Vilhenaptera angolensis Hoberlandt, 1967

Kment, Petr, Kolínová, Zdislava & Heiss, Ernst, 2015, Catalogue of the type specimens of true bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) deposited in the National Museum, Prague, Czech Republic *, Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 55 (1), pp. 411-443 : 435-436

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Marcus (2021-08-27 22:59:09, last updated 2021-08-28 14:17:18)

scientific name

Vilhenaptera angolensis Hoberlandt, 1967


Vilhenaptera angolensis Hoberlandt, 1967

Vilhenaptera angolensis Hoberlandt, 1967b: 130–133 , Fig. 5 (original description).

The holotype and 12 paratypes (including the allotype) are deposited in NMPC:

HOLOTYPE (J): ‘Dundo, R. Cambuacala [hw] / Angola: [p] 2.VIII.60(M) [hw] / Mus. do Dundo [p] // Ang. No. [p] 15903.28 [hw] / Mus do Dundo [p] // Holotypus [p] J / Vilhenaptera / angolensis / gen. sp. n. [hw] / Det. L. Hoberlandt, 19[p]63 [hw, red label]. (Specimen card-mounted; complete.)

PARATYPES (2 JJ): ‘Dundo, R. Cambuacala [hw] / Angola: [p] 2.VIII.60 (M) [hw] / Mus. do Dundo [p] // Ang. No. [p] 15903.28 [hw] / Mus. do Dundo [p] // Paratypus [p] J / Vilhenaptera / angolensis / gen. sp. n. [hw] / Det. L. Hoberlandt, 19[p]63 [hw, red label]’.

PARATYPES (2 JJ): ‘Dundo, R. Camaconde [hw] / Angola: [p] 31.III./4.IV.60 [hw] / Mus. do Dundo [p] // Ang. No. [p] 15908.17 [hw] / Mus. do Dundo [p] // Paratypus [p] J / Vilhenaptera / angolensis / gen. sp. n. [hw] / Det. L. Hoberlandt, 19[p]63 [hw, red label]’.

PARATYPE (J): ‘Dundo, R. Camaconde [hw] / Angola: [p] 31.III.60([hw] / Mus. do Dundo [p] // Ang. No. [p] 15908.17 [hw] / Mus. do Dundo [p] // Paratypus [p] J / Vilhenaptera / angolensis / gen. sp. n. [hw] / Det. L. Hoberlandt, 19[p]63 [hw, red label]’.

PARATYPE (J): ‘Dundo, R. Camaconde [hw] / Angola: [p] 16.II.60 (M) [hw] / Mus. do Dundo [p] // Ang. No. [p] 15905.25 [hw] / Mus. do Dundo [p] // Paratypus [p] J / Vilhenaptera / angolensis / gen. sp. n. [hw] / Det. L. Hoberlandt, 19[p]63 [hw, red label]’.

PARATYPE (J): ‘Dundo, R. Camaconde [hw] / Angola: [p] Berlese, 26./28. [hw] / Mus. do Dundo [p] III.60 [hw] // Ang. No. [p] 15906.16 [hw] / Mus. do Dundo [p] // Paratypus [p] J / Vilhenaptera / angolensis / gen. sp. n. [hw] / Det. L. Hoberlandt, 19[p]63 [hw, red label]’.

PARATYPE (J): ‘Dundo, R. Cambuacala [hw] / Angola: [p] 25.VIII.60 (M) [hw] / Mus. do Dundo [p] // Ang. No. [p] 15372.29 [hw] / Mus. do Dundo [p] // Paratypus [p] J / Vilhenaptera / angolensis / gen. sp. n. [hw] / Det. L. Hoberlandt, 19[p]63 [hw, red label]’.

PARATYPE (J): ‘Dundo, R. Cambuacala [hw] / Angola: [p] 6.VI.60 (M) [hw] / Mus. do Dundo [p] // Ang. No. [p] 15135.42 [hw] / Mus. do Dundo [p] // Paratypus [p] J / Vilhenaptera / angolensis / gen. sp. n. [hw] / Det. L. Hoberlandt, 19[p]63 [hw, red label]’.

PARATYPE (♀): ‘Dundo, R. Cambuacala [hw] / Angola: [p] 2.VIII.60 (M) [hw] / Mus. do Dundo [p] // Ang. No. [p] 15903.28 [hw] / Mus. do Dundo [p] // Allotypus [p] ♀ / Vilhenaptera / angolensis / gen. sp. n. [hw] / Det. L. Hoberlandt, 19[p]63 [hw, red label]’.

PARATYPE (♀): ‘Dundo, R. Cambuacala [hw] / Angola: [p] 2.VIII.60 (M) [hw] / Mus. do Dundo [p] // Ang. No. [p] 15903.28 [hw] / Mus. do Dundo [p] // Paratypus [p] ♀ / Vilhenaptera / angolensis / gen. sp. n. [hw] / Det. L. Hoberlandt, 19[p]63 [hw, red label]’.

PARATYPE (♀): ‘R. Camumango, Chiumbe [hw] / Angola: [p] 19.III.62 (J) [hw] / Mus. do Dundo [p] // Ang. No. [p] 16881.25 [hw] / Mus. do Dundo [p] // Paratypus [p] ♀ / Vilhenaptera / angolensis / gen. sp. n. [hw] / Det. L. Hoberlandt, 19[p]63 [hw, red label]’.

Current status. Valid species (see KORMILEV & FROESCHNER 1987).

HOBERLANDT L. 1967 b: Aradidae (Heteroptera) from Angola (Portuguese West Africa). Publicacoes Culturais da Companhia de Diamantes de Angola 76: 119 - 150.

KORMILEV N. A. & FROESCHNER R. C. 1987: Flat bugs of the World. A synonymic list (Heteroptera: Aradidae). Entomography. Vol. 5. Entomography Publications, Sacramento, California, 245 pp.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile











