Ligyrodes Casey, 1915
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Plazi (2022-11-22 07:15:40, last updated 2024-11-24 23:10:14) |
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Ligyrodes Casey, 1915 |
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Subgenus Ligyrodes Casey, 1915 revised status
Ligyrodes Casey, 1915: 179 (described as genus).
Type species: Scarabaeus relictus Say 1825: 194 View in CoL by original designation.
Description. (n = 885). Length 16.5–21.8 mm. Humeral width 8–11.5 mm. Head: Clypeus trapezoidal to subtriangular ( Fig. 1C View FIGURE 1 ). Apical clypeal teeth triangular and widely separated. Ocular canthus rounded, without dorsal setae, with 1–5 ventral setae. Frons with 2 tumescences. Mentum subrectangular ( Fig. 2E View FIGURE 2 ); not strongly narrowed at apex. Mentum and ligula separated by a suture. Ligula wide; covered with long, dense setae; ligular lobes not fused, with a narrow emargination. Maxillar apical palpomere 1.3 times longer than the second. Maxilla with galea rectangular (2.5 times longer than wide; Figs. 3B View FIGURE 3 , 4C View FIGURE 4 ); teeth 3 and 4 diagonal ( Fig. 3E View FIGURE 3 ). Mandible tridentate (2 apical rounded and lateral long, acute to truncate lobe); apical teeth equal in shape. Labrum subquadrate ( Fig. 6C View FIGURE 6 ); apex straight; with long, dense setae. Antenna with 10 antennomeres, club long (1.5 times longer than antennomeres 2–7). Pronotum: Apical marginal bead complete. Apex with an inconspicuous, rounded tubercle and a rounded to triangular fovea. Elytra: Inner surface of apex with transverse small tubercles forming 70–77 parallel lines. Wings: RA with dense, large peg-like setae on medial ventral region; with peg-like setae on dorsal surface. Edge of RA 3 with dense setae. Abdomen: Apex of tergite IV with a diagonal line of 11–13 short, transverse, parallel carinae. Sternite VIII emarginate in male; entire in female. Pygidium rugose. Propygidium without stridulatory area. Venter: Prosternum very wide, convex. Propleura with long, sparse setae on anterior and posterior surfaces, medial surface glabrous. Apex of prosternal process suboval, flat, with a deep sulcus; without dorsal setae. Metepisternum with complete, thin carina; inner surface with deep, large punctures, and with long, dense setae; outer surface homogeneously rugose, with long, sparse setae. Metasternum with large, deep, confluent punctures and long, dense setae. Legs: Male protarsus modified; protarsomere 4 with a ventral, carinate, flat projection ( Fig. 10C–D View FIGURE 10 ); inner claw wide and truncate, with an acute, spine-like projection ( Fig. 10E View FIGURE 10 ). Protibia tridentate, with an additional basal denticle ( Fig. 11D–E View FIGURE 11 ), and sometimes a denticle between basal and second teeth, teeth equidistant. Apical margin of mesotibia and metatibia crenulate ( Fig. 12D, J View FIGURE 12 ). Female genitalia: Subcoxite 1.5 times wider than long ( Fig. 13D View FIGURE 13 ). Coxite subquadrate (as long as wide); surface flat. Subcoxite wider and longer than coxite. Male genitalia: Phallobase 1.6 times longer than parameres. Parameres without dorsal teeth, with ventral teeth. Internal sac with copulatory lamella and long lamellar spiny belt; accessory lamella U-shaped.
Diagnosis. The subgenus Ligyrodes is differentiated by the following: Trapezoidal clypeus, clypeal teeth small; frontoclypeus with 2 tumescences ( Fig. 1C View FIGURE 1 ); mentum subrectangular ( Fig. 2E View FIGURE 2 ); mentum and ligula separate by a suture; ligula wide; covered with long, dense setae; ligular lobes fused, with a narrow emargination; galea with 3 dorsal and 2 ventral teeth (the basal often bifid); pronotum without fovea or tubercle; protibia tridentate, with teeth equidistant; protarsi of male modified, inner claw wide and truncate, with an acute like-spine projection ( Fig. 10E View FIGURE 10 ), protarsomere 4 with a ventral flat projection ( Fig. 10D View FIGURE 10 ); internal sac with copulatory lamella and long lamellar spiny belt; accessory lamella U-shaped ( Fig. 21D View FIGURE 21 ); surface of coxite flat ( Fig. 13D View FIGURE 13 ). Stridulatory apparatus consisting of a diagonal line of 11–13 short, transverse, parallel carinae on apex of sternite IV and apical inner surface of elytra with transverse small tubercles forming 70–77 parallel lines.
