Latrunculia (L.) ciruela Hajdu, Desqueyroux-Faúndez, Carvalho, Lôbo-Hajdu and Willenz sp. nov., 2013

Hajdu, Eduardo, Desqueyroux-Faúndez, Ruth, Carvalho, Mariana De Souza, Lôbo-Hajdu, Gisele & Willenz, Philippe, 2013, Twelve new Demospongiae (Porifera) from Chilean fjords, with remarks upon sponge-derived biogeographic compartments in the SE Pacific, Zootaxa 3744 (1), pp. 1-64 : 30-31

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Felipe (2021-08-26 02:09:31, last updated 2024-11-29 13:10:07)

scientific name

Latrunculia (L.) ciruela Hajdu, Desqueyroux-Faúndez, Carvalho, Lôbo-Hajdu and Willenz sp. nov.

sp. nov.

Latrunculia (L.) ciruela Hajdu, Desqueyroux-Faúndez, Carvalho, Lôbo-Hajdu and Willenz sp. nov. View in CoL

( Figs. 6A View FIGURE 6 , 7A View FIGURE 7 , 8A–R View FIGURE 8 , 9A View FIGURE 9 ; Tab. 6 View TABLE 6 )

Latrunculia ciruela Hajdu & Willenz, 2009 View in CoL (nomen nudum, in part) in Willenz et al. [2009: 143, in part-top left in situ photo, A–F SEM; non top right in situ photo, = L. (L.) copihuensis Willenz & Hajdu View in CoL sp.nov]

Latrunculia lendenfeldi Hentschel, 1914 View in CoL ; sensu Desqueyroux, 1976: 100, in part (non sensu Hentschel, 1914: 44; = L. (L.) basalis Kirkpatrick, 1908 View in CoL )

Type material. Holotype. IZUA-POR 145, Reñihué Fjord (42°33’08.46”S – 72°31’39.66”W, Chilean Patagonia ), 20 m depth, coll. Ph. Willenz and E. Hajdu, 25 May 2007 —fragments from the holotype: MNRJ 10858 View Materials and RBINSc-IG 32235-POR 10858 GoogleMaps . Paratypes. MNRJ 9186 View Materials , Bernardo Fjord (48º29’37.04’’S – 74º05’02’’W, Chilean Patagonia), 28 m depth, coll. V. Häussermann and G. Försterra, 27 March 2005 —fragments from the paratype in MHNG 82683 View Materials and RBINSc-IG 32274-POR 9186. GoogleMaps MNRJ 10811 View Materials , Reñihué Fjord (42°32’15.30”S – 72°38’06.66” W, Chilean Patagonia), 28 m depth, coll. Ph. Willenz and E. Hajdu, 23 May 2007 —fragments from the paratype in MHNG 64110 View Materials and RBINSc-IG 32235-POR 10811. MNRJ 10844 View Materials , 10849 View Materials , GoogleMaps Reñihué Fjord (4232’ 46.26S – 7232’ 06.30 W, Chilean Patagonia), 29 m depth, coll. Ph. Willenz and E. Hajdu, 25 May 2007 —fragments from the paratype in MHNG 64111 View Materials (from 10844), and RBINSc-IG 32235-POR 10844 and 10849. MNRJ 10855 View Materials , 10861 View Materials , GoogleMaps Reñihué Fjord (42°33’08.46”S – 72°31’39.66” W, Chilean Patagonia), 21–23 m depth, coll. Ph. Willenz and E. Hajdu, 25 May 2007 —fragments from the paratype (respectively) in RBINSc-IG 32235-POR 10855 and 10861. GoogleMaps MNRJ 10921 View Materials , Raul Marin , Pitipalena Fjord (PiPa 3, 43°45’53.22”S – 72°53’43.62” W, Chilean Patagonia), 19 m depth, coll. G. Försterra (sample 1478), 09 March 2007 —fragments from the paratype in MHNG 82684 View Materials and RBINSc-IG 32236-POR 10921. GoogleMaps MNRJ 10951 View Materials , Rio Pescado , Palvidad Fjord (43°03’55.62”S – 72°45’29.04” W), 21 m depth, coll. R. Melzer , 15 March 2007 —fragments from the paratype in MHNG 82685 View Materials and RBINSc-IG 32236– POR 10951. RBINSc-IG 32240-POR 12928, 12929, GoogleMaps Reñihué Fjord (42°33’08.46”S – 72°31’39.66” W, Chilean Patagonia), 28 m depth, coll. Ph. Willenz and J. Biro, 07 Feb 2009 —fragments from the paratype (respectively) in MNRJ 12928 View Materials and 12929 GoogleMaps .

Additional material ( L. lendenfeldi sensu Desqueyroux, 1976 ; = L. ciruela sp. nov.) MHNG 62578 , Caleta Lobato (45°53’S – 74°47’W, Chilean Patagonia ); GoogleMaps MNHG 62579 , Isla San Pedro (approx. 47°41’51’’S – 74°52’39’’W, Chilean Patagonia). GoogleMaps

Diagnosis. Latrunculia (L.) ciruela sp. nov. is the only species of Latrunculia (L.) in the Magellanic region with purple-colour when living, round pore fields on top of densely or sparsely arranged papillae, a second category of megascleres comprising rare (acanth)oxeas slightly larger than the styles, and anisodiscorhabds with 2– 4 spined whorls (basal whorl usually with only a few isolated spines).

