Amygdalops bisinus, ROHÁČEK J., 2008

ROHÁČEK J., 2008, Revision Of The Genus Amygdalops Lamb, 1914 (Diptera, Anthomyzidae) Of The Oriental, Australasian And Oceanian Regions, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 54 (4), pp. 325-400 : 341-345

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12584953

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Amygdalops bisinus

sp. nov.

Amygdalops bisinus View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 26–37 View Figs 26–31 View Figs 32–37 , 163 View Figs 163–166 )

Type material: Holotype male, labelled: “ THAILAND: Bangkok, Huaykwang , Aug.-Sept. 1962, J. Scanlon – light” ( USNM, genit. prep.) . Paratypes: THAILAND: Mae Fang N. P., No. 14, over & along forest brook, 1.xi.2004, 1 female, L. Papp & M. Földvári leg. ( HNHM) . INDONESIA: Flores I., X859, eastern periphery of village Mataloko, ca 10 km ESE’ Badjawa , 200–300 m E’ mission church and school, 8,49S 121,02E, creek valley, open cultivated land (vegetables, maniok), diverse herbaceous vegetation (– 2 m height), grazed by buffaloes, 24.ix.1992, 1 male 1 female, M. v. Tschirnhaus leg. ( ZSMC, dried from alcohol) GoogleMaps . VIETNAM: Cuc phuong, Ninh binh, 6–18.v.1966, 1 male, Topál leg. ( HMNH, in poor condition – immature, faded, dried from alcohol). All paratypes with genit. prep .

Etymology – The name ( bisinus = Lat. double curved) reflects the sinuous lateral outline of gonostylus of the species.

Description – Male. Total body length 1.82–2.06 mm. Colouring resembling that of A. nigrinotum . Head slightly longer than high, somewhat quadrangular in profile. Occiput dark brown and microtomentose as in A. nigrinotum . Frontal triangle reaching to anterior third to fourth of frons, with very narrowed anterior corner. Stripes between frontal triangle and orbits and also anterior third of frons greyish microtomentose and dull. Orbit more or less shining, with anterior third yellow, posterior two-thirds dark brown. Face dirty yellow; parafacialia and gena narrowly ochreous-margined. Mouthparts bicolourous, brownish dorsally, palpus brownish darkened at least on apex and proboscis yellow. Cephalic chaetotaxy as in A. nigrinotum but vti about half to two fifths of length of vte, oc slightly longer than vti; 1 vi (only as long as oc) and 1 subvibrissa, about two-thirds of vi, both relatively weak; peristomal setulae (5–6) weak. Eye of rounded rhomboid shape (thus rather angular), with longest diameter 1.4–1.5 times as long as shortest one. Gena and antenna as in A. nigrinotum .

Thorax similarly patterned as in A. nigrinotum but darker brown. Thoracic chaetotaxy: 1 prs, reduced to microseta; 2 dc, anterior reduced, only twice longer than dc microsetae; 2 sc, laterobasal weak but distinctly longer than anterior dc. Legs bicolourous as in A. geniculatus , thus mostly yellow, only femora with brown distal third (in f 1 usually lighter than in f 2 and f 3) and tibiae with pale brown darkened proximal third except for knees. f 3 with 6–7 short and thickened setae in distal third of posteroventral row. Wing ( Fig. 163 View Figs 163–166 ) with pattern generally paler than in other Amygdalops spp. , particularly preapical spot and darkened stripe along R 4+5 usually faded and less distinct; no markedly lighter area between R 2+3 and C. R 4+5 and M subparallel, the former very slightly sinuate apically; r-m situated near middle (or slightly in front of it) of dm cell. Wing measurements: length 1.71–2.03 mm; width 0.50–0.57 mm, Cs 3: Cs 4 = 1.94–2.23, r-m\dm-cu: dm-cu = 3.56–3.82. Haltere with pale brown stem and dark brown knob.

Abdomen. Preabdominal terga dark brown but T5 with small, short, pale ochreous anterolateral spot on each side (holotype) or uniformly brown (paratype from Flores I.). Preabdominal sterna ochreous (holotype) to pale brown (paratype from Flores I.) and becoming somewhat wider posteriorly, S5 the largest and slightly wider than long. S7 with 2, S6 with 3–4 setulae.

Genitalia. Epandrium hemispherical ( Figs 26–27 View Figs 26–31 ), with 1 dorsomedial and 1 caudal pair of longer and thicker setae; anal opening semi-elipsoid ( Fig. 26 View Figs 26–31 ). Cercus small, not projecting below anal fissure, only half length of gonostylus. Medandrium ( Fig. 26 View Figs 26–31 ) with rectangular dorsal corners. Gonostylus ( Figs 26–28 View Figs 26–31 ) of distinctive shape, twice bent (sinuous) in profile, with tapered but rounded apex; its outer side broadly micropubescent, bare only along anterior margin and on apex; inner side of gonostylus with fine long setae. Hypandrium ( Fig. 29 View Figs 26–31 ) rather robust; transandrium relatively robust, concave ventromedially and protruding lateroventrally (see Fig. 30 View Figs 26–31 ); caudal process distinctive, formed by single slender sclerite provided with a blade-like keel (see Fig. 29 View Figs 26–31 ). Pregonite ( Fig. 29 View Figs 26–31 ) fused with hypandrium, lobate but incurved and slightly projecting, with only 4 setae (1 anterior shorter than others). Postgonite ( Fig. 29 View Figs 26–31 ) rather long, slightly bent, its dark part very slender but surrounded by submembranous wide margins, with 1 setula in proximal two-fifths of its outer side; basal sclerite attached to postgonite large, flat, with some tubercles. Aedeagal part of folding apparatus attached to base of phallapodeme ( Fig. 31 View Figs 26–31 ) small, slightly darkened dorsally, armed with some elongate spine-like tubercles; connecting sclerite slender, curved, proximally wider, relatively dark-pigmented. Basal membrane with small tuberculiform spines (larger medially) ventrally to caudal process ( Figs 29–30 View Figs 26–31 ). Aedeagal complex ( Fig. 31 View Figs 26–31 ) with moderate phallapodeme, having deeply forked base and very short apical part with distinct lateral projections. Basal part of distiphallus partly spinulose. Saccus of distiphallus very voluminous, largely shortly spinulose and apart from short ventral sclerite membranous. Filum of distiphallus not very long, slender, curved and formed by 2 stripe-like closely attached and distally attenuated sclerites terminating in dilated membranous apex. Ejacapodeme very small, with slender digitiform projection.

Female. Similar to male unless mentioned otherwise. Total body length 2.50–2.74 mm. Palpus distinctly brownish. f 3 lacking shortened setae. Wing measurements: length 2.36–2.54 mm, width 0.67–0.77 mm, Cs 3: Cs 4 = 1.83–1.95, r-m\dm-cu: dm-cu = 3.71–4.27. Abdomen with preabdominal terga uniformly dark brown. Preabdominal sterna smaller and distinctly narrower than in male, dark ochreous to pale brown, becoming wider and darker posteriorly; S3-S4 distinctly longer than broad; S5 largest but still slightly longer than broad but distinctly narrower and paler than (postabdominal) S6.

Postabdomen ( Figs 33–34 View Figs 32–37 ). T6 markedly wider and slightly longer than T7, tapering posteriorly, with numerous dense short and thick setae, dark brown with pale anterior margin. S6 slightly narrower than T7, pale ochreous anteriorly and posteriorly, darkened brown in the middle, finely setose. T7 dark brown, anteriorly shallowly emarginate, with anterolateral corners extended on ventral side, embedding 7th spiracles (see Fig. 34 View Figs 32–37 ), densely setose as T6 but only in posterior half. S7 rather small, tapered both anteriorly and posteriorly, characteristically patterned, with anteromedial narrow light area, bordered on both sides by larger brown areas, and with bare and pale-pigmented posterior fourth. T8 brown, unusually narrow and tapered posteriorly because of ventrally bent sides, with few (including 1 long) fine setae posteriorly. S8 brown, also very narrow, with prominent posteromedial bulge ( Fig. 36 View Figs 32–37 ). T10 small and narrow (as long as wide), brownish, with scattered microtomentum and a pair of longer posteromedial setae. S10 also small, slightly larger than T10, brown as S8, micropubescent, posteromedially projecting. Internal sclerotization of genital chamber formed by two pairs of fused flat pale brown sclerites ( Figs 35–36 View Figs 32–37 ) being gradually widened anteriplex, lateral view. Scales: Fig. 28 View Figs 26–31 = 0.05 mm, others = 0.1 mm

orly; annular sclerite very thin and twisted several times; vaginal area finely spinulose. Ventral receptacle ( Fig. 32 View Figs 32–37 ) vesiculate, with smooth surface and a digitiform terminal projection. Spermathecae spherical, relatively large (one distinctly larger than other, Fig. 37 View Figs 32–37 ), each with a few grain-like spines in basal part; duct cervix short. Cerci ( Fig. 33 View Figs 32–37 ) medium-sized, with moderately long fine setae.

0.1 mm, others = 0.05 mm

Discussion – A. bisinus sp. n. forms together with the following 10 species the A. nigrinotum group being characterized by the highly uniform external appearance (largely dark head, dark brown mesonotum, dark halteres, similar wing pattern with brown preapical spot) and also by the synapomorphic elongate gonostylus and finely attenuated annular sclerite of the female genital chamber. A. bisinus can be distinguished from other species of the group in having bicolourous femora as in A. geniculatus and A. sp. n. (c), the gonostylus sinuously margined in profile, a peculiar medial keel-like caudal process of the transandrium, a large basal sclerite of postgonite (similar to that of A. nigrinotum ), a distinctive shape and pattern of the female S6 and S7 and a narrowed 8th and 10th postabdominal segment of the female. The species is related to A. cuspidatus sp. n. and allied species and forms with them the A. cuspidatus subgroup (see below, Fig. 175 View Fig ).

Biology – The few known specimens were found on vegetation (partly grazed) at brooks, one male (holotype) was caught at a light, in V, VIII–IX, XI.

Distribution – Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia ( Flores).


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