Duolandrevus (Eulandrevus) unguiculatus, Ma, Libin, Gorochov, Andrej V. & Zhang, Yalin, 2015

Ma, Libin, Gorochov, Andrej V. & Zhang, Yalin, 2015, A new species of the genus Duolandrevus (Orthoptera: Gryllidae: Landrevinae) from China, Zootaxa 3963 (3), pp. 443-449 : 446-448

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.3963.3.8

publication LSID




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scientific name

Duolandrevus (Eulandrevus) unguiculatus

sp. nov.

Duolandrevus (Eulandrevus) unguiculatus sp. nov.

( Figs 2 View FIGURE 2 , A–C; Figs 3 View FIGURE 3 , A–D)

http://lsid.speciesfile.org/urn:lsid: Orthoptera .speciesfile.org:TaxonName:470139 Etymology. The specific epithet “ unguiculatus ” refers to the epiphallus having a pair of long and thin (spine-like) posteromedial lobules.

Material studied. Holotype: male, China, Yunnan Prov., Mengla, Wangtianshu (Bubang), coll. Ren Guodong, Hou Wenjun and Li Yalin, 6–7 August 2007 ( MHBU).

Differential diagnosis. General appearance is as in representatives of the subgenus Eulandrevus having a rather small body, a more or less brown head without wrinkles on the face, male tegmina with a small but distinct mirror in the stridulatory apparatus, and fore tibia with both inner and outer tympana developed. Male genitalia of the new species are most similar to those of D. sonorus in the median epiphallic projection having long apical lubules, but in D. unguiculatus , the latter lobules are much longer than in D. sonorus and in all the other species of this subgenus.

Description. Male. Anterior part of epicranium under rostral apex 0.93 times as high as antennal cavity and under eyes 0.5 times as high as this cavity; these parts of epicranium smooth, shine and without transverse wrinkles, but with small concave areas under antennal cavities; rostrum between antennal cavities almost as wide as scape.

Pronotum distinctly transverse, 1.7 times as wide as long; its lateral lobes moderately narrow, 1.6 times as long as high. Metanotal gland as in Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 D. Tegmina reaching fifth abdominal tergite, with very short (narrow) and roundly truncate apical area of dorsal field, with rather short and somewhat oblique stridulatory vein, with moderately large and transverse mirror (approximately 1.8 times as wide as long) lacking dividing vein but having a few dividing veinlets in distal part, with wide harp area having seven oblique veins, with diagonal vein bifurcated as base, with strongly arcuate chords connecting with mirror by one crossvein and with diagonal vein by another crossvein, and with lateral field having 4–5 parallel longitudinal veins. Hind wings completely absent.

Fore tibia with inner tympanum moderately large and ovoid, with outer tympanum slightly smaller and oval; hind tibiae dorsally with 4 inner and 4 outer articulated spines, and with 7 inner and 6 outer more proximal denticles (small unarticulated spines); hind basitarsus with 5 pairs of dorsal denticles. Supra-anal plate somewhat trapezoidal with straight posterior margin having several setae but lacking both distinct bundle of strong setae in dorsoapical part and dorsoapical denticle.

Genitalia. Epiphallus: proximal epiphallic half wide and with a pair of distinct transverse folds on lateral parts of dorsal surface; distal epiphallic half distinctly narrower than proximal one, with a pair of rather large and angular (in profile) posterolateral lobes lacking denticles or strong setae, and with rather long median projection gradually narrowing backwards and having a pair of very long apical lobules slightly curved upwards but almost straight in distal half. Ectoparameres with rather large rounded lobe. Rachis (= guiding rod) rather large, semimembranous in median part but with a pair of lateral elongate (almost stick-like) sclerites; each of these sclerites with rather small rounded lateroproximal lobe and with comparatively thin but not acute apex. Formula small and rather narrow, with moderately long apodeme directed more or less forwards.

Colouration. Head dark brown but with following pattern: dorsum of epicranium with 4 somewhat lighter longitudinal stripes; antennal scape, clypeus and labrum light brown with brown patches. Pronotum dark brown with anterior margin, middle part of disc, and lower part of lateral lobes with slightly lighter marks. Legs light brown, but hind femur with brown apical part. Tegmina: dorsal field light brown but having dark brown basal area and brown distal area; lateral field almost uniformly brown. Abdomen brown to dark brown, but its anterior part light brown, and third-seventh segments with small irregular light marks.

Female unknown.

Measurements. BL 17.5, HW 4, PL 2.5, PW 4, FWL 6, HFL 10.



















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