Flabelligera vaginifera ( Rathke, 1843 ), 2012

Salazar-Vallejo, Sergio I., 2012, Revision of Flabelligera Sars, 1829 (Polychaeta: Flabelligeridae) 3203, Zootaxa 3203 (1), pp. 1-64 : 36-39

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.3203.1.1

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scientific name

Flabelligera vaginifera ( Rathke, 1843 )


Flabelligera vaginifera ( Rathke, 1843) View in CoL

Figure 15 View FIGURE 15

Siphonostoma vaginiferum Rathke 1843:211–215 View in CoL , Pl. 11, Figs. 3–10 View FIGURE 3 View FIGURE 4 View FIGURE 5 View FIGURE 6 View FIGURE 7 View FIGURE 8 View FIGURE 9 View FIGURE 10 ; Sars 1873:247; Théel 1879:52; Hartwich 1993:145. Pherusa vaginifera: de Quatrefages 1866: 483 n. comb. (Latin diag.).

Tecturella flaccida Stimpson 1854:32 View in CoL , Pl. 2, Fig. 21 View FIGURE 21 .

Material examined. Norway. Six specimens ( ZMUB-2254 ), apparently fixed in alcohol, without data (anterior end dissected in a broken specimen). One specimen ( ZMUB-2273 ), damaged, N. Nordh. Expedition 1878, Stat. 366 (no further data), Magdalena Bay , Spitzbergen (used for anterior end features). One specimen ( ZMUB-27502 ), R/ V Michael Sars, Stat. 90 (no further data), 23 Aug. 1902, 75 m (used for description). Three specimens ( ZMUB- 41728 ), Djaerleviken, Fondal, 1912, F.A. Grieg, coll. One specimen ( ZMH-23528 ), Liefdefjorden, Spitzbergen, Stat SPE-92/68, Markeöyane, van Veen, calcareous algae, 6 Aug. 1992, Plante & Wagner, coll. Eleven specimens ( ZMH-23613 ), Liefdefjorden, Spitzbergen, Stat. M 8, many brown algae, Laminaria 2, 70–80 m (two complete; even the smaller fragments have an opaque tunic, although surface areoles are better seen in large specimens) . Greenland. Two specimens ( LACM-AHF-2592 ), one complete and anterior fragment, Murchison Sound , Baffin Bay , Northwestern Greenland, Walrus Ground, 60 fathoms, 8 Aug. 1938, R.A Bartlett, coll. One specimen ( MNHN-183 ), Greenland, no further data. One specimen ( MNHN-184 ), Patrix fjord, Expediton de R/ V La Manche, 1892 (no further data). Novaya Zemliya. One specimen ( MNHN-184 b), Mission Arctique, Fjord Prince- Albert, Nouvelle Zemble, C. Binard, Stat. 4, 1909 (body complete, dark, slightly damaged). Kara Sea. 22 complete specimens (ZMUC-unnumb.), T. Helm, coll. (most with papillae with black tips). Northwestern Atlantic Ocean. One specimen ( ZMH-23528 ), 92/68 much contracted, pale brown, tunic almost complete . Canada. Three specimens ( USNM 246975 About USNM ), two complete, R/ V Resolute, Cape Enterprise, Victoria Island, Stat. 7300 (69º10' N, 106º20' W), B 2, 30 m, sand and mud, otter trawl, 23 Aug. 1962, E.H. Grangier, coll GoogleMaps .

Description. Best specimen (ZMUB-27502) brown, fusiform, tapering towards both ends, slightly depressed ( Fig. 15A View FIGURE 15 ); 34 mm long, 6 mm wide, cephalic cage chaetae 3 mm long, 48 chaetigers. Tunic opaque, smooth, mostly free from large debris or sediment particles, but foreign particles of different sizes, forming a heterogeneous inner layer; papillae not visible.

