Calligrapha gyllenhali Stål, 1859
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Plazi (2019-03-28 15:20:01, last updated 2024-11-26 22:01:43) |
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Calligrapha gyllenhali Stål, 1859 |
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Calligrapha gyllenhali Stål, 1859
( Figs 1a View FIGURE 1 , 2e, 2f View FIGURE 2 , 3 View FIGURE 3 )
Calligrapha gyllenhali Stål, 1859 . Öfvers. af K. Vet.-Akad. Förh. 16, p. 324.
Chrysomela gyllenhali: Stål, 1865 . Mon. Chrysom. Am., pt. 3, p. 284.
Calligrapha gyllenhali: Gemminger & Harold, 1874 . Cat. Col., p. 3433.
Calligrapha gyllenhali: Jacoby, 1882 . Biol. Centr.-Amer., vol. vi, pt. 1, p. 206.
Polyspila gyllenhali: Weise, 1916 . Coleopt. Cat., p. 40.
Calligrapha gyllenhali: Blackwelder, 1946 . U.S. Natl. Mus. Bull. 185, p. 674.
Calligrapha gyllenhali: Wilcox, 1975 . Checklist Chryomelidae, p. 67.
Calligrapha gyllenhali: Flowers, 2004 . Rev. Biol. Trop. 52, p. 80.
Calligrapha gyllenhali: Montelongo & Gómez-Zurita, 2013 . Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 115, p. 380.
Calligrapha gyllenhali: Benítez-García et al., 2017 . Rev. Mex. Biodiv. 88, p. 339.
The description of C. gyllenhali by Stål (1859) provides with the argument of size (a single pair of measures, instead of a range, as the author used in other cases in the same work), to suggest that at the time of description, C. Stål had a single specimen of this unmistakable species before his eyes. Later, in the monograph on American Chrysomelinae , he reported both the museums of Stockholm and Berlin as including specimens of this species in their collections (Stål 1865). Today, these collections count with only three specimens of the species, and of the two in Berlin, one has label information that was not recorded in the original description. The only specimen in Stockholm matches all the details in the description, including the measurements, and it is therefore selected here as lectotype.
Lectotype, by present designation: Mexico / Type / Typus [red] / Gyllenhali Stål ( NRM). The specimen lacks claws of right mesotarsum; both antennae are broken from their third antennomere, but they are glued to the head, more or less in place.
Habitus ( Fig. 1a View FIGURE 1 ). Length: 10.82 mm, width: 6.87 mm. Body elongate oval, moderately convex. Head, except for two large spots on frons, six basal antennomeres, mouth appendages, most of mandibles, discal markings on pronotum, scutellum, patterns on elytra, narrow margins of pronotum, elytra and epipleura, legs, and most ventral surfaces rufous. Two large irregular frontal spots, intricate marginal design of pronotum, background of elytra and epipleura creamy yellow. Apex of mandibles, basal half of abdominal segments, margin of most elytral markings, and one isolated subhumeral premarginal spot blackish.
Head large, deeply inserted in pronotum; frontal surface smooth, almost unpunctured, particularly on large pale spots to both sides of fine, longitudinal frontal suture; supraocular furrow shallow and short, reaching above upper margin of eye. Frontal suture perpendicularly joining broadly V-shaped fronto-clypeal suture; clypeus wide and short, uniformly covered by moderate punctation. Labrum relatively long, slightly emarginate at apex with row of medially convergent long setae on disc. Antennae gracile and relatively short, reaching humeri; scape cylindrical, curved posteriorly; pedicel short, club-shaped, nearly half as long as scape; third antennomere slender, club-shaped, as long as scape; fourth antennomere 0.7x as long as third; antennomeres 5–11 slightly widened, progressively from fifth to eighth, rugose and densely pubescent beyond fifth antennomere; antennomeres 5 and 6 short, as long as second; antennomeres 7 and 8 subequal, slightly longer, and eighth 1.2x as long as wide at apex; antennomeres 9–10 subequal, as long as fourth; eleventh antennomere longest, longer than scape, with conical apex. Mandibles large, protruding some 3x length of labrum; lateral borders straight, slightly convergent before strong preapical curvature; surface strongly punctured, with long thick pale yellowish setae. Last maxillary palpomere large, strongly widened at obliquely cut, straight apex; sides divergent and regularly curved. Pronotum transverse (W/L = 2.08), with sides weakly curved, widest at basal 1/3, with lateral curvature more pronounced apically towards moderately protruding, blunt anterior angles; posterior angles slightly obtuse; anterior trichobothria apically on angles, and posterior trichobothria, bearing setae strongly bent forwards, slightly advanced on lateral border; basal border moderately convex and apical border weakly convex between angles; apical and lateral borders finely margined, with lateral margin concealed from above owing to lateral convexity of