Orectoderus obliquus Uhler, 1876

Wyniger, Denise, 2010, Resurrection of the Pronotocrepini Knight, with Revisions of the Nearctic Genera Orectoderus Uhler, Pronotocrepis Knight, and Teleorhinus Uhler, and Comments on the Palearctic Ethelastia Reuter (Heteroptera: Miridae: Phylinae), American Museum Novitates 2010 (3703), pp. 1-68 : 31-34

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1206/3703.2



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scientific name

Orectoderus obliquus Uhler


Orectoderus obliquus Uhler View in CoL

Figures 3 View FIGURE 3 , 4 View FIGURE 4 , 5 View FIGURE 5 , 6 View FIGURE 6 , 12 View FIGURE 12 ; map 3; tables 1, 2

Orectoderus obliquus Uhler, 1876: 320 View in CoL (new species, original description); Gillette and Baker, 1895: 47 (distribution); Kuhlgatz, 1902: 1096, 1103, 1131, 1132, 1149 (notes); Van Duzee, 1916b: 42 (list), 1917: 368 (catalog, distribution); Knight, 1923: 426, fig. 16, 475 (description), 1941: 21, fig. 46 (claw); 23, fig. 76 (tarsi); 24, fig. 80 (antenna); 52, (description, distribution, host); 1968a: 311–313 (diagnosis, key to males, discussion); Blatchely, 1926: 916 (key, description), 917 (description, distribution, host); Procter, 1946: 77 (distribution, host); Froeschner, 1949: 135 (redescription), 162 (distribution); Carvalho, 1958: 175–176 (catalog); Kelton, 1959: 47 (description of male genitalia),

fig. 129 (male genitalia); Bliven, 1962: 59 (note); Akingbohungbe et al., 1973: 16 (description of fiπh instar nymph); Akingbohungbe, 1974: 252 (chromosome number); Kelton, 1980: 288 (diagnosis, host, distribution, figure, map); Akingbohungbe, 1983: 39 (testis follicle no.); McIver and Stonedahl, 1987b: 278 (biology, nymphs, figures); Polhemus, 1994: 130 (distribution, host); Scud- der, 1997: 270 (distribution, host); Wyniger et al., 2008: 331 (presence of brochosomes), 335, fig. 4A (detail of pygophore).

Orectoderus niger Reuter, 1912: 47 (new species, description; syn. by Carvalho, 1955b: 225); Schouteden, 1913: 156 (note, distribution).

Orectoderus obliquus var. ferrugineous Knight, 1923: 475 (new variation).

Orectoderus ruckesi Knight, 1968a: 318 (new species, description). NEW SYNONYMY.

TYPE MATERIAL (EXAMINED): Orectoderus obliquus : LECTOTYPE: Male : [ USA] Massachusetts ( AMNH _ PBI 00068805 About AMNH ) ( USNM).

Orectoderus obliquus var. ferrugineous : HOLOTYPE: Female: USA: New York [Suffolk Co.] Bayshore   GoogleMaps , Long Island   GoogleMaps [40.725°N 73.24527°W] 5 m, 04 Jul 1915 – 07 Jul 1915, Chris. E. Olsen ( AMNH _ PBI 00069138 About AMNH ) ( USNM). PARATYPE: Female: [ USA] New York [Suffolk Co.] Bayshore , Long Island [40.725°N 73.24527°W, 5 m] 04 Jul 1915 – 07 Jul 1915, Chris. E. Olsen (00069139) ( USNM) GoogleMaps . Knight (1923: 475) did not mention the year 1915 in his original description.

Orectoderus ruckesi : HOLOTYPE: Male: USA: Wyoming: Sublette Co.: Green River Lake , Wind River Mountains [42.70856°N 109.12818°W], 01 Aug 1935 – 09 Aug 1935, H. Ruckes ( AMNH _ PBI 00069137 About AMNH ) ( USNM). In the original description of Knight (1968a: 318) the collecting date is recorded as “1–8 Aug, 1935,” on the original holotype label the date reads “ 1–9 Aug 1935.” GoogleMaps

DIAGNOSIS: Hemelytra coloration slightly variable. Distinguished from all other species by body length (table 1), length of second antennal segment (table 1); general aspect of pronotum very shiny, and with fine, golden reclining setae (fig. 3); vesica in dorsolateral view strongly curved apically and basally (fig. 5); anterior process of leπ paramere round apically (fig. 6); female with distinct longer second antennal segment than all other species within Orectoderus (table 2), genitalia with sclerotized rings more round (fig. 12) and pronotum, in lateral view, almost flat (fig. 3).

REDESCRIPTION: Male: Total length 6.96–8.45, length apex clypeus-cuneus fracture 5.09– 5.96, width across pronotum 1.62–1.76. COLORATION: Clavus either completely brown or brown with pale narrow band along claval suture; corium either completely brown or brown with pale band along claval suture, usually not reaching to apex of clavus; cuneus either completely brown or brown with basal half pale. SURFACE AND VESTITURE: General aspect very shiny; pronotum and scutellum slightly rugose; pronotal setae golden, shiny, distinctly shorter than diameter of first antennal segment; dorsal surface clothed with golden, shiny setae.

STRUCTURE: Labium reaching to metacoxa. GENITALIA: Vesica, in dorsolateral view, strongly curved (fig. 5); anterior process of leπ paramere bearing distinct long seta on inner surface (fig. 6); right paramere slightly hook shaped apically (figs. 4E, 5).

Female: Total length 5.57–6.18, width across pronotum 0.66–0.80. COLORATION: Head, pronotum, mesoscutum, scutellum, and hemelytra orangish brown or dorsal surface completely black (fig. 3); first tergite black; second tergite with very narrow whitish band proxi- mally; all other tergites black. SURFACE AND VESTITURE: General aspect very shiny; pronotum clothed with fine, golden, shiny reclining setae. STRUCTURE: Calli of pronotum almost flat (fig. 3; lateral view); second antennal segment just slightly gradually inflated distally.

GENITALIA: Sclerotized rings of dorsal labiate plate large, ovoid and slightly pointed apically, with sclerotized spots distally (fig. 12); posterior wall with bifurcate interramal sclerites, almost straight medially (fig. 12).

HOSTS: Artemisia cana , Aster macrophylla (Asteraceae) , Symphoricarpos occidentalis , S. oreophilus (Caprifoliaceae) , Juniperus communis (Cupressaceae) , Kalmia sp. ( Ericaceae ), Lupinus sp. ( Fabaceae ), Ribes sp. ( Grossulariaceae ), Comptonia asplenifolia , C. peregrina (Myricaceae) , Cercocarpus montanus , Potentilla fruticosa , Rosa sp. ( Rosaceae ), Galium boreale (Rubiaceae) , Salix sp. ( Salicaceae ).

DISTRIBUTION: Widely distributed throughout North America (map 3).

DISCUSSION: Uhler (1876) described Orectoderus obliquus based on several specimens from different localities without designating a holotype. The male specimen in the type collection of the USNM (AMNH_PBI 00068805) is designated here as lectotype, for stabilizing the nomenclature. Knight (1923) described O. obliquus var. ferrugineous based on a color variation of the distal part of the second antennal segment and of the globose portion of the abdomen. Comparing the holotype and paratype of O. obliquus var. ferrugineous with females of O. obliquus showed that the mentioned characters can be found in the same form among females of O. obliquus in general, and I am therefore treating O. obliquus var. ferrugineous as junior synonym of O. obliquus , new synonymy. Knight (1968a) described Orectoderus ruckesi based on a single male from Wyoming, mentioning that it is allied to O. obliquus . He distinguished this species from the latter by the nearly flat pronotum. Comparing the O. ruckesi specimen with a series of O. obliquus specimens showed that the pronotal shape and vestiture are essentially the same, and I am therefore treating the former as junior synonyms of the latter, new synonymy.

Among material from Michigan State University was a specimen of Orectoderus labeled as follows: “ Paratype O. nitidulus , det. Hussey, 1953.” Orectoderus nitidulus is an unpublished manuscript name; the specimen clearly is O. obliquus .

The vestiture of this species is characterized by several authors in different ways: Blatchley (1926) and Knight (1941) described the setae of the corium as yellowish hair/pubescent, whereas Kelton (1980) used the term short, black pubescence. In the original description by Uhler (1890) the hemelytra were described as vaguely pubescent.

McIver and Stonedahl (1987b) pointed out that males from east of and in the Rocky Mountains sometimes have completely black hemelytra and that possibly males from western populations have a white mark on the corium.

Knight (1941) mentioned that Orectoderus obliquus is usually associated with grasses and herbaceous plants; it occurs on the ground and is associated with ants. The work of McIver and Stonedahl (1987b) recorded for the first time the biology and the ant mimicry that is highly evolved within the genus Orectoderus . They also recorded the breeding host of obliquus , Penstemon procerus brachycanthus (Pennell) Cronq.

Orectoderus niger View in CoL was desribed by Reuter (1912), and wrongly listed by Schouteden (1913) for Brazil.

