Glenognatha, Simon, 1887

Jimmy Cabra-García & Antonio D. Brescovit, 2016, Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the orb-weaving spider genus Glenognatha Simon, 1887 (Araneae, Tetragnathidae), Zootaxa 4069 (1), pp. 1-183 : 19-20

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Plazi (2017-11-17 17:54:50, last updated 2024-11-29 15:19:10)

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Key to Glenognatha View in CoL View at ENA males

1 Chelicerae with a strong macrosetae ( Fig. 85D View FIGURE 85 , 86A)............................................. G. hirsutissima View in CoL

- Chelicerae without such macrosetae ( Figs. 57 A View FIGURE 57 , 61 A View FIGURE 61 , 127 A View FIGURE 127 ).................................................. 2

2 Chelicerae with anterior tooth ( Figs. 68 A View FIGURE 68 , 72 A View FIGURE 72 , 90 A View FIGURE 90 , 94 A View FIGURE 94 , 98D View FIGURE 98 )............................................... 3

- Chelicerae without anterior tooth ( Figs. 10 A View FIGURE 10 , 15 A View FIGURE 15 , 57 A View FIGURE 57 , 61 A View FIGURE 61 , 127 A View FIGURE 127 )........................................... 9

3 Ret1 displaced to the posterior surface ( Figs. 68B–C View FIGURE 68 )............................................. G. caparu View in CoL n. sp.

- Ret1 not displaced ( Figs. 72B View FIGURE 72 , 90C View FIGURE 90 , 94C View FIGURE 94 )................................................................. 4

4 Prt1 enlarged relative to Prt2 and Prt3 ( Figs. 72 A View FIGURE 72 , 94 A View FIGURE 94 , 98D View FIGURE 98 )................................................. 5

- Prt1 not enlarged ( Figs. 75E View FIGURE 75 , 77E View FIGURE 77 , 90A View FIGURE 90 )................................................................... 7

5 Paracymbium with a rounded basal apophysis ( Fig. 73H View FIGURE 73 )........................................ G. caaguara View in CoL n. sp.

- Paracymbium with a pointed basal apophysis ( Figs. 95F View FIGURE 95 , 97H View FIGURE 97 , 99H View FIGURE 99 )............................................ 6

6 Embolus coiled, Prt1 strongly curved ( Figs. 98D View FIGURE 98 , 99D–E View FIGURE 99 )................................................ G. iviei View in CoL

- Embolus not coiled, Prt1 slightly curved ( Figs. 94A View FIGURE 94 , 95D–E View FIGURE 95 ).......................................... G. heleios View in CoL

7 Paracymbium distal portion as long or longer than the tegulum as seen in retrolateral view ( Figs. 78H View FIGURE 78 , 79C View FIGURE 79 ) G. camisea View in CoL n. sp.

- Paracymbium distal portion shorter than the tegulum as seen in retrolateral view.................................. 8

8 Conductor lamina excavated in dorsal view, retrolateral margin entire ( Figs. 91C View FIGURE 91 , 92H View FIGURE 92 )......................... G. foxi View in CoL

- Conductor lamina not excavated, retrolateral margin serrated ( Fig. 76C View FIGURE 76 )............................. G. januari View in CoL n. sp.

9 Embolic medial groove limited to the inner surface of the embolus; paracymbium distal portion short ( Figs. 11H View FIGURE 11 , 13A View FIGURE 13 , 18A, D View FIGURE 18 , 23D, H View FIGURE 23 )........................................................................................... 10

- Embolic medial groove occupying the outer surface of the embolus; paracymbium distal portion long ( Figs. 28G–H View FIGURE 28 , 49B, F View FIGURE 49 , 54A View FIGURE 54 , 64B–C View FIGURE 64 , 74F View FIGURE 74 , 92F View FIGURE 92 , 97A View FIGURE 97 , 112H View FIGURE 112 )..................................................................... 12

10 Conductor lamina with a distal prolaterally oriented fold enclosing partially the embolus tip ( Figs. 18 A –B View FIGURE 18 , 23D–G View FIGURE 23 )..... 11

- Conductor lamina without such fold ( Figs. 13A–C View FIGURE 13 )............................................ G. boraceia View in CoL n. sp.

11 Embolus tip twice coiled, with filiform projections ( Figs. 22D View FIGURE 22 , 23G, M–P View FIGURE 23 )............................ G. lacteovittata View in CoL

- Embolus tip uncoiled, without filiform projections ( Figs. 16D View FIGURE 16 , 18A–B View FIGURE 18 ).............................. G. florezi View in CoL n. sp.

12 Carapace with pore-bearing and setae-bearing lateral depressions ( Figs. 29 A –C, E–F View FIGURE 29 , 31 A View FIGURE 31 , 38 A View FIGURE 38 , 42 A –B, D–G View FIGURE 42 )........ 13

- Carapace without such depressions ( Figs. 45 A View FIGURE 45 , 50 A View FIGURE 50 , 56 A View FIGURE 56 , 118 A View FIGURE 118 )............................................. 15

13 Conductor apical portion with well chitinized tooth-like projections ( Figs. 40F View FIGURE 40 , 43G View FIGURE 43 )....................... G. dentata View in CoL

- Conductor apical portion without such projections ( Figs. 28H View FIGURE 28 , 37A–B View FIGURE 37 )......................................... 14

14 Conductor lamina sinuous; sternum with rounded setae-bearing depressions ( Figs. 31C View FIGURE 31 , 35 A –B View FIGURE 35 , 37 A View FIGURE 37 )...... G. argyrostilba View in CoL

- Conductor lamina not sinuous; sternum smooth ( Fig. 27B View FIGURE 27 , 28H View FIGURE 28 , 29D View FIGURE 29 )...................................... G. tangi View in CoL

15 Chelicerae with enlarged Ret2 and Ret3, the latter being longer ( Figs. 123A–C View FIGURE 123 )............................. G. minuta View in CoL

- Chelicerae otherwise ( Figs. 46B View FIGURE 46 , 51B View FIGURE 51 , 57B View FIGURE 57 , 81B View FIGURE 81 ), if Ret2 and Ret3 are enlarged, the latter is subequal or shorter ( Figs. 115B View FIGURE 115 , 119B View FIGURE 119 , 127B View FIGURE 127 )....................................................................................... 16

16. Chelicerae with enlarged Prt1, curved ( Fig. 65D View FIGURE 65 )................................................... G. smilodon View in CoL

- Chelicerae with Prt1 not enlarged ( Figs. 46 A View FIGURE 46 , 51 A View FIGURE 51 , 57 A View FIGURE 57 , 61 A View FIGURE 61 )............................................... 17

17 Ret1 adjacent to the fang articulation, longer than the fang width ( Fig. 46B View FIGURE 46 ).......................... G. mendezi View in CoL n. sp.

- Ret1 not adjacent to the fang articulation ( Figs. 51B View FIGURE 51 , 57B View FIGURE 57 , 61B View FIGURE 61 , 81B View FIGURE 81 , 101C View FIGURE 101 , 115B View FIGURE 115 ), if near to the fang articulation shorter than the fang width ( Figs. 106B–C View FIGURE 106 , 111B–C View FIGURE 111 )................................................................. 18

18 Embolus tip curved towards the conductor ( Figs. 82 A View FIGURE 82 , 84 A –E View FIGURE 84 ).................................... G. vivianae View in CoL n. sp.

- Embolus tip otherwise................................................................................. 19

19 Ret2 straight ( Figs. 57B View FIGURE 57 , 61B View FIGURE 61 ), if curved, apical portion mesally oriented ( Fig. 51B View FIGURE 51 ).............................. 20

- Ret2 curved, apical portion ectally oriented ( Figs. 101B View FIGURE 101 , 106B View FIGURE 106 , 111B View FIGURE 111 , 115B View FIGURE 115 )..................................... 22

20 Three promarginal teeth ( Figs. 51A, C View FIGURE 51 )............................................................ G. gaujoni View in CoL

- Five or more promarginal teeth ( Figs. 57 A, C View FIGURE 57 , 61 A, C View FIGURE 61 )..................................................... 21

21 Conductor lamina with a long apical projection ( Figs. 58B View FIGURE 58 , 59A–B)............................... G. patriceae View in CoL n. sp.

- Conductor lamina without such projection ( Figs. 62B View FIGURE 62 , 64A–B View FIGURE 64 )......................................... G. globosa View in CoL

22 Cheliceral basal segment with a sharpened projection in the distal margin ( Fig. 127A View FIGURE 127 )...................... G. emertoni View in CoL

- Cheliceral basal segment without such projection ( Figs. 115 A View FIGURE 115 , 119 A View FIGURE 119 ).......................................... 23

23 Ret2 abruptly curved ( Fig. 115B View FIGURE 115 )............................................................. G. gouldi View in CoL n. sp.

- Ret2 gradually curved ( Figs. 101B View FIGURE 101 , 106B View FIGURE 106 , 119B View FIGURE 119 ).......................................................... 24

24 Embolus longer than the conductor in ventral view ( Figs. 120A, E View FIGURE 120 )................................. G. timbira View in CoL n. sp.

- Embolus subequal to the conductor in ventral view ( Figs. 109A–C View FIGURE 109 , 113F–H).................................... 25

25 Conductor lamina with a thin apical projection ( Figs. 102B View FIGURE 102 , 104F View FIGURE 104 )..................................... G. australis

- Conductor lamina apical portion otherwise ( Figs. 107B View FIGURE 107 , 112B View FIGURE 112 )............................................... 26

26 Clypeus strongly projected ( Fig. 110B View FIGURE 110 )............................................................ G. gloriae View in CoL

- Clypeus slightly projected ( Fig. 105B View FIGURE 105 )........................................................... G. spherella View in CoL

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FIGURE 10. Glenognatha boraceia new species from Brazil. A – C, male left chelicerae (MZSP 42538). A, anterior. B, posterior. C, mesal. D – F, female left chelicerae (MZSP 39047). D, anterior. E, posterior. F, mesal (arrow, cheliceral bulge). Scale bars, 100 µm. CFO: cheliceral fang outgrowth. Ret: retromarginal tooth.

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FIGURE 11. Glenognatha boraceia new species from Brazil (MZSP 42538). A – D, male left palp, schematic. A, ventral. B, conductor, ventral. C, conductor, dorsal. D, embolus, ventral. E – H, male left palp. E, ventral. F, dorsal. G, prolateral. H, retrolateral. Scale bars, 100 µm. C: conductor. CB: cymbium. CRa: conductor retrolateral apophysis. E: embolus. ED: ejaculatory duct. P: paracymbium. T: tegulum. TO: tarsal organ.

