Ogyges Kaup

Cano, Enio B., 2014, Ogyges Kaup, a flightless genus of Passalidae (Coleoptera) from Mesoamerica: nine new species, a key to identify species, and a novel character to support its monophyly, Zootaxa 3889 (4), pp. 451-484 : 481-482

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Felipe (2021-06-15 04:15:08, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-02 23:17:10)

scientific name

Ogyges Kaup


Key to species of adult Ogyges Kaup

The following modification to the key of Schuster et al. (2005) includes the 25 known species of the genus. For terminology see Fig. 1. View FIGURE 1

1 Internal tubercles noticeably large and united to the mediopostfrontal structure forming a bifid horn. Sierra de las Minas, Guatemala............................................................ O. furcillatus Schuster & Reyes-Castillo

- Internal tubercles normal or absent, if larger than normal then not united forming a bifid horn........................ 2

2 Dorsal elytral stria 1, or 1 and 2, deep; the remaining striae barely visible; anterior corners of metasternum with abundant to moderate setae, disc not delimited by punctures............................................................. 3

- All dorsal elytral striae marked, deep, or shallow but of equal depth; anterior corners of metasternum glabrous, with a few or with abundant setae, disc delimited or not by punctures...................................................... 5

3 Internal tubercles absent; second elytral stria partially erased in anterior half; body length 33–39 mm. Volcanic chain in southwestern Guatemala.................................................................. O. laevissimus (Kaup)

- Internal tubercles present; second elytral stria not partially erased in anterior half; body length 30–43 mm. Southeastern Guatemala, El Salvador, and southwestern Honduras............................................................. 4

4 Clypeus vertical; mesepisternum with distinct rugose (shagreened) area; metasternal marginal groove with abundant setae in anterior half; body length 37–43 mm ...................................................... O. politus (Hincks)

- Clypeus inclined (vertical in the only specimen from Volcán San Salvador); mesepisternum without rugose (shagreened) area; metasternal marginal groove glabrous or with 13 setae in anterior half; body length 30–38 mm .......................................................................................... O. hondurensis Schuster & Reyes-Castillo

5 Internal tubercles present and well marked................................................................. 6

- Internal tubercles absent or obsolete..................................................................... 14

6 Antennal club notably wider than long, concave in dorsal view; wide of last antennomere at least three times its maximum length............................................................................................... 7

- Antennal club slightly longer than wide or equal, plane in dorsal view; wide of the last antennomere at most 2.5 times its maximum length......................................................................................... 10

7 Anterior corners of metasternum with scattered long setae; body size 29–32 mm. Northwestern Nicaragua..................................................................................................... O. sandinoi Cano

- Anterior corners of metasternum bare or at most with a few minute setae; body size> 36 mm ......................... 8

8 Internal tubercles long, tips free for 1 mm; dorsal elytral striae without defined punctures; body length 36–37 mm. Mountains of northern Guatemala.................................................. O. tzutuhili Schuster & Reyes-Castillo

- Internal tubercles short, free for at most 0.6 mm; dorsal elytral striae with clear punctures, body length 39–48 mm. Chiapas, Mexico and Honduras................................................................................. 9

9 Central horn very short, not projected; mediofrontal tubercles rounded by granulations; metasternal disc impunctate. Chiapas, Mexico............................................................ O. marilucasae Reyes-Castillo & Castillo

- Central horn long and projected upward and forward; mediofrontal area smooth, without granulations; metasternal disc surrounded by strong punctures. Olancho and Comayagua, Honduras................................... O. cavei Cano

10 Clypeus vertical, with a marked change in the angle between the clypeus and the mediofrontal area; dorsal elytral striae with light punctures, frequently not clearly distinct, body length 24–34 mm ......................................... 11

- Clypeus inclined approximately 45°, without much difference in angle between clypeus and mediofrontal area; dorsal elytral striae with distinct punctures; body length 32–35 mm. Cuchumatanes range and Cuilco Mountain, Guatemala............................................................................... O. cakchiqueli Schuster & Reyes-Castillo

11 Pronotum strongly punctate, rugose anteriorly and posteriorly near marginal groove; lateroposterior tubercles directed posteriorly; aedeagus with phallobase and parameres partially separated; body length 28–32 mm. Sierra de las Minas, Guatemala................................................................... O. coxchicopi Schuster, Cano, & Boucher

- Pronotum with fine and very dispersed micropunctures; lateroposterior tubercles directed to the sides; aedeagus with phallobase and parameres completely separated; body length 22–34 mm ........................................... 12

12 Elytral punctures not distinct or distinct only in striae 8–10; body length 26–34 mm. Chiapas, Mexico and Guatemala......................................................................................... O. championi (Bates)

- Elytral punctures distinct, or at least distinct in striae 7–10.................................................... 13

13 Internal tubercles small, less than 0.2 mm; internal tubercles nearer to respective mediofrontal tubercles than distance between them, body short (22–28 mm) or medium (to 34 mm), metasternal marginal groove slightly widened at distal portion, Alta Verapaz and Baja Verapaz, Guatemala...................................... O. kekchii Schuster & Reyes-Castillo

