Panurginus hartmanni, Hopfenmüller, 2022

Hopfenmüller, Sebastian, 2022, A new bee species of the Panurginus niger group from the Tien Shan Mountains, Central Asia (Hymenoptera, Anthophila, Andrenidae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 54 (1), pp. 175-181 : 177-179

publication ID


persistent identifier

treatment provided by

Felipe (2023-01-05 17:56:03, last updated 2024-11-28 00:41:57)

scientific name

Panurginus hartmanni

sp. nov.

Panurginus hartmanni nov.sp. ( Fig. 1-9 View Figs 1-4 View Fig View Fig )

T y p e m a t e r i a l: Holotype: ♁, Kirgisien, 9.06.199 8, Seidenstr. n At-Bashi , 2100m, N 41°12‘ E 75° 50‘, leg. P. Hartmann (Coll. ZSM) GoogleMaps . Paratypes (14♁♁, 4♀♀): 1♁ same dates as Holotype ( Coll. ZSM) ; 2♁♁, 3♀♀ Kirgisien , 9.06.199 8, Korschoy Korgun B. At-Bashi, 2100m, N 41° 07’ E 75° 42’, leg. P Hartmann (Coll. ZSM and Coll. Hopfenmüller) GoogleMaps ; 11♁, 1♀ Kazakhstan, Almaty pr., 5-10km W Saryzhaz , 1900m, 42°54'37''N 79°30'14''E, leg. J. Halada, 6.6.201 6 (10♁♁, 1♀ Coll. OLML, 1♁ Coll. Hopfenmüller) GoogleMaps .

D i a g n o s i s: Panurginus hartmanni fits well in the P. niger group with narrow gonostylus and inside bent and triangular enlarged penis valve. The males can be separated by the charactersitic genitalia and pregenital sterna, especially the margin of sternite 6 with its shallow arch and very short bristles. The females of P. hartmanni are quite similar to P. niger , P. muraviovi and P. labiatus . Whereas P. niger and P. muraviovi can be separated by there more scattered punctures on the terga, P. labiatus differs by more dense punctures on scutum and more and larger pits on the clypeus. The females of P. hartmanni also differ from all other species in the P. niger group by the quite straight and short marginal zone of tergite 1 and 2.

D e s c r i p t i o n o f m a l e:

Body length: 4.5-5.5 mm.

Shape: Head transverse. F1 conical, slightly longer than wide apically, F2 and F3 shorter than wide, other flagellomeres about as long as wide, but last one longer than wide. Labral plate narrowly rounded to slightly triangular, with median depression. Facial fovea very small and inconspicuous. Hind basitarsus 3.5-4 times as long as wide. Metasomal terga with marginal zone depressed and relatively parallel, only slightly enlarged medially. Marginal zone of T2 and T3 less than half the length of disc.

Pregenital Sterna & Genitalia: S6 with posterior margin medially elevated to shallow arch with very short bristles. S7 with posterior margin slightly elevated and central shortly divided. S8 with short neck and apical plate bent outside. Gonostylus narrow, mostly parallel-sided, apically rounded, after third of length bowed inward. Penis valve apically triangular enlarged and bent inside, dorsally with a few long erect hairs.

Sculpture: Body generally shiny. Lower part of face with sparse punctures, upper part of face with more dense punctures, mostly 1-2 diameters apart. Scutum and scutellum with sparse punctures on disc, backward denser, especially in the middle. Metanotum densely punctured. Metasomal terga with dense punctures on disc, getting sparser on last terga. Marginal zone of terga without punctures. The specimens from Kazakhstan have denser punctures on the terga than the specimens from Kyrgyztan. Basal and marginal zone of terga slightly shagreened.

Coloration: Wing veins yellow or brownish. Clypeus yellow. Antenna underneath brownish to yellow. Legs partly yellow, especially basitarsi, parts of tibia, tip of femur. Tarsomeres 2-5 brownish to yellow.

D e s c r i p t i o n o f f e m a l e:

Body length 4.5-5.0 mm

Shape: Head slightly transverse. F1 conical, slightly longer than wide apically, F2 and F3 shorter than wide, other flagollemeres about as long as wide, but last one longer than wide. Labral plate narrowly rounded to slightly triangular, with median depression. Facial fovea straight, only slightly depressed. Metasomal terga with marginal zone depressed and relatively parallel, only slightly enlarged medially. Marginal zone of T2 about half the length of disc, of T3 about 2/3 the length of disc.

Sculpture: Body generally shiny. Lower part of face with sparse punctures, mostly 3-5 diameters apart, upper part of face more dense punctures, mostly 1-2 diameters apart, on vertex even denser. Scutum and scutellum with sparse punctures on disc, on posterior margin denser, on scutellum also on the middle line. Metasomal terga with dense punctures on disc, getting sparser on last terga. Marginal zone without punctures. Basal and marginal zone of terga slightly shagreened.

Coloration: Wing veins yellow, some slightly brownish. Antenna underneath bright yellow, only flagellomers 1 and 2 dark. Tarsomers yellow or brownish.

D i s t r i b u t i o n: Panurginus hartmanni was found in the Tien Shan mountains of Kyrgyztan and in Kazakhstan near the border to Kyrgyztan. The two locations are about 400 km away from each other. The specimens were found between 1,900 m and 2,100 m altitude. At the two locations in Kyrgyztan Panurginus hartmanni was collected together with Halictus leucahenaeus (det. Ebmer).

E t y m o l o g y: The new species is named after the German biologist Peter Hartmann (1947-2010), an enthusiastic bee specialist who collected the new species in Kyrgyztan ( DÖTTERL 2015).

DOTTERL S. (2015): Nachruf Dr. Peter Hartmann. - Berichte der Naturwis senschaftlichen Gesellschaft Bayreut 27: 537 - 539.

Gallery Image

Figs 1-4: Male of Panurginus hartmanni nov.sp.; (1) habitus dorsally, (2) head fron- tally, (3) metasoma dorsally, (4) genitalia. All photographs (Figs 1-9) by Martin Schwarz (OLML).

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Fig. 5: Metasomal sterna of male Panurginus hartmanni nov.sp.: sternum 6 (left), sternum 7 (middle), sternum 8 (right).

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Fig. 6-9: Female of Panurginus hartmanni nov.sp.; (6) habitus dorsally, (7) head fron- tally, (8) metasoma dorsally, (9) head dorsally (vertex).


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Bavarian State Collection of Zoology


Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum











