Achilia ovallensis Jeannel 1962

Kurbatov, Sergey A., Cuccodoro, Giulio & Sabella, Giorgio, 2018, A revision of the Chilean Brachyglutini – Part 3. Revision of Achilia Reitter, 1890: A. frontalis species group (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae), Revue suisse de Zoologie 125 (1), pp. 165-188 : 178

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Plazi (2021-10-21 02:39:21, last updated 2024-11-26 23:58:28)

scientific name

Achilia ovallensis Jeannel 1962


Achilia ovallensis Jeannel 1962 View in CoL

Figs 26 View Figs 24-29 , 32 View Figs 30-34 , 42 View Figs 35-43 , 48 View Figs 44-52 , 83

Achilia ovallensis Jeannel, 1962: 409 View in CoL , 413 fig. 162 (aedeagus).

Type material (4 ex.): CENTRAL-NORTHERN CHILE: Región Coquimbo: Limarí prov. : MHNS ; 1 ♀ (holotype of Achilia ovallensis n° 1695); Ovalle; P. Germain. – MNHN ; 1 ♂ and 2 ♀ (paratypes); Ovalle; 30° 36’S; P. Germain.

Additional material (3 ex.): See Appendix 1.

Description: Body 1.5-1.55 mm long, entirely reddish with palpi yellowish. Head with eyes shorter than temples. Pronotum slightly wider than head, with maximal width at midlength; median antebasal fovea as large as lateral ones. First abdominal tergite with basal striae slightly divergent, extending to about one-quarter of paratergal length, and separated at base by about onethird of tergal width.

Male: Head similar to A. testacea , with simple flattening of lateral regions surmounted by small tooth at level of eyes; frontal protuberance basally convex and anteriorly flattened to vertexal sulcus. Antennae ( Fig. 32 View Figs 30-34 ) with scape and pedicel longer than wide; antennomere III as long as wide; antennomeres IV-VIII wider than long; mesal margin of antennomeres VII and VIII protruding; antennomere IX transverse with mesal margin protruding; antennomere X as long as wide, wider and longer than IX, with ridge bearing large and short seta; antennomere XI elongate, longer than VII-X combined, mesally bearing few long subbasal setae. Metasternum with deep ovoidal median impression, posterior edge of the impression pubescent. Legs with ventral margin of mesotrochanters ( Fig. 42 View Figs 35-43 ) forming stout spine; profemora and mesofemora slightly thickened; medial edge of mesotibiae ( Fig. 47 View Figs 44-52 ) on basal third forming conspicuous blunt projection bearing subapical tufts of short setae, at middle slightly bulging and bearing tuft of short setae; metatibiae slightly sinuate on distal half. Abdominal tergites unmodified; first abdominal ventrite impressed at middle, remaining ventrites flattened at middle; ventrite I with median carina extending from posterior margin to posterior edge of median impression. Aedeagus ( Fig. 26 View Figs 24-29 ) 0.325 mm long; dorsal plate ovoid with dorsal longitudinal struts divergent; copulatory pieces consisting of pair of long medial sclerites recurved and strongly sclerotised at base, and apically bifid with each side associated with sclerite forming three large tips and numerous additional spinules. Parameres wide with long seta on poorly developed outer lobe; tips strongly recurved posteriorly and bearing wide subapical seta.

Female: Similar to male except: head, metasternum, abdominal ventrites, and legs unmodified; antennomeres IX and especially X shorter and less enlarged than male.

Collecting data: The only specimens known were collected in the “espinal”, a pseudo-savanna with dominance of Acacia .

Distribution: Achilia ovallensis is known only from the Coquimbo Region (Limarí Province) of north-central Chile ( Fig. 83 View Fig : yellow stars).

Jeannel R. 1962. Les Pselaphides de la Paleantarctide Occidentale [pp. 295 - 479]. In: Deboutteville C. D. & Rapoport E. (eds.), Biologie de l'Amerique Australe. Vol. I. Etude sur la Faune du Sol. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris.

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Figs 24-29. Aedeagi of Achilia. (24) A.caracolana, specimen from Hualpèn, prov. Concepción. (25) A. auriculata, specimen from Peniquillo, prov. Concepción. (26) A. ovallensis, specimen from Ovalle, prov. Limarí [paratype]. (27) A. frontalis, specimen from Aguas Calientes to Puyehue National Park, prov. Osorno. (28) A. trauco, specimen from 34 km WNW La Union, prov. Ranco [paratype]. (29) A. longispina, specimen from Mina de la Disputada, prov. Valparaíso.

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Figs 30-34. Male antennae of Achilia. (30) A. caracolana. (31) A. auriculata. (32) A. ovallensis. (33) A. frontalis. (34) A. longispina.

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Figs 35-43. Male profemur (35), metafemur (36), the variability of metafemur (38-40), metaleg (37) and mesotrochanter (41-43) of Achilia. (35, 41) A. caracolana. (36) A. trauco. (37) A. frontalis, specimen from Chillàn. (38) A. frontalis, specimen from Cordillera de Nahuelbuta. (39) A. frontalis, specimen from Frutillar. (40) A. frontalis, specimen from Aguas Calientes to Puyehue National Park. (42) A. ovallensis [paratype]. (43) A. longispina.

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Figs 44-52. Male protibia (44-46) and mesotibia (47-52) of Achilia. (44, 47) A. caracolana. (45, 50) A. frontalis. (46, 51) A. trauco. (48) A. ovallensis. (49) A. auriculata. (52) A. longispina.

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Fig. 83. Distribution map. (● red circles) Achilia excisa. (▲ blue triangles) A. pachycera. (◆ green diamonds) A. fiura. (■ pink squares) A. auriculata. (✷ yellow stars) A. ovallensis.


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle