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FIGURE 13. Glenognatha boraceia new species from Brazil. A – C, male left palp. A, ventral. B, embolus and conductor, ventral. C, embolus and conductor, dorsal. D – E, male spinnerets. D, PMS. E, PLS. Scale bars 100 µm (A), 50 µm (B – C), 30 µm (D – E). AC: aciniform gland spigot. C: conductor. CB: cymbium. CRa: conductor retrolateral apophysis. E: embolus. EMg: embolic medial groove. mAP: minor ampullate gland spigot. P: paracymbium. T: tegulum.

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FIGURE 15. Glenognatha florezi new species from Colombia (ICN 2141). A – C, male left chelicerae. A, anterior. B, posterior. C, mesal. D – F, female left chelicerae. D, anterior. E, posterior. F, mesal (arrow, cheliceral bulge). Scale bars, 100 µm. CFO: cheliceral fang outgrowth. Ret: retromarginal tooth.

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FIGURE 16. Glenognatha florezi new species from Colombia. A – D, male left palp, schematic (Paratype ICN 2141). A, ventral. B, conductor, ventral. C, conductor, dorsal. D, embolus, ventral (arrow, tooth-like projection). E – H, male left palp (ICN 1973). E, ventral. F, dorsal. G, prolateral. H, retrolateral. Scale bars, 100 µm. C: conductor. CB: cymbium. CRa: conductor retrolateral apophysis. E: embolus. ED: ejaculatory duct. P: paracymbium. T: tegulum. TO: tarsal organ.

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FIGURE 18. Glenognatha florezi new species from Colombia. A – D, male left palp. A, ventral. B, embolus and conductor, prolateral. C, embolus and conductor tip. D, paracymbium. E – G, female tracheal system. E, dorsal. F, median trunk. G, tracheal spiracle, posterior view. H, epiandrous fusules (image by Ligia Benavides). Scale bars, 200 µm (A), 100 µm (B, D, E – F), 20 µm (C, G), 10 µm (H). C: conductor. CRa: conductor retrolateral apophysis. E: embolus. EMg: embolus medial groove. LT: lateral tracheae. MT: median trunks. P: paracymbium. PBP: paracymbium basal portion. T: tegulum. TO: tarsal organ.

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FIGURE 22. Glenognatha lacteovittata. A – D, male left palp, schematic (IBSP 70038). A, ventral. B, conductor, ventral. C, conductor, dorsal. D, embolus, ventral. E – H, male left palp (IBSP 44084). E, ventral. F, dorsal. G, prolateral. H, retrolateral. Scale bars, 100 µm. C: conductor. CB: cymbium. CRa: conductor retrolateral apophysis. E: embolus. F: fundus. ED: ejaculatory duct. P: paracymbium. T: tegulum. TO: tarsal organ.

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FIGURE 23. Glenognatha lacteovittata. A – C, female genitalia. A, ventral. B, dorsal. C, lateral. D – G, embolus an conductor. D, retrolateral. E, dorsoretrolateral. F, anterior. G, distal portion (arrow, filiform projections). H, paracymbium. I – L, conductor. I, ventral. J, prolateral. K, dorsal. L, retrolateral. M – P, embolus (arrow, tooth-like projection). Scale bars, 100 µm (A – F, H), 50 µm (G), 20 µm (I – L), 30 µm (M – P). C: conductor. CRa: conductor retrolateral apophysis. E: embolus. EMg: embolus medial groove. MC: membranous chamber. P: paracymbium. PBP: paracymbium basal portion. PDP: Paracymbium distal portion. UE: uterus externus.

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FIGURE 27. Glenognatha tangi from Myanmar (USNM). A – D, male left palp, schematic. A, ventral. B, conductor, ventral. C, conductor, dorsal. D, embolus, ventral. E – H, male left palp. E, ventral. F, dorsal. G, prolateral. H, retrolateral. Scale bars, 100 µm. C: conductor. CB: cymbium. CRa: conductor retrolateral apophysis. E: embolus. EMg: embolic medial groove. P: paracymbium. T: tegulum. TO: tarsal organ.

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FIGURE 28. Glenognatha tangi. A – C, female genitalia (USNM). A, dorsal. B, ventral. C, lateral. D – F, male left palp. D, ventral. E, dorsal. F, anterior. G, paracymbium. H – I, embolus and conductor. H, ventral. I, dorsal. Scale bars, 100 µm (A – F), 1 0 µm (G – I). C: conductor. CB: cymbium. CD: copulatory duct. CRa: conductor retrolateral apophysis. E: embolus. EMg: embolic medial groove. MC: membranous chamber. P: paracymbium. S: spermathecae. T: tegulum. TO: tarsal organ. UE: uterus externus.

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FIGURE 29. Glenognatha tangi. Male cephalothorax. A, lateral (white and black boxes define areas of figures E and F, respectively). B, frontal. C, dorsal. D, ventral. E, lateral cuticle (arrows, setae-bearing depressions). F, cuticle detail (arrows, pore-bearing depressions). Scale bars, 100 µm (A – D), 20 µm (E – F).

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FIGURE 31. Glenognatha argyrostilba from Nigeria (CAS 9056025). A – D, male habitus. A, dorsal (arrow, lateral depressions). B, lateral. C, ventral (arrow, pleural bar). D, frontal. E – H, female habitus. E, dorsal (arrow, lateral depressions). F, lateral. G, ventral (arrow, pleural bar). H, frontal. Scale bars, 200 µm. TS: posterior tracheal spiracle.