Description ( Fig. 6A View FIGURE 6 ). Globular sponge, 3–7 cm in diameter, with conspicuous, regularly distributed, slightly elevated, round papillae, 5–20 mm in diameter, 1–2 mm high. Some of these, flat on top, appear to bear pore fields, some bear oscula, and others still, conical in shape, appear to be closed. Some specimens may bear papillae, which are circular in section, and expanded on their apical portion, thus looking like flat mushrooms. Consistency is firm and rubbery. Live-colour is deep-purple, brownish purple or dark-green, becoming dark brown in ethanol. The holotype is brownish purple.

Skeleton ( Fig. 7A View FIGURE 7 ). Ectosome in three layers, an outermost single layer palisade of mostly erect anisodiscorhabds, frequently piercing the surface, an intermediate layer (70–100 µm thick) mainly devoid of any spicular skeleton, and a basal layer (100–120 µm thick) composed of megascleres lying parallel to the surface. Here and there, both megascleres and microscleres are seen spread in confusion, but usually in small amounts. There is slight retention of sediment in parts of the surface, where diatoms abound. Choanosome, an irregular reticulation of multispicular tracts of megascleres (ca. 50 µm thick), fanning out towards the ectosome in some places. Abundant microscleres occur in disorder in parts of the subectosomal region. Megasclere brushes at the nodes of the reticulation render the whole architecture rather confused. There appears to be a nearly uninterrupted system of small lacunae separating the ectosome and choanosome. The papillae are supported by a denser arrangement of megascleres, radially oriented when closer to surface (which they frequently pierce), and more confusedly in slightly deeper parts.

Spicules ( Figs. 8A–R View FIGURE 8 , 9A View FIGURE 9 ). Megascleres. Styles ( Fig. 8O View FIGURE 8 ), mainly smooth, straight or slightly sinuous, slightly fusiform, sharp apex, occasionally bearing tyles at varied distances from base, but mostly not polytylote, 265–400 µm long and 3–12 µm thick. Oxeas ( Figs. 8P–R View FIGURE 8 ), rare, mostly bent in the middle (sometimes irregularly crooked), thin, isodiametric, occasionally bearing a few short conical spines, with sharp endings, 300–500 µm long and 5–10 µm thick. Microscleres. Anisodiscorhabds ( Figs. 8A–N View FIGURE 8 , 10A View FIGURE 10 ): manubrium with large thorns, most frequently smooth; basal whorl variously fused with manubrium, with large, smooth and sharp thorns similar to those of manubrium ( Fig. 9A View FIGURE 9 ); shaft frequently smooth, occasionally with a few thorns and/or spines ( Fig. 8J View FIGURE 8 ); median whorl orthogonal, as wide as, or only slightly wider than subsidiary and apical whorls, with clusters of anastomosed thorns which can bear secondary spines or be serrated in parts ( Fig. 9A View FIGURE 9 )—this whorl is often incomplete ( Figs. 8K–L View FIGURE 8 ); subsidiary whorl similar to median one, but mostly slightly bent towards the apex—this whorl also often incomplete ( Fig. 8K View FIGURE 8 ) or more rarely, totally lacking ( Fig. 8G View FIGURE 8 ); apical whorl most frequently with nearly erect thorns, thorns sharp ( Figs. 8A, E, K View FIGURE 8 ) or blunt ( Figs. 8H View FIGURE 8 ), secondary spines present; 35–50 µm long and 18–33 µm across, shaft 3–10 µm wide. Aberrant forms with variously dwindling resemblances to anisodiscorhabds were also seen ( Fig. 8N View FIGURE 8 ), but these do not appear to form a distinct category of microscleres.

Distribution and ecology. Most specimens seen occurred below 20 m depth (at low tide), on vertical walls or boulders, at places of limited silting. Some were closely associated to other sponges, polyps, bryozoans, hermitcrabs and/or a holothurian (holotype). MNRJ 10855 and 10858 were full of reproduction bodies (embryos, up to 280 µm in largest diameter).

Etymology. “Ciruela” is used as a noun in apposition. This is the Spanish word for plum, a fruit with a marked resemblance to the new species, especially when the latter has only a sparse distribution of pore-sieves on its surface.

Desqueyroux, R. (1976) Demosponges signalees pour la Region des Canaux du Chili. Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 17 (1), 93 - 109.

Hentschel, E. (1914) Monaxone Kieselschwamme und Hornschwamme der Deutschen Sudpolar - Expedition 1901 - 1903. Deutsche Sudpolar - Expedition, 1901 - 03, 15 (1), 35 - 141, pls IV - VIII.

Kirkpatrick, R. (1908) Porifera (Sponges). II. Tetraxonida, Dendy. National Antarctic Expedition, 1901 - 1904 Natural History, 4, Zoology, 1 - 56, pls VIII - XXVI.

