Calligrapha notatipennis Stål, 1859

Gómez-Zurita, Jesús, 2018, Systematic revision of Central American Calligrapha Chevrolat of the subgenus Erythrographa subgen. nov. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, Chrysomelinae), Zootaxa 4531 (1), pp. 1-58 : 35-42

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scientific name

Calligrapha notatipennis Stål, 1859


Calligrapha notatipennis Stål, 1859

( Figs 10b View FIGURE 10 , 11c, 11d View FIGURE 11 , 13)

Calligrapha notatipennis Stål, 1859 . Öfvers. af K. Vet.-Akad. Förh. 16, p. 324.

Chrysomela notatipennis: Stål, 1865 . Mon. Chrysom. Am., pt. 3, p. 283.

Calligrapha notatipennis: Gemminger & Harold, 1874 . Cat. Col., p. 3433.

Calligrapha notatipennis: Jacoby, 1882 . Biol. Centr.-Amer., vol. vi, pt. 1, p. 198.

Calligrapha notatipennis: Jacoby, 1891 . Biol. Centr.-Amer., vol. vi, pt. 1, suppl., p. 244.

Polyspila notatipennis: Weise, 1916 . Coleopt. Cat., p. 41.

Calligrapha notatipennis: Blackwelder, 1946 . U.S. Natl. Mus. Bull. 185, p. 674.

Calligrapha notatipennis: Pallister, 1953 . Am. Mus. Nov. 1623, p. 52.

Calligrapha notatipennis: Wilcox, 1975 . Checklist Chryomelidae, p. 67.

Calligrapha notatipennis: Maes & Staines, 1991 . Rev. Nica. Ent. 18, p. 14.

Calligrapha notatipennis: Maes, 1998 . Ins. Nicaragua, vol. 2, p. 980.

Calligrapha notatipennis: Burgos-Solorio & Anaya-Rosales, 2004 . Acta Zool. Mex. (n.s.) 20, p. 47.

Calligrapha notatipennis: Flowers, 2004 . Rev. Biol. Trop. 52, p. 80.

Calligrapha notatipennis: Montelongo & Gómez-Zurita, 2014 . Zool. Scr. 43, p. 607.

Calligrapha notatipennis: Benítez-García et al., 2017 . Rev. Mex. Biodiv. 88, p. 339.

It is not possible to know how many specimens of C. notatipennis where available to Carl Stål when he described this species ( Stål 1859), but it is clear that at least after the description, he had come across more than one specimen, which were distributed among the natural history museums of Berlin and Stockholm and also included specimens collected by A. Sallé and in the collection of the Deyrolle family (Stål 1865). The latter, acquired by J. S. Baly, ended as part of the entomology collection of the British Museum. Lectotype selection will be thus based on the specimens currently present in these three European institutions. The beetle collection at MfN includes several specimens from Mexico, the only toponymic information provided by Stål in his description, but in most cases the specimens have additional locality data or collection details that were not indicated in the original description. In turn, the NHM and NRM beetle collections include several specimens which are candidates to be selected as the species lectotype taking into account the details offered by Stål in his monograph on Chrysomelinae (Stål 1865) . Among them, I propose selecting as lectotype one of the specimens at NHM, explicitly labelled as belonging to the collections Deyrolle and Baly, and as Stål type, also used by Jacoby to understand the species and compare new specimens incorporated to the collection after the Godman-Salvin expedition in Central America (Jacoby 1882). This specimen in particular, even if slightly smaller than indicated in the original description, is faithful to this description in most respects, including the presence of five free markings on posterior part of disc of elytra (" 5 discoidalibus pone medium liberis "; Stål 1859), which in some of the other specimens are fused in different configurations. The specimen identified as type at NRM does not fit the description of elytral markings given by Stål (1859, 1865).

Lectotype, by present designation: Type Stål Coll Deyrolle / Baly Coll. / notatipennis Stål Mexico (underneath: Type Stål Col: Deyrolle) / BMNH(E) 1317226 ( NHM). The specimen lacks antennomeres 9–11 of left antenna, two apical palpomeres of right maxillary palp and right hind leg; the left maxillary palpomere is detached, but glued to the base of the left profemur.

Habitus ( Fig. 10b View FIGURE 10 ). Length: 8.67 mm, width: 5.23 mm. Body elongate oval, moderately convex. Head, base of mandibles, pronotum, scutellum, elytral markings, epipleura, ventral surfaces, and legs dark rufous; labrum, antennae (five apical antennomeres slightly darker), mouth appendages and tarsi pale testaceous; pale areas of elytra creamy yellow; apex of mandibles and fine margins of pronotum and some ventral segments blackened.

