Atemnus hamiensis, Zhao & Gao & Zhang, 2020

Zhao, Lingchen, Gao, Zhizhong & Zhang, Feng, 2020, Two new Atemnus species (Pseudoscorpiones: Atemnidae) from Xinjiang, China, Zootaxa 4869 (2), pp. 264-274 : 265-268

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Plazi (2021-01-05 02:57:58, last updated 2024-11-28 00:42:40)

scientific name

Atemnus hamiensis

sp. nov.

Atemnus hamiensis sp. nov.

( Figs 1A View FIGURE 1 , 2–4 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 View FIGURE 4 ) 50A88499-059E-4F64-96FC-29043A0ADDD6

Type material. Holotype male (Ps.- MHBU-XJ18072801 ): China, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Hami City, Yizhou District , Toudaogou Village [43.124591°N, 93.795426°E], 1345 m a.s.l., 28 July 2018, Zhizhong Gao and Weitong Wang leg. GoogleMaps

Paratypes: one female (Ps.- MHBU-XJ 18072802), one male (Ps.- MHBU-XJ 18072804) and one male (ZMH-A0013066), same data as holotype GoogleMaps .

Etymology. The specific name refers to the type locality, Hami City in China.

Diagnosis. The new species can be distinguished from A. limuensis by the slender pedipalpal femur of males (2.57–2.71 times longer than deep vs 2.22–2.55 times in A. limuensis ) and by the pedipalpal trochanter with a conical dorsal tubercles (pedipalpal trochanter with two distinct coniform protuberances in A. limuensis ); from A. politus by the stouter femur of females (2.37 times longer than deep vs 2.67–2.86 times in A. politus ) and by the slender leg IV of males (tibia 3.81–4.00 times longer than deep, tarsus 4.10–4.50 times vs tibia 3.33–3.53 times, tarsus 3.58–4.00 times in A. politus ); from A. letourneuxi by the presence of strong granulation on the prolateral surface of pedipalpal patella and by the slender pedipalpal femur of males (2.57–2.71 times longer than deep vs 2.20 times in A. letourneuxi ); from A. strinatii by the strong granulation on the pedipalpal femur and patella and having distinct eyespots; from A. syriacus by the slender pedipalp of males (femur 2.57–2.71 times longer than deep, patella 2.13–2.57 times, chela with pedicel 2.81–3.10 times, chela without pedicel 2.59–2.83 times vs femur 2.1 times, patella 1.7 times, chela with pedicel 2.6 times, chela without pedicel 2.3 times in A. syriacus ) and by the lack of a brown transverse band on the carapace.

Description. Male ( Fig. 2A View FIGURE 2 ). Carapace and abdomen brown, trochanter of pedipalp yellow-brown and other part deep reddish-brown, legs and chelicerae light yellow; body setae acuminate and long.

Carapace ( Figs 3A View FIGURE 3 , 4A View FIGURE 4 ): Smooth, with two distinct eyespots; without transverse furrow; with 38 setae, including 4 on anterior margin and 8 on posterior margin, anterior half darker than the posterior half.

Chelicerae ( Fig. 4B View FIGURE 4 ): Hand with 4 setae, bs and es dentate apically, is and ls long and acute; fixed finger with 4–5 retrorse teeth and 2 small apical teeth, movable finger with a long, tooth-like subapical lobe; with two lyrifissures on hand; galea ( Fig. 4C View FIGURE 4 ) relatively long (shorter than female), with 6 branchlets; rallum ( Fig. 4E View FIGURE 4 ) with 4 blades, the distal one anteriorly dentated; serrula exterior with 20–21 lamellae.

Pedipalp ( Figs 3E View FIGURE 3 , 4F View FIGURE 4 ): The retrolateral surface of trochanter, the prolateral surface of femur, patella and hand granular; trochanter with a conical dorsal tubercle; fixed finger ( Fig. 4I View FIGURE 4 ) with about 24 marginal teeth, movable finger with about 28 marginal teeth; trochanter 1.80–1.95, femur 2.57–2.71, patella 2.13–2.42, chela (with pedicel) 2.81–3.10, chela (without pedicel) 2.59–2.83 times longer than deep, movable finger 0.78–0.82 times longer than hand (without pedicel). Venom duct curved and short, nodus ramosus medially between trichobothria et and est. st closer to sb than to t, t in the middle of movable finger; on fixed chelal finger, est midway between esb and eb, distance between est and esb nearly equal to that of ist and isb, distance between it and fingertip nearly equal to distance between ist and isb.

Abdomen: Tergites I–IV and XI undivided and other tergites incompletely divided; each tergite and sternite with 2 lyrifissures; tergal chaetotaxy (I–XI): 9: 8: 8: 9: 5–5: 5–4: 5–5: 5–5: 6–5: 6–6 (8 + 4T): 10 + 2T; sternites XI undivided and other sternites divided, sternal chaetotaxy (IV–XI): 5–5: 6–5: 6–7: 6–6: 6–7: 7–6: 7–7 (10 + 4T): 8 + 4T; anterior genital operculum ( Figs 3C View FIGURE 3 , 4J View FIGURE 4 ) with 8–10 setae on each side; posterior genital sternite with 10 setae; male genitalia ( Fig. 4K View FIGURE 4 ): the distal part (l) of lateral apodemes relatively small, and the hooked branch (b) bowed distally and terminated in a plate-like tip, the proximal part with a distinct dark sclerotized bar (c); the longitudinal fold of medial diverticula (d) with a projection midway along its length; the ejaculatory canal atrium (e) not well-developed, curved distally; the lateral rods (f) long and diverging proximally; the tip of dorsal apodeme (g) completely joined; the ventral diverticulum (h) bilobed.

Legs: Leg I ( Figs 3D View FIGURE 3 , 4G View FIGURE 4 ) and leg IV ( Figs 3H View FIGURE 3 , 4H View FIGURE 4 ) typical. Fairly smooth, claws simple, longer than arolium, subterminal seta acute and curved. Leg IV with one tactile seta at the base of tarsus ( Fig. 3G View FIGURE 3 ) (TS = 0.14–0.17).

Female (paratype) ( Fig. 2B View FIGURE 2 ): Mostly same as the male holotype.

Chelicerae. Hand with 4 setae; galea ( Fig. 4D View FIGURE 4 ) long with 6 branchlets; serrula exterior with 20 lamellae.

Pedipalps. Fixed finger with about 22 marginal teeth, movable finger with about 27 marginal teeth; trochanter 1.77, femur 2.37, patella 2.16, chela (with pedicel) 2.73, chela (without pedicel) 2.46 times longer than deep, movable finger 0.80 times longer than hand (without pedicel).

Abdomen. Tergites I–II and XI undivided and other tergites incompletely divided; each tergite and sternite with 2 lyrifissures; tergal chaetotaxy (I–XI): 7: 7: 4–4: 5–5: 5–5: 5–5: 5–5: 7–5: 5–5: 7–6(9 + 4T): 10 + 2T; sternites XI undivided and other sternites divided, sternal chaetotaxy (IV–XI): 5–5: 8–6: 6–6: 5–6: 5–5: 7–7: 7–7 (10 + 4T): 8 + 4T; genital area ( Figs 3F View FIGURE 3 , 4L View FIGURE 4 ) with 9 setae on the anterior genital operculum and posterior margin; genital structure ( Fig. 4M View FIGURE 4 ) simple, spermathecae provided with separated median cribriform plates.

Dimensions (length/breadth or depth, in mm). Males. Body length 3.14–3.16. Carapace 0.72–0.84/0.53–0.66 (1.27–1.36). Pedipalp: trochanter 0.39–0.45/0.20–0.25 (1.80–1.95), femur 0.65–0.77/0.24–0.30 (2.57–2.71), patella 0.64–0.80/0.30–0.33 (2.13–2.42), chela (with pedicel) 1.04–1.24/0.37–0.40 (2.81–3.10), chela (without pedicel) 0.96–1.13 (2.59–2.83), hand length (without pedicel) 0.55–0.65 (1.49–1.63), movable finger length 0.45–0.51 (0.78–0.82 times longer than length of hand without pedicel). Leg I: femur 0.21–0.25/0.15–0.19 (1.32–1.40), patella 0.35–0.39/0.14–0.17 (2.29–2.50), tibia 0.36–0.43/0.10–0.12 (3.58–3.60), tarsus 0.31–0.38/0.07–0.09 (4.22–4.43). Leg IV: femur + patella 0.64–0.76/0.22–0.27 (2.81–2.91), tibia 0.52–0.61/0.13–0.16 (3.81–4.00), tarsus 0.36–0.41/0.08–0.10 (4.10–4.50).

Female. Body length 3.95. Carapace 0.84/0.59 (1.42). Pedipalp: trochanter 0.39/0.22 (1.77), femur 0.64/0.27 (2.37), patella 0.67/0.31 (2.16), chela (with pedicel) 1.12/0.41 (2.73), chela (without pedicel) 1.01 (2.46), hand (without pedicel) 0.56 (1.37), movable finger length 0.45 (0.80 times longer than hand without pedicel). Leg I: femur 0.21/0.12 (1.75), patella 0.36/0.11 (3.27), tibia 0.34/0.10 (3.4), tarsus 0.33/0.07 (4.71). Leg IV: femur + patella 0.69/0.21 (3.29), tibia 0.54/0.14 (3.86), tarsus 0.34/0.09 (3.78).

Distribution. Known only from the type locality.

Habitat. All specimens were collected under the tree bark of Populus (Salicaceae) , the specific species name unknown.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 1. Live images of Atemnus hamiensis sp. nov. (A) and Atemnus niger sp. nov. (B); C, D. Collecting sites of Atemnus niger sp. nov.

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FIGURE 2. Atemnus hamiensis sp. nov., A. Holotype male, dorsal view; B. Paratype female, dorsal view.

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FIGURE 3. Atemnus hamiensis sp. nov., holotype male (A–E, G–H), female (F):A. Carapace, dorsal view; B. Left chela, lateral view; C. Genital area of male, ventral view; D. Left leg I, lateral view; E. Left pedipalp, dorsal view; F. Genital area of female, ventral view; G. Tarsus of left leg IV, lateral view; H. Left leg IV, lateral view.

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FIGURE 4. Atemnus hamiensis sp. nov., holotype male (A–C, E–K), female (D, L–M).A. Male Carapace, dorsal view; B. Male chelicera, dorsal view; C. Male galea; D. Female galea; E. Male rallum; F. Male pedipalp, dorsal view; G. Leg I; H. Leg IV; I. Male chelal fingers, lateral view; J. Male genital area; K. Male genital organ; L. Female genital area; M. Spermatheca. Scale bars: 0.1 mm (B–E), 0.25 mm (A, F, I–M), 0.5 mm (G), 1 mm (F, H).