SPECIMENS EXAMINED: CANADA: Alberta: 3.8 km S of Drumheller on Rt. 56, 51.42762°N 112.64248°W, 677 m, 14 Jul 1990, M.D. Schwartz and R. Foottit, Galium boreale View in CoL L. ( Rubiaceae View in CoL ), 1♀ (00072583) (CNC). 8 miles S of Irvine, 49.83425°N 110.26666°W, 23 Jun 1959, A.R. Gittins, 2♂ (00086611, 00086636) (UID). Banff, 51.16666°N 115.56666°W, 1615 m, 05 Aug 1925, O. Bryant, 1♂ (00082777) (UCR). Banff National Park, 11 mi W of Banff, 51.16639°N 115.82042°W, 1372 m, 13 Jul 1955, R. Coyles, 1♂ (00072218) (CNC). Banff National Park, Banff-Japser Hwy, 51.16666°N 115.56666°W, 25 Aug 1970, L.A. Kelton, 1♂ (00072233) (CNC). Bilby, 53.7°N 114.1°W, 11 Jul 1924, O. Bryant, 1♂ (00096923) (AMNH). Cypress Hills, 49.63°N 110.2°W, 28 Jun 1939, W.S. McLeod., 1♂ (UASM). Cypress Hills Provincial Park, Top Road, 1.2 km E of Spruce Coulee, 49.63°N 110.2°W, 1433 m, 15 Jul 1990, M.D. Schwartz, Potentilla fruticosa (Rosaceae) View in CoL , 3♂ (00072563–00072565), 6♀ (00072566–00072571) (CNC). Cypress Hills Provincial Park, Top Road, 9.6 km E of Rt 41 jct, 49.63°N 110.2°W, 1433 m, 15 Jul 1990, M.D. Schwartz, Potentilla fruticosa View in CoL L. ( Rosaceae View in CoL ), 1♀ (00072585) (CNC). Drumheller, 51.46666°N 112.7°W, 14 Jun 1946, W.R.M. Mason, 3♂ (UASM). Edmonton, 53.55°N 113.5°W, 21 Jun 1919, unknown, 1♂ (00068943) (USNM); 08 Jun 1963, L. Kenakin, 1♂ (UASM); 12 Jul 1946, E.H. Strickland, 1♂ (UASM). Elkwater, 49.63°N 110.2°W, 13 Jun 1952, A.R. Brooks, 3♂ (00072222, 00072769–00072770) (CNC); 06 Jun 1952, A.R. Brooks, 1♂ (00072771) (CNC). Elkwater Park, Cypress Hills Provincial Park, 49.63°N 110.2°W, 29 Jul 1952, L.A. Konotopetz, 1♂ (00072154) (CNC); 20 Jul 1952, L.A. Konotopetz, 1♂ (00072155) (CNC); 16 Jul 1952, L.A. Konotopetz, 2♂ (00072156, 00123159) (CNC); 15 Aug 1952, L.A. Konotopetz, 1♂ (00072157) (CNC); 26 Jul 1952, L.A. Konotopetz, 1♂ (00072158) (CNC); 13 Jun 1952, L.A. Konotopetz, 2♂ (00072159, 00072160) (CNC); 14 Aug 1952, A.R. Brooks, 1♂ (00072804) (CNC); 13 Jul 1952, L.A. Konotopetz, 1♂ (00072805) (CNC); 16 Jul 1952, A.R. Brooks, 1♂ (00072806) (CNC). High Prairie, 55.43333°N 116.48333°W, 17 Jul 1961, A.R. Brooks, 1♀ (00072803) (CNC); 22 Jun 1961, A.R. Brooks, 2♂ (00072800, 00072801), 1♀ (00072802) (CNC). Kananaskis Hwy, 50.91555°N 115.14166°W, 25 Jul 1973, L.A. Kelton, 2♂ (00072766, 00072767), 1♀ (00072768) (CNC). Kananaskis Rd., 50.91555°N 115.14166°W, 20 Jul 1975, L.A. Kelton, Juniperus communis (Cupressaceae) View in CoL , 1♀ (00072764) Rosa View in CoL sp. ( Rosaceae View in CoL ), 3♂ (00072231, 00072762–00072763), 1♀ (00072765) (CNC). Kananaskis Valley, Pocaterra Creek, 50.91555°N 115.14166°W, 1631 m, 15 Jul 1964, H.B. Leach, 1♂ (00077686) (CAS). Lundbreck, 49.58°N 114.17°W, 07 Jul 1970, L.A. Kelton, 2♂ (00072232, 00072751) (CNC). Macleod, 49.73333°N 113.4°W, 19 Jun 1952, L.A. Konotopetz, 2♂ (00072221, 00072807) (CNC). Medicine Hat, 50.03333°N 110.68333°W, 15 Jun 1930, J.H. Pepper, 2♂ (00072212, 00072213) (CNC). Nordegg, 52.46666°N 116.08333°W, 29 Jul 1921, J. McDunnough, 1♂ (UASM); 31 Jul 1921, J. McDunnough, 1♂ (00072191) (CNC); 19 Jul 1921, J. McDunnough, 1♂ (00072185) (CNC); 21 Jul 1921, J. McDunnough, 1♂ (00072186) (CNC); 22 Jul 1921, J. McDunnough, 1♂ (00072187) (CNC); 23 Jul 1921, J. McDunnough, 1♂ (00072188) (CNC); 25 Jul 1921, J. McDunnough, 1♂ (00072189) (CNC); 26 Jul 1921, J. McDunnough, 1♂ (00072190) (CNC). Red Deer, 52.27024°N 113.80469°W, 856 m, 25 Jun 1957, Brooks and McNay, 10♂ (00072192–00072197, 00072703–00072706), 13♀ (00072707–00072719) (CNC); 05 Jul 1951, Carr, 1♂ (00072775) (CNC). Saint Paul, 53.98333°N 111.28333°W, 21 Jun 1938, E.H. Strickland, 1♂ (UASM). Scrub Birch Calling Lake, 55.25°N 113.33333°W, 08 Jul 1949, F.I.S., 1♂ (00072239) (CNC). Waterton Park, 49.05°N 113.91666°W, 16 Jun 1952, L.A. Konotopetz, 1♂ (00072229) (CNC); 04 Jul 1970 – 06 Jul 1970, L.A. Kelton, 13♂ (00072230, 00072738–00072749), 1♀ (00072750) (CNC). Willow Wandering R., 07 Jul 1949, F.I.S., 1♂ (00072237) (CNC). British Columbia: Canim Lake, 51.85°N 120.75°W, 23 Jun 1938, G.S. Walley, 3♂ (00072695–00072696, 00072700) (CNC). Cowichan Bay, 48.75°N 123.6°W, 13 Jul 1959, L.A. Kelton, 1♀ (00072701) (CNC). Jesmond, 51.25°N 121.95°W, 16 Jul 1938, J.K. Jacob, 1♂ (00072698) (CNC); 18 Jul 1938, J.K. Jacob, 1♂ (00072699) (CNC). Williams Lake, 52.11666°N 122.15°W, 13 Jul 1938, G.S. Walley, 1♂ (00072697) (CNC). Manitoba: 30 mi N of Roblin, 51.66703°N 101.35°W, 14 Jul 1954, Brooks and Wallis, 1♂ (00096700) (AMNH). 5♂ (00072204–00072205, 00072795–00072797), 2♀ (00072798, 00072799) (CNC). 5 km N of Spirit Sands, Spruce Wood Provincial Park, 15 km S of Carberry, 49.71498°N 99.28301°W, 360 m, 08 Jul 1990, M.D. Schwartz, 1♂ (00072573) Rosa View in CoL sp. ( Rosaceae View in CoL ), 1♂ (00072572), 1♀ (00072574) (CNC). 