Stigmella alilediella Diškus & Navickaitė, 2020

Stonis, Jonas R., Remeikis, Andrius, Diškus, Arūnas & Navickaitė, Asta, 2020, Documenting new and little known leaf-mining Nepticulidae from middle and southwestern areas of the Asian continent, Zootaxa 4881 (3), pp. 401-452 : 408-409

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Plazi (2020-11-21 17:01:48, last updated 2024-11-24 23:38:48)

scientific name

Stigmella alilediella Diškus & Navickaitė

sp. nov.

Stigmella alilediella Diškus & Navickaitė , sp. nov.

( Figs 9, 10 View FIGURES 7–15 , 29, 30 View FIGURES 29–38 , 113–121 View FIGURES 113–121 )

Type material. Holotype: ♂, India, Uttarakhand, Dehradun Distr., Mussoorie , 30°27’31”N, 78°01’46”E, elevation ca. 1980 m, 16.viii.2010, A. Diškus & A. Navickaitė, genitalia slide no. AD488 ( ZIN). GoogleMaps

Diagnosis. Belongs to the Stigmella aurella group. Externally and in the male genitalia, this new species is the most similar and obviously related to S. lediella ( Schleich, 1867) . However, S. alilediella sp. nov. differs from S. lediella in the presence of three clusters of large cornuti ( Figs 117, 118 View FIGURES 113–121 ), also in the wider plate of the gnathos ( Figs 114, 115 View FIGURES 113–121 ).

Male ( Figs 29, 30 View FIGURES 29–38 ). Forewing length 1.8 mm; wingspan 4.0 mm (n = 1).

Head. Palpi ochre cream; frontal tuft ochreous orange; collar dark brown, golden glossy, with distinctive purple iridescence; scape golden shiny yellowish cream; antenna slightly shorter than one half the length of forewing; flagellum dark brown, golden glossy, with some purple iridescence on upper side, yellowish brown on underside.

Thorax. Tegula and thorax dark brown, golden glossy, with purple iridescence. Forewing dark brown, golden glossy, with strong purple iridescence in basal third; medially and apically blackish brown with some golden gloss and little purple iridescence; median fascia wide, especially on tornal margin, silvery shiny, with some purple iri-descence; apical fascia short, silvery shiny, with some purple iridescence; fringe black-brown; fringe line black, inconspicuous; forewing underside black-brown, without spots or androconia. Hindwing without androconia, dark brown with some golden gloss on upper side, black brown on underside; fringe dark brown. Legs brown-black on upper side and golden cream on underside.

Genitalia ( Figs 113–121 View FIGURES 113–121 ) with capsule 230 µm long, 170 µm wide. Uncus triangular, distally bifid ( Fig. 114 View FIGURES 113–121 ). Gnathos with a wide transverse plate and two stout caudal processes ( Fig. 115 View FIGURES 113–121 ). Valva ( Figs 114, 121 View FIGURES 113–121 ) about 150 µm long, with a bulged inner lobe and long, slender apical process. Vinculum with a wide but shallow excavation an-teriorly ( Fig. 121 View FIGURES 113–121 ). Phallus about 240 µm long, bent medially ( Fig. 117 View FIGURES 113–121 ), without carinae; vesica with three clusters of large cornuti ( Figs 116, 118–120 View FIGURES 113–121 ).

Female. Unknown.

Bionomics ( Figs 9, 10 View FIGURES 7–15 ). Host plant is unknown (unidentified). Larva is pale green, with a brownish green in-testine and brown head ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 7–15 ). Larvae mine in leaves in August. The leaf mine starts as a slender gallery almost fully filled with blackish brown frass; further on the gallery widens, with a wide line of dark brown frass ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 7–15 ). Adults fly in late August.

Distribution. Known from a single locality in the western Himalaya (Uttarakhand: Mussoorie), at the elevation of about 2000 m ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1–6 : wHi).

Etymology. The species is named after closely similar species, S. lediella , with a Latin prefex ali (another).

Schleich, C. L. (1867) Einige microlepidopterologische Beobachtungen uber eine neue Nepticula, die Raupe von Gelech. micella und uber Gracil. imperialella. Entomologischen Zeitung herausgegeben von dem entomologischen Vereine zu Stettiner, 28 (10 - 12), 449 - 455.

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FIGURES 7–15. Leaf mines of new species of Nepticulidae. 7, 8, Stigmella ziziphifolia Rocienė & Stonis, sp. nov.; 9, 10, S. alilediella Diškus & Navickaitė, sp. nov.; 11–13, S. pyramidata Diškus & Navickaitė, sp. nov.; 14, S. latilobata Diškus & Navickaitė, sp. nov.; 15, S. paniculata Diškus & Navickaitė, sp. nov.

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FIGURES 29–38. Adults of new species of Nepticulidae. 29, 30, Stigmella alilediella Diškus & Navickaitė, sp. nov., holotype; 31, 32, Stigmella longa Remeikis & Stonis, sp. nov., holotype; 33, S. ziziphifolia Rocienė & Stonis, sp. nov., holotype, upper side; 34, same, underside; 35–37, S. damocles Remeikis, sp. nov., holotype; 38, S. latilobata Diškus & Navickaitė, sp. nov., holotype (ZIN)

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FIGURES 113–121. Male genitalia of Stigmella alilediella Diškus & Navickaitė, sp. nov., holotype, genitalia slide no. AD488 (ZIN). 113, 114, capsule with phallus removed; 115, gnathos; 116–118, phallus; 119, 120, cornuti; 121, capsule with phallus removed

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FIGURES 1–6. A geographical map (courtesy of T. Patterson, USA) and new host plants of Nepticulidae. 1, localities in this study; 2, 3, Ototropis elegans (DC.) H. Ohashi & K. Ohashi, Fabaceae, a host plant of Stigmella longa sp. nov.; 4, Viburnum cotinifolium D. Don., Adoxaceae, a host plant of Acalyptris nasutus sp. nov; 5, Ototropis sp., Fabaceae, a host plant of Stigmella pyramidata sp. nov.; 6, Spiraea canescens D. Don., Rosaceae, a host plant of Ectoedemia orbiculata sp. nov.


Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum