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FIGURE 35. Glenognatha argyrostilba from Nigeria (CAS 9056025). A – D, male left palp, schematic. A, ventral. B, conductor, ventral. C, conductor, dorsal. D, embolus, ventral. E – H, male left palp. E, ventral. F, dorsal. G, prolateral. H, retrolateral. Scale bars, 100 µm. C: conductor. CB: cymbium. CRa: conductor retrolateral apophysis. E: embolus. ED: ejaculatory duct. EMg: embolic medial groove. P: paracymbium. T: tegulum. TO: tarsal organ.

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FIGURE 37. Glenognatha argyrostilba. A – B, male left palp. A, ventral. B, retrolateral. C – E, female cephalothorax (images by Ligia Benavides). C, ventral (arrow, setae-bearing depressions). D, dorsal (arrow, lateral depressions). E, lateral (arrow, lateral depressions. Scale bars, 100 µm. C: conductor. CB: cymbium. CRa: conductor retrolateral apophysis. E: embolus. EMg: embolic medial groove. P: paracymbium. T: tegulum.

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FIGURE 38. Glenognatha dentata from Myanmar (USNM). A – D, male habitus. A, dorsal (arrow, lateral depressions). B, lateral. C, ventral (arrow, pleural bar). D, frontal. E – H, female habitus. E, dorsal (arrow, lateral depressions). F, lateral. G, ventral (arrow, pleural bar). H, frontal. Scale bars, 200 µm. TS: posterior tracheal spiracle.

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FIGURE 40. Glenognatha dentata. A – D, male left palp, schematic (MCZ 84023). A, ventral. B, conductor, ventral. C, conductor, dorsal. D, embolus, ventral. E – H, male left palp (USNM). E, ventral. F, dorsal. G, prolateral. H, retrolateral. Scale bars, 100 µm. C: conductor. CB: cymbium. CRa: conductor retrolateral apophysis. E: embolus. ED: ejaculatory duct. EMg: embolic medial groove. P: paracymbium. T: tegulum. TO: tarsal organ.

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FIGURE 42. Glenognatha dentata. Male cephalothorax. A, lateral (box defines area of figure E). B, frontal. C, ventral. D, dorsal. E, lateral surface (box defines area of figure F). F, setae-bearing and pore-bearing depressions. G, clypeus cuticle. H, sternum setae-bearing depressions. Scale bars, 100 µm (A – D, G), 20 µm (E – F, H).

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FIGURE 43. Glenognatha dentata. A, male abdomen. B, epiandrous fusules. C, posterior tracheal spiracle. D – F, male left palp. D, ventral. E, ventroretrolateral. F, dorsoretrolateral. G – I, embolus and conductor. G, ventral. H, dorsal. I, apical. J, cymbium / paracymbium articulation. Scale bars, 100 µm (A, D – F), 20 µm (B – C, G – J). C: conductor. CB: cymbium. CRa: conductor retrolateral apophysis. E: embolus. EMg: embolic medial groove. P: paracymbium. T: tegulum. TS: posterior tracheal spiracle.

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FIGURE 45. Glenognatha mendezi new species from Colombia (ICN 5982). A – D, male habitus. A, dorsal. B, lateral. C, ventral. D, frontal. E – H, female habitus. E, dorsal. F, lateral. G, ventral (arrow, pleural bar). H, frontal. Scale bars, 200 µm. TS: posterior tracheal spiracle.

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FIGURE 46. Glenognatha mendezi new species from Colombia (ICN 5982). A – C, male left chelicerae. A, anterior. B, posterior. C, mesal. D – F, female left chelicerae. D, anterior. E, posterior. F, mesal. Scale bars, 100 µm. CFO: Cheliceral fang outgrowth. Prt: promarginal tooth. Ret: retromarginal tooth.

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FIGURE 49. Glenognatha mendezi new species. A, male left palp ventral. B, paracymbium. C – E, conductor. C, ventral. D, dorsal. E, retrolateral. F – H, embolus. F, ventral (arrow, inner membrane). G, dorsoprolateral (arrow, inner membrane). H, distal. I – L, male spinnerets. I, ventral. J, ALS. K, PMS. L, PLS. M, epiandrous fusules. N, male tracheal spiracle. Scale bars, 100 µm (A – B), 20 µm (C – I) 10 (J – N). AC: aciniform gland spigots. AG: aggregate gland spigots. CRa: conductor retrolateral apophysis. EMg: embolic medial groove. FL: flagelliform gland spigot. MAP: major ampullate gland spigot. mAP: minor ampullate gland spigot. P: paracymbium. PBP: paracymbium basal portion. PDP: paracymbium distal portion. T: tegulum. PI: piriform gland spigots.

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FIGURE 50. Glenognatha gaujoni from Brazil. A – D, male habitus (IBSP 26965). A, dorsal. B, lateral. C, ventral (arrow, pleural bar). D, frontal. E – H, female habitus (IBSP 55545). E, dorsal. F, lateral. G, ventral (arrow, pleural bar). H, frontal. Scale bars, 500 µm. TS: posterior tracheal spiracle.

