Cryptasterina (Patiriella)

Dartnall, Alan J., Byrne, Maria, Collins, John & Hart, Michael W, 2003, A new viviparous species of asterinid (Echinodermata, Asteroidea, Asterinidae) and a new genus to accommodate the species of pantropical exiguoid sea stars, Zootaxa 359, pp. 1-14 : 10

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.156371

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scientific name

Cryptasterina (Patiriella)


Cryptasterina (Patiriella) " pseudoexigua " Chen and Chen, 1992

Synonymy: non P. pseudoexigua Dartnall

Material examined: four specimens, Taiwan, coll. Chao, 2000

The pattern of flattened and closely appressed abactinal plates distinguishes this species from its mirror image congener (" P. pseudoexigua " in Australia). In addition molecular data have supported its distinctiveness ( Hart et al. 1997). It is the sister species to C. pacifica (n. comb; see below and Fig. 1) and referred to here as Cryptasterina n.sp.

Distribution: southern Taiwan (Wanlitung) ( Chen and Chen 1992).

Reproduction and development: Planktonic lecithotroph (detailed reproductive biology studies reported in the seminal paper of Chen and Chen, 1992)

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