Miconia cubatanensis Hoehne (1922: 139)

Silva-Gonçalves, Kelly Cristina Da, Baumgratz, José Fernando A. & Nunes-Freitas, André Felippe, 2014, Melastomataceae in a continental Atlantic Forest island from southeastern Brazil, Phytotaxa 183 (2), pp. 61-92 : 77-78

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Felipe (2021-07-29 17:50:56, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-03 16:43:42)

scientific name

Miconia cubatanensis Hoehne (1922: 139)


5.6. Miconia cubatanensis Hoehne (1922: 139) View in CoL . [ Figs. 3l View FIGURE 3 , 7l–p View FIGURE 7 ]

Trees 7–8 m; indumentum of the branches, leaves, inflorescences, hypanthium and lobes the calyx densely lepidotestellate, dendritic trichomes absent.Petioles 1.4–2.7 cm long, striated; blade7.8–14.4 × 2–4.3cm, discolour, chartaceous, elliptic, base obtuse, apex acuminate, margin serrate, slightly revolute; adaxial surface dark green, glabrescent, abaxial surface rufous, dense and completely covered by the indumentum, epidermic surface not exposed, the trichomes persistent; acrodromous basal veins 3; domatia marsupiform, axilar-primary, with a short membrane, sometimes absent. Thyrsoids 2.4–4 cm long, with no branchlets of scorpioid cymes or glomerules; bracts 1–1.1 × 0.1–0.2 mm, bracteoles 0.4–1 × 0.1–0.2 mm, both linear-triangular, acuminate, persistent. Flowers 5-merous, pedicelate; hypanthium 1–1.1 × 1.5–2 mm, campanulate; inner torus lepidote-stellate; calyx caducous, lobes 0.7–0.8 × 1.1–1.5 mm, denticulatetriangular; petals 2.1–2.5 × 1.1–1.2 mm, white, ovate, apex rounded; stamens subisomorphic and subequal in size, anthers white, pore terminal, connective with a dorsal appendage calcarate, antesepalous with filaments ca. 1.1 mm long, anthers ca. 1.9 mm long, connective ca. 0.3 mm prolonged, antepetalous with filaments ca. 1.5 mm long, anthers ca. 1.7 mm long, connective ca. 0.2 mm prolonged; ovary 0.9–1.1 × 0.9–1.1 mm, inferior, 3-celled, stellulate trichomes at the apex; style 4–6.4 mm long, glabrous. Baccaceous 4–4.1 × 3.8–4 mm, globose, lepidote-stellate, oligospermous (6–9 seeds); seeds ca. 2.5 × 2.5 mm, obovate, convex, testa smooth.

Specimens examined:— 17.V.2008, fl., K.C. Silva 35b (RB, RBR) ; 17.V.2008, fl., fr., K.C. Silva 36b (RB, RBR) ; 26.IX.2009, ster., K.C. Silva 52 (RBR) ; 26.IX.2009, ster., K.C. Silva 53 (RBR) .

Distribution:—Endemic to Brazil, occurring in the states of Mato Grosso, Bahia, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paraná, and Santa Catarina, and in the Distrito Federal (Goldenberg 2012).

Comments:— This is the first record from Marambaia, where M. cubatanensis is restricted to Dense Submontane Ombrophilous Forest . In the state of Rio de Janeiro, the species was known only to occur in tropical montane forests over 800 m. It can be distinguished by the discoloured leaves with a dark green adaxial surface, and rufous abaxial surface, inflorescences not in scorpioid cymes nor in glomerules, caducous calyx, and the connective with a calcarate appendage .

Hoehne, F. C. (1922) Melastomaceas dos Hervarios: Horto Oswaldo Cruz , Museu Paulista, Comissao de Linhas Telegraficas Estrategicas de Mato-Grosso ao Amazonas, Jardim Botanico do Rio de Janeiro, etc. Anexos das Memorias do Instituto de Butantan, Seccao de Botanica 1 (5): 1 - 198.

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FIGURE 3. Clidemia hirta (L.) D.Don: a. flower and fruit. Clidemia urceolata: b. flower. Huberia ovalifolia: c. flower; d. fruits. Leandra reversa: e. inflorescence. Marcetia taxifolia: f. flowers. Miconia albicans: g. fruits and floral buds. Miconia calvescens: h. flowers. Miconia chartacea: i. leaves. Miconia cinnamomifolia: j. branches with interpetiolar pseudo-stipules; k. fruits. Miconia cubatanensis: l. inflorescence. Miconia dodecandra: m. fruits. Miconia prasina: n. inflorescence. Miconia pusilliflora: o. inflorescence. Ossaea marginata: p. flowers; q. fruit. Tibouchina corymbosa: r. fruits. Tibouchina estrellensis: s. flower. Tibouchina gaudichaudiana: t. flower; u. fruit. Tibouchina granulosa: v. flower. Tibouchina heteromalla: x. flower. Tibouchina trichopoda: z. flower.

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FIGURE 7. Miconia chartacea: a. stem node; b. leaf: abaxial surface; c. hypanthium and style; d. petal; e. stamen (a. Forzza et al. 3044; b. Vervloet et al. 1694; c–e. Chiavegatto et al. 11). Miconia cinnamomifolia: f. stem node; g. interpetiolar pseudo-stipule; h. hypanthium and calyx; i. petal; j–k. antisepalous and antipetalous stamens, respectively (f., h–k. Luchiari 119; g. Oliveira s.n. RB 326289). Miconia cubatanensis: l. floriferous branch; m. leaf: abaxial surface; n. flower; o. stamen; p. hypanthium and calyx (Silva 35).