Neolepta sumatrensis ( Jacoby, 1884 ), 2013

Hazmi, Izfa Riza & Wagner, Thomas, 2013, Revision Of Neolepta Jacoby, 1884 And Related Galerucines From The Oriental Region, Including Descriptions Of Two New Genera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae), Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 61 (1), pp. 73-95 : 77-78

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Carolina (2021-02-05 16:44:23, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-01 19:42:03)

scientific name

Neolepta sumatrensis ( Jacoby, 1884 )

comb. nov.

Neolepta sumatrensis ( Jacoby, 1884) , new combination

( Figs. 2–9 View Figs View Fig View Fig )

Arcastes sumatrensis Jacoby, 1884: 47–48

Neolepta biplagiata Jacoby, 1884: 223 ; new synonym

Type material. — Arcastes sumatrensis : Holotype: Female , “Spj, 4.77 / Arcastes sumatrensis Jac. “ ( NNML; Fig. 8 View Fig ). Type locality: Indonesia, Soepajang 0°27'S / 100°54'E GoogleMaps . Holotype by original indication “single specimen from Soepajang (Sumatra- Expedition)”.

Neolepta biplagiata : Lectotype, Male, “ Dr. B. Hagen. Tandjong Morawa, Serdang, N. O. Sumatra / Neolepta biplagiata Jac. “ ( NNML; Fig. 9). Type locality: Indonesia, Tandjong Morawa , 0°35'S / 101°18'E. Jacoby gave no number on the specimens he studied, but there are 14 specimens with labels from the type GoogleMaps

locality available. Thus, we herein designate a lectotype to fix the

name on single specimen. Paralectotypes: 13 ex., same data as lectotype (7 ex. BMNH, 6 ex. NNML). – Invalid types: 1 ex. from Sumatra, Si-Rambé , 6°11'S / 106°48'E, Dec.1990 – Mar.1991, E. Modigliani in MCZ and 2 ex. from Dohrn, Sumatra, Soekaranda, 0°37'S / 104°29'E, 71484 in MNHU are labelled as co-type, but are not from the type series GoogleMaps .

Further material examined. — Indonesia. 3 ex., Sumatra, Collect. Duvivier, Arcastes sumatrensis Jacoby ( IRSN; NNML; BMNH) ; 15 ex., Sumatra, Manna , 4°27'S / 102°59'E, M. Knappert, coll. Veth ( NNML) GoogleMaps ; 2 ex., Sumatra, Palembang , 2°59'S / 104°45'E, M. Knappert, coll. Veth ( NNML) GoogleMaps ; 1 ex., SVL, Deli , 3°35'N / 98°39'E, coll. Veth ( NNML) GoogleMaps ; 1 ex., N. Sumatra, Toba Plateau Tiga Dolok, Holzweg Eins , ca. 950 m, 2°55'N / 99°03'E, 20 Jun.1972, J. Krikken, no. 20 ( NNML) GoogleMaps ; 1 ex., N. E. Sumatra, Deli, Penatangsiantar Balimbingan Est. , forest 600 m, 3°35'N / 98°39'E, Aug.1953, A. Sollaart ( NNML) GoogleMaps ; 2 ex., Sumatra, Fort cte kock, 0°17'S / 100°22'E, Oct.1913, Edward Jacobson ( BMNH, NNML) GoogleMaps ; 1 ex., Soekaranda , 0°37'S / 104°29'E, Jan.1894, Dohrn ( BMNH) GoogleMaps ; 1 ex., West Sumatra, Pulau Tello , 0°04'S / 98°13'E, Nov.1924, C. B. K. and N. S. ( BMNH) GoogleMaps ; 1 ex., Sumatra, Siolak Daras, Korinchi Valley , 3100 ft, 2°08'S / 101°29'E, Mar.1914 ( BMNH) GoogleMaps ; 1 ex., Sumatra, Sandaran Agong, Korinchi Lake , 2450 ft, 2°08'S / 101°29'E, May–Jun. 1914 ( BMNH) GoogleMaps ; 1 ex., Sumatra, Pagherang Pisang , 0°35'S / 101°20'E, Oct.1890, Mar.1891, E. Modigliani ( BMNH) GoogleMaps ; 1 ex., Sumatra, Sungei-Bulu , Sep.1878, G. Beccari ( MCGD) ; 2 ex., Sumatra, Ajer-Mantcior , Aug.1878, G. Beccari ( MCGD) ; 3 ex., Sumatra, Pangherang-Pisang , Oct.1890 – Mar.1891, G. Beccari ( MCGD) ; 1 ex., Brastagi , Sumatra, 3°11’N / 98°28'E, Mjoberg ( NHRS) GoogleMaps ; 1 ex., N. O. Sumatra, Deli , 3°35'N / 98°39'E, L. Martin S., 86977 ( MNHU) GoogleMaps ; 1 ex., W. Sumatra, Liman Manis b. Padang , 0°25'S / 101°34'E, 8 Jan.1909, Schoede S.G ( MNHU) GoogleMaps ; 1 ex., West Sumatra, Batu Insel Mentawei Gruppe , 0°25'S / 101°34'E, 16 Jan.1909, H. Schoede ( MNHU) GoogleMaps . – Malaysia. 9 ex., Malay Penin., Selangor, Bukit Kutu , 3300 ft, 3°33'N / 101°43'E, 19 Mar.1931, 27 Sep.1932, H. M. Pendlebury ( BMNH) GoogleMaps ; 4 ex., Semangko pass Selangor-Pahang , 2700’, 3°35'N / 103°24'E, Mar.1912, Ex. F. M. S. Museum, B. M. 1955–354 ( BMNH) GoogleMaps ; 1 ex., Pahang, F. M. S. Cameron Highland, Gunung Kial , 5000 ft, 4°30'N / 101°23'E, 27 Jul.1938 ( BMNH) GoogleMaps ; 1 ex., Perak, Gunong Kledang , 4°35'N / 101°01'E, 2646, Nov.1916 ( BMNH) GoogleMaps ; 3 ex., Perak, 4°48'N / 101°09'E, Doherty, Fry coll. 1905.100 ( BMNH) GoogleMaps ; 1 ex., West Sumatra, 0°44'S / 100°48'E, Jacoby coll. 1909–28a ( BMNH) GoogleMaps ; 1 ex., Kampong , 1450 m, 21 Jan.1981 ( NHRS) ; 1 ex., Pahang, Genting Highland , 2 km top, 3°22'N / 102°06'E, 2 Aug.1992, C. W. & L. B. O’ Brein ( UMNH) GoogleMaps ; 1 ex., Borneo, Sabah, W Crocker Range E, West of Apin Apin , 5°34'N / 116°05'E, leg. Snizek, Feb.2000 ( CJB) GoogleMaps .

Total length. — 4.85–5.75 mm (mean: 5.23 mm, n = 15)

Head. — Reddish-brown, impunctate, first and second antennomeres contrasting reddish-brown, third to outer antennomere black ( Figs. 2 View Figs , 8 View Fig , 9). Ratio length of second to third antennomeres 0.75–0.80 (mean: 0.76); median antennomeres insignificantly widened, ratio length of third to fourth antennomeres 0.40–0.50 (mean: 0.44), terminal are more slender ( Fig. 3 View Figs ).

Thorax. — Pronotum reddish-brown, pronotal width 1.50–1.75 mm (mean: 1.62), ratio length to width 0.52–0.60 (mean: 0.56 mm). Elytra black with transverse yellowish spot on the disc of each elytron, not quite extending to either margin ( Figs. 2 View Figs , 8 View Fig , 9). Elytral length 3.80–4.50 mm (mean: 4.15 mm), maximal width of both elytra together 2.00– 3.30 mm (mean: 2.93 mm), ratio of maximal width of both elytra together to length of elytra 0.69–0.76 (mean: 0.72). Legs reddish-brown.

Abdomen. — Pale yellow to reddish-brown.

Male genitalia. — Median lobe parallel-sided, rounded at apex, not incised, apex carinated ventrally in the middle. Tectum broad and became lanceolate at apex. Endophallus with one distinct type of spiculae, median spiculae long, slender and straight ( Fig. 4 View Figs ).

Female genitalia. — Like description of the genus ( Figs. 5, 6 View Figs ).

Distribution. — Neolepta sumatrensis is up to now known from Sumatra and some part of Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo ( Fig. 7 View Fig ).

Diagnosis. — Neolepta sumatrensis can be differentiated from N. quadriplagiata by the dorsal colouration. Neolepta sumatrensis are often with one transverse yellowish oval spot on each elytron while N. quadriplagiata has two yellowish oval spots on each elytron. As written by Jacoby (1884) in his original description, N. sumatrensis has a more transverse prothorax than other species. It is true that ratio pronotal length to width of N. sumatrensis is on average larger (0.52–0.60) than for N. quadriplagiata is (0.59–0.61). Characteristic for N. sumatrensis are also the widened median antennomeres in both sexes ( Fig. 3 View Figs ), while N. quadriplagiata are only slender antennomeres ( Fig. 11 View Figs ). The median lobe and the tectum of N. sumatrensis ( Fig. 4 View Figs ) are broader than in N. quadriplagiata ( Fig. 12 View Figs ).

Jacoby, M., 1884. Description of new genera and species of phytophagous Coleoptera collected by Dr. B. Hagen at Serdang (East Sumatra). Notes from the Leyden Museum, 6: 201 - 230.

Gallery Image

Figs. 2–6. Neolepta sumatrensis (Jacoby, 1884). 2, dorsal colour pattern. 3, antennae: a, male; b, female. 4, Median lobe: a, dorsal; b, lateral; c, ventral. 5, three different spermathecae. 6, two pairs of bursa sclerites. Scale bar = 1 mm.

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Fig. 7. Distribution of N. sumatrensis (Jacoby, 1884) and N. quadriplagiata Jacoby, 1886.

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Fig. 8. Holotype of Arcastes sumatrensis Jacoby, 1884: a, with labels; b, detail.

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Figs. 10–14. Neolepta quadriplagiata Jacoby, 1886. 10, dorsal colour pattern. 11, antennae: a, male; b, female; 12, median lobe: a, dorsal; b, lateral; c, ventral. 13, three different spermathecae. 14, two pairs of bursa sclerites.


Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique


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