Head broad, deeply inserted into prothorax; surface finely microreticulate, with dense, but shallowly impressed punctures on frons, stronger, larger and deeper near eyes; area around eyes depressed, with short sulci behind upper margin of eye; frons impressed with fine frontal suture, joined apically to broadly V-shaped clypeal suture. Clypeus subpentagonal, wider at anterior border than long at middle, with small, shallow punctures. Labrum relatively long, with round anterior angles and feebly emarginate apically, with long pale yellowish setae at sides. Mandibles stout; sides shortly subparallel at base before strong preapical curvature and shortly protruding beyond apex of labrum; sides strongly punctured and with long recumbent pale yellowish setae except at apex. Maxillary palpi long, slender; apical palpomere enlarged, subtrapezoidal, with sides slightly divergent to straight truncate apex; previous palpomere as long as wide at apex, narrow and cylindrical at base, slightly curved beyond middle towards expanded apex; basal palpomere clavate, nearly straight. Antennae slender, reaching beyond humerus, slightly clavate beyond sixth antennomere; antennomeres 1–5 smooth, shiny, with sparse hairs; scape broad, subcylindrical, convex at anterior border, slightly concave posteriorly; pedicel half as long as scape, as short club; third antennomere narrower than pedicel, slender, about as long as scape, slightly enlarged at apex; fourth antennomere similar to third, but 1.5x as long as pedicel; fifth antennomere as long as, but narrower than pedicel; sixth antennomere narrow and nearly glabrous at base, enlarged toward rugose, hairy apical half, intermediate in size between pedicel and fourth antennomere; antennomeres 7–11 slender, longer than wide, finely granulose, densely covered by fine, short whitish hairs; seventh antennomere nearly as long as fourth, and antennomeres 8–10 progressively longer, with eighth antennomere 0.7x as wide at apex as long; tenth antennomere 1.5x longer than pedicel; eleventh antennomere slightly longer than scape, bluntly conical at apical third. Pronotum strongly transverse (2x as wide between posterior angles as long at middle), widest behind middle, with sides weakly curved, convergent anteriorly toward moderately produced anterior angles, finely margined, with margin invisible from above owing to lateral convexity of pronotum; anterior border finely margined, weakly convex above vertex; posterior border unmargined, with slighly produced median lobe; surface finely microreticulate, relatively densely punctured, with rather strong punctures on disc, stronger, sometimes confluent at lateral calli, and strong longitudinally elongate punctures at sides and confluent with basal border. Hypomera finely shagreened, slightly convex on disc, unpunctured, with transverse wrinkles near basal and inner borders; hypomeral suture deep, uninterrupted, curved inward before basal angle of pronotum, parallel to border of pronotum before strongly diverging preapically hind anterior angle. Prosternum relatively short, slightly concave and margined at anterior border; surface microreticulate with oblique fine wrinkles and sparse deep punctures; prosternal process smooth and shiny, slightly enlarged apically, truncate. Mesepimera and mesanepisterna with fine microreticulation, unpunctured. Disc of metanepisterna rather uniformly covered by strong punctures, smaller and slightly elongate in narrower posterior part. Metaventrite nearly smooth, shiny, with some moderately impressed punctures near basal angles and sides; surface with delicate transverse scratches; anterior process of metaventrite wide, subrectangular, thickly margined, not impressed at middle; fine median line impressed along apical two thirds of metaventrite. Scutellum slightly longer than wide at base (W/L = 0.87), subtriangular, with blunt pointed apex, weakly convex, microreticulate, unpunctured. Elytra long, feebly convex at sides, widest at middle, wider than pronotum at base but with humeri wealkly marked, regularly round at apical third, with fine dark margin along borders; surface rather densely homogeneously punctured, with very fine, dot-like dark punctures, with punctures larger, deeper and tighter around dark markings; premarginal row of fine punctures regular and gradually approaching border of elytron posteriorly, confused in subhumeral area; scutellar row of about 15 punctures present. Dark markings of elytra consisting of: (i) sutural stripe continuous from base of elytron, broadly surrounding scutellum and expanding beyond scutellar row of punctures and gradually narrowing posteriorly, but reaching apex of elytron; (ii) subsutural stripe relatively narrow, entire, with basal end at level with apex of scutellum, and contiguous with sutural stripe for most of its length, except at basal 1/6; gradually narrowing posteriorly but slighly widened at apical declivity and again before apical oblique confluence toward sutural angle; (iii) arcuate band as wide as subsutural stripe basally, gently curved on disc, with inflection and short lateral confluence with subsutural stripe behind middle of band and beyond middle of elytron; (iv) humeral spot elongate, irregularly sinuous, free from base of elytron and entirely confluent laterally with humeral lunule except briefly at apex, projecting a short lobe towards margin of elytron; (v) humeral lunule narrowly detached at base from dark margin of elytron, slender, slightly wider than subsutural stripe and feebly sinuous towards apex, narrowly separated and parallel to basal 1/3 of arcuate band; (vi) two roundish spots enclosed by humeