Scorpiops Peters, 1861

Kovařík, František, 2020, Nine new species of Scorpiops Peters, 1861 (Scorpiones: Scorpiopidae) from China, India, Nepal, and Pakistan, Euscorpius 302, pp. 1-43 : 1

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Felipe (2021-11-30 09:39:45, last updated 2024-07-19 08:57:18)

scientific name

Scorpiops Peters, 1861


Genus Scorpiops Peters, 1861

( Figures 1–241 View Figures 1–2 View Figures 3–12 View Figures 13–22 View Figures 23–28 View Figures 29–39 View Figures 40–48 View Figures 49–50 View Figures 51–58 View Figures 59–68 View Figures 69–73 View Figures 74–82 View Figures 83–92 View Figures 93–96 View Figures 97–115 View Figures 116–123 View Figures 124–131 View Figures 132–136 View Figures 137–146 View Figures 147–155 View Figures 156–160 View Figures 161–169 View Figures 170–174 View Figures 175–185 View Figures 186–187 View Figures 188–196 View Figures 197–204 View Figures 205–210 View Figures 211–231 View Figures 232–239 View Figure 240 View Figures 241 , Tables 1–3)

Scorpiops Peters, 1861: 510 ; Kraepelin, 1899: 179–182; Vachon, 1980: 143–159; Tikader & Bastawade, 1983: 403–452, figs. 1129–1246; Sissom, 1990: 114; Kovařík, 1998: 142; Lourenço, 1998: 246; Fet, 2000: 491–495; Kovařík, 2000: 162–198, figs. 1–7, 14–22, 25, 28, 29, 31–72 (in part); Soleglad & Sissom, 2001: 93–97, figs. 3, 13–14, 86, 96, 101, 114, 147, 159, 183, 202, 220; Qi et al., 2005: 2–14 View Cited Treatment , figs. 1–46; Kovařík, 2009: 27, 32; Kovařík & Ahmed, 2009: 1–10, figs. 1–26.

TYPE SPECIES. Scorpio hardwickii Gervais, 1843 .

DIAGNOSIS. Total length 24–75 mm. Inner accessory denticles present on pedipalp chelal fingers. Outer denticles (OD) of pedipalp chelal fingers are present but displaced to outer aspect of fingers. Pedipalp chelal finger denticles aligned in straight row or rows. Pedipalp chela is flat in appearance. Trichobothrial pattern type C. Two subdistal denticles present on cheliceral movable finger dorsal edge. Cheliceral movable finger ventral edge either smooth or with crenulations. Ventral edge of cheliceral movable finger equipped with 5–7 (usually 7) denticles. Ventral aspect of cheliceral fixed finger smooth, without denticles. Two pedal spurs present on legs. Tarsal spurs on legs absent. Sternum pentagonal in shape. Hemispermatophore lamelliform in shape. Telson without subaculear tubercle. Median eyes and tubercle present. Two or three pairs of lateral eyes present. Patella of pedipalps usually with 16–19 external trichobothria. Ventral surface of manus usually bears 4 trichobothria, of which V 4, if not absent, is usually located on ventral aspect of chela. Trichobothrium Eb 3 on external surface of chela, usually located between trichobothria Db and Dt, along proximo-distal axis of manus.

FET, V. 2000. Family Scorpiopidae Kraepelin, 1905. Pp. 487 - 495 in Fet, V., W. D. Sissom, G. Lowe & M. E. Braunwalder. 2000. Catalog of the Scorpions of the World (1758 - 1998). New York: The New York Entomological Society, 689 pp.

KOVARIK, F. 1998. Stiri [Scorpiones]. Publishing House Madagaskar , Jihlava (Czech Republic). 175 pp. (in Czech).

KOVARIK, F. 2000. Revision of family Scorpiopidae (Scorpiones), with descriptions of six new species. Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae, 64: 153 - 201.

KRAEPELIN, K. 1899. Scorpiones und Pedipalpi. In: F. DAHL (ed.), Das Tierreich. Herausgegeben von der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft. Berlin: R. Friedlander und Sohn Verlag, 8. Lieferung, 265 pp.

LOURENCO, W. R. 1998. Designation of the scorpion subfamily Scorpiopsinae Kraepelin, 1905 as family Scorpiopsidae Kraepelin, 1905 (stat. nov.): its generic composition and a description of a new species of Scorpiops from Pakistan (Scorpiones, Scorpiopsidae). Entomologische Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum Hamburg, 12 (157): 245 - 254.

PETERS, W. 1861. Uber eine neue Eintheilung der Skorpione und uber die von ihm in Mossambique gesammelten Arten von Skorpionen. Monatsberichte der Koniglichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 1861: 507 - 520.

QI, J. - X., M. - S. ZHU & W. R. LOURENCO. 2005. Eight new species of the genera Scorpiops Peters, Euscorpiops Vachon, and Chaerilus Simon (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae, Chaerilidae) from Tibet and Yunnan, China. Euscorpius, 32: 1 - 40.

SISSOM, W. D. 1990. Systematics, biogeography and paleontology. Pp. 64 - 160. In: Polis, G. A. (ed.), The Biology of Scorpions. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 587 pp.

VACHON, M. 1980. Essai d'une classification sousgenerique des scorpions du genre Scorpiops Peters, 1861 (Arachnida, Scorpionida, Vaejovidae). Bulletin du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, (A), 2 (1): 143 - 160.

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Figures 1–2. Scorpiops furai sp. n., female holotype in dorsal (1) and ventral (2) views. Scale bar: 10 mm.

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Figures 3–12. Scorpiops furai sp. n., female holotype, pedipalp segments. Chela dorsal (3), external (4) and ventral (5) views. Patella dorsal (6), external (7) and ventral (8) views. Femur and trochanter dorsal (9), and ventral (10) views. Movable finger dentition under white light (11) and UV fluorescence (12). Trichobothrial pattern is indicated by white circles.

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Figures 13–22. Scorpiops furai sp. n., female holotype. Carapace and tergites I–III (13), posterior coxosternal area and sternites III–IV (14). Left legs I–IV, retrolateral aspect (15–18 respectively). Telson lateral (19). Metasoma and telson lateral (20), ventral (21), and dorsal (22) views. Scale bar: 10 mm (20–22).

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Figures 23–28. Scorpiops grosseri sp. n., female holotype. Dorsal (23) and ventral (24) views. Telson lateral (25). Metasoma and telson lateral (26), ventral (27), and dorsal (28) views. Scale bars: 10 mm (23–24, 26–28).

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Figures 29–39. Scorpiops grosseri sp. n., female holotype, pedipalp segments. Chela dorsal (29), external (30) and ventral (31) views. Patella dorsal (32), external (33) and ventral (34) views. Femur and trochanter dorsal (35), internal (36), and ventral (37) views. Movable finger dentition under white light (38) and UV fluorescence (39). Trichobothrial pattern is indicated by white circles.

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Figures 40–48. Scorpiops grosseri sp. n., female holotype. Carapace and tergites I–III (40), anterior margin of carapace and chelicerae (41), pectine (42), posterior coxosternal area and sternites III–V (43). Left legs I–IV, retrolateral aspect (44–47 respectively) and leg III dorsal view (48).

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Figures 49–50. Scorpiops harmsi sp. n., female holotype in dorsal (49) and ventral (50) views. Scale bar: 10 mm.

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Figures 51–58. Scorpiops harmsi sp. n., female holotype, pedipalp segments. Chela dorsal (51), external (52) and ventral (53) views. Patella dorsal (54), external (55) and ventral (56) views. Movable finger dentition under white light (57) and UV fluorescence (58). Trichobothrial pattern is indicated by white circles.

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Figures 59–68. Scorpiops harmsi sp. n., female holotype. Carapace and tergites I–III (59), posterior coxosternal area and sternites III–V (60). Left legs I–IV, retrolateral aspect (61–64 respectively). Telson lateral (65). Metasoma and telson lateral (66), ventral (67), and dorsal (68) views.

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Figures 69–73. Scorpiops hofereki sp. n., female holotype. Dorsal (69) and ventral (70) views. Metasoma and telson lateral (71), ventral (72), and dorsal (73) views. Scale bars: 10 mm (69–70, 71–73).

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Figures 74–82. Scorpiops hofereki sp. n., female holotype, pedipalp segments. Chela dorsal (74), external (75) and ventral (76) views. Patella dorsal (77), external (78) and ventral (79) views. Femur and trochanter dorsal (80) and ventral (81) views. Movable finger dentition (82). Trichobothrial pattern is indicated by white circles.

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Figures 83–92. Scorpiops hofereki sp. n., female holotype. Carapace and tergites I–III (83), posterior coxosternal area and sternites III–IV (84). Right chelicera in dorsal (85) and ventral (86) views. Telson lateral (87). Pectine (88). Left legs I–IV, retrolateral aspect (89–92 respectively).

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Figures 93–96: Scorpiops kejvali sp. n. Figures 93–94. Male holotype in dorsal (93) and ventral (94) views. Figures 95–96. Female paratype in dorsal (95) and ventral (96) views. Scale bar: 10 mm.

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Figures 97–115. Scorpiops kejvali sp. n., pedipalp segments of female paratype (97–104, 112–113) and male holotype (105–111, 114–115). Chela dorsal (97, 105), external (98, 106) and ventral (99, 107) views. Patella dorsal (100, 108), external (101, 109) and ventral (102, 110) views. Femur and trochanter dorsal (103, 111) and ventral (104). Movable finger dentition under white light (112, 114) and UV fluorescence (113, 115). Trichobothrial pattern is indicated by white circles (97a–102a).

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Figures 116–123: Scorpiops kejvali sp. n., metasoma and telson. Figures 117–120. Female paratype, telson lateral (117), metasoma and telson lateral (118), ventral (119), and dorsal (120) views. Figures 116, 121–123. Male holotype, telson lateral (116), metasoma and telson lateral (121), ventral (122), and dorsal (123) views. Scale bar: 10 mm (118–123).