5 mi SW of Shilo, 49.74888°N 99.71243°W, 04 Jul 1958, C.D.F. Miller, 1♂ (00072211) (CNC). Aweme, 49.72°N 99.6°W, 15 Jul 1920, H.A. Robertson, 1♂ (00072224) (CNC); 13 Jun 1922, R.M. White, 1♂ (00072238) (CNC). Carberry, 49.86666°N 99.35°W, 29 Jul 1953, Brooks and Kelton, 1♂ (00072223) (CNC); 23 Jun 1953, Brooks and Kelton, 3♂ (00072171–00072172, 00072178) (CNC); 19 Jun 1953, Brooks and Kelton, 1♂ (00072173) (CNC); 16 Jun 1953, Brooks and Kelton, 1♂ (00072736), 1♀ (00072737) (CNC). Falcon Lake, 49.7°N 95.25°W, 26 Jun 1972, L.A. Kelton, 2♂ (00072759, 00072760), 1♀ (00123169) (CNC); 01 Jul 1972, L.A. Kelton, Kalmia View in CoL sp. ( Ericaceae View in CoL ), 2♂ (00123155, 00123156) (CNC); 14 Aug 1972, L.A. Kelton, 1♀ (00123170) (CNC). Faloma, 49.71666°N 95.25°W, 28 Jun 1972, L.A. Kelton, 3♂ (00072752– 00072754) (CNC). Gillam, 56.35°N 94.7°W, 19 Jul 1950, J.F. McAlpine, 2♂ (00072201, 00072202) (CNC); 25 Jul 1950, J.F. McAlpine, 1♂ (00072203) (CNC). Goodlands, 49.1°N 100.6°W, 12 Jun 1931, R.H. Handford, 2♂ (00072786, 00072787) (CNC). Horton, 49.16666°N 100.05°W, 25 Jul 1953, Brooks and Kelton, 1♂ (00072071) (CNC). Ninette, 49.4°N 99.63333°W, 11 Jun 1958, C.D.F. Miller, 3♂ (00072182–00072184) (CNC); 12 Jun 1958, R.B. Madge, 1♂ (00072729) (CNC); 07 Jun 1958, C.D.F. Miller, 4♂ (00072730– 00072733) (CNC); 11 Jun 1958, R.B. Madge, 1♂ (00072734) (CNC); 28 Jul 1958, J.G. Chillcott, 1♀ (00072735) (CNC); 20 Jun 1958, R.B. Madge, 1♂ (00072776) (CNC); 20 Jun 1958, S. Radinovsky, 1♂ (00096006) (AMNH). Souris, 49.61666°N 100.25°W, 22 Jul 1953, A.R. Brooks, 2♂ (00072219, 00072220) (CNC). Treesbank, 49.63°N 99.62°W, 20 Jul 1928, R.H. Handford, 1♂ (00072810) (CNC). Turtle Mountain, 49°N 100.33333°W, 17 Jul 1953, Brooks and Kelton, 1♂ (00072235) (CNC); 18 Jul 1953, Brooks and Kelton, 1♂ (00072808) (CNC). Virden, 49.85°N 100.93333°W, 08 Jul 1953, Brooks and Kelton, 4♂ (00072166, 00072777–00072779) (CNC); 10 Jul 1953, Brooks and Kelton, 3♂ (00072161–00072163) (CNC); 12 Jul 1953, Brooks and Kelton, 1♂ (00072164) (CNC); 13 Jul 1953, Brooks and Kelton, 1♂ (00072208) (CNC); 14 Jul 1953, Brooks and Kelton, 2♂ (00072165, 00072780) (CNC). Winnipeg, 49.88333°N 97.16666°W, unknown, 1♂ (00072240) (CNC). New Brunswick: Chatham, 47.03333°N 65.43333°W, 27 Jun 1966, L.A. Kelton, 3♂ (00072811–00072813) (CNC). Kouchibouguac National Park, 46.87°N 64.98°W, 20 Jul 1977, D.J. Brown, 1♀ (00072867) (CNC); 28 Jul 1977, D.J. Brown, Salix sp. ( Salicaceae View in CoL ), 1♂ (00121399) (CNC). Petersville, 45.5°N 66.42°W, 05 Jul 1966, L.A. Kelton, 4♂ (00072814– 00072817), 1♀ (00072818) (CNC). Tabusintac, 47.33305°N 65.01666°W, 20 Jul 1939, J. McDunnough, 1♂ (00072820) (CNC); 02 Aug 1939, J. McDunnough, 2♂ (00072822, 00072823) (CNC). Northwest Territories: Norman Wells, 65.28195°N 123.83104°W, 22 m, 09 Jul 1949, W.R.M. Mason, 1♂ (00072694) (CNC). Ontario: Lennox and Addington County, 44.91666°N 77.26666°W, 16 Jul 1941, J.F. Brimley, 1♂ (00072849) (CNC). Hastings County, 44.50833°N 77.475°W, 19 Jun 1938, J.F. Brimley, 3♂ (00072850, 00072852–00072853) (CNC). One Sided Lake, 49.05°N 93.91666°W, 27 Jun 1980, Kelton and Whitney, 1♂ (00072864), 2♀ (00072865, 00072866) (CNC); 16 Jun 1960 – 17 Jun 1960, Kelton and Whitney, 6♂ (00072858–00072863) (CNC). Pautois Creek on Hwy 17, 3 km E of rt 630, 46.28298°N 78.91512°W, 01 Jul 1990, M.D. Schwartz, Comptonia asplenifolia View in CoL (L.) Fern. ( Myricaceae View in CoL ), 3♀ (00072580–00072582) (CNC). Petawawa, 45.9°N 77.28333°W, 17 Jun 1980, L. LeSage, Comptonia peregrina View in CoL (L.) Coulter ( Myricaceae View in CoL ), 5♂ (00072854–00072857, 00121398) (CNC). Renfrew Co., 45.46666°N 76.68333°W, 02 Jul 1951, J.F. Brimley, 1♂ (00072851) (CNC). Wawa, 48°N 84.78333°W, 07 Jul 1961, G. Brumpton, 1♂ (00072847) (CNC). Quebec: Fabre, 47.2°N 79.36666°W, 05 Jul 1963, L.A. Kelton, 1♂ (00072838), 2♀ (00072251, 00072839) (CNC). Laniel, 47.03333°N 79.26666°W, 06 Jul 1963, L.A. Kelton, 1♂ (00072846) (CNC); 26 Jun 1963 – 27 Jun 1963, L.A. Kelton, 3♂ (00072840–00072842), 2♀ (00072250, 00072843) (CNC); 10 Jul 1963 – 11 Jul 1963, W. Gagne, 6♂ (00072824–00072829), 1♀ (00072830) (CNC). 1♂ (00079642) (UCB); 10 Jul 1963 – 11 Jul 1963, L.A. Kelton, 1♂ (00072831) (CNC); 26 Jun 1963 – 27 Jun 1963, W. Gagne, 2♂ (00072832, 00072833), 2♀ (00072834, 00072835) (CNC); 16 Jul 1963 – 17 Jul 1963, W. Gagne, 1♂ (00072836), 1♀ (00072837) (CNC); 01 Jul 1963 – 03 Jul 1963, W. Gagne, 1♂ (00072844) (CNC); 03 Jul 1963 – 04 Jul 1963, L.A. Kelton, 1♂ (00072845) (CNC); 29 Jun 1963, W. Gagne, 1♂ (00123157) (CNC). Mount Albert, 3100 π, 48.91666°N 66.2°W, 945 m, 18 Jul 1933, W.J. Brown, 1♂ (00072848) (CNC). Saskatchewan: 186 km N of Regina on Rt 11, 3.3 km E of 11, 52.11983°N 104.61666°W, 10 Jul 1990, M.D. Schwartz, ( Fabaceae View in CoL ), 1♀ (00072586) (CNC). 45.8 km N of Stoughton on Rt 47, 50.0945°N 103.01666°W, 09 Jul 1990, M.D. Schwartz, Symphoricarpos occidentalis Hook. (Caprifoliaceae) View in CoL , 1♂ (00072575), 4♀ (00072576–00072579) (CNC). Amsterdam, 51.75°N 102.47°W, 11 Jul 1954, Brooks and Wallis, 3♂ (00072782–00072784), 1♀ (00072785) (CNC). Attons Lake, Cut Knife, 52.75°N 109.01666°W, 18 Jun 1940, A.R. Brooks, 7♂ (00072175–00072177, 00072198–00072200, 00072781) (CNC); 17 Jun 1940, A.R. Brooks, 3♂ (00072179–00072181) (CNC). Beaver Creek, 54.58333°N 102.25°W, 1920 m, 01 Jul 1951, A.R. Brooks, 1♂ (00072214) (CNC). Big River, 53.83333°N 107.03333°W, 05 Jun 1959, A. and J. Brooks, 1♂ (00072228) (CNC). Christopher Lake, 53.56666°N 105.83333°W, 13 Jul 1959, A. and J. Brooks, 1♂ (00072216) (CNC). Elbow, 51.11666°N 106.6°W, 20 Jun 1960, A.R. Brooks, 1♂ (00072789) (CNC); 17 Jun 1960, A.R. Brooks, 1♂ (00072790) (CNC); 12 Aug 1960, A.R. Brooks, 1♂ (00072791) (CNC). Good Spirit Lake, 51.55°N 102.66666°W, 10 Jul 1954, A.R. Brooks, Wallis, 1♂ (00072794) (CNC). Harris, 51.73°N 107.58°W, 03 Jul 1952, L.A. Konotopetz, 1♂ (00072792) (CNC). Kenosee Park, 49.83333°N 102.28333°W, 19 Jul 1958, A. and J. Brooks, 1♂ (00072788) (CNC). Lebret, 50.75°N 103.7°W, 05 Jul 1951, A.R. Brooks, 6♂ (00072167–00072170, 00072720–00072721), 7♀ (00072722–00072728) (CNC). Pike Lake, 51.9°N 106.82°W, 12 Jun 1948, J.R. Vockeroth, 1♂ (00072234) (CNC). Saint Victor, 49.43305°N 105.86666°W, 28 Jun 1955, A.R. Brooks, 4♂ (00072209–00072210, 00072226, 00123158) (CNC). Saskatoon, 52.13333°N 106.66666°W, 21 Jun 1951, A.R. Brooks, 1♂ (00072206) (CNC); 05 Jul 1950, A.R. Brooks, 1♂ (00072207) (CNC); 14 Jul 1927, Kenneth M. King, 1♂ (00072236) (CNC); 22 Jun 1938, H. McDonald, 1♂ (00072702) (CNC); 21 Jun 1949, A.R. Brooks, 1♂ (00072793) (CNC). Weyburn, 49.66666°N 103.85°W, 07 Jul 1957, L.A. Konotopetz, 1♂ (00072215) (CNC). White Fox, 53.45°N 104.08333°W, 27 Jun 1944, R.W. Salt, 1♂ (00072217) (CNC). Willow Bunch, 49.4°N 105.63333°W, 27 Jul 1955, A.R. Brooks, 2♀ (00072773, 00072774) (CNC). Willows, 49.6°N 105.85°W, 19 Jun 1955, A.R. Brooks, 2♂ (00072761, 00072772) (CNC). [Skiptou] Skipton, 23 Jul 1907, J. Hetcher, 1♂ (00072225) (CNC). USA: Alaska: Fairbanks North Star Co.: Tok, 63.33667°N 142.98556°W, 22 Jul 1982, L.A. Kelton, 1♂ (00072692), 1♀ (00072693) (CNC). Southeast Fairbanks Co.: Big Delta View in CoL , 64.1525°N 145.84222°W, 13 Jul 1951, W.R.M. Mason, 1♂ (00072691) (CNC). California: Siskiyou Co.: 10 mi NE of Weed, junction of Rts 97 and A12, 41.525°N 122.24845°W, 1158 m, 21 Jun 1981, J.D. Lattin, 1♂ (00076082) (ORSU). Colorado: Boulder Co.: Boulder, 40.015°N 105.27°W, 1676 m, 22 Jun 1922, L.O. Jackson, 1♂ (00068917) (USNM). Nederland, Roosevelt National Forest, 39.96139°N 105.51028°W, 29 Jun 1961, J.R. Stainer, 2♂ (00072676, 00072677) (CNC). Unknown, 22 Jun 1935, R.H. Beamer, 1♂ (00096003) (AMNH); 08 Jul 1949, L.D. Beamer, 1♂ (00074916) (KU). Clear Creek Co.: Chicago Creek, 39.73999°N 105.52125°W, 2682 m, 05 Aug 1961, B.H. Poole, 1♂ (00072588) (CNC). Mount Goliath Natural Area, 39.63833°N 105.59444°W, 3414 m, 21 Aug 1986, R.T. Schuh and J.T. Polhemus, Potentilla fruticosa View in CoL L. ( Rosaceae View in CoL ), 1♂ (00096698) (AMNH); 21 Aug 1982, D.A. and J.T. Polhemus, 1♂ (00092756) (TAMU); 08 Aug 1983, D.A. and J.T. Polhemus, 2♂ (00092754, 00092755) (TAMU). Squaw Pass Road, 39.67917°N 105.47306°W, 11 Aug 1984, J.T. and D.A. Polhemus, 1♀ (00063768) (JTP). Denver Co.: Denver, 39.73917°N 104.98417°W, 20 Jun 1969, J.T. Polhemus, 1♂ (00092750) (TAMU). Douglas Co.: Perry Park, 39.25667°N 104.99194°W, 15 Jul 1983, J.T. Polhemus, 2♂ (00063698, 00063699), 3♀ (00063700–00063702) (JTP); 08 Jul 1982, J.T. Polhemus, 1♀ (00063744) (JTP). Waterton, 39.49361°N 105.08806°W, 07 Jul 1983, D.A. Polhemus, 1♂ (00063703) (JTP); 29 Jun 1983, D.A. Polhemus, 13♂ (00063715–00063727), 4♀ (00063704–00063705, 00063728–00063729) (JTP); 12 Jul 1982, D.A. Polhemus, 1♂ (00063736) (JTP); 23 Jun 1983, D.A. Polhemus, 3♂ (00063737–00063739) (JTP); 15 Jul 1982, D.A. Polhemus, 1♀ (00063743) (JTP). Eagle Co.: N of Minturn, Grouse Creek Trail, 39.59582°N 106.43305°W, 2390 m, 11 Aug 1986, J.T. and D.A. Polhemus, 5♂ (00063482–00063486) (JTP); 26 Jun 1988, J.T. and D.A. Polhemus, 4♂ (00063686–00063689), 3♀ (00063690–00063692) (JTP). Vail, 39.64028°N 106.37361°W, 2591 m, 23 Jun 1986, J.T. Polhemus, 1♂ (00063755) (JTP); 27 Jun 1978, J.T. Polhemus, 1♂ (00063742) (JTP); 22 Jun 1987, J.T. Polhemus, 1♂ (00063754) (JTP). El Paso Co.: 7 mi SW Colorado Springs, 38.76209°N 104.91294°W, 15 Jun 1980, J.T. and D.A. Polhemus, 1♂ (00063740) (JTP). Palmer Lake, 39.12222°N 104.91667°W, 13 Jul 1901, unknown, 1♂ (00068972) (USNM). Fremont Co.: 4 miles W of Coaldale, 38.36554°N 105.83118°W, 19 Jun 1988, R. Wharton, 1♂ (00092747) (TAMU). 