Glenognatha argyrostilba ( O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1876 ) Jimmy Cabra-García & Antonio D. Brescovit, 2016

Jimmy Cabra-García & Antonio D. Brescovit, 2016, Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the orb-weaving spider genus Glenognatha Simon, 1887 (Araneae, Tetragnathidae), Zootaxa 4069 (1), pp. 1-183 : 45-52

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4069.1.1

publication LSID


persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Glenognatha argyrostilba ( O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1876 )

comb. nov.

Glenognatha argyrostilba ( O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1876) View in CoL new combination

( Figs. 31–37 View FIGURE 31 View FIGURE 32 View FIGURE 33 View FIGURE 34 View FIGURE 35 View FIGURE 36 View FIGURE 37 , 131 View FIGURE 131 )

Pachygnatha argyrostilba O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1876: 573 , pl. 59, fig. 8 (male lectotype and female paralectotype from Alexandria, Egypt, deposited in Hope Entomological Collection, Oxford, not examined).

Dyschiriognatha argyrostilba: Simon, 1893: 324 View in CoL ; Bosmans & Bosselaers 1994: 346, fig. 132–147; Saaristo 2003: 22, fig. 19– 20; Saaristo 2010: 233, fig. 36.24–26; Cabra-García et al. 2014: 1029, figs. 1C, 2B, 4 A, 5B–C, 7B; World Spider Catalog 2015.

Pachygnatha (Dyschiriognatha) argyrostilba: Pavesi, 1895: 504 .

Dyschiriognatha montana Simon, 1897: 868 (male and female syntypes from St. Vincent Islands, Lesser Antilles, deposited in BMNH, examined through photographs of the habitus and male genitalia). New synonymy.

Glenognatha mira Bryant, 1945: 405 View in CoL (female holotype from Miragoane , Haiti, 2.xi.1934, Darlington leg., deposited in MCZ, examined). New synonymy.

Dyschiriognatha atlantica Holm, 1969: 63 , fig. 1–5 (male holotype from Sandy bay beach, St. Helena island, 11.i.1966, P. Basilewsky, P. Benoit & N. Leleup leg., deposited in MRAC, not examined); Benoit 1977: 160, figs. 69a–e. Synonymized by Bosmans & Bosselaers 1994.

Glenognatha maelfaiti Baert, 1987: 141 View in CoL , figs. 1–7 (male holotype from Cerro Maternidad, Santa Cruz, Galápagos, Ecuador, 15.ii–1.iii-1986, deposited in RBINS, not examined, paratypes: 13♀ 2♂ 1 immature from Transect Pto. Ayora-Itabaca, zflank, Santa Cruz, Galápagos, Ecuador, 15.ii–1.iii-1986 Baert, Maelfait et Desender leg., deposited in RBINS 27047, examined; 36♀ 19♂ 5 immature from Santa Cruz, Galápagos, Ecuador, deposited in RBINS, not examined); Cabra-García et al. 2014: 1029, figs. 1N, 3B, 4E, 6C, 8G. New synonymy.

Transfer justification. Study of D. argyrostilba specimens collected in Africa and drawings of the type material (see Bosmans & Bosselaers 1994), shows that this species has all the synapomorphies of the genus Glenognatha View in CoL . Conductor ( Figs. 35B–C View FIGURE 35 , 37 A –B View FIGURE 37 ), embolus ( Figs. 35D View FIGURE 35 , 37 A –B View FIGURE 37 ), paracymbium ( Figs. 35H View FIGURE 35 , 37B View FIGURE 37 ), female genitalia ( Figs. 36 A –D, G–J View FIGURE 36 ) and tracheal system ( Figs. 36E–F, 36K–M View FIGURE 36 ) exhibit the typical Glenognatha View in CoL morphology.

Synonymy justification. Examination of the available type material of D. montana , G. mira and G. maelfaiti , shows that these types have the diagnostic characters of G. argyrostilba and these three species should be considered as junior synonyms. Male palps of D. montana and G. maelfaiti have the conductor lamina sinuous in ventral view and the conductor retrolateral apophysis tip sharpened as observed in G. argyrostilba . In addition, the uterus externus of G. mira and G. maelfaiti is wider than long as characteristic for G. argyrostilba . It was not possible to examine the female genitalia of D. montana , nevertheless based on the male palp and the female chelicerae morphology we consider it as a junior synonym of G. argyrostilba .

Diagnosis. Males and females of G. argyrostilba resemble those of G. dentata and G. tangi by the presence of pore-bearing and setae-bearing depressions on the lateral surface of the carapace ( Figs. 31 A, E View FIGURE 31 , 37D–E View FIGURE 37 ). Males can be distinguished from the former by the absence of tooth-like projections on the conductor lamina ( Fig. 37 A View FIGURE 37 ) and from the latter by the shape of the conductor lamina which is sinuous in ventral view ( Figs. 35B View FIGURE 35 , 37 A View FIGURE 37 ). Females can be distinguished from both species by the UE which is wider than long ( Figs. 36 A, G View FIGURE 36 ).

Description. Male and female described by Bosmans & Bosselaers (1994). Additional data.

Male (CAS 9056025). Habitus as in Figures 31 A –D View FIGURE 31 . Cephalothorax with lateral pore-bearing and setae-bearing depressions ( Fig. 31 A View FIGURE 31 ). Chelicerae with reduced CFO ( Fig. 33 A View FIGURE 33 ). Prt2 and Prt3 closer to each other than to Prt1 ( Figs. 33 A, C View FIGURE 33 ). Ret2 and Ret3 closer to each other than to Ret1 ( Fig. 33B–C View FIGURE 33 ). Palp as in Figures 35E–H View FIGURE 35 . Conductor enclosing the embolus ( Figs. 35 A, E View FIGURE 35 ).

Female (CAS 9056025). Habitus as in Figure 31E–H View FIGURE 31 . Cephalothorax with lateral pore-bearing and setaebearing depressions ( Fig. 31E View FIGURE 31 ). Sternum with setae-bearing depressions ( Fig. 37C View FIGURE 37 ). Chelicerae as in Figures 33D– F View FIGURE 33 . Tracheal system as in Figures 36E–F View FIGURE 36 . Genitalia as in Figure 36 A –D View FIGURE 36 . Spermathecae well-developed ( Fig. 36D View FIGURE 36 ). UE entire ( Fig. 36 A View FIGURE 36 ).

Variation. Male total length 1.6–2.2 (N =10; average 2.0), cephalothorax length 0.8–1.2 (N = 10; average 1.0), femur I length 1.0–1.3 (N = 10; average 1.2). Female total length 2.1–2.6 (N = 10; average 2.4), cephalothorax length 0.9–1.1 (N = 10; average 1.0), femur I length 1.1–1.4 (N = 10; average 1.2). Habitus and chelicerae of Ecuadorian specimens as in Figures 32 View FIGURE 32 and 34 View FIGURE 34 .

Distribution. Known from the Neotropical and Afrotropical regions ( Fig. 131 View FIGURE 131 ).

Additional material examined (N = 31). ECUADOR: Galápagos: Isabela, [0º55´S, 91º0´W], elev. 2m, 2– 15.iii.1989, Peck & Sinclair leg., 1♂ ( AMNH); [0º16´S, 90º41´W], elev. [300m], 10.iv.1982, Y. Lubin leg., 2♀ ( MCZ 125476 About MCZ ). GoogleMaps

New records. SOUTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA: CUBA: Pinar del Río: Soroa , [22º46´S, 82º59´W], elev. [82m], 27–29.iv.1983, P.J. Sangler & Iliana Fernandez G. leg., 1♂ ( USNM) GoogleMaps ; San Vicente, [20º5´S, 75º46´W], elev. [125m], 7.ii.1981, P. J. Spangler & A. Vega leg., 2♂ 6♀ ( USNM) GoogleMaps . Sancti Spiritus: Gaviña, Sierra Escambray , [21º56´S, 79º26´W], elev. [67m], 13.ii.1981, P.J. Spangler & A. Vega leg., 1♀ ( USNM) GoogleMaps . HAITI: Sud: Lévy (1 Km NE), [18º18´N, 73º 51´W], elev. [185m], 10–11.ix.1981, P. Spangler & R. Faitoute leg., 1♂ ( USNM) GoogleMaps . JAMAICA: Kingston: [18º16´S, 77º6´W], elev. [341m], 26.viii.1934, Darlington leg., 1♂ ( MCZ 125504 About MCZ ) GoogleMaps . DOMINICA: [15º26´S, 61º20´W], elev. [310m], 5.x.1964, P. J. S. leg., 1♀ ( USNM) GoogleMaps . ECUADOR: El Oro: Arenillas (18 Km SE), La Cuca. Exp. Sta. , [3º33´S, 80º2´W], elev. [77m], 22.v.1979, Jos J. Anderson leg., 1♀ 1♂ ( USNM) GoogleMaps ; Guayas: Naranjal (30 Km N), [2º40´S, 79º36´W], elev. [24m], 24.xii.1977, Jos J. Anderson leg., 1♀ 1♂ ( USNM) GoogleMaps ; Manabí: Chone , [0º41´S, 80º5´W], elev. [65m], 7.i.1978, P. J. Spangler & J. Anderson leg., 1♂ ( USNM) GoogleMaps . BRAZIL: Ceará: Fortaleza, UFCE, Campus de Itaperi [3º47´S, 38º33´W], elev. [26m], 8.vii.2011, R. Azevedo leg., 1♀ ( IBSP 166730 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; 1♀ (IBSP 166732). Bahia: Mucugê, Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural Adília Paraguassu , [12º59´S, 41º23´W], elev. [1067m], 3–7.vii.2005, J. P. Souza & Alves leg., 1♀ ( IBSP 56557 View Materials ) GoogleMaps . Paraná: Porto Rico, [22º47´S, 53º16´W], elev. [271m], v.2009, E. R. Cunha leg., 1♂ ( MPEG 15435 View Materials ) GoogleMaps . AFRICA. NIGERIA: Kabba: Kabba ,: [7º50´N, 6º4´E], elev. [458m], 19–23.ii.1949, B. Malkin leg., 2♀ 2♂ ( CAS 9056025 About CAS ) GoogleMaps . REPUBLIC OF CÔTE D'IVOIRE: [Vallée du Bandama region]: Bouaké , [7º41´N, 5º1´W], elev. [350m], 7.x.1995, Russel-Smith A. leg., 1♂ ( MRAC 227412 View Materials ) GoogleMaps . CAMEROON: [Southwest Region]: Matute, Tiko, [4º7´N, 9º24´E], elev. [30m], 14.iv.–6.v.1949, B. Malkin 1♂ ( CAS 9039595 About CAS ) GoogleMaps .


Museum of Comparative Zoology


American Museum of Natural History


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History














Glenognatha argyrostilba ( O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1876 )

Jimmy Cabra-García & Antonio D. Brescovit 2016

Glenognatha maelfaiti

Cabra-Garcia 2014: 1029
Baert 1987: 141

Dyschiriognatha atlantica

Benoit 1977: 160
Holm 1969: 63

Glenognatha mira

Bryant 1945: 405

Dyschiriognatha montana

Simon 1897: 868

Pachygnatha (Dyschiriognatha) argyrostilba: Pavesi, 1895 : 504

Pavesi 1895: 504

Dyschiriognatha argyrostilba:

Cabra-Garcia 2014: 1029
Saaristo 2010: 233
Saaristo 2003: 22
Bosmans 1994: 346
Simon 1893: 324

Pachygnatha argyrostilba

Pickard-Cambridge 1876: 573
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