Scybalocanthon sexspilotus ( Guérin-Méneville, 1855 )

Silva, Fernando A. B. & Valois, Marcely, 2019, A taxonomic revision of the genus Scybalocanthon Martínez, 1948 (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae: Deltochilini), Zootaxa 4629 (3), pp. 301-341 : 333-335

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Felipe (2020-08-22 01:27:34, last updated 2024-11-26 05:13:21)

scientific name

Scybalocanthon sexspilotus ( Guérin-Méneville, 1855 )


Scybalocanthon sexspilotus ( Guérin-Méneville, 1855) View in CoL

( Figs. 1 View FIGURE 1 C-G, 4U, 5T, 6B)

Canthon sexspilotum Guérin-Méneville, 1855: 587 View in CoL (original description and taxonomic remarks); Blackwelder 1944: 201 (checklist).

Canthon sexspilotus: Harold 1868: 140 View in CoL (catalog); Bates 1887: 28 (taxonomic remarks); Harold 1869: 992 (catalog); Gillet 1911: 33 (catalog); Schmidt 1922: 65, 80 (diagnosis); Balthasar 1939: 193 (description); Vulcano & Pereira 1964: 630 (catalog); Vulcano & Pereira 1967: 552 (distribution, identification key); Krajcik, 2006: 31 (catalog); Krajcik 2012: 64 (catalog).

Canthon rufulus Harold, 1868: 13 View in CoL , 54 (identification key and description); Harold 1869: 994 (catalog; synonymized Canthon rufulus View in CoL with Canthon sexspilotus View in CoL ).

Scybalocanthon sexpilotus: Halffter & Martínez 1977: 67 (species list); Vaz-de-Mello 2000: 194 (checklist); Ratcliffe et al. 2015: 196 (cited for Peru).

Canthon imitans Harold, 1868: 13 View in CoL , 56 (identification key and description); Harold 1869: 991 (catalog); Gillet 1911: 30 (catalog); Schmidt 1922: 65, 75 (diagnosis); Balthasar 1939: 193 (redescription); Blackwelder 1944: 199 (checklist); Roze 1955: 41 (checklist); Krajcik 2006: 27 (catalog); Krajcik 2012: 63 (catalog). New subjective synonymy

Scybalocanthon imitans: Pereira & Martínez 1956: 114 View in CoL , 115 (catalog and identification key); Vulcano & Pereira 1964: 638 (catalog); Halffter & Martínez 1977: 67 (species list); Vaz-de-Mello 2000: 194 (checklist); Ratcliffe et al. 2015: 196 (cited for Peru).

Diagnosis. Specimens of S. sexspilotus are readily distinguishable from all other species by the head, pronotum, femora, and pygidium bicolored, with yellow and black areas ( Figs. 2 View FIGURE 2 C–G). The pronotum may have different spot patterns ( Figs. 2 View FIGURE 2 C–G). In addition, males have an aedeagus with the parameres elongate, subrectangular, not excavated ventrally ( Fig. 4U View FIGURE 4 ); and endophallus lacking bristles or microbristles close to the FLP sclerite ( Fig. 5U View FIGURE 5 ).

Description. Body. Oval-elongate. Color. Body opaque, completely microgranulate. Central portion of head, most of pronotum, lateral portion of hypomera, central portion of metaventrite, abdominal ventrites, margin of pygidium, and middle of femora yellow or light brown. Margin of head, elytra, prosternum, mesoventrite, mesoepisternae, metaepisternae, lateral portion of metaventrite, coxae, trochanters, proximal and distal portions of femora, tibiae, and central portion of pygidium dark brown or black. Length. 8.0–9.0 mm. Thorax. Pronotum with six black spots (five spots at the anterocentral portion and one spot at the posterior portion) ( Fig. 2F View FIGURE 2 ). In some specimens, spots fused in a different way, with irregular shapes ( Figs. 2 View FIGURE 2 C–E). Anterior angles of pronotum with approximately 80°. Lateral margin regularly curved outward, not forming an angle at the middle portion. Elytra. Striae thin, almost inconspicuous. Eighth stria effaced at the basal third, lacking carina at the anterior portion. Aedeagus. Parameres symmetrical, with subrectangular shape ( Fig. 4U View FIGURE 4 ). Dorsal margin of parameres curved inward from the basal to medial portions, apical portion substraight. Ventral margin of parameres substraight. SRP circular, with curved handle-shaped extension ( Fig. 5U View FIGURE 5 ). FLP I-shaped ( Fig. 5U View FIGURE 5 ). A+SA with two superposed and elongate sclerites ( Fig. 5U View FIGURE 5 ). AS I-shaped ( Fig. 5U View FIGURE 5 ).

Type material. Canthon sexspilotum Guérin-Méneville , neotype ♂ (here designated; CEMT): “ BRAZIL / AM- ( Rio Solimões ) / Ilha de Marchantaria / 59°58’W, 3°15’S Várzea/ J. Adis leg. 6.I.1982 ” GoogleMaps .

Taxonomic notes for neotype designation. According to the information provided on Methods section, specimens belonging to the type series of Canthon sexspilotum Guérin-Méneville are considered by us to be irretrievably lost ( International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature 1999; Article 75.3.4). Hence, there is an exceptional need to clarify its identity in the context of this taxonomic revision ( International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature 1999; Article 75.3.1). Because no name-bearing type specimen is believed to be extant, and a namebearing type is necessary to fix the name of the species objectively, we herein designate neotype. So, in order to maintain the stability of nomenclature, a specimen from a locality described as the original type locality ( International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature 1999; articles 75.3.3 and 75.3.6) and corresponding to its original description (pronotum with six black spots ( Fig. 1N View FIGURE 1 ); see Guérin-Méneville 1855) was chosen to be the neotype ( International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature 1999; articles 75.3.2 and 75.3.5), and deposited in a recognized scientific institution that maintains a research collection with proper facilities for preserving name-bearing types ( International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature 1999; Article 75.3.7).

Non-type material [ 34 males, 43 females]: BOLIVIA: BENI: San Ramón, Estacíon San Lorenzo , disturbed gallery forest (64°26’6”W, 13°25’36”S), 13.x.2003, pitfall, human feces, 140m, A.C. Hamel & K. Walker— 2♀ ( CEMT) GoogleMaps ; PANDO, Riberalta (11°1’S, 66°3’W), xi.1956, Fritz— 1♂ ( CMNC) GoogleMaps ; SANTA CRUZ, CIMCA [= Centro Integral de Manejo del Comportamiento Animal?], Gral Agustín Saavedra (17°13’30’’S, 63°12’30’’W), 5.x.1984, L. Valaz— 1♂ ( CMNC); GoogleMaps Hotel Flora y Fauna , 5 km SSE Buena Vista, 440 m (17°29.925’S, 63°39.128’W), 15- 24.xii.2003, S. & J. Peck, forest, flight interception trap (2003-131)— 1♀ ( CMNC); Provincia Ñuflo de Chaves , As- censión, xii.1953, Andrae— 1♀ ( CMNC); Provincia Ñuflo de Chaves , Ascensión, xii.1963, Andrae— 1♀ ( CMNC); Jardín Botanico Andrés Ibañez, 17–30.ix.2006, T. Vidaurre, M. Amaya, & G. Mollos— 3♂ 4♀ ( CEMT) GoogleMaps . BRAZIL: AMAZONAS: Ilha de Marchantaria, Rio Solimões, Várzea (59°58’W, 3°15’S), 20.x.1981, J. Adis— 1♂ ( CEMT); GoogleMaps Ega [=Tefé] (3°22’S, 64°42’W), [no date], [anonymous]— 1♂ ( CMNC); GoogleMaps PARÁ: Colônia Rio Branco , Obidos , 2– 12.xi.1952, P.A. Telles— 1♂ ( CMNC); Mocajuba , Mangabeira (2°36’30’’S, 49°37’0’’W), xii.1952, O. Rego— 1♀ ( CMNC); Abaetetuba , 4–25.vii.1994, N. Degallier— 3♂ 7♀ ( CEMT) GoogleMaps ; RONDÔNIA: São Francisco do Guaporé, Rebio Guaporé (63°26’W, 12°31’S), 2.x.2013, S.E. Silva— 2♀ ( CEMT) GoogleMaps . RORAIMA: Amajari, Ilha de Maracá (61°36’424”W, 3°31’829”N), Amazon rainforest, pitfall, human feces, 10.v.2009, R. Andrade— 2♂ 1♀ ( CEMT) . COLOMBIA: META: Mozambique, Franja de bosque de galeria, iv.1996, pitfall, human feces, 190 m, J.A. Noriega— 2♂ ( CEMT); AMAZONAS, Isla Santa Sofia , Leticia (4°2’41’’S, 70°6’5’’W), 23.ii–2.iii.1974, J. Peck— 13♂ 16♀ ( CMNC, MZUFPA); GoogleMaps Leticia , 215 m (4°11’20’’S, 69°56’9’’W), 23.ii–2.iii.1974, [anonymous]— 1♂ 2♀ ( CMNC) GoogleMaps . VENEZUELA: APURE: San Fernando (67°28’23’’W, 7°53’38’’N), 26.viii.2006, curso NM 2006— 1♂ 1♀ ( CEMT) GoogleMaps . BARINAS, Santa Bárbara (7°48’30’’N, 71°10’30’’W), x.1972, Solano— 2♀ ( CMNC) GoogleMaps . TACHIRA: Isla de Betancurt, 29.v.1986, D. Havranek— 1♀ ( CEMT) . PERU: near Ramón Castilla, 24.ii.1972, H. & A. How-den— 3♂ 1♀ ( CMNC); near Ramón Castilla , 26.ii.1974, H. & A. Howden— 1♂ 1♀ ( CMNC) .

Distribution. Known from Bolivia, Brazil (Amazonas, Pará, Roraima, Rondônia), Colombia, Venezuela, and Peru ( Fig. 6B View FIGURE 6 ). Endemism areas: Brazilian sub-region: Pacific dominion: Sabana province; Boreal Brazilian dominion: Imerí, Pantepui, and Pará provinces; South Brazilian dominion: Rondônia province (see Morrone 2014; fig. 12). As far as we know, S. sexspilotus is the most widely distributed species of the genus. From available data, this species inhabits lowlands, gallery forests, and floodplains.

Remarks. Specimens of S. sexspilotus from the same locality may have different spot patterns on the pronotum. The spot patterns may vary gradually from a broadly distributed black spot to only a small and restricted spot at the central portion of the anterior and posterior margins ( Figs. 2 View FIGURE 2 C–G).

The holotypes of Canthon imitans Harold, 1868 and Canthon rufulus Harold, 1868 were not found by us (see Methods section). However, the possible collections in which these specimens could be found have not yet been exhaustively examined. Thus, we have decided not to designate neotypes for these nominal species at this time. According to the original description, Canthon imitans can be characterized by the type locality ( Venezuela) and its yellow pygidium with a black central spot ( Fig. 3C View FIGURE 3 ) ( Harold 1868). As specimens of S. sexspilotus are diagnosed by having a black spot on the pygidium, we are confident to establish this new synonymy. The original description is not sufficient to establish the identity of Canthon rufulus . Thus, this situation is a typical example of a “species inquirenda”. However, because the nominal species was synonymized with Canthon sexspilotum Guérin-Méneville, 1855 by its own author ( Harold 1869), we prefer to maintain here the synonymy previously proposed in order to maintain the stability of the nomenclature.

Balthasar, V. (1939) Eine Vorstudie zur Monographie der Gattung Canthon Hffsg. Folia Zoologica et Hydrobiologica, 9, 179 - 238.

Bates, H. W. (1887) Tribe Lamellicornia. In: Bates, H. W. (Ed.), Biologia Centrali-Americana. Insecta. Coleoptera. Vol. II. Part 2. Pectinicornia and Lamellicornia. Taylor & Francis, London, pp. 25 - 64. [1886 - 1890]

Blackwelder, R. (1944) Checklist of the coleopterous insects of Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, and South America. Part 2. Bulletin of the United States National Museum, 185, 189 - 265. https: // doi. org / 10.5479 / si. 03629236.185.2

Gillet, J. J. E. (1911) Scarabaeidae: Coprinae I. In: Junk, W. & Schenkling, S. (Eds.), Coleopterorum Catalogus. W. Junk, Berlin, pp. 1 - 100.

Guerin-Meneville, F. E. (1855) Catalog des Insectes Coleopteres recueillis par M. Gaetano Osculati, pendant son exploration de la region equatoriale, sur les bords du napo et de l'Amazone. Verhandlungen des Zoologisch-Botanischen Vereins Wien, 5, 573 - 612.

Halffter, G. & Martinez, A. (1977) Revision monografica de los Canthonina Americanos, IV parte. Clave para generos y subgeneros. Folia Entomologica Mexicana, 38, 29 - 107.

Harold, E. von (1868) Monographie der gattung Canthon. Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift, 12, 1 - 144. https: // doi. org / 10.1002 / mmnd. 18680120104

Harold, E. von (1869) Scarabaeidae. In: Gemminger, M. & Harold, E. (Eds.), Catalogus Coleopterorum Huscusque Descriptorum Synonymicus et Systematicus. E. H. Gummi, Munich, pp. 979 - 1346.

International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature. (1999) International code of zoological nomenclature. 4 th Edition. International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, The Natural History Museum, London, 306 pp.

Krajcik, M. (2006) Checklist of Scarabaeoidea of the world. 1. Scarabaeinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae). Animma. X, Supplement 3, 1 - 189.

Krajcik, M. (2012) Checklist of the world Scarabaeoidea. Animma. X, Supplement 5, 1 - 278.

Morrone, J. J. (2014) Biogeographical regionalisation of the Neotropical region. Zootaxa, 3782 (1), 1 - 110. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 3782.1.1

Pereira, F. S. & Martinez, A. (1956) Os generos de Canthonini Americanos (Col. Scarabaeidae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 6, 91 - 192.

Ratcliffe, B. C., Jameson, M. L., Figueroa, L., Cave, R. D., Paulsen, M. J., Cano, E. B., Beza-Beza, C., Jimenez-Ferbans, L. & Reyes-Castillo, P. (2015) Beetles (Coleoptera) of Peru: a survey of the families. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, 88, 186 - 207. https: // doi. org / 10.2317 / kent- 88 - 02 - 186 - 207.1

Roze, J. A. (1955) Lista preliminar de la Familia Scarabaeidae sensu lato (Coleoptera) de Venezuela. Boletin del Museo de Ciencias Naturales, Venezuela, 1, 41 - 60.

Schmidt, A. (1922) 1. Bestimmungstabelle der mir bekannten Canthon - Arten. 2. Verbretungsgebiete der Canthon - Arten. 3. Neubeschreibungen von Canthon, Saproistes, Mendidius, Euparia und Ataenius. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte, 88 A (Heft 3), 61 - 103.

Vaz-de-Mello, F. Z. (2000) Estado atual de conhecimento dos Scarabaeinae s. str. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeiodea) do Brasil. In: Martin-Piera, F., Morrone, J. J. & Melic, A. (Eds.), Hacia un Proyecto CYTED para el inventario Y Estimacion de la Diversidad Entomologica en Iberoamerica: PrIBES- 2000. Monografias Tercer Milenio & Sociedad Entomologica Aragonesa, Zaragoza, pp. 183 - 195.

Vulcano, M. A. & Pereira, F. S. (1964) Catalog of the Canthonini (Col. Scarab.) inhabiting the Western Hemisphere. Entomologischen Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, 15, 570 - 685.

Vulcano, M. A. & Pereira, F. S. (1967) Sinopse dos Passalidae e Scarabaeidae s. str. da regiao Amazonica (Insecta, Coleoptera). Atas do Simposio sobre a Biota Amazonica, Zoologia, 5, 533 - 603.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 1. Species of Scybalocanthon, dorsal habitus. A, Scybalocanthon acrianus new species; B, S. adisi new species; C, S. aereus; D, S. arnaudi new species; E, S. batesi; F, S. chamorroi new species; G, S. cyanocephalus; H, S. darlingtoni; I, S. federicoescobari new species; J, S. haroldi new species; K, S. kaestneri; L, S. kelleri; M, S. korasakiae; N–O, S. maculatus; P, S. martinezi new species; Q–R; S. moniliatus; S. S. nigriceps; T. S. papaxibe new species. Scale bar: 2 mm.

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FIGURE 2. Species of Scybalocanthon, dorsal habitus. A, Scybalocanthon pinopterus; B, S. pygidialis; C–G, S. sexpilotus; H–J, S. trimaculatus; K, S. uniplagiatus. Scale bar: 2 mm.

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FIGURE 3. Details of the external morphology in Scybalocanthon. A, Elytral surface in S. chamorroi new species; B, elytral surface in S. acrianus new species; C, pygidium in S. sexpilotus; D, detail of the eighth elytral stria in S. pygidialis (carina point- ed); E, mesofemur in S. kaestneri; F, mesofemur in S. nigriceps; G, mesotarsus in S. moniliatus; H, metatarsus in S. moniliatus; I, mesotibia in S. aereus; J, mesotibia of Canthon arcabuquensis.

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FIGURE 4. Aedeagus, detail of parameres in left and right view. A, Scybalocanthon acrianus new species; B, S. adisi new species; C, S. aereus; D, S. aereus (lectotype); E, S. arnaudi new species; F, S. chamorroi new species; G, S. cyanocephalus; H, S. darlingtoni; I, S. federicoescobari new species; J, S. haroldi new species; K, S. kaestneri; L, S. kelleri; M, S. korasakiae; N, S. maculatus; O, S. martinezi new species; P, S. moniliatus; Q, S. nigriceps; R, S. papaxibe new species; S, S. pinopterus; T, S. pygidialis; U, S. sexspilotus; V, S. trimaculatus; W, S. uniplagiatus. Scale bar: 0.5 mm.

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FIGURE 5. Sclerites of endophallus. Superior right peripheral (SRP) sclerite. Fronto-lateral peripheral (FLP) sclerite. Complex of axial and subaxial (A+SA) sclerites.Additional sclerite (AS). Set of microbristles (Smb). Set of bristles (Sb). A, Scybalocanthon acrianus new species; B, S. adisi new species; C, S. aereus; D, S. arnaudi new species; E, S. chamorroi new species; F, S. cyanocephalus; G, S. darlingtoni; H, S. federicoescobari new species; I, S. haroldi new species; J. S. kaestneri; K, S. kelleri; L, S. korasakiae; M, S. maculatus; N, S. martinezi new species; O, S. moniliatus; P, S. nigriceps; Q, S. papaxibe new species; R, S. pinopterus; S, S. pygidialis (specimen from Amazonas, Brazil); T, S. pygidialis (specimen from Cayenne, French Guiana); U, S. sexspilotus; V, S. trimaculatus; W, S. uniplagiatus. Scale bar: 0.5 mm.

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FIGURE 6. Known distribution of species of Scybalocanthon.