Willenz, Ph., Hajdu, E., Desqueyroux-Faundez, R., Lobo-Hajdu, G. & Carvalho, M. (2009) Porifera - Sponges. In: Haussermann, V. & Forstera, G. (Eds.), Marine Benthic Fauna of Chilean Patagonia. Nature in Focus, Santiago de Chile, pp. 93 - 170.

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FIGURE 6. In situ photographs of Latrunculia ciruela sp. nov. (A, IZUA-POR 145, holotype), Latrunculia copihuensis sp. nov. (B, RBINSc-IG 32233-POR 9915, holotype), Latrunculia verenae sp. nov. (C, IZUA-POR 146, holotype), Latrunculia yepayek sp. nov. (D, RBINSc-IG 32233-POR 9940, holotype), Clathria mytilifila sp. nov. (E, MNRJ 8198, holotype), Neopodospongia tupecomareni sp. nov. (F, MNRJ 10787, paratype), and Myxilla araucana sp. nov. (G, MNRJ 8220, holotype). Scale bars: A–D, 5 cm; E–G, 2 cm.

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FIGURE 7. Skeletal architectures in transverse sections of Latrunculia ciruela sp. nov. (A, IZUA-POR 145, holotype), Latrunculia copihuensis sp. nov. (B, RBINSc-IG 32233-POR 9915, holotype), Latrunculia verenae sp. nov. (C, IZUA-POR 146, holotype), and Latrunculia yepayek sp. nov. (D, RBINSc-IG 32233-POR 9940, holotype). Scale bars: A–D, 500 µm.

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FIGURE 8. Latrunculia ciruela sp. nov. (A–R): A–N, anisodiscorhabds; O, (subtylo)style; P, oxea; Q–R, details of oxeas. Holotype (IZUA-POR 145): F, J. Paratypes: MNRJ 9186, M–N; MNRJ 10811, G, P–R; MNRJ 10844, C, E; MNRJ 10849, K; MNRJ 10855, D, I, O; MNRJ 10861, A, L; MNRJ 10921, H; MNRJ 12928, B. Latrunculia copihuensis sp. nov. (S–AL, RBINSc-IG 32233-POR 9915, holotype): S–AF, anisodiscorhabds; AG–AH, oxeas; AJ–AL, details of (subtylo)styles. Latrunculia verenae sp. nov. (AM–BD, type series): AM–AZ, anisodiscorhabds; BA–BB, acanthostyles; BC–BD, details of acanthostyles. Holotype (IZUA-POR 146): AM–AS, BA. Paratypes: MNRJ 10914, AT–AV; MNRJ 10942, AW–AZ, BB–BD. Latrunculia yepayek sp. nov. (BE–BW, RBINSc-IG 32233-POR 9940, holotype): BE–BR, anisodiscorhabds; BS–BU, styles; BV–BW, details of styles. Scale bars: A–N, Q–AF, AJ–AZ, BE–BR, 10 µm; O–P, AG–AI, BA–BB, BS–BW, 100 µm; BC–BD, BU–BV, 25 µm.

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FIGURE 9. Anisodiscorhabds in detail: Latrunculia ciruela sp. nov. (A, IZUA-POR 145, holotype); Latrunculia copihuensis sp. nov. (B, RBINSc-IG 32233-POR 9915, holotype); Latrunculia verenae sp. nov. (C, IZUA-POR 146, holotype); Latrunculia yepayek sp. nov. (D, RBINSc-IG 32233-POR 9940, holotype). Scale bar: 20 µm.

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FIGURE 10. Skeletal architecture and spicule complement of Clathria mytilifila sp. nov. (A–I, IZUA-POR 147, holotype), Neopodospongia tupecomareni sp. nov. (J–Q, IZUA-POR 148, holotype; MNRJ 8223 and MNRJ 12927, paratypes), and Myxilla (Burtonanchora) araucana sp. nov. (R–V, MNRJ 8220, holotype). C. mytilifila sp. nov.: A, transverse section showing skeletal architecture near base; B, principal choanosomal subtylostyles; C, detail of base of principal choanosomal subtylostyle; D, ectosomal auxiliary subtylostyle; E, detail of base of ectosomal auxiliary subtylostyle; F, accessory acanthostyles I and II; G, detail of spination of accessory acanthostyle II; H, palmate isochelae; I, toxa. N. tupecomareni sp. nov.: J, transverse section showing skeletal architecture near surface (J’, detail of ectosomal region highlighting abundance of spinorhabds); K, megascleres; L, detail of extremities of both megascleres in K; M–P, large spinorhabds; Q, small spinorhabds. M. (B.) araucana sp. nov.: R, transverse section showing choanosomal skeletal architecture; S, choanosomal style; T, ectosomal subtylote; U, details of extremities of ectosomal subtylote; V, anchorate isochelae. Scale bars: A, S, 100 µm; B, D, F, J’, T, 50 µm; C, E, G, H, U, 5 µm; L, 10 µm; J, 800 µm; R, 200 µm; M–Q, V, W, X, 20 µm.


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Switzerland, Geneva, Museum d'Histoire Naturelle


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile