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FIGURE 51. Glenognatha gaujoni from Brazil. A – C, male left chelicerae (IBSP 12182). A, anterior. B, posterior. C, mesal. D – F, female left chelicerae (IBSP 12612). D, anterior. E, posterior. F, mesal. Scale bars, 500 µm. AT: anterior tooth. CFO: Cheliceral fang outgrowth. EA: ectal apophysis. Prt: promarginal tooth. Ret: retromarginal tooth.

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FIGURE 54. Glenognatha gaujoni. A, male left palp ventral. B – C, conductor and embolus. B, ventral. C, retrolateral. D – H, conductor. D, ventral. E, ventroretrolateral. F, retrolateral. G, dorsal. H, prolateral. I – L, embolus. I, ventroretrolateral. J, ventral (arrow, inner membrane). K, dorsal. L, scale-shaped projections. Scale bars, 100 µm. C: conductor. CB: cymbium. CRa: conductor retrolateral apophysis. E: embolus. ED: ejaculatory duct. EMg: embolic medial groove. T: tegulum.

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FIGURE 56. Glenognatha patriceae new species from Colombia (ICN 5986). A – D, male habitus. A, dorsal. B, lateral. C, ventral (arrow, pleural bar). D, frontal. E – H, female habitus. E, dorsal. F, lateral. G, ventral (arrow, pleural bar). H, frontal. Scale bars, 500 µm. TS: posterior tracheal spiracle.

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FIGURE 57. Glenognatha patriceae new species from Colombia (ICN 5986). A – C, male left chelicerae. A, anterior. B, posterior. C, mesal. D – F, female left chelicerae. D, anterior. E, posterior. F, mesal. Scale bars, 100 µm. EA: ectal apophysis. Prt: promarginal tooth. Ret: retromarginal tooth.

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FIGURE 58. Glenognatha patriceae new species from Colombia (ICN 5986). A – D, male left palp, schematic. A, ventral. B, conductor, ventral. C, conductor, dorsal. D, embolus, ventral. E – H, male left palp. E, ventral. F, dorsal. G, prolateral. H, retrolateral. Scale bars, 100 µm. C: conductor. CB: cymbium. CRa: conductor retrolateral apophysis. E: embolus. ED: ejaculatory duct. EMg: embolic medial groove. P: paracymbium. T: tegulum. TO: tarsal organ.

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FIGURE 61. Glenognatha globosa from Colombia (ICN 5991). A – C, male left chelicerae. A, anterior. B, posterior. C, mesal. D – F, female left chelicerae. D, anterior. E, posterior. F, mesal. Scale bars, 100 µm. AT: anterior tooth. Prt: promarginal tooth. Ret: retromarginal tooth.

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FIGURE 62. Glenognatha globosa from Colombia (ICN 5991). A – D, male left palp, schematic. A, ventral. B, conductor, ventral. C, conductor, dorsal. D, embolus, ventral. E – H, male left palp. E, ventral. F, dorsal. G, prolateral. H, retrolateral. Scale bars, 100 µm. C: conductor. CB: cymbium. CRa: conductor retrolateral apophysis. E: embolus. ED: ejaculatory duct. EMg: embolic medial groove. P: paracymbium. T: tegulum. TO: tarsal organ.

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FIGURE 64. Glenognatha globosa. A – C, male left palp. A, retrolateral. B, embolus and conductor. C, paracymbium. D, epiandrous fusules. E – H, male spinnerets. E, ventral. F, ALS. G, PMS. H, PLS. Scale bars, 100 µm (A – C, E), 10 µm (D, F – H). AG: aggregate gland spigots. C: conductor. CRa: conductor retrolateral apophysis. E: embolus. EMg: embolic medial groove. FL: flagelliform gland spigot. MAP: major ampullate gland spigot. mAP: minor ampullate gland spigot. PI: piriform gland spigots. T: tegulum.

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FIGURE 65. Glenognatha smilodon from Cameroon (Holotype, MRAC 202710). Male habitus. A, dorsal. B, lateral. C, ventral. D, frontal. Scale bars, 200 µm. Prt: promarginal tooth. TS: posterior tracheal spiracle.

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FIGURE 68. Glenognatha caparu new species from Colombia (Paratypes, ICN 5980). A – C, male left chelicerae. A, anterior. B, posterior. C, mesal. D – F, female left chelicerae. D, anterior. E, posterior. F, mesal. Scale bars, 100 µm. AT: anterior tooth. CFO: cheliceral fang outgrowth. Prt: promarginal tooth. Ret: retromarginal tooth.

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FIGURE 72. Glenognatha caaguara new species from Brazil. A – C, male left chelicerae (IBSP 57091). A, anterior. B, posterior. C, mesal. D – F, female left chelicerae (IBSP 57078). D, anterior. E, posterior. F, mesal. Scale bars, 100 µm. AT: anterior tooth. CFO: cheliceral fang outgrowth. Prt: promarginal tooth. Ret: retromarginal tooth.

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FIGURE 73. Glenognatha caaguara new species from Brazil. A – D, male left palp, schematic (IBSP 57090). A, ventral. B, conductor, ventral. C, conductor, dorsal. D, embolus, ventral. E – H, male left palp (MCTP 13771). E, ventral. F, dorsal. G, prolateral. H, retrolateral (arrow, paracymbium basal apophysis). Scale bars, 100 µm. C: conductor. CB: cymbium. CRa: conductor retrolateral apophysis. E: embolus. ED: ejaculatory duct. EMg: embolic medial groove. P: paracymbium. T: tegulum. TO: tarsal organ.

