Skaphita cubana Grote, 1865
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Plazi (2021-08-19 16:04:24, last updated 2023-11-04 04:12:41) |
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Skaphita cubana Grote, 1865 |
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Skaphita cubana Grote, 1865 ( Notodontidae , Heterocampinae )
( Figs. 13–14 View FIGURE 13 View FIGURE 14 , Table 1)
Heterocampa aroensis Schaus, 1901 , syn. nov.
Disphragis sexnotata Kaye, 1925 View in CoL , syn. nov.
Heterocampa cubana Grote, 1865 View in CoL was described from Cuba, based on a male and two females, one of the females being illustrated ( Grote 1865). The types were stated to be in ‘Coll. Ent. Soc. Philad.’ and so are expected to be in The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University, Philadelphia, but as Schintlmeister (2013) reports, they are not in the on-line database of the Entomology Type Collection ( Schintlmeister (2013) maintained this species in the genus Heterocampa View in CoL , but Becker (2014) placed it in Skaphita View in CoL .
Heterocampa daona Druce, 1894 was described from an unspecified number of specimens of unspecified sex from Orizaba, Mexico. Schintlmeister (2013) recognised a single male specimen now in NHMUK as the holotype. It had not been dissected when I examined it in 1993. Becker (2014) placed this taxon in Skaphita View in CoL as a synonym of S. cubana View in CoL .
Schaus (1901) described Heterocampa aroensis from an unspecified number of males and females from Aroa, [Bolivar], Venezuela. Schintlmeister (2016) designated a lectotype male in USNM and illustrated it and its genitalia (USNM slide 46443) (also shown in USNM (2020)). Becker (2014) placed this taxon as a synonym of Skaphita surinamensis , but in doing so, did not examine the genitalia (V.O. Becker pers. comm. 2020).
Heterocampa androdora Dyar, 1910 was described from six females from Mexico ( Dyar 1910), noting the similarity to, and possible conspecificity with, S. cubana View in CoL and S. aroensis . The first listed type from Misatlanta was selected as lectotype and illustrated by Schintlmeister (2016). It has not been dissected ( Schintlmeister 2016). Schaus (1928) placed S. androdora as a synonym of S. daona (which he placed in Disphragis View in CoL ), and this was followed by subsequent authors until Becker (2014) placed both S. daona and S. androdora as synonyms of S. cubana View in CoL .
Comparison of the male lectotype of S. aroensis and its terminalia with S. surinamensis ( Fig. 12 View FIGURE 12 ) and S. cubana View in CoL , as illustrated by Torre y Callejas and Dalmau (1959) and Thiaucourt (2003) reveals that the terminalia of S. aroensis show no similarity to those of S. surinamensis , but rather S. aroensis ( Schaus, 1901) is a synonym of S. cubana ( Grote, 1865) View in CoL . DNA barcode sequences in BOLD offer some support for this conclusion. BIN BOLD:AAA7792 ( currently includes 135 public sequences of specimens currently identified as Cecrita daona (114), Heterocampa daona (6), Heterocampa androdora (5), Heterocampa cubana View in CoL (3), Disphragis cubana (1), D. clitiusa Schaus, 1928 View in CoL (a synonym of S. elongata ( Druce, 1906) according to Becker (2014)) (1), and S. media Thiaucourt, 1995 (1), as well as unidentified specimens. Of the names used in this BIN, cubana is the oldest, offering support to Becker’s (2014) treatment. The material is from USA (Florida), Mexico, Costa Rica, Trinidad and Tobago, French Guiana, Brazil (Para), Paraguay, and Argentina, indicating a single widespread species, i.e. S. cubana . Barcodes of material from Cuba would be useful to confirm this. However, while some of this material is similar to what I treat here as S. cubana ( Fig. 13 View FIGURE 13 ), some (e.g. the sample from Trinidad and Tobago) looks more like S. media , and this merits further investigation.