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Figures 124–131: Scorpiops kejvali sp. n. Figures 124, 126. Male holotype, carapace and tergites I–IV (124), posterior coxosternal area and sternites III–V (126). Figures 125, 127–131. Female paratype, carapace and tergites I–III (125) and posterior coxosternal area and sternites III–IV (127), left legs I–IV, retrolateral aspect (128–131 respectively).

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Figures 132–136. Scorpiops tryznai sp. n., female holotype. Dorsal (132) and ventral (133) views. Metasoma and telson lateral (134), ventral (135), and dorsal (136) views. Scale bars: 10 mm (132–133, 134–136).

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Figures 137–146. Scorpiops tryznai sp. n., female holotype, pedipalp segments. Chela dorsal (137), external (138) and ventral (139) views. Patella dorsal (140), external (141) and ventral (142) views. Femur and trochanter dorsal (143) and ventral (144) views. Movable finger dentition under white light (145) and UV fluorescence (146). Trichobothrial pattern is indicated by white circles.

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Figures 147–155. Scorpiops tryznai sp. n., female holotype. Carapace and tergites I–III (147), posterior coxosternal area and sternite III (148). Median and left lateral eyes (149). Pectine (150). Telson lateral (151). Right legs I–IV, retrolateral aspect (152–155 respectively).

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Figures 156–160. Scorpiops vonwicki Birula, 1913 stat. n., female holotype. Dorsal (156) and ventral (157) views. Metasoma and telson lateral (158), dorsal (159), and ventral (160) views. Scale bars: 10 mm (156–157, 158–160).

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Figures 161–169. Scorpiops vonwicki Birula, 1913 stat. n., female holotype, pedipalp segments. Chela dorsal (161), external (162) and ventral (163) views. Patella dorsal (164), external (165) and ventral (166) views. Femur and trochanter dorsal (167) view. Movable finger (168) and fixed finger (169) dentition. Trichobothrial pattern is indicated by white circles

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Figures 170–174. Scorpiops vonwicki Birula, 1913 stat. n., female holotype, carapace and tergites I–III (170), posterior coxosternal area and sternites III–IV (171), right legs III–IV, retrolateral aspect (172–173 respectively), telson lateral (174).

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Figures 175–185: Scorpiops wrzecionkoi sp. n., female holotype. Figures 175. Dorsal view. Figures 176. Metasoma III–V and telson lateral. Figures 177–185. Pedipalp segments. Chela dorsal (177), external (178) and ventral (179) views. Patella dorsal (180), external (181) and ventral (182) views. Patella external left (183) and right (184) comparison. Movable finger dentition under UV fluorescence (185).Trichobothrial pattern is indicated by white circles. Scale bar: 10 mm (175).

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Figures 186–187. Scorpiops yagmuri sp. n., male holotype in dorsal (186) and ventral (187) views. Scale bar: 10 mm.

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Figures 188–196. Scorpiops yagmuri sp. n., male holotype, pedipalp segments. Chela dorsal (188), external (189) and ventral (190) views. Patella dorsal (191), external (192) and ventral (193) views. Femur and trochanter dorsal (194), and ventral (195) views. Movable finger dentition (196). Trichobothrial pattern is indicated by white circles.

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Figures 197–204. Scorpiops yagmuri sp. n., male holotype. Carapace and tergites I–IV (197), posterior coxosternal area and sternites including metasoma I ventral (198). Left legs III–IV, retrolateral aspect (199–200 respectively). Telson lateral (201). Metasoma and telson lateral (202), ventral (203), and dorsal (204) views. Scale bar: 10 mm (202–204).

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Figures 205–210: Scorpiops zubairi sp. n. Figures 205–206. Male holotype in dorsal (205) and ventral (206) views. Figures 207–210. Female paratype in dorsal (207) and ventral (208) views, and movable finger dentition under white light (209) and UV fluorescence (210). Scale bar: 10 mm (205–208).

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Figures 211–231: Scorpiops zubairi sp. n., male holotype (211–218, 226) and female paratype (219–225, 227–231). Figures 211–224. Pedipalp segments. Chela dorsal (211, 219), external (212, 220) and ventral (213, 221) views. Patella dorsal (214, 222), external (215, 223) and ventral (216, 224) views. Femur and trochanter ventral (217) and dorsal (218) views. Trichobothrial pattern is indicated by white circles (219–224). Figure 225. Anterior part of carapace. Figures 226–227. Coxosternal areas. Figures 228–231. Left legs I–IV, retrolateral aspect.

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Figures 232–239: Scorpiops zubairi sp. n., metasoma and telson. Figures 233–236. Female paratype, telson lateral (233), metasoma and telson lateral (234), ventral (235), and dorsal (236) views. Figures 232, 237–239. Male holotype, telson lateral (232), metasoma and telson lateral (237), ventral (238), and dorsal (239) views. Scale bar: 10 mm (234–236, 237–239).

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Figure 240. Map of distribution of nine new species described here and Scorpiops vonwicki Birula, 1913.

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Figures 241. Scorpiops furai sp. n., locality of paratype, India, Meghalaya State, Nongpoh env.