Composition. Three extant species: Ligyrus (Ligyrodes) relictus , L. (Ligyrodes) sallaei , and L. (Ligyrodes) peruvianus . Euligyrus ebenus , which was originally included in Ligyrodes by Casey (1915), is excluded from the subgenus Ligyrodes because although this species also has the protarsi enlarged in male, the shape of the tarsomeres and claws are very different, and there are many characters that support the inclusion of E. ebenus in the genus Euligyrus .
Geographic distribution. One species in North America ( United States of America and Canada), one in North and Central America, and only one of its species in South America (restricted to a small area of the Pacific Coast of Ecuador and Peru).
Phylogenetic relationships. The cladistic analysis of Tomarus (sensu lato) showed that this group is more closely related to Ligyrus than Euligyrus , contrary to the idea of Casey (1915).
Taxonomic remarks. Casey (1915) described the genus Ligyrodes to group three species of Ligyrus and seven new species (all currently synonyms of Ligyrus (Ligyrodes) relictus and Ligyrus (Ligyrodes) sallaei ) with the male protarsus modified, apex of prosternal process without setae, and the abdominal spiracles of the segments I–III transverse. The genus Ligyrodes was synonymized by Cartwright (1959), and Endrödi (1969) recognized it as a subgenus of Ligyrus but excluded E. ebenus , which he grouped in the subgenus Euligyrus along with E. similis .
Key to the species of the subgenus Ligyrodes
1 Pygidium with deep, large punctures, homogeneously distributed. Apex of metatibia with 13–17 spinules. Species from South America...................................................... Ligyrus (Ligyrodes) peruvianus Endrödi, 1970
- Pygidium with dense rugosity (only on apex or on all the surface).Apex of metatibia with 6–9 spinules. Species from North and Central America...................................................................................... 2
2 Protibia with 3 teeth and a basal denticle, without denticle between basal and second tooth ( Fig. 11D View FIGURE 11 ). Parameres with ventral teeth acute and long ( Fig. 15G View FIGURE 15 ). Southeastern Canada and United States of America (east of Rocky Mountains with few records in Texas)............................................................ Ligyrus (Ligyrodes) relictus ( Say, 1825)
- Protibia with 3 teeth, a basal denticle, and other denticle between basal and second tooth ( Fig. 11E View FIGURE 11 ). Parameres with ventral teeth rounded and short ( Fig. 15H View FIGURE 15 ). United States of America (Texas and southern Arizona) to Panama...................................................................................... Ligyrus (Ligyrodes) sallaei Bates, 1888
Bates, H. W. (1888) Pectinicornia and Lamellicornia, Family Dynastinae. In: Godman, F. D. & Salvin, O. (Eds.), Biologia Centrali-Americana, Insecta, Coleoptera, 2 (Part 2), pp. 296 - 342.
Cartwright, O. L. (1959) Scarab beetles of the genus Bothynus in the United States (Coleoptera: Sacarabaeidae). Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 108, 515 - 541.
Casey, T. L. (1915) A review of the American species of Rutelinae, Dynastinae, and Cetoniinae. Memoirs on the Coleoptera, 6, 1 - 394.
Endrodi, S. (1969) Monographie der Dynastinae. 4. Tribus: Pentodontini (Coleoptera, Lamellicornia). Entomologische Abhandlungen, 37, 1 - 145.
Endrodi, S. (1970) Drei neue Dynastinen (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae) aus Amerika. Mitteilungen aus dem Museum fur Naturkunde in Berlin. Zoologisches Museum und Institut fur Spezielle Zoologie, Berlin, 46, 105 - 108. https: // doi. org / 10.1002 / mmnz. 19700460113
Say, T. (1825) Descriptions of new species of coleopterous insects inhabiting the United States. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 5, 160 - 204.
FIGURE 1. Head. A) Euligyrus ebenus, B) Proculigyrus cicatricosus, C) Ligyrus (Ligyrodes) peruvianus, D) L. (Anagrylius) moroni, E) L. (Ligyrus) ruginasus, F) L. (Ligyrus) nasutus, G) L. (Ligyrus) bidentulus, H) Tomarus adoceteus, I) T. maimon, J) T. pullus, K) T. pumilus.
