Thenea valdiviae
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Plazi (2016-04-12 11:58:21, last updated 2024-11-26 08:38:56) |
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Thenea valdiviae |
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Thenea valdiviae von Lendenfeld, 1907
( Figures 18 View FIGURE 18 G–H, 24, Table 5 View TABLE 5 )
Synonymy (modified from Steenstrup & Tendal (1982)).
Thenea valdiviae von Lendenfeld, 1907: von Lendenfeld 1907, p. 190; Hentschel 1929, p. 863, p. 918; Steenstrup & Tendal 1982, p. 259; Klitgaard 1995; p. 1; Cárdenas et al. 2011, Table S1.
Thenea muricata: Vosmaer 1882 , p. 5; Vosmaer 1885, p. 4; Levinsen 1886, p. 343; Lundbeck 1909, p. 427; Brøndsted 1933, p. 6; Burton 1934, p. 6.
Thenea muricata (in part): Stephens 1915, p. 11.
? Thenea muricata: Hansen 1885 , p. 18; Koltun 1966, p. 36.
Material. ZMBN 85255, west of Marstein, western Norway, 60°8'18''N, 4°50'47''E, 300 m, Agassiz trawl; ZMBN 85256, Freifjorden, Møre, western Norway, 63°02.09'N, 7°51.82'E, 100 m, Møre 2006 cruise; NTNU-VM 55620, Sandøy, Risvaerfjorden, 65°0'15.00"N, 11°29'30.00"E, 100–130 m; ZMBN 85257, near Røst reef, northern Norway, 67°35.23'N, 9°28.92'E, Polarstern ARK-XXII/1a 2007 cruise, 598 m; NTNU-VM 55545, Vågsfjorden, Vesterålen, northern Norway, 69°0'30.99"N, 16°40'52.99"E, 250–300 m; NTNU-VM, 54950, Barents Sea, 70°43'N, 16°56'E, 740 m; NTNU-VM 54975, Barents Sea, 70°46'N, 17°00'E, 910 m; ZMBN 85233, Barents Sea, off Finmark, ‘Ecosystem Barents Sea 2007’ cruise, 71°48.32'N, 28°39.76'E, 297 m.
Comparative material.
Thenea valdiviae , ZMAPOR 2385, Willem Barents Sea Expedition 1878–84, off Finnmark, northern Norway (71°52'0.11"N, 19°46'59.88"E), 324 m, identified by G. C. J. Vosmaer as T. muricata , det. P. Cárdenas; ZMBN 85234, Schultz Massive Seamount, Greenland Sea, 73°50'N, 7°32.3'E, BIODEEP 2007 cruise, 578 m, ROV.
Outer morphology ( Fig. 24 View FIGURE 24 A–D). Massive sponge. Young specimens ( ZMBN 85257) have cribriporal pores and a uniporal oscule on opposite sides (as in young T. muricata ), with a flat top surface. A fringe surrounds the oscule. Budding was observed on the top surface of these young specimens ( Fig. 24 View FIGURE 24 D). Larger specimens are subcircular ( ZMBN 85255, 85233) or slightly flattened ( ZMBN 85256) with a triangular shape. They look very much like T. muricata but the oscule, separated from the poral area and situated on the top, always has a coarse sieve covering it. Surface is minutely to very hispid. Not compressible.
Skeleton ( Fig. 24 View FIGURE 24 E). Like T. abyssorum .
Spicules ( ZMBN 85233) ( Fig. 18 View FIGURE 18 G–H). (a) oxeas, slightly bent, length: 4–10 mm; width: 20– 48.1 –70 µm (N=8). (b) dichotriaenes, rhabdome is with a single bend, more rarely flexuous, most rhabdomes have a swelling just below the cladome, rhabdome length: 620– 3933.7 –5075 µm (N=8); width: 23– 58.1 –90 µm; many irregular cladomes, protoclad length: 75– 236.8 –350 µm; deuteroclad length: 125– 600.2 –1175 µm. (c) anatriaenes, rare, rhabdome straight or bent, length: 4000–4125 µm (N=2); rhabdome width: 15–20 µm; bent clads (similar to T. muricata anatriaenes), clad length: 170–220 µm. (d) protriaenes, not observed in this specimen. (e) spirasters (and rare metasters) ( Fig. 18 View FIGURE 18 H), spined, length: 11– 18.2 –27.5 µm. (f) plesiasters ( Fig. 18 View FIGURE 18 G), few, 4–6 actines, faintly spined, actine length: 18.5– 41.4 –75 µm, actine width: 3– 7.4 –12.5 µm (N=23).
Reproduction. Oocytes in vitellogenetic phase were observed in the thick sections of ZMBN 85233, collected in mid– August 2007. Subglobular whitish buds were occasionally observed on specimens from the Røst reef ( Fig. 24 View FIGURE 24 D) and from the Schultz Massive Seamount ( Greenland Sea).
Distribution. Greenland, Iceland, Faeroe Islands, Norway, Norwegian Sea, Greenland Sea, Barents Sea, Spitzbergen ( Steenstrup & Tendal 1982); SW of Ireland ( Stephens 1915).
Depth. 100–1900 m ( Steenstrup & Tendal 1982; this study).
Discussion. The specimens from the Korsfjord have more anatriaenes and regular dichotriaenes than ZMBN 85233 from the Barents Sea. Protriaenes are very common in ZMBN 85234 from the Greenland Sea. Plesiasters are rare (ZMBN 85233) to moderately present (ZMBN 85255, 85257).
T. valdiviae is known to be at least dimorphic and our Norwegian specimens correspond to the ‘arctic form’ described by Steenstrup & Tendal (1982). Our new records show that T. valdiviae must be present all along the Norwegian coast whereas, to our knowledge, T. muricata has not been formally identified north of Trollsteinen (64°35’N), except for the type.
The easiest way to discriminate adult specimens is to look at the oscule morphology: large cribriporal irregular shaped oscules with a surrounding fringe in T. valdiviae , small uniporal round “naked” oscules in T. muricata . Young specimens are, without genetic markers, very difficult to differentiate since they both have opposite oscule/ pore areas on their sides. As for the spicules, they are fairly similar in both species ( Table 5 View TABLE 5 ). There seems to be more metasters in T. muricata and T. schmidti than in T. valdiviae , but this need to be confirmed. Moreover, the rarity of plesiasters in T. valdiviae seems to be a general rule, observed by others ( Vosmaer 1885; Steenstrup & Tendal 1982).
As sister-species, Norwegian T. valdiviae are genetically clearly separated from T. muricata ( Fig. 25 View FIGURE 25 ), but our specimen from the Greenland Sea seamount is somewhat different (ZMBN 85234): it has a COI sequence identical to T. muricata , and on the other hand a 28S sequence identical to T. valdiviae . This specimen, and others examined from the same seamount are all very hispid (hairy-like), with cribriporal oscule and pores on opposite sides, and rare plesiasters. So they are not morphologically different from the Norwegian T. valdiviae , except maybe for the larger spirasters ( Table 5 View TABLE 5 ). This shared COI could be the result of ongoing hybridization with T. muricata and deserves to be further studied.
Brondsted, H. V. (1933) The Godthaab expedition 1928. Porifera. Meddelelser om Gronland, 79, 1 - 25.
Burton, M. (1934) Report on the sponges of the Norwegian expeditions to East-Greenland (1930, 1931, and 1932). Skrifter om Svaldbard og Ishavet, 61, 1 - 33.
Cardenas, P., Xavier, J. R., Reveillaud, J., Schander, C. & Rapp, H. T. (2011) Molecular phylogeny of the Astrophorida (Porifera, Demospongiae p) reveals an unexpected high level of spicule homoplasy. PLoS ONE, 6, e 18318. doi: 10.1371 / journal. pone. 0018318.
Hansen, G. A. (1885) Spongiadae. The Norwegian North-Atlantic Expedition 1876 - 1878. Zoologi, 13, 1 - 26, pls I - VII, 1 map.