Kaye (1925) described and illustrated Disphragis sexnotata Kaye, 1925 from Trinidad, stating that the type (i.e. holotype) was from ‘ Trinidad, Fyzabad. (R.M. Farmborough.)’ and was in OUNHM (‘Mus. Oxford’). Kaye (1925) did not state the sex of the holotype, but his illustration has the antennae pectinate in the basal half indicating a male. Kaye and Lamont (1927) repeated this information, except they omit the location of the type. Kaye has described other species from OUNHM—see, for example, the discussion regarding Podalia farmbri ( Kaye, 1925) (Megalopygidae) in Cock (2017) —but key specimens of several species have not been located in OUNHM (or in NHMUK, NMS or MGCLB). I have looked in OUNHM for the type of D. sexnotata and failed to find it. It might still be overlooked amongst the unsorted accessions (I did see at least one return of identified Trinidad specimens amongst this material). However, I went through the OUNHM accessions, finding many Trinidad specimens, including some but not all specimens that Kaye referred to, but none of his types. At this time, the type of S. sexnotata is presumed missing and probably lost, which leaves us with only Kaye’s illustration ( Kaye 1925, plate XLV.10). Like the illustration of S. kalodonta (above under S. surinamensis ) this is of poor quality, and it is not an obvious match to any species that I have seen from Trinidad. The only significant distinguishing mark is the large irregular postdiscal spot. Becker (2014) placed S. sexnotata as a synonym of S. surinamensis . However, on balance, it seems more likely that this taxon is a synonym of S. cubana , as follows. Kaye (1925) gives the expanse (‘Exp.’) as 46 mm, but it is not clear whether this represents wing tip to wing tip on a set specimen, or wing tip to mid-thorax to wing tip. However, in Kaye’s (1925) plate, the figure measures 45 mm wing tip to wing tip, so it can be assumed that this is what Kaye meant by expanse. Wing tip to wing tip, S. surinamensis measure 31 mm for the male ( NMS specimen) and 44 mm for the female (holotype), while S. cubana from Trinidad (in MJWC) measures 44 mm for the male and 47–53 mm for the female. Kaye’s figure of S. sexnotata is too large to be a male S. surinamensis , although comparable in size to the female holotype of S. surinamensis and female S. cubana . The dorsal hindwings of Kaye’s figure are pale, shaded darker at the margins, thus resembling the female of S. cubana , rather than the female of S. surinamensis or either male ( Figs. 11 View FIGURE 11 , 13 View FIGURE 13 ). Furthermore, there is a worn, and perhaps faded or discoloured, female specimen in the NHMUK labelled as from Trinidad by W.J. Kaye, which resembles Kaye’s figure of the type (apart from the antennae). This resemblance gives a strong indication of the identity of Kaye’s D. sexnotata . The specimen in question is a female S. cubana (curated as Disphragis daona when I examined it in 1999). I conclude that S. sexnotata should be removed from the synonymy of S. surinamensis and is a synonym of S. cubana .
Trinidad material examined. Brigand Hill, lighthouse security MVL lights : ♀ 17.i.2004 (M.J.W. Cock) [ MJWC]. Cumaca Road , 4.6 miles, MVL : ♀ 18.vii.1981 (M.J.W. Cock) [ UWIZM CABI.1542]. Curepe , at light : ♂ 8.i.1980 (M.J.W. Cock) [ MJWC]. Curepe , BLT : ♀ viii.1982 (F.D. Bennett) [ UWIZM CABI.1545]. Curepe , MVL : ♂ 15.vii.1967 [ UWIZM CABI.1831] ; ♂ 27.viii.1978 (M.J.W. Cock) [ UWIZM CABI.1808] ; ♀ 6.xi.1978 (M.J.W. Cock) [ MJWC] ; ♀ 18.xi.1978 (M.J.W. Cock) [ MJWC] ; ♂ 21.xi.1978 (M.J.W. Cock) [ UWIZM CABI.1817] ; ♂ 24.xi.1978 (M.J.W. Cock) [ UWIZM CABI.1816] ; ♂ 29.xii.1978 (M.J.W. Cock) [ UWIZM CABI.1809] ; ♂ 8.v.1979 (M.J.W. Cock) [ NHMUK] ; ♂ 14.ix.1979 (M.J.W. Cock) [ UWIZM CABI.1807] ; ♂ 14.x.1979 (M.J.W. Cock) [ UWIZM CABI.1818] ; ♂ 17.x.1979 (M.J.W. Cock) [ UWIZM CABI.1813] ; ♀ 15.x.1979 (M.J.W. Cock) [ UWIZM CABI.1543] ; ♂ 25.xii.1979 (M.J.W. Cock)[ UWIZM CABI.1810] ; ♂ 13.i.1980 (M.J.W. Cock)[ UWIZM CABI.1811] ; ♂ 18.i.1980 (M.J.W. Cock) [ MJWC, dissection 1005] ; ♂ 27.i.1980 (M.J.W. Cock) [ UWIZM CABI.1812] ; ♂ 8– 14.xii.1981 (M.J.W. Cock) [ MJWC, dissection 1002] ; ♂, ♀ 11–20.i.1982 (M.J.W. Cock) [♀ MJWC; ♂ UWIZM CABI.1815] ; ♂ 21–31.i.1982 (M.J.W. Cock) [ UWIZM CABI.1814]. Palmiste : ♀ 29.i.1919 [N. Lamont] [ NMS] ; ♂ 30.xii.1920 (N. Lamont) [ NHMUK, labelled ‘ Boriza kalodonta Kaye’ in Kaye’s writing] ; ♀ 27.iii.1922 [N. Lamont] [ UWIZM.2013.13.1802] ; ♀ 22.x.1947 [N. Lamont] [ UWIZM.2013.13.1801] ; ♀ 21.vii.1948 [N. Lamont] [ UWIZM.2013.13.1803]. Point Gourde , MVL : ♀ 16.v.1999 (M.J.W. Cock) [ UWIZM CABI.8217]. St Benedict’s , Pax Guest House, at light : ♀ 2.x.1994 (M.J.W. Cock) [ MJWC]. Valencia Forest , MVL : ♀ iv.1980 (M.J.W. Cock) [ UWIZM CABI.1544]. Trinidad : ♀ (W.J. Kaye) [ NHMUK] .
Becker, V. O. (2014) Checklist of New World Notodontidae (Lepidoptera: Noctuoidea). Lepidoptera Novae, 7 (1), 1 - 40.
Torre y Callejas, S. L. & Dalmau, A. (1959) Revision de las Notodontidae de Cuba, con la descripcion de dos nuevas especies. Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, 60 pp.
Cock, M. J. W. (2017) A preliminary catalogue of the moths (Lepidoptera except Papilionoidea) of Tobago, West Indies. Insecta Mundi, 0585, 1 - 58.
Druce, H. (1894) Descriptions of some new species of Heterocera from Central America. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Series 6, 13 (76), 352 - 363. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 00222939408677711
Druce, H. (1906) Descriptions of some new Species of Heterocera from Peru. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Series 7, 17 (100), 406 - 415. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 00222930608562546
Dyar, H. G. (1910) Descriptions of some new species and genera of Lepidoptera from Mexico. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 38, 229 - 273. https: // doi. org / 10.5479 / si. 00963801.38 - 1742.229
Grote, A. R. (1865) Notes on the Bombycidae of Cuba. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia, 5 (2), 227 - 260, pls. I - IV.
Kaye, W. J. (1925) New species and subspecies of Trinidad Rhopalocera and Heterocera. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, 1924 (3 - 4), 413 - 428, pl. 45. https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1365 - 2311.1925. tb 03363. x
Kaye, W. J. & Lamont, N. (1927) A catalogue of the Trinidad Lepidoptera Heterocera (moths). Memoirs of the Department of Agriculture, Trinidad and Tobago, 3, 1 - 144.
Schaus, W. (1901) A revision of the American Notodontidae. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, 1901, 257 - 344, pls. XI - XII. https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1365 - 2311.1901. tb 02387. x
Schaus, W. (1928) New moths of the family Ceruridae (Notodontidae) in the United States National Museum. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 73 (19), 1 - 90. https: // doi. org / 10.5479 / si. 00963801.2740
Schintlmeister, A. (2013) Notodontidae & Oenosandridae (Lepidoptera). World Catalogue of Insects. Vol. 11. Brill, Leiden, 605 pp. https: // doi. org / 10.1163 / 9789004259188
Schintlmeister, A. (2016) An illustrated type catalogue of the Notodontidae in the National Museum of Natural History Washington, D. C. (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae). Proceedings of the Museum Witt Munich, 4, 1 - 606.
Thiaucourt, P. (1995) Revision du groupe d'especes de Disphragis salona (Druce) n. comb. (Lepidoptera, Notodontidae). Nouvelle Revue d'entomologie, New Series, 12, 63 - 70.
Thiaucourt, P. (2003) Notes a propos de deux noveaux endemiques Guadeloupeens et especes voisines (Lepidoptera, Notodontidae). Lambillionea, 103, 469 - 474.
USNM (United Sates National Museum) (2020) Search the Department of Entomology Collections. Available from: https: // collections. nmnh. si. edu / search / ento / (accessed 12 December 2020)
FIGURE 11. Type material of Skaphita surinamensis. Above, male holotype of Boriza kalodonta Kaye [NHMUK]; photo A. Schintlmeister, © The Trustees of the Natural History Museum, London, made available under Creative Commons License 4.0 ( Below, female holotype of Heterocampa surinamensis Möschler [MNB]; photos MNB, with permission. To scale as shown, x2.
FIGURE 12. Terminalia of male Skaphita surinamensis, Trinidad, San Fernando, 22.ii.1922, N. Lamont [NMS, MJWC dissection 1062]. A–B, genitalia with aedeagus in situ; A, dorsal view; B, ventral view; C–F, genitalia with aedeagus removed; C, dorsal view; D, ventrolateral view; E, dorsolateral view; F, lateral view; G–I, aedeagus, vesica not extruded; G, dorsal view; H, lateral view; I, ventral view; J, A8 tergite (left) and sternite (right) (the central projections of the distal margin of the sternite are broken).All to scale as shown, x10.
FIGURE 13. Skaphita cubana from Trinidad; in each case dorsal view above and ventral view below. ♂, Curepe, MVL, 8–14.xii.1981; ♀, Curepe, MVL, 6.xi.1978.
FIGURE 14. Skaphita cubana. Left, Kaye’s (1925) figure of the holotype of Disphragis sexnotata copied from the same plate in Kaye and Lamont (1927). Right, a discoloured and/or faded female S. cubana, Trinidad (W.J. Kaye) [NHMUK], © The Trustees of the Natural History Museum, London, made available under Creative Commons License 4.0 ( licenses/by/4.0/). Not to scale.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
Phylum |
Class |
Order |
Family |
Genus |
Skaphita cubana Grote, 1865
Cock, Matthew J. W. 2021 |
S. media
Thiaucourt 1995 |
S. media
Thiaucourt 1995 |
D. clitiusa
Schaus 1928 |
Disphragis sexnotata
Kaye 1925 |
Heterocampa androdora
Dyar 1910 |
S. androdora
Dyar 1910 |
S. androdora
Dyar 1910 |
Heterocampa androdora
Dyar 1910 |
Heterocampa aroensis
Schaus 1901 |
Schaus 1901 |
Schaus 1901 |
Heterocampa aroensis
Schaus 1901 |
S. aroensis
Schaus 1901 |
S. aroensis
Schaus 1901 |
S. aroensis
Schaus 1901 |
Heterocampa daona
Druce 1894 |
S. daona
Druce 1894 |
S. daona
Druce 1894 |
Heterocampa daona
Druce 1894 |
Skaphita surinamensis
Moschler 1878 |
S. surinamensis
Moschler 1878 |
S. surinamensis
Moschler 1878 |
Heterocampa cubana
Grote 1865 |
S. cubana
Grote 1865 |
S. cubana
Grote 1865 |
S. cubana
Grote 1865 |
S. cubana
Grote 1865 |
Hubner 1820 |