- Internal tubercles well developed but not surpassing 0.4 mm in length; internal tubercles separated by the same length between an internal tubercle and the respective mediofrontal tubercle; metasternal marginal groove narrow throughout its length. Quiché Deptment, in Guatemala............................................................. O. menchuae Cano

14 Metasternal disc delimited by strong punctures............................................................ 18

- Metasternal disc not delimited by punctures............................................................... 15

15 With moderate long setae on anterior corners of metasternum, central horn with apex short and free. Cerro Montecristo in the junction of the Guatemalan-Honduras-El Salvador border........................................ O. handali Cano

- Without setae on anterior corners of metasternum (if present then minute and sparse near the coxal margin, and the central horn not free); central horn with apex free or not free. Chiapas, Mexico, northern Guatemala, and Honduras................ 16

16 Central horn largely free with base wide; lateropostfrontal areas with granulations; antennal lamellae almost as wide as long. Chiapas, Mexico and northern Guatemala................................ O. quichensis Schuster & Reyes-Castillo

- Central horn not free or scarcely free; lateropostfrontal areas smooth; antennal lamellae very wide or a little wider than long. Honduras......................................................................................... 17

17 Central horn scarcely free, directed upward; body with abundant blue reflections; antennal lamellae narrow and flat; metasternal marginal groove shagreened (opaque); body length 33 mm ................................... O. ratcliffei Cano

- Central horn not free; body without or with sparse blue reflections; antennal lamellae very wide and concave; metasternal marginal groove absent or poorly marked, smooth and shiny; body length 34–43 mm .... O. adamsi Schuster & Reyes-Castillo

18 Dorsal elytra with indistinct to distinct but very shallow punctures, separated by at least 3 times their diameter; medial basal mentum impunctate.................................................................................. 19

- Dorsal elytra with strong and deep punctures, separated by at most one diameter; medial basal mentum with or without punctures.............................................................................................. 21

19 Elytra smooth and shiny, without blue reflections; prosternellum shiny on posterior half............ O. mutenroshii Cano

- Elytra opaque, with blue reflections; prosternellum opaque (shagreened)....................................... 20

20 Central horn dorsally wide at base. Eastern Honduras......................... O. nahuali Schuster, Cano, & Boucher

- Central horn dorsally with sides constrained at middle. Western Honduras......................... O. toriyamai Cano

21 Large species, body length 32–37 mm; center mentum impunctate; central horn with apex free............................................................................................... O. aluxi Schuster, Cano, & Boucher

- Medium to small species, body length 18–30 mm; center mentum with or without punctures, if impunctate, then body length less than 24 mm; central horn with apex free or not free...................................................... 22

22 Mesotibia with one spine, posterior portion of central horn evanescent between lateroposterior tubercles, body length 18–23 mm. Eastern Honduras................................................................ Ogyges laurae Cano

- Mesotibia with two spines, posterior portion of central horn tumose, body length 19–30 mm. Western Honduras........ 23

23 Central horn with apex clearly free; aedeagus with parameres and phallobase separated.................................................................................................. O. monzoni Schuster, Cano, & Boucher

- Central horn with apex not free or barely free; aedeagus with parameres and phallobase fused or separated............. 24

24 Posterior half of elytra with interstriae 7–8 measuring more than 2 diameters of one adjacent puncture; body length 24–30 mm; lateroposterior tubercles directed sideways................................................. O. crassulus (Casey)

- Posterior half of elytra with interstriae 7–8 measuring 1.0–1.5 diameters of one adjacent puncture; lateroposterior tubercles slightly directed forward.................................................................... O. llama Cano

Schuster, J. C., Cano, E. B. & Boucher, S. (2005) Ogyges and Veturius (Coleoptera: Passalidae) in Central America: synonymies, range extensions and new species. Acta Zoologica Mexicana (n. s.), 21, 115 - 132.

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FIGURE 1. Characters of head used in the description of species of Passalidae. A. Dorsal view of head: AAH, anterior angles of head. ATmd, apical teeth of mandible. CH, central horn. Clp, clypeus. DTmd, dorsal teeth of mandible. EcS, epicranial sutures. IFmd, internal face of mandible. IT, internal tubercles. Lbm, labrum. LfA, laterofrontal areas. LpA, lateroposterior areas. LpT, lateroposterior tubercles. MfA, mediofrontal area. MfT, mediofrontal tubercles. OcC, ocular canthus; PfG, postfrontal groove. PfR, posterofrontal ridges. PP, postorbital pits. SiTmd, suprainternal teeth of mandible. SoF, supraorbital fossa. SoR, supraorbital ridge. Superior and inferior refers to suprainternal teeth of mandible. B. Ventral view of head. CM, center mentum. Gla, galea. HP, hypostomal process. LBS, lateral basal scars. LbP, labial palps. Lgl, ligula. LLM, lateral lobes of mentum. md, mandible. MxP, maxilary palps. Sbm, submentum.