Hentschel, E. (1929) Die Kiesel- und Hornschwamme des Nordlichen Eismeers. In: Romer, F., Schaudinn, F., Brauer, A. & Arndt, W. (Eds.) Fauna Arctica. Eine Zusammenstellung der arktischen Tierformen mit besonderer Berucksichtigung des Spitzbergen-Gebietes auf Grund der Ergebnisse der Deutschen Expedition in das Nordliche Eismeer im Jahre 1898. G. Fischer, Jena, pp. 857 - 1042, pls XII - XIV.
Klitgaard, A. B. (1995) The fauna associated with outer shelf and upper slope sponges (Porifera, Demospongiae) at the Faroe Islands, northeastern Atlantic. Sarsia, 80, 1 - 22.
Koltun, V. M. (1966) Four-rayed sponges of Northern and Far Eastern seas of the USSR (order Tetraxonida). Opredeliti Faunei SSSR 90. (Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR: Moscow, Leningrad), 1 - 112, pls I - XXXVIII.
von Lendenfeld, R. (1907) Die Tetraxonia. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition auf der Dampfer Valdivia 1898 - 1899, 11, i - iv, 59 - 374, pls IX - XLVI.
Levinsen, G. M. R. (1886) Kara-Havets Svampe (Porifera). Dijmphna-Togtets zoologisk-botaniske Udbytte, 341 - 372, pls. XXIX - XXXI.
Lundbeck, W. (1909) The Porifera of East-Greenland. Meddelelser om Gronland, 29, 423 - 464, pl XIV.
Steenstrup, E. & Tendal, O. S. (1982) The genus Thenea (Porifera, Demospongiae, Choristida) in the Norwegian Sea and adjacent waters; an annotated key. Sarsia, 67, 259 - 268.
Stephens, J. (1915) Sponges of the Coasts of Ireland. I. - The Triaxonia and part of the Tetraxonida. Fisheries, Ireland Scientific Investigations, 1914, 1 - 43, pls I - V.
Vosmaer, G. C. J. (1882) Report on the sponges dredged up in the Arctic Sea by the ' Willem Barents' in the years 1878 and 1879. Niederlandisches Archiv fur Zoologie Supplement, 1, 1 - 58, pls I - IV.
Vosmaer, G. C. J. (1885) The Sponges of the ' Willem Barents' Expedition 1880 and 1881. Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde, 12, 1 - 47, pls I - V.
FIGURE 18. Streptasters of Norwegian species of Thenea. Streptasters of Thenea abyssorum Koltun, 1964 [ZMBN 85228]. A. Plesiaster; B. Spirasters; Streptasters of Thenea levis von Lendenfeld, 1907 [ZMBN 85230]. C. Plesiaster. Same scale as A; D. spirasters. Streptasters of Thenea muricata (Bowerbank, 1858) [ZMBN 85231]. E. Plesiaster; F. Spiraster; Streptasters of Thenea valdiviae von Lendenfeld, 1907. G. Plesiaster [ZMBN 85257]; H. Spirasters. Same scale as E. [ZMBN 85233].
FIGURE 24. Thenea valdiviae von Lendenfeld, 1907. A. Whole specimen from Barents Sea, top view. Note the sieve on the oscule [ZMBN 85233]. Scale: 2 cm; B. Whole specimen, side view showing the poral area, also with sieve [ZMBN 85233]; C. Whole specimen from Freisfjorden (Møre), top view. Note the sieve on the oscule. Scale: 1 cm [ZMBN 85256]; D. Top surface of a young specimen covered with buds. p: pores. os: oscule. [ZMBN 85257]; E. Thick section showing the skeletal organization. Scale: 1 mm [ZMBN 85233].
FIGURE 25. Simplified molecular phylogeny of the Astrophorida focusing on the relationships within the Theneidae, modified from Cárdenas et al. (2011, Fig. 2). Maximum-likelihood tree made from concatenated sequences of COI (Folmer fragment) and 28 S (C 1 – D 2 domains). Bootstrap nodal support values> 50 % are given above the nodes (2,000 replicates).
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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Thenea valdiviae
Cárdenas, Paco & Rapp, Hans Tore 2012 |
Thenea muricata:
Hansen 1885 |
Thenea muricata:
Vosmaer 1882 |
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