5 mi S Coaldale, 38.29307°N 105.75722°W, 2225 m, 08 Jul 1970, D. Brothers & C. Michener, 1♂ (00074918) (KU). Gilpin Co.: 5 mi S of Nederland, 39.88892°N 105.51028°W, 02 Jul 1961, J.G. Chillcott, 2♂ (00072682, 00072683), 2♀ (00072684, 00072685) (CNC). Rollinsville, Roosevelt National Forest, 39.91722°N 105.50056°W, 01 Aug 1968, L.A. Kelton, Potentilla View in CoL sp. ( Rosaceae View in CoL ), 1♂ (00072689), 1♀ (00072690) (CNC). Roosevelt National Forest Campground, 3 km S Nederland, 39.92994°N 105.50261°W, 2600 m, 12 Jul 1993, B. Landry, 1♂ (00072675) (CNC). Gunnison Co.: Almont, 38.66444°N 106.84611°W, 2743 m, 03 Jul 1925, unknown, 1♂ (00068949) (USNM). Jackson Co.: 2 mi E of Gould, 40.52639°N 105.98807°W, 05 Aug 1975, J.C. Schaffner, 2♀ (00092947, 00092948) (TAMU). Rabbit Ears Pass, 40.38472°N 106.61111°W, 2896 m, 07 Jul 1961, J G. Chillcott, 2♂ (00072678, 00072679) (CNC). Jefferson Co.: North Turkey Creek Park, 39.59468°N 105.22014°W, 15 Jul 1983, D.A. and J.T. Polhemus, Symphoricarpos View in CoL sp. ( Caprifoliaceae View in CoL ), 2♂ (00063750, 00063751), 2♀ (00063752, 00063753) (JTP). North Turkey Creek Park near Tenders, 39.59468°N 105.22014°W, 1890 m, 16 Jul 1983, R.T. Schuh, D.A. and J.T. Polhemus, Symphoricarpos oreophilus A. Gray (Caprifoliaceae) View in CoL , 2♂ (00059685, 00059686), 1♀ (00059687) (AMNH). Red Rocks Park, 39.66972°N 105.20278°W, 07 Jul 1983, D.A. Polhemus, 2♂ (00063693, 00063694), 3♀ (00063695–00063697) (JTP); 23 Jun 1982, D.A. Polhemus, 2♂ (00063731, 00063732), 3♀ (00063733–00063735) (JTP). Red Rocks Park near Morrison, 39.65361°N 105.19056°W, 1707 m, 15 Jul 1983, R.T. Schuh and D.A. Polhemus, Symphoricarpos oreophilus A. Gray (Caprifoliaceae) View in CoL , 2♂ (00096695, 00096696) (AMNH). La Plata Co.: Durango, Junction Creek Road, 37.28763°N 107.87562°W, 09 Jul 1968, E.C. Becker, 1♂ (00072589) (CNC). Larimer Co.: 40 mi W Fort Collins, Bennett Crk. Picnic Ground, Pingree Pk. Rd., 40.58°N 105.847°W, 2256 m, 14 Jul 1986, R.T. Schuh and J.T. Polhemus, 1♂ (00096027) (AMNH). Cascade Lodge, Rocky Mountain National Park, 40.33305°N 105.70888°W, 02 Aug 1931, H.C. Severin, 1♂ (00068946) (USNM). Chambers Lake, Roosevelt National Forest, 40.68333°N 105.55°W, 2804 m, 11 Aug 1968, L.A. Kelton, 1♂ (00072680), 1♀ (00072681) (CNC). Estes Park, 40.39361°N 105.49417°W, 2286 m, 02 Jul 1961, W.R.M. Mason, 1♂ (00072587) (CNC). Fall River Pass, 40.44027°N 105.75472°W, 488 m, 12 Aug 1948, H.G. & D. Townes, 1♂ (00068936) (USNM). Fish Creek P.G., Pingree Park road, 40.59299°N 105.59154°W, 14 Jul 1986, J.T. and D.A. Polhemus, 1♂ (00063745), 1♀ (00063746) (JTP). Fish Crk. Picnic Grd., Pingree Pk. Rd. 46 mi W Fort Collins, 40.58195°N 105.96172°W, 2347 m, 14 Jul 1986, R.T. Schuh and J.T. Polhemus, 3♂ (00096023–00096025), 2♀ (00096891, 00096892) Ribes View in CoL sp. ( Grossulariaceae View in CoL ), 1♂ (00059684), 2♀ (00059688, 00059689) (AMNH). Fort Collins, 40.58528°N 105.08389°W, 29 Jun 1900, unknown, 1♂ (00068986) (USNM); 12 Jun 1900, unknown, 3♂ (00068960, 00068987–00068988) (USNM); 17 Jun 1899, unknown, 11♂ (00068955, 00068957–00068958, 00068961–00068965, 00068967–00068969) (USNM); 21 Jul 1898, unknown, 1♂ (00068956) (USNM); 14 Jul 1898, unknown, 1♂ (00068959) (USNM); 28 Jun 1900, unknown, 1♂ (00068966) (USNM). Fort Collins, 40.58528°N 105.08389°W, 09 Jul 1902, unknown, 1♂ (00069320) (USNM); 23 Jun 1935, R.H. Beamer, 1♂ (00074944) (KU); 08 Jul 1898, unknown, 1♂ (00068921) (USNM); 12 Jun 1909, unknown, 1♀ (00068947) (USNM); 28 Jun 1900, unknown, 1♀ (00068918) (USNM); 17 Jun 1899, unknown, 1♂ (00096921) (AMNH). Pingree Park, 40.56111°N 105.59722°W, 11 Jul 1937, R.H. Beamer, 1♂ (00074915) (KU). Pingree Park road at jct. w. Colo. 14, 40.56111°N 105.59722°W, 14 Jul 1986, J.T. and D.A. Polhemus, 2♂ (00063747, 00063748), 1♀ (00063749) (JTP). Rist Canyon, 40.63388°N 105.19972°W, 13 Jul 1898, unknown, 1♂ (00069327) (USNM). Las Animas Co.: S side of Cuchara Pass on Rt. 12, 2835 m, 19 Aug 1986, R.T. Schuh and J.T. Polhemus, Cercocarpus montanus Raf. (Rosaceae) View in CoL , 1♂ (00096026), 1♀ (00096710) (AMNH). Mineral Co.: Creede, 37.84917°N 106.92583°W, 21 Jun 1990 – 23 Jun 1990, J.T. and D.A. Polhemus, 9♂ (00063756–00063764), 3♀ (00063765–00063767) (JTP). Creede, 37.84888°N 106.92638°W, 06 Jul 1937, R.H. Beamer, 1♂ (00074920) (KU). Ouray Co.: Ouray, 38.02278°N 107.67083°W, 2591 m, 11 Jul 1919, unknown, 1♂ (00096017), 1♀ (00096890) (AMNH). Park Co.: 3 mi S of Guffey, 38.70773°N 105.52083°W, 30 Jul 1983, D.A. and J.T. Polhemus, 2♂ (00063710, 00063711), 1♀ (00063712) (JTP). Routt Co.: Clark, 