Philoscirtus cordipennis spinosus, Hemp, 2020

Hemp, Claudia, 2020, New species of Mecopodinae (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae) from Tanzania, Zootaxa 4790 (1), pp. 138-150 : 146-149

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Plazi (2020-06-10 07:45:58, last updated 2024-01-24 18:07:34)

scientific name

Philoscirtus cordipennis spinosus

subsp. nov.

Philoscirtus cordipennis spinosus n. ssp. C. Hemp

( Figs. 12–14 View FIGURE 12 View FIGURE 13 View FIGURE 14 )

Holotype male: Tanzania, Nguru Mountains , submontane forest, 1100–1250 m, January 2018, collected between 6°03´12.1´´S 37°33´38.7´´ E and 6°04´01.3´´ S 37°34´24.2´´ E. Depository: CCH. 8 males, 9 females, same data as holotype and February, March, June, July and November 2017, January 2018, March 2019 and March 2020. Depository: CCH. GoogleMaps

Description. Male. General colouration. Predominantly green with some brown to black and white markings at posterior end of tegmina and dorsally at the posterior margins of abdominal segments. Tibiae and knees brown and white around joints ( Fig. 12 A, B View FIGURE 12 ). Head and antennae.—Antenna very long, 9–10 cm. As in P. cordipennis cordipennis and P. viridulus face green with pattern of light green to yellowish patches in living insect. Fastigium verticis with numerous tubercles forming kind of „crown“ ( Fig. 13 C View FIGURE 13 ) and thus similar to fastigia of vertex of nominate subspecies and P. viridulus . Thorax.—Fore femora armed with 3 inner stout short black spines; posterior ends of femora with pointed pair of black-tipped spurs. Mid femora with 1–3 (-5) shiny black stout spines on outer side, also with a pair of more stout and pointed black-tipped spurs. Hind femora with a ventral double row of 7–8 brown to black spines and a pair of stout and pointed spurs at lunules with a very broad shield-like base. All tibiae with 4 rows of densely set spines along length. Tegmina at bit longer than posterior margin of segment 2, with conspicuous black markings at posterior margins and centrally a white patch ( Fig. 12 B View FIGURE 12 ). The stridulatory file is found on the underside of the left tegmen and is similar to the other two known Philoscirtus species. Abdomen.—Cerci green, at tips brown, short and rather stout, slightly inwardly curved with an apical dent and a tiny dent just before the tip on the inner side as in the nominate subspecies and P. viridulus . Subgenital plate deeply v-shaped incised, apical part black, with tiny styli ( Fig. 13 D View FIGURE 13 ).

Female. Considerably larger than male but with more spines at hind femora (9–10 black-tipped spines). Fastigium verticis broad bowl-like structure with less pronounced tubercles than male ( Fig. 14 C View FIGURE 14 ). Subgenital plate broad with u-shaped median incision ( Fig. 14 D View FIGURE 14 ).

Nymphs. Similar to the adults ( Fig. 12 F View FIGURE 12 ).

Diagnosis. As the nominate subspecies P. cordipennis cordipennis , P. cordipennis spinosus n. ssp. is stouter and larger than P. viridulus , especially the females (see table 1 measurements). The posterior margin of the pronotum is up-lifted in both subspecies of P. cordipennis but hardly so in P. viridulus . Compared to both subspecies of P. cordipennis the head and pronotum are less rugose in P. viridulus .

Males of both subspecies of P. cordipennis have elongated subgenital plates with the median part shaft-like narrowed ( Fig. 13 B, D, F View FIGURE 13 ) while in P. viridulus the middle part is shorter and the tips of the fork are more strongly sticking apart. The subgenital plate of male P. c. cordipennis is not as sharply v-shaped incised but is more rounded, a membranous structure connecting the more sclerotized parts of the fork ( Fig. 13 B View FIGURE 13 ) while in P. c. spinosus n. ssp. the subgenital plate is sharply incised without any membrane at the base of the fork ( Fig. 13 D View FIGURE 13 ). The spination differs between both subspecies of P. cordipennis . Although P. c. spinosus n. ssp. has a very spiny appearance due to longer and conspicuously black marked spines, P. c. cordipennis has more spines on the femora, usually the fore femora have a ventral double row of brown spines, 3 to more on their outer sides and 1–3 on the inner sides while in P. c. spinosus only 1–3 outer spines are present and the inner side is unarmed. The female subgenital plate is similar between the both subspecies of P. cordipennis . However, it is broadly v-shaped incised in P. c. cordipennis , while it is broad u-shaped incised at its posterior margin in P. c. spinosus n. ssp. (a narrow slit in P. viridulus , Fig. 14 F View FIGURE 14 ). Males of the nominate subspecies of P. cordipennis are generally larger than males of P. c. spinosus n. ssp. (see measurements table 1).

Habitat. Submontane forest. Night active, on broad leaves on bushes and trees.

Distribution. At present only known from the Nguru Mountains of Tanzania.

Etymology. From Latin: - spinosus, spiny because of the many conspicuous long and black spines on the legs giving this new species a spiny appearance.

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FIGURE 12. Philoscirtus cordipennis spinosus n. ssp. A, B. Male C, D, E. Female F. Male last instar.

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FIGURE 13. Morphological details of male Philoscirtus species. P. cordipennis cordipennis, East Usambara Mountains, fastigium verticis (A) and subgenital plate (B). P. cordipennis spinosus n. ssp. Nguru Mountains, fastigium verticis (C) and subgenital plate (D). P. viridulus, West Usambara Mountains, fastigium verticis (E) and subgenital plate (F).

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FIGURE 14. Morphological details of female Philoscirtus species. P. cordipennis cordipennis, East Usambara Mountains, fastigium verticis (A) and subgenital plate (B). P. cordipennis spinosus n. ssp. Nguru Mountains, fastigium verticis (C) and subgenital plate (D). P. viridulus, West Usambara Mountains, fastigium verticis (E) and subgenital plate (F).