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FIGURE 74. Glenognatha caaguara new species. A – C, female genitalia. A, dorsal. B, ventral. C, lateral (arrow, uterus externus basal portion). D – E, spermathecae and copulatory duct. F, male left palp ventral. G – H, embolus and conductor. G, ventral. H, dorsal. I – J, female tracheal system. I, dorsal. J, median trunk distal. Scale bars, 20 µm (A – C, F – J), 10 µm (D – E). C: conductor. CD: copulatory duct. CRa: conductor retrolateral apophysis. E: embolus. EMg: embolic medial groove. LSD: longstem ducts. LT: lateral trunk. MC: membranous chamber. MT: median trunk. S: spermathecae. T: tegulum. UE: uterus externus.

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FIGURE 75. Glenognatha januari new species from Brazil. A – D, male habitus (Holoytpe, IBSP 120209). A, dorsal. B, lateral. C, ventral. D, frontal. E – G, male left chelicerae (IBSP 120220). E, anterior. F, posterior. G, mesal. Scale bars, 200 µm (A – D) 100 µm (E – G). AT: anterior tooth. Prt: promarginal tooth. Ret: retromarginal tooth.

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FIGURE 76. Glenognatha januari new species from Brazil. A – D, male left palp, schematic (IBSP 120220). A, ventral. B, conductor, ventral. C, conductor, dorsal. D, embolus, ventral. E – H, male left palp (Holoytpe, IBSP 120209). E, ventral. F, dorsal. G, prolateral. H, retrolateral. Scale bars, 100 µm. C: conductor. CB: cymbium. CRa: conductor retrolateral apophysis. E: embolus. EMg: embolic medial groove. P: paracymbium. T: tegulum. TO: tarsal organ.

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FIGURE 77. Glenognatha camisea new species from Peru. A – D, male habitus (Paratype, MUSM 054913). A, dorsal. B, lateral. C, ventral. D, frontal. E – G, male left chelicerae (Paratype, MUSM 0504905). E, anterior. F, posterior. G, mesal. Scale bars, 200 µm (A – D) 100 µm (E – G). AT: anterior tooth. Prt: promarginal tooth. Ret: retromarginal tooth.

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FIGURE 78. Glenognatha camisea new species from Peru. A – D, male left palp, schematic (Paratype, MUSM 054913). A, ventral. B, conductor, ventral. C, conductor, dorsal. D, embolus, ventral. E – H, male left palp (Holotype, MUSM 0505885). E, ventral. F, dorsal. G, prolateral. H, retrolateral. Scale bars, 100 µm. C: conductor. CB: cymbium. CRa: conductor retrolateral apophysis. E: embolus. EMg: embolic medial groove. P: paracymbium. T: tegulum. TO: tarsal organ.

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FIGURE 79. Glenognatha camisea new species from Peru. A – C, male left palp. A, ventral. B, dorsal. C, anterior. D, epiandrous fusules (images by Ligia Benavides). Scale bars 100 µm (A – C) 10 µm (D). C: conductor. CB: cymbium. CRa: conductor retrolateral apophysis. E: embolus. EMg: embolic medial groove. P: paracymbium. T: tegulum. TO: tarsal organ.

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FIGURE 81. Glenognatha vivianae new species from Brazil (Paratype, IBSP 147861). A – C, male left chelicerae. A, anterior. B, posterior. C, mesal. D – F, female left chelicerae. D, anterior. E, posterior. F, mesal. Scale bars, 100 µm. Prt: promarginal tooth. Ret: retromarginal tooth.

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FIGURE 82. Glenognatha vivianae new species from Brazil. A – D, male left palp, schematic (Paratype, IBSP 147861). A, ventral. B, conductor, ventral. C, conductor, dorsal. D, embolus, ventral. E – H, male left palp (IBSP 147809). E, ventral. F, dorsal. G, prolateral. H, retrolateral. Scale bars, 100 µm. C: conductor. CB: cymbium. CRa: conductor retrolateral apophysis. E: embolus. ED: ejaculatory duct. EMg: embolic medial groove. F: fundus. P: paracymbium. T: tegulum. TO: tarsal organ.

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FIGURE 84. Glenognatha vivianae new species from Brazil. A – F, male left palp. A, ventral. B, embolus and conductor, ventral. C, embolus tip. D, anteroretrolateral. E, embolus and conductor, dorsoretrolateral. F, cymbium. Scale bars, 100 µm (A), 50 µm (B, D – F), 10 µm (C). C: conductor. CRa: conductor retrolateral apophysis. E: embolus. EMg: embolic medial groove. T: tegulum. TO: tarsal organ.

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FIGURE 85. Glenognatha hirsutissima from Marquesas Islands (USNM). A – D, male habitus. A, dorsal. B, lateral. C, ventral. D, frontal. E – H, female habitus. E, dorsal. F, lateral. G, ventral. H, frontal. Scale bars, 200 µm. TS: posterior tracheal spiracle.

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FIGURE 90. Glenognatha foxi from USA (AMNH). A – C, male left chelicerae. A, anterior. B, posterior. C, mesal. D – F, female left chelicerae. D, anterior. E, posterior. F, mesal. Scale bars, 100 µm. AT: anterior tooth. Prt: promarginal tooth. CFO: cheliceral fang outgrowth. Ret: retromarginal tooth.

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FIGURE 91. Glenognatha foxi from USA (AMNH). A – D, male left palp, schematic. A, ventral. B, conductor, ventral. C, conductor, dorsal (arrow, excavation). D, embolus, ventral. E – H, male left palp. E, ventral. F, dorsal. G, prolateral. H, retrolateral. Scale bars, 100 µm. C: conductor. CB: cymbium. CRa: conductor retrolateral apophysis. E: embolus. ED: ejaculatory duct. EMg: embolic medial groove. P: paracymbium. T: tegulum. TO: tarsal organ.

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FIGURE 92. Glenognatha foxi. A – E, female genitalia. A, dorsal. B, anterior. C, lateral. D – E, spermathecae and copulatory duct. F, male left palp ventral. G – H, embolus and conductor. G, ventroretrolateral. H, dorsal (arrow, excavation). I, paracymbium. J – L, female tracheal system. J, dorsal. K, median and lateral trunk. L, tracheal spiracle, posterior view. Scale bars, 100 µm (F, I), 20 µm (A – C, J), 10 µm (D – E, G – H, K – L). C: conductor. CB: cymbium. CD: copulatory duct. CRa: conductor retrolateral apophysis. E: embolus. EMg: embolic medial groove. LSD: long-stem ducts. LT: lateral trunk. MC: membranous chamber. MT: median trunk. P: paracymbium. S: spermathecae. T: tegulum. TAG: tracheal atrium gland. UE: uterus externus.

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FIGURE 94. Glenognatha heleios from USA (AMNH). A – C, male left chelicerae. A, anterior. B, posterior. C, mesal. D – F, female left chelicerae. D, anterior. E, posterior. F, mesal. Scale bars, 100 µm. AT: anterior tooth. CFO: cheliceral fang outgrowth. Prt: promarginal tooth. Ret: retromarginal tooth.

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FIGURE 95. Glenognatha heleios from USA (Paratype, AMNH). A – D, male left palp, schematic. A, ventral. B, conductor, ventral. C, conductor, dorsal. D, embolus, ventral. E – H, male left palp. E, ventral. F, dorsal (arrow, paracymbium basal apophysis). G, prolateral. H, retrolateral. Scale bars, 100 µm. C: conductor. CB: cymbium. CRa: conductor retrolateral apophysis. E: embolus. ED: ejaculatory duct. EMg: embolic medial groove. P: paracymbium. T: tegulum. TO: tarsal organ.

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FIGURE 97. Glenognatha heleios. A – D, male left palp. A, ventral. B, dorsal. C, retrolateral. D, anterior. E – G, embolus and conductor. E, ventral. F, dorsal. G, retrolateral. H, paracymbium (arrow, paracymbium basal apophysis). Scale bars, 100 µm (A – D, H), 20 µm (E – G). C: conductor. CB: cymbium. CRa: conductor retrolateral apophysis. E: embolus. EMg: embolic medial groove. P: paracymbium. T: tegulum.

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FIGURE 98. Glenognatha iviei from USA (Holotype, AMNH). Male habitus. A, dorsal. B, lateral. C, ventral. D, frontal. Scale bars, 200 µm. AT: anterior tooth. Prt: promarginal tooth.

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FIGURE 99. Glenognatha iviei from USA (Holotype, AMNH). A – D, male left palp, schematic. A, ventral. B, conductor, ventral. C, conductor, dorsal. D, embolus, ventral. E – H, male left palp. E, ventral. F, dorsal. G, prolateral. H, retrolateral (arrow, paracymbium basal apophysis). Scale bars, 100 µm. C: conductor. CB: cymbium. CRa: conductor retrolateral apophysis. E: embolus. EMg: embolic medial groove. P: paracymbium. T: tegulum.

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FIGURE 101. Glenognatha australis. A – C, male left chelicerae (MCTP 838). A, anterior. B, posterior. C, mesal. D – F, female left chelicerae (MCN 42102). D, anterior. E, posterior. F, mesal. Scale bars, 100 µm. Prt: promarginal tooth. Ret: retromarginal tooth.

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FIGURE 102. Glenognatha australis from Brazil. A – D, male left palp, schematic (MCTP 841). A, ventral. B, conductor, ventral. C, conductor, dorsal. D, embolus, ventral. E – H, male left palp (MCN 46671). E, ventral. F, dorsal. G, prolateral. H, retrolateral. Scale bars, 100 µm. C: conductor. CB: cymbium. CRa: conductor retrolateral apophysis. E: embolus. ED: ejaculatory duct. EMg: embolic medial groove. P: paracymbium. T: tegulum. TO: tarsal organ.

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FIGURE 104. Glenognatha australis. A, male left palp anterior. B – C, conductor. B, ventral (tip broken). C, ventroprolateral (tip broken). D, embolus (arrow, inner membrane). E, male left palp, ventral. F – G, embolus and conductor. F, ventral. G, dorsal. H, epiandrous fusules. I – L, male spinnerets. I, ventral. J, ALS. K, PMS. L, PLS. Scale bars, 100 (A, E), 20 (B – D, F – G, I), 10 (H, J – L). AC: aciniform gland spigot. AG: aggregate gland spigots. C: conductor. CRa: conductor retrolateral apophysis. E: embolus. ED: ejaculatory duct. EMg: embolic medial groove. FL: flagelliform gland spigot. MAP: major ampullate gland spigot. mAP: minor ampullate gland spigot. P: paracymbium. PI: piriform gland spigots. T: tegulum. TO: tarsal organ.

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FIGURE 105. Glenognatha spherella from Mexico. A – D, male habitus (CAS 9046858). A, dorsal. B, lateral. C, ventral. D, frontal. E – H, female habitus (CAS 9046857). E, dorsal. F, lateral. G, ventral. H, frontal. Scale bars, 200 µm. TS: tracheal spiracle.

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FIGURE 106. Glenognatha spherella from Mexico. A – C, male left chelicerae (CAS 9046858). A, anterior. B, posterior. C, mesal. D – F, female left chelicerae (CAS 9046857). D, anterior. E, posterior (arrow, posterolateral bulge). F, mesal. Scale bars, 100 µm. Prt: promarginal tooth. Ret: retromarginal tooth.

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FIGURE 107. Glenognatha spherella from Mexico. A – D, male left palp, schematic (AMNH). A, ventral. B, conductor, ventral. C, conductor, dorsal. D, embolus, ventral. E – H, male left palp (CAS 9046858). E, ventral. F, dorsal. G, prolateral. H, retrolateral. Scale bars, 100 µm. C: conductor. CB: cymbium. CRa: conductor retrolateral apophysis. E: embolus. ED: ejaculatory duct. EMg: embolic medial groove. P: paracymbium. T: tegulum. TO: tarsal organ.

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FIGURE 109. Glenognatha spherella. A, male left palp ventroretrolateral. B – D, embolus and conductor. B, ventroretrolateral. C, dorsal. D, retrolateral. Scale bars, 20 µm. C: conductor. CRa: conductor retrolateral apophysis. E: embolus. EMg: embolic medial groove. P: paracymbium. T: tegulum.

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FIGURE 110. Glenognatha gloriae from Puerto Rico (MCZ 125485). A – D, male habitus. A, dorsal. B, lateral. C, ventral. D, frontal. E – H, female habitus. E, dorsal. F, lateral. G, ventral. H, frontal. Scale bars, 200 µm. TS: tracheal spiracle.

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FIGURE 111. Glenognatha gloriae from Puerto Rico (MCZ 125482). A – C, male left chelicerae. A, anterior. B, posterior. C, mesal. D – F, female left chelicerae. D, anterior. E, posterior. F, mesal. Scale bars, 100 µm. Prt: promarginal tooth. Ret: retromarginal tooth.

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FIGURE 112. Glenognatha gloriae from Puerto Rico (MCZ 125485). A – D, male left palp, schematic. A, ventral. B, conductor, ventral. C, conductor, dorsal. D, embolus, ventral. E – H, male left palp. E, ventral. F, dorsal. G, prolateral. H, retrolateral. Scale bars, 100 µm. C: conductor. CB: cymbium. CRa: conductor retrolateral apophysis. E: embolus. ED: ejaculatory duct. EMg: embolic medial groove. P: paracymbium. T: tegulum. TO: tarsal organ.

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FIGURE 115. Glenognatha gouldi new species from USA (Paratypes, USNM 00879002). A – C, male left chelicerae. A, anterior. B, posterior. C, mesal. D – F, female left chelicerae. D, anterior. E, posterior. F, mesal. Scale bars, 200 µm. Prt: promarginal tooth. Ret: retromarginal tooth.

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FIGURE 118. Glenognatha timbira new species from Brazil (Paratypes, MNRJ 6598). A – D, male habitus. A, dorsal. B, lateral. C, ventral. D, frontal. E – H, female habitus. E, dorsal. F, lateral. G, ventral. H, frontal. Scale bars, 500 µm. TS: tracheal spiracle.

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FIGURE 119. Glenognatha timbira new species from Brazil (Paratypes, MNRJ 6598). A – C, male left chelicerae. A, anterior. B, posterior. C, mesal. D – F, female left chelicerae. D, anterior. E, posterior. F, mesal. Scale bars, 200 µm. Prt: promarginal tooth. Ret: retromarginal tooth.

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FIGURE 120. Glenognatha timbira new species from Brazil (Paratype, MNRJ 6598). A – D, male left palp, schematic. A, ventral. B, conductor, ventral. C, conductor, dorsal. D, embolus, ventral. E – H, male left palp. E, ventral. F, dorsal. G, prolateral. H, retrolateral. Scale bars, 100 µm. C: conductor. CB: cymbium. CRa: conductor retrolateral apophysis. E: embolus. ED: ejaculatory duct. EMg: embolic medial groove. P: paracymbium. T: tegulum. TO: tarsal organ.

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FIGURE 123. Glenognatha minuta from Mexico (AMNH). A – C, male left chelicerae. A, anterior. B, posterior. C, mesal. D – F, female left chelicerae. D, anterior (arrow, cheliceral basal segment projection). E, posterior. F, mesal (arrow, cheliceral bulge). Scale bars, 100 µm. Prt: promarginal tooth. Ret: retromarginal tooth.

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FIGURE 127. Glenognatha emertoni from USA (AMNH). A – C, male left chelicerae. A, anterior (arrow, cheliceral basal segment projection). B, posterior. C, mesal. D – F, female left chelicerae. D, anterior (arrow, cheliceral basal segment projection). E, posterior. F, mesal (arrow, cheliceral bulge). Scale bars, 500 µm. Prt: promarginal tooth. Ret: retromarginal tooth.