2438 m, 03 Aug 1947, Bryant, 1♂ (00096001) (AMNH). Steamboat Springs, 40.485°N 106.83111°W, 2134 m, 01 Sep 1943, O.B., 1♂ (00074919) (KU); 24 Jul 1983, J.T. and D.A. Polhemus, 1♀ (00063706) (JTP). San Juan Co.: Weminuche Wilderness, San Juan National Forest, 37.46666°N 106.97888°W, 3527 m, 04 Aug 1984, C.B. Barr, 1♂ (00079641) (UCB). near Ophir, 37.85694°N 107.83194°W, 2591 m, 07 Jul 1980, J.T. Polhemus, 1♂ (00063741) (JTP). Summit Co.: Shrine Pass Rest Area on I-70, 39.54694°N 106.24222°W, 3353 m, 25 Jul 1984, G. & J. Stonedahl, 1♂ (00096007) Salix sp. ( Salicaceae View in CoL ), 3♂ (00096005, 00096022, 00096699), 2♀ (00096708, 00096709) (AMNH). Electra Lake, 37.55°N 107.8°W, 2560 m, 28 Jun 1919 – 01 Jul 1919, unknown, 1♂ (00096018) (AMNH). Little Beaver, 16 Jul 1898, unknown, 1♂ (00096002) (AMNH). 1♂ (00068931) (USNM); 20 Jul 1898, unknown, 1♀ (00068920) (USNM). Little Beaver Creek, 37.13222°N 106.68694°W, 11 Jul 1937, C.L. Johnston, 1♂ (00074917) (KU). Unknown, 4♂ (00068916, 00068953, 00068976, 00069324) (USNM). Idaho: Valley Co.: Warm Lake, 44.65292°N 115.66707°W, 08 Aug 1962, M.M. Furniss, 1♂ (00068950) (USNM). Maine: Cumberland Co.: Unknown, Cumberland County, 43.85°N 70.33333°W, 15 Jul 1916, A. Nicolay, 1♂ (00068924) (USNM). Hancock Co.: Bar Harbor, 44.39583°N 68.19389°W, 6 m, unknown, 1♂ (00068973) (USNM); 23 Jun 1936, A.E. Brower, 1♂ (00068922) (USNM); 24 Jun 1934, unknown, 2♂ (00068926, 00068945) (USNM). Oxford Co.: Paris, 44.25972°N 70.50055°W, 246 m, 07 Jun 1931, C.A. Frost, 1♂ (00068938) (USNM). Washing- ton Co.: Machias, 44.715°N 67.46111°W, 26 m, 26 Jul 1904, unknown, 1♂ (00077692) (CAS). York Co.: Waterboro Barrens, 43.56717°N 70.77669°W, 19 Jun 1995, T. Parron, 1♂ (00068923) (USNM). Massachusetts: Barnstable Co.: Provincetown, 42.05833°N 70.17861°W, 11 m, 28 Jun 1891, unknown, 1♂ (00077693) (CAS). Woods Hole, 41.5265°N 70.67309°W, 3 m, 02 Jul 1905, unknown, 1♂ (00077690) (CAS); 06 Jul 1925, E.D. Ball, 1♂ (00096920) (AMNH). Bristol Co.: North Attleboro, 41.98333°N 71.33277°W, 57 m, 20 Jun 1920, C.A. Frost, 1♂ (00077722) (CAS). Dukes Co.: Marthas Vineyard, 41.33333°N 70.61611°W, 24 m, 26 Jun 1972, C.T. Parsons, 1♂ (00096020) (AMNH). Essex Co.: Marblehead, 42.5°N 70.85777°W, 20 m, 23 Jul 1921, F.H. Walker, 1♂ (00077689) (CAS). Hampden Co.: West Springfield, 42.10694°N 72.62027°W, 22 m, 12 Jun 1896, Knab, 1♂ (00069326) (USNM). Middlesex Co.: Sherborn, 42.23888°N 71.36972°W, 61 m, 08 Jun 1919, C.A. Frost, 1♂ (00077691) (CAS). Plymouth Co.: Manomet, 41.91861°N 70.56611°W, 6 m, 16 Jun 1912, unknown, 1♂ (00077687) (CAS). Worcester Co.: Berlin, 42.38111°N 71.6375°W, 13 Jun 1915, C.A. Frost, 1♂ (00077432) (CAS). Michigan: Crawford Co.: Crawford county, No specific locality, 44.66°N 84.6°W, 01 Jul 1939, D.S. Bullock & R.R. Dreisbach, 1♂ (00069325) (USNM). Delta Co. View in CoL : Delta County, No View in CoL specific locality, 45.9°N 86.91°W, 04 Jul 1940, unknown, 1♂ (00086411) (MSU). Kalkaska Co.: Orectoderus nitidulus: Kalkaska County [44.66667°N 85.10005°W] 23 Jun 1951, R.R. Dreisbach (00127336) (MSU). Presque Isle Co.: T33N R2E S.33, 45.3°N 83.78°W, 19 Jun 1968, N. & T. Baker, 1♂ (00086576) (MSU). Minnesota: Hubbard Co.: 9 mi S of Lake George on Rt 3, 47.10294°N 94.98039°W, 475 m, 22 Jun 1995, T.J. Henry and A.G. Wheeler, Jr., 6♂ (00177724–00177729), 4♀ (00177730–00177733) (USNM). St. Louis Co.: 6 mi NNW of Cook on Rt 53, 47.90012°N 92.78453°W, 411 m, 26 Jun 1995, T.J. Henry and A.G. Wheeler, Jr., Aster macrophylla (Asteraceae) , 9♂ (00177741–00177749), 7♀ (00177750–00177756) (USNM). Montana: Carbon Co.: E Rosebud Canyon, 46.27472°N 106.44167°W, 1646 m, 11 Jul 1963, B. Vogel, 1♂ (00063707) (JTP). Dawson Co.: Glendive, 47.10639°N 104.71028°W, 21 Jun 1956, R.C. Froeschner, 1♂ (00068994) (USNM). Gallatin Co.: Bozeman, 45.67972°N 111.03778°W, 08 Jul 1928, unknown, 3♂ (00068990–00068992) (USNM); 30 Jul 1928, unknown, 1♂ (00068993) (USNM). Hill Co.: Simpson, 48.92861°N 110.20583°W, 847 m, 19 Jun 1959, A.R. Gittins, Lupinus View in CoL sp. ( Fabaceae View in CoL ), 1♂ (00086612) (UID). Park Co.: Eagle Creek road, 3 miles NE of Gardiner, 45.06°N 110.67°W, 1890 m, 21 Jul 1964, H.B. Leech, 2♂ (00077685, 00077723) (CAS). Stillwater Co.: Mystic Lake, 45.86778°N 113.54972°W, 24 Jul 1902, unknown, 1♂ (00092746) (TAMU). 2♂ (00068809, 00068937) (USNM). Nebraska: Sheridan Co.: Hay Springs, 42.68389°N 102.68944°W, 28 Jun 1973, L.A. Kelton, Symphoricarpos View in CoL sp. ( Caprifoliaceae View in CoL ), 1♂ (00072674), 2♀ (00072686, 00072687) (CNC). Sioux Co.: Monroe Canyon, 42.76611°N 103.92611°W, 1364 m, 22 Jun 1911, F.H. Shoemaker, 1♂ (00082778) (UCR). New Hampshire: Coos Co.: Mount Washington, 43.17583°N 72.09722°W, 14 Aug 1958, J.R. Vockeroth, 1♂ (00072227) (CNC). New Mexico: Colfax Co. View in CoL : 5 miles W Ute Pk, Cimarron Canyon, 36.55833°N 105.12111°W, 2269 m, 25 Jun 1954, H.R. Burke, 2♂ (00092752, 00092753), 1♀ (00092946) (TAMU). San Miguel Co.: Beulah, 35.36444°N 105.45028°W, 1831 m, 15 Jul 1927, unknown, 1♂ (00068948) (USNM). Santa Fe Co.: 7 mi E of Tesuque, 35.7616°N 105.80681°W, 06 Jul 1982, D.A. and J.T. Polhemus, 1♂ (00063730) (JTP). Tesuque, 35.76166°N 105.9325°W, 15 Jul 1932, unknown, 6♂ (00068930, 00068971, 00068974, 00069321–00069323) (USNM); 25 Jul 1932, unknown, 1♂ (00068977) (USNM). Taos Co.: Columbine Park Recreation Area, 36.73511°N 105.46052°W, 24 Jul 1968, J.C. Schaffner, 1♂ (00092748) (TAMU). Taos Canyon, 36.40722°N 105.57305°W, 14 Jun 1956, R. & K. Dreisbach, 1♂ (00068980) (USNM). Tres Ritos, 36.13056°N 105.51528°W, 25 Jul 1968, J.C. Schaffner, 2♂ (00092749, 00092751) (TAMU). New York: Suffolk Co.: Bayshore, Long Island, 40.725°N 73.24527°W, 5 m, 04 Jul 1915 – 07 Jul 1915, Chris. E. Olsen, 1♂ (00068929), 2♀ (00068939, 00069369) (USNM); 18 Jul 1949, Roy Latham, 1♂ (00068934) (USNM). Half Way Hollow Hills, Long Island, 40.78°N 73.37°W, 02 Jul 1915, Wm. T. Davis, 1♂ (00068954) (USNM). Montauk, Long Island, 41.03583°N 71.95444°W, 11 m, 02 Jul 1916, F.M. Schott, 1♂ (00068942) (USNM). North Dakota: Morton Co.: Mandan, 46.8266°N 100.8895°W, 20 Jun 1937, A.B. Gurney, 1♂ (00068940) (USNM). Oregon: Klamath Co.: Crater Lake National Park, 42.94167°N 122.15°W, 07 Aug 1963, Schuh, Hansen, Miller, 1♂ (00096009), 1♂ (00096008) (AMNH); 03 Aug 1968, Joe Schuh, 2♂ (00096010, 00096011) (AMNH); 01 Aug 1962, Vertrees & Schuh, 4♂ (00096012–00096014, 00096016) (AMNH); 16 Aug 1962, Vertrees & Schuh, 1♂ (00096015) (AMNH). Lane Co.: H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, 0.5 mi N of Fissel Point, T15S R6E Sec 29 SE 1 ⁄ 4, 44.2325°N 122.1167°W, 1478 m, 30 Jul 1980, unknown, 1♂ (00063708), 1♀ (00063709) (JTP). Linn Co.: HJ Andrews Experimental Forest, 1 mile from Road 350 end, Ridge Site, 44.2325°N 122.1167°W, 16 Jul 1985, Stonedahl & McIver, Lupinus View in CoL sp. ( Fabaceae View in CoL ), 7♂ (00095994–00095999, 00096697), 4♀ (00096880–00096883) (AMNH). Iron Mountain, 6 mi E Upper Soda, 44.40632°N 122.16003°W, 1524 m, 11 Aug 1962, G.C. Eickwort, 1♀ (00063714) (JTP). Monument Peak, 21 Jul 1968, Kenneth Goeden, 1♂ (00076120) (ORSU). Tombstone Prairie, 44.39528°N 122.13694°W, 19 Jul 1977, G. Eulenson, 1♂ (00063713) (JTP). South Dakota: Brule Co.: Chamberlain, 43.81055°N 99.33055°W, 429 m, 13 Jun 1940, G.B. Spawn, 2♂ (00068927, 00068935) (USNM). Buffalo Co.: Unknown, Buffalo county, 44.05278°N 99.175°W, 20 Jun 1925, unknown, 1♂ (00068928) (USNM). Butte Co.: Castle Rock, 44.96443°N 103.42435°W, 957 m, 29 Jun 1973, L.A. Kelton, Artemisia View in CoL sp. ( Asteraceae View in CoL ), 1♀ (00072688) (CNC). Lawrence Co.: Black Hills, 44.41667°N 103.70833°W, 29 Jun 1973, L.A. Kelton, 2♂ (00072672, 00072673) (CNC); 20 Jul 1928, A.A. Nichol, 2♂ (00068970, 00068979) (USNM). Black Hills, 44.41638°N 103.70861°W, 1377 m, 11 Jul 1900, J.L. Webb., 1♂ (00068919) (USNM); 20 Jul 1928, A.A. Nichol, 1♂ (00096922) (AMNH). 1♀ (00068941) (USNM). Deadwood, 44.37638°N 103.72944°W, 1381 m, 29 Jul 1927, H.H. Knight, 1♀ (00068944) (USNM). Whitewood, 44.46083°N 103.63833°W, 1114 m, 26 Jun 1923, H.C. Severin, 1♂ (00096924) (AMNH). Utah: Salt Lake Co.: Parleys Canyon, 40.7119°N 111.798°W, 1524 m, 24 Jun 1922, E.P. Van Duzee, 1♂ (00077694) (CAS). Utah Co.: Mount Timpanogos, 40.39083°N 111.645°W, 21 Jun 1960, G.F. Knowlton, 1♂ (00074458) (UCD). Wasatch Co.: 20 miles SE Heber, Daniels Pass, 40.29694°N 111.25194°W, 2437 m, 07 Jun 1969, W.F. Barr, Artemisia cana (Asteraceae) View in CoL , 1♂ (00086617) (UID). Wisconsin: Wood Co.: Griffith Street Nursery, Wood county, 44.45°N 90.05°W, 06 Jul 1947, R.D. Shenefelt, 1♂ (00068932) (USNM). Wyoming: Crook Co.: Sundance, 44.40639°N 104.37528°W, 30 Jul 1927, H.H. Knight, 1♂ (00068925) (USNM). Park Co.: Canyon Village, Yellowstone Natl. Park, 44.76667°N 109.465°W, 21 Jul 1971, G.C. Steyskal, 1♂ (00068982) (USNM). Essex Co.: unknown, 15 Jun 1912, unknown, 1♂ (00077688) (CAS). Unknown Co.: Clymont, 25 Jun 1936, E.H. Strickland, 1♂ (00068978) (USNM). Lot 139, 15 Jun 1924, unknown, 1♂ (00077431) (CAS).


American Museum of Natural History


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History














Orectoderus obliquus Uhler

Wyniger, Denise 2010

Orectoderus obliquus

Kelton, L. A. 1959: 47
Carvalho, J. C. M. 1958: 175
Froeschner, R. C. 1949: 135
Procter, W. 1946: 77
Knight, H. H. 1923: 426
Van Duzee, E. P. 1916: 42
Kuhlgatz, Th. 1902: 1096
Gillette, C. P. & C. F. Baker 1895: 47
Uhler, P. R. 1876: 320
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