Cephalic hood not exposed. Anterior end observed in another specimen (ZMUB-2273). Prostomium whitish, low, eyes not seen (large, dark brown in ZMUB-2254). Caruncle well developed, extended posteriorly over the posterior branchial plate margin, medial lobe blackish (pale in ZMUB-2254), basally with a longitudinal depression in medial lobe, distally swollen, lateral ridges grayish. Palps contracted, about 1/3 as long as branchiae; palps lobes rounded, elevated. Dorsal and lateral lips grayish, swollen, wide ( Fig. 15C View FIGURE 15 ); ventral lip reduced.

Branchiae whitish, in two lateral groups, each group with about 10 concentric rows, and over 100 filaments. Nephridial lobes whitish, short, rounded, basally separated from branchiae.

Cephalic cage chaetae about as long as 1/11 body length or half as long as body width ( Fig. 15B View FIGURE 15 ). Chaetiger 1 involved in cephalic cage, about 26 noto- and 22 neurochaetae per fascicle. Anterior dorsal margin of chaetiger 1 papillated. Anterior chaetigers without especially long chaetae. Chaetigers 1–3 of about the same length. Chaetal transition from cephalic cage chaetae to body chaetae abrupt; long, multiarticulate neurohooks from chaetiger 2. Gonopodial lobes not seen; in one specimen (ZMUB-2273) visible on chaetigers 5–6, short, rounded, whitish, with dark center ( Fig. 15D, E View FIGURE 15 ).

Parapodia well developed, lateral; median neuropodia ventrolateral. Notopodial lobes long, distally rounded, papillae covered by the tunic; most shorter papillae clavate, without mucro, most longer papillae mucronate. Neuropodial lobes projecting.

Median notochaetae arranged in short rows, transverse to body axis; all notochaetae multiarticulated capillaries, as long as 1/3 body width, 6–7 per fascicle, articles short basally and medially, medium-sized distally. Neurochaetae multiarticulated capillaries in chaetiger 1; long multiarticulate neurohooks, rarely double, from chaetiger 2. Handle articulation regular, articles of roughly the same length; 3–4 articles, small, median ones slightly longer ( Fig. 15F View FIGURE 15 ). Crest slightly wider than handle, dark brown along the body, pigmentation extending towards base; width:length ratio 1:4–5.

Posterior end tapering to blunt cone; pygidium without achaetous segments; anus terminal, without anal cirri.

Remarks. Flabelligera vaginifera ( Rathke, 1843) n. comb. is closely allied to F. pergamentacea because in both species the tunics are opaque with sediment particles. They differ because F. vaginifera has a rough tunic, the sediment particles form areoles and the crests of neurohooks are slightly shorter (width:length ratio 1:4–5), whereas F. pergamentacea has a smooth tunic, the sediment particles do not form any pattern and the crests of neurohooks are slightly longer (width:length ratio 1:5–6).

Further, F. vaginifera differs from F. affinis because its tunic is opaque and incorporates foreign particles. As stated above, the inclusion of two different forms, one transparent, the other opaque, under the same species name has to be resolved since there are no intermediate forms. Thus, F. affinis has been restricted to the specimens with a transparent tunic (see above), while those with opaque tunics must be regarded as F. vaginifera . Tecturella flaccida Stimpson, 1854 is herein regarded as a junior synonym after the original description, but there is no type material available. This conclusion requires confirmation after a careful comparison with topotype materials.

Distribution. Arctic Ocean to cold environments on the Eastern and Western Atlantic ocean, in intertidal to 120 m depth, in sandy or mixed bottoms.














Flabelligera vaginifera ( Rathke, 1843 )

Salazar-Vallejo, Sergio I. 2012

Tecturella flaccida

Stimpson, W. 1854: 32

Siphonostoma vaginiferum

Hartwich, G. 1993: 145
Theel, H. J. 1879: 52
Sars, G. O. 1873: 247
de Quatrefages, A. 1866: 483
Rathke, H. 1843: 215
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