricted near baSe, apex wider than baSe, with median moderately longitudinal ridge. Antennae Situated near upper corner of eye in facial view, longer than half body length; antennal pit deep and Slightly encroaching onto clypeuS. Lateral frontal SutureS well developed, evenly divergent above antennal pitS, extended to ocelli. Gena concavely emarginate below eye. Pronotum aS long aS Scutellum, lateral margin Short, without carina. Forewing with large appendix, four apical cellS and three Subapical cellS, inner Subapical cell open, claval veinS Separate, with croSSvein connecting outer vein to claval Suture. Hindwing with four apical cellS. Front femur with AM1 large, near mid-height, with Single Stout Seta AV1 near ventral margin and without AV Setae on baSal half of femur, intercalary row (IC) with about 11 long Setae. Foretibia cylindrical, with 2+4 dorSal macroSetae. Hind femur macroSetae 2+2+1.

Male genitalia. Pygofer much Shorter than Subgenital plate, with pair of long, curved proceSSeS ariSing poSterodorSally and with pair of teeth baSally ( FigS. 2A, B View FIGURE 2 ); without macroSetae. Valve pentagonal. Subgenital plate with lateral margin convex baSally, concave diStally in ventral view, with irregular lateral band of macroSetae in diStal two thirdS and Scattered fine Setae dorSolaterally, meSal margin Straight, apex narrowly rounded. Style with preapical lobe weak, obtuSe; apical proceSS narrow, Straight, apex bluntly rounded. Connective Short, articulated with aedeaguS, armS weakly divergent, approximately aS long aS Stem. AedeauS with preatrium well developed, atrium Small, dorSal apodeme poorly developed, Shaft U-Shaped, with paired apical proceSSeS. Gonopore apical, between baSeS of paired proceSSeS.

Female genitalia. Pygofer with few macroSetae on poSterior margin. OvipoSitor extended Slightly beyond pygofer apex. 1 st vavulae dorSal Sculpturing pattern Strigate and reaching dorSal margin; 2nd vavulae gradually broadened Subapically and united in baSal half to firSt dorSal tooth, with about 7 pairS of irregularly Spaced teeth on apical one third; 3rd vavulae with few Small macroSetae. PoSterior margin of 7th abdominal Sternite broadly concave.

Distribution. Borneo.

Remarks. ThiS genuS iS included in the Subtribe Paraboloponina baSed on the cylindrical front tibia, placement of antennal pitS high on the face, elongate antennal flagellum, and preSence of fine tranSverSe StriationS on the anterior margin of the crown. It can be diStinguiShed from other genera by the greeniSh coloration, veStigial coronal Suture and male pygofer much Shorter than Subgenital plate and with a pair of long, curved proceSSeS ariSing poSterodorSally. It differS from Dryadomorpha , Parohinka , Waigara , which are Similar in coloration and Shape, by the 2+2+1 hind femur macroSetal formula, and from the other Paraboloponina by the veStigial coronal Suture veStigial and long, paired dorSal pygofer proceSSeS.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 2 Abcoronalis protrusus sp. nov. A–B. Male pygofer, lateral and caudal vieW; C–D. aedeagus and connective, ventral and lateral vieW; E. style, dorsolateral vieW; F–G. foreWing and hindWing, dorsal vieW; H. subgenital plate, ventral vieW; I. style, connective and aedeagus, dorsal vieW; J. male pygofer, dorsal vieW.













