Cetonana laticeps ( Canestrini, 1868 )

Zhang, Feng, 2017, Description of Paraceto gen. n. and a relimitation of the genus Cetonana (Araneae: Trachelidae), Zootaxa 4320 (2), pp. 225-244 : 227-231

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4320.2.2

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scientific name

Cetonana laticeps ( Canestrini, 1868 )


Cetonana laticeps ( Canestrini, 1868)

For complete bibliography see World Spider Catalog (2017). Figs 1–3 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3

Material examined. GERMANY: Baden-Wurttemberg, near Pforzheim (48.90°N, 8.70°E), 24 July 1989, leg. J. Wunderlich, 2♂ 9♀ ( SMF 64394-131 About SMF a). GoogleMaps

Redescription. Male. Total length 5.17–5.39 (n = 2). One male ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ): body 5.39 long; carapace 2.66 long, 2.18 wide; abdomen 2.73 long, 1.74 wide. Carapace brown and flat ( Fig. 1J View FIGURE 1 ), ovoid in dorsal view, truncated at posterior margin, slightly convex between fovea and PER, densely covered with tiny granulations. Edge of carapace distinct and slightly rebordered. CRW 1.43, 0.66 times carapace width. Fovea dark brown, distinct, located in small oval pit.

AER slightly recurved and PER almost straight in dorsal view ( Fig. 1C View FIGURE 1 ). Eye diameters: AME 0.20, ALE 0.16, PME 0.15, PLE 0.16. Eye interdistances: AME–AME 0.09, AME–ALE 0.04, PME–PME 0.18, PME–PLE 0.17, ALE–PLE 0.10. MOA 0.39 long, anterior width 0.44, posterior width 0.47. PERW 0.95, 0.66 times CRW. Clypeus height 0.17, narrower than diameter of AME. Chilum triangular, sclerotised and brown, with median indentation, visible in ante-ventral view ( Fig. 1E View FIGURE 1 ).

Chelicerae ( Fig. 1D View FIGURE 1 ) brown, with cheliceral boss at ectal base, with three promarginal and two retromarginal teeth. Endites ( Fig. 1B View FIGURE 1 ) light yellow brown, without oblique depression, apex slightly convex; labium brown, slightly longer than wide. Sternum ( Fig. 1B View FIGURE 1 ) yellow brown, shield-shaped, with indistinct precoxal triangles and intercoxal sclerites.

Legs without black annulus. Anterior legs yellow-brown, stouter and darker than posterior legs. Sparse, short scopulae present on tarsi and metatarsi I–II. Leg cusps ( Figs 1F–G View FIGURE 1 ) present on tarsi and metatarsi I–II, ventrally arranged in two lines, cusps on proventral side always more numerous than on retroventral side. Tibiae I–II with proventral cusps arranged in single line (considerable variation present between individuals in number of leg cusps, as shown in Table 1, as cusps easily detach and because of individual differences). Metatarsi III–IV ( Figs 1H–I View FIGURE 1 ) ventrally with distal preening brush. Measurements of legs: leg I 7.49 (2.18, 1.01, 1.78, 1.55, 0.97), II 7.26 (2.10, 0.98, 1.71, 1.50, 0.97), III 5.86 (1.60, 0.81, 1.27, 1.42, 0.76), IV 7.86 (2.20, 0.89, 1.88, 2.04, 0.85). Leg formula: 4123. Abdomen oval, dark grey, flat, black laterally, with longitudinal stripes; chevrons absent, two pairs of indistinct sigilla present; dorsal scutum absent but leathery ( Fig. 1A View FIGURE 1 ). Venter pale grey, with two lines of sclerotized spots ( Fig. 1B View FIGURE 1 ).

Palp as illustrated ( Figs 3A–D View FIGURE 3 ). Femur ventrally without terminal groove, but with a row of long erect steae. Patellar apophysis absent. Tibia with one elongate apophysis retrolaterally, with sharp tip pointed dorsally. Tegulum nearly triangular, distally truncated, sperm duct invisible in dorsal view, with one prolateral apophysis; subtegulum small, visible in dorsal view. Embolus slender and long, slightly curved, extending to the apex of cymbium. Cymbium strongly ventrally curved, posterior part broad, anterior part long and narrow, with long cymbial furrow along with embolus.

Female ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 ). Total length 5.88. Carapace 2.77 long, 2.37 wide; abdomen 3.11 long, 2.28 wide. CRW 1.45, 0.61 times carapace width. Eye diameters: AME 0.20, ALE 0.17, PME 0.15, PLE 0.16. Eye interdistances: AME– AME 0.08, AME–ALE 0.04, PME–PME 0.21, PME–PLE 0.14, ALE–PLE 0.10. MOA 0.38 long, anterior width 0.46, posterior width 0.51. PERW 0.95, 0.66 times CRW. Clypeus height 0.15, narrower than diameter of AME. Leg measurements: I 7.13 (2.11, 1.07, 1.61, 1.45, 0.89); II 6.40 (1.85, 0.95, 1.40, 1.31, 0.89); III 5.58 (1.54, 0.85, 1.12, 1.33, 0.74); IV 7.77 (2.12, 1.00, 1.80, 1.97, 0.88). Leg formula: 4123. Leg cusps ( Figs 2F–G View FIGURE 2 ) present on tarsi and metatarsi I–II, as in male; cusps present on tibia I, absent on tibia II. Body colour darker than in male. Carapace dark brown, totally flat between fovea and PER. Labium brown, wider than long. Other characters as in male.

Epigyne ( Fig. 3E View FIGURE 3 ): poorly sclerotized; anterior hood present, small, pointing to posterior; medially with narrow longitudinal sclerotized stripe with cuticular folds, and grooves of cuticular folds almost parallel; copulatory openings small, situated posteriorly, close to epigastric furrow. Vulva ( Fig. 3F View FIGURE 3 ): copulatory ducts long, slender, coiled one circle and dorsally attached to anterior region of ST1; connecting ducts originating from inner side of ST1, coiled one circle before connected to ST2; ST2 large, oval, situated anteriorly and close together; ST1 small, dumbbell-shaped, connected to basally weakly sclerotized FD.

Distribution. Europe, Russia.













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