FIGURE 2. Labium. A) Ligyrus (Anagrylius) moroni, B) Ligyrus (Ligyrus) allonasutus, C) L. (Ligyrus) gibbosus, D) L. (Ligyrus) villosus, E) L. (Ligyrodes) relictus, F) Proculigyrus cicatricosus, G) Euligyrus ebenus, H) E. similis, I) Tomarus gyas, J) Tomarus selanderi, K) Tomarus subtropicus. Abbreviations: LL: Ligular lobes, LP: Labial palpus, M: Mentum, S: Suture.
FIGURE 3. Maxilla. A) Ligyrus (Anagrylius) moroni, B) L. (Ligyrodes) sallaei, C) Ligyrus (Ligyrus) allonasutus. Numeration of teeth of galea: D) Euligyrus similis, E) L. (Ligyrodes) sallaei, F) Tomarus gyas, G) L. (Ligyrus) fossor, H) L. (Ligyrus) allonasutus.
FIGURE 4. Maxilla. A) Euligyrus similis, B) Proculigyrus cicatricosus, C) Ligyrus (Ligyrodes) relictus, D) L. (Ligyrus) burmeisteri, E) L. (Ligyrus) villosus, F) Tomarus gyas, G) Tomarus maternus, H) T. selanderi, I) T. subtropicus.
FIGURE 6. Labrum. A) Ligyrus (Ligyrus) burmeisteri, B) L. (Ligyrus) villosus, C) Ligyrus (Ligyrodes) relictus, D) Tomarus gyas, E) T. maternus, F) T. selanderi, G) T. subtropicus.
FIGURE 11. Protibia in frontal view.A) Euligyrus similis, B) Proculigyrus cicatricosus, C) Ligyrus (Anagrylius) moroni, D) L. (Ligyrodes) relictus, E) L. (Ligyrodes) sallaei, F) L. (Ligyrus) allonasutus, G) L. (Ligyrus) villosus, H) Tomarus bituberculatus, I) T. colombianus, J) T. pullus.
FIGURE 12. Mesotibia (A–F). A) Euligyrus similis, B) Proculigyrus cicatricosus, C) Ligyrus (Anagrylius) moroni, D) L. (Ligyrodes) sallaei; E) L. (Ligyrus) allonasutus, F) L. (Ligyrus) villosus. Metatibia (G–L). G) Euligyrus similis, H) Proculigyrus cicatricosus, I) Ligyrus (Anagrylius) moroni, J) L. (Ligyrodes) sallaei, K) L. (Ligyrus) allonasutus, L) L. (Ligyrus) villosus.
FIGURE 13. Female genital plates. A) Euligyrus ebenus, B) Proculigyrus cicatricosus, C) Ligyrus (Anagrylius) moroni, D) L. (Ligyrodes) sallaei, E) L. (Ligyrus) allonasutus, F) L. (Ligyrus) bidentulus, G) L. (Ligyrus) neglectus, H) Tomarus laticaudus, I) T. maternus, J) T. rostratus, K) T. subtropicus. Abbreviations: SCx: Subcoxite, Cx: Coxite.
FIGURE 15. Parameres in frontal view. A) Euligyrus ebenus, B) E. similis, C) Proculigyrus cicatricosus, D) Ligyrus (Anagrylius) cuniculus, E) L. (Anagrylius) moroni, F) L. (Ligyrodes) peruvianus, G) L. (Ligyrodes) relictus, H) L. (Ligyrodes) sallaei, I) L. (Ligyrus) allonasutus, J) L. (Ligyrus) bidentulus, K) L. (Ligyrus) burmeisteri, L) Ligyrus (Ligyrus) fossor, M) L. (Ligyrus) gibbosus, N) L. (Ligyrus) nasutus, O) L. (Ligyrus) neglectus, P) L. (Ligyrus) paranaensis, Q) L. (Ligyrus) peninsularis, R) L. (Ligyrus) rubripes, S) L. (Ligyrus) ruginasus, T) L. (Ligyrus) villosus.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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Dynastinae |
Ligyrodes Casey, 1915
López-García, Margarita M. & Deloya, Cuauhtémoc 2022 |
Casey, T. L. 1915: 179 |
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