pronotum; pale surfaces of pronotum smooth, with sparse fine punctures, stronger and darker near basal border at sides of disc; dark surfaces of pronotum finely microsculptured, with some moderately strong punctures at slightly depressed areas at sides of disc and nearly unpunctured on disc. Colour pattern on pronotum: narrow basal border of pronotum rufous; median longitudinally elongated spot on basal half of disc; irregular longitudinal rufous markings on feeble depressions between disc and weakly callous sides, with ends connected to apical and basal dark margins of pronotum, outer border sinuous and inner border convex; sides of disc with oblique, butterflyshaped spots fused basally behind middle of previous markings. Hypomera convex on disc, with surface irregular near sides, unpunctured; hypomeral suture deep, running from near base of pronotum slightly and gradually diverging from pronotal margin towards apex. Prosternal process rather convex, smooth, enlarged apically with punctures laterally. Mesepimera and mesanepisterna finely shagreened, with scattered shallow, fine punctation. Metanepisterna narrow with relatively small, deep elongate punctures. Metaventrite smooth with delicate transversal scratches and sparse fine punctation with fine posteriorly recumbent short pale yellowish setae; laterally with depressed area, as wide as metanepisterna, slightly rugose and punctured. Meso- and metasternal processes relatively broad and convex, not raised above coxae in lateral view. Scutellum relatively small, flat, as long as wide at base, finely shagreened and unpunctured. Elytra long, regularly convex, with round, blunt humeral angles and sides weakly curved, widest at middle, and regularly curved at apical third towards sutural angle; surface smooth, glossy, finely and rather densely and homogeneously punctured, also within markings, including premarginal row of fine punctures; punctures slightly larger around markings, including scutellar row of some 15 punctures, geminate basally. Dark markings on elytra consisting of: (i) sutural margin narrowly dark; (ii) short scutellar stripe, covering scutellar row of punctures, free, but nearly reaching basal margin of elytra and approaching dark sutural margin apically; (iii) subsutural stripe free, ocupying second elytral interval, with basal end at level with middle of scutellar stripe, gradually narrowing, with slightly widened area at apical declivity of elytra, acutely ending well before apex of elytra; (iv) arcuate band narrow, free, gently curved, inner convexity closer to subsutural stripe at apical third; (v) humeral spot basally contiguous to dark basal border of elytra, prolonging dark lateral features of pronotum; (vi) humeral lunule entirely confluent externally with humeral spot, prolonged as narrow humeral sigmoidal stripe on disc, with inflection point at level with basal end of arcuate band and apex before apical end of arcuate band; humeral stripe confluent at apex with one subtriangular spot, in turn confluent basally and externally with a tear-shaped spot; confluence of markings giving hooked appearance to apex of humeral stripe; (vii) spot enclosed by humeral lunule free, medium sized, elongate and oval on inner convexity of humeral lunule, much closer to lunule than to subhumeral stripe; (viii) midlateral spot covering some four punctures of premarginal line of punctures, slightly diffuse as elongated dark stain with dark smear directed obliquely and confluent with elytral dark margin; (ix) small roundish spot on external concavity of lunule stripe at level with basal end of arcuate band; (x) spot of apical declivity long and narrow, free, at level with apical enlargement of subsutural stripe; (xi) isolated blackish and small subhumeral spot on premarginal line of punctures; (xii) minute dark spot, laterally on apical declivity of elytra. Femora moderately swollen, finely shagreened, with scattered, very fine punctures and fine, appressed short whitish setae. Tibiae externally canaliculated at apical third, sparsely impressed by small, deep elongate punctures; golden dense, appressed large setae at apical third except on apical emargination. Tarsi slightly shorter than corresponding tibiae, with wide tarsomeres. Abdominal ventrites transversely convex, narrow, with roundish hollows laterally; surface smooth, with scattered minute punctures and posteriorly recumbent very fine pale yellowish short hairs. Penis ( Fig. 2e, 2f View FIGURE 2 ) large, with sides diverging from base to apex in ventral view and dorsal convexity more pronounced than ventral concavity, tapering dorsally at apical third in lateral view; sides significantly enlarged after ostium and abruptly contracted before apical expansion of penis; apical border regularly broadly round in dorsal view before large and acute lateral, posteriorly oriented teeth.
Distribution. With the limited data available, it currently appears that C. gyllenhali Stål is endemic from the Pacific domain of the Transvolcanic Belt in Mexico (south of the Mexican Transition Zone; Morrone 2006), between the volcanic axis and the Sierra Madre del Sur, from the States of Jalisco to Guerrero ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 ).
Material examined (29 specimens).
EGRC: (1) one specimen: Mexico, Guerrero, 22 km E Chichihualco, 22.ix.1989, J.E. Wappes coll. FSCA: (1) three specimens: Mexico, Guerrero, Hwy95, 3.6 km S Zumpango del Río, 7.vii.1992 [1x] and 24.vii.1992 [2x], G.H. Nelson coll., on foliage Ipomoea sp., Calligrapha gyllenhali Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011. MCZ: (1) one specimen: Ex. Coll. J. Sturm, Mexico, Sallé Coll., 1st Jacoby Coll.; (2) one specimen: Cuernavaca, Mexico; (3) one specimen: Guadaloupe, Mexico. MfN: (1) one specimen: 29796, Gyllenhali Stål , Mexico, Kirschl.; (2) one specimen: 590, Durango. NHM: (1) one specimen: W, Mexico, Coffin, Jacoby Coll. 1909-28 a, Gyllenhali Stål ; (2) one specimen: Mexique, Jacoby 1909-28 a; (3) one specimen: Ex Coll. J. Sturm, Mexico, Sallé Coll., 657, Calligrapha gyllenhali Stål = maculicollis Stm. apud Sallé, Mexico, Guyan., Calligrapha maculicollis Mihi, Sp. figured, Godman-Salvin Coll., Biol. Centr.-Amer.; (4) four specimens: Temascaltepec, 1931 [two with: 1831], Mex. D.F., G.B. Hinton Collector, Hinton Coll., B.M. 1937-173. NMB: (1) one specimen: Collect. Plason, Gyllenhalii Stål rivularis mihi Schrem. Mejico. NMNH: (1) one specimen: Guadalajara, Crawford, F. Monrós Collection 1959, Calligrapha gyllenhali Stål F. Monrós 1953 ; (2) two specimens: at Los Angeles ex Jalisco, Mex. with Bromeliaceae , taken i.3.76, L. Gillogly #76-0425; (3) two specimens: Guadalajara, McConnell, F. Monrós Collection 1959, Calligrapha gyllenhali Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (4) one specimen: Mexico, Morelos, Cuernavaca, vi.45, NLH Krauss, Calligrapha gyllenhali Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (5) one specimen: Cuernavaca, Mor. Mex. Wickham, F. Monrós Collection 1959, Calligrapha gyllenhali Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011. TAMUIC: (1) two specimens: [X0534708, X0535184], Mexico, Colima, 9 mi NE Comala, 17–18.vii.1983, Kovarik, Harrison & Schaffner coll., Calligrapha gyllenhali Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011. ZSM: (1) one specimen: Tacámbaro 3, Calligrapha gyllenhali Stål, Staatssammlung München 1975 Erwerb Coll. Machatschke ; (2) one specimen: Mexico, Tapalpa, 25.v.82, leg. Fittkau, Calligrapha gyllenhali Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011.
UNKNOWN SOURCE. MfN: (1) one specimen: Chap.
Variation. Among the specimens studied for this work, a number of differences have been observed, particularly in the elytral patterns and different ways in which the spots can be connected. The base of the scutellar stripe or the apex of the subsutural stripe can be confluent with suture. The base of the arcuate band is commonly confluent with the middle of the long sigmoidal humeral stripe, and the apex of the latter is variously conformed, from free to uniquely joined to elongate spot to forming a ring of spot confluence enclosing a pale marking; the apices of arcuate band and sigmoidal stripe can be confluent as well. The spot enclosed by humeral lunule can be narrowly connected to this marking, or sometimes—as seen in the specimen from Durango at MfN and the specimen originally from Sturm's collection at MCZ—this spot is completely fused with the base of the arcuate band, forming a continuous, almost straight stripe. In one example, the midlateral spot is very narrow and free from elytral margin, and in the same specimen from Durango mentioned before it is lacking entirely. The spots of apical declivity can be apically confluent with the subsutural stripe or even connected by most of their length. One of the specimens at MCZ is very different from any other studied C. gyllenhali Stål , and it is labeled as coming from a locality, "Guadaloupe, Mexico ", which could indeed refer to places in the area of distribution of the species. This specimen is very melanic, with pronotum largely reddish, except for three yellow, small inverted triangles at anterior border, and two subsquare spots near basal border, flanking scutellum; its sutural stripe is complete, except very narrowly around scutellum, and the subsutural stripe is entirely fused with it; the arcuate band is continuous with the spot enclosed by humeral lunule and confluent with the subsutural stripe at internal convexity; the sigmoidal humeral stripe reaches a V-shaped apical spot, with vertex connected to subsutural stripe; the humeral spot expanded to broadly engulf the small subhumeral spot; interestingly, the midlateral spot is reduced to a fine dark area on the premarginal line of punctures.
Benitez-Garcia, B., Lopez-Perez, S. & Zaragoza-Caballero, S. (2017) Sinopsis de los generos mexicanos de Chrysomelinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad, 88, 335 - 348. https: // doi. org / 10.1016 / j. rmb. 2017.03.026
Blackwelder, R. E. (1946) Checklist of the coleopterous insects of Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, and Suth America. Part 4. United States National Museum Bulletin, 185, 551 - 763.
Flowers, R. W. (2004) The genera of Chrysomelinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Costa Rica. Revista de Biologia Tropical, 52, 77 - 83. https: // doi. org / 10.15517 / rbt. v 52 i 1.14754
Gemminger, M. & de Harold, B. (1874) Catalogus Coleopterorum hucusque descriptorum synonymicus et systematicus. Tom XI. Chrysomelidae (Pars I). Suptu G. Beck, Monachii, pp. 3233 - 3478.
Montelongo, T. & Gomez-Zurita, J. (2013) Morphological and molecular characterization of a new Nearctic species of Calligrapha Chevrolat, 1836 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, Chrysomelinae) from Central Mexico. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 115, 369 - 391. https: // doi. org / 10.4289 / 0013 - 8797.115.4.369
Morrone, J. J. (2006) Biogeographic areas and transition zones of Latin America and the Caribbean islands based on panbiogeographic and cladistic analyses of the entomofauna. Annual Review of Entomology, 51, 467 - 494. https: // doi. org / 10.1146 / annurev. ento. 50.071803.130447
Stal, C. (1859) Bidrag till kannedomen om Amerikas Chrysomeliner. Ofversigt af Kongl. Vetenskaps-Akademiens Forhandlingar, 16, 305 - 326.
Weise, J. (1916) Coleopterorum Catalogus. Pars 68. Chrysomelidae: 12. Chrysomelinae. W. Junk, Berlin, 255 pp.
Wilcox, J. A. (1975) Checklist of the beetles of Canada, United States, Mexico, Central America and the West Indies. Vol. 1. Pt. 7. The leaf beetles. Biological Research Institute of America, New York, 166 pp. [red version]
FIGURE 1. Dorsal and lateral views of the lectype of Calligrapha gyllenhali Stål (a), the lectotype of C. limbaticollis Stål (b), holotype of C. wickhami Bowditch (c), and the holotype of C. thermalis Gómez-Zurita (d).
FIGURE 2. Ventral and lateral views and dorsal view of apex of the penises of Calligrapha wickhami Bowditch (a, b), C. limbaticollis Stål (c, d), and C. gyllenhali Stål (e, f). Scale bars (different for whole penis or detail of apex) = 1.0 mm.
Swedish Museum of Natural History - Zoological Collections |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
Phylum |
Class |
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Family |
SubFamily |
Chrysomelinae |
Genus |
Calligrapha gyllenhali Stål, 1859
Gómez-Zurita, Jesús 2018 |
Calligrapha gyllenhali: Benítez-García et al., 2017
Benitez-Garcia 2017 |
Calligrapha gyllenhali: Montelongo & Gómez-Zurita, 2013
Montelongo & Gomez-Zurita 2013 |
Calligrapha gyllenhali:
Flowers 2004 |
Calligrapha gyllenhali:
Wilcox 1975 |
Calligrapha gyllenhali:
Blackwelder 1946 |
Polyspila gyllenhali:
Weise 1916 |
Calligrapha gyllenhali:
Jacoby 1882 |
Calligrapha gyllenhali:
Gemminger & Harold 1874 |
Chrysomela gyllenhali: Stål, 1865
Stal 1865 |
Calligrapha gyllenhali Stål, 1859
Stal J. Gomez-Zurita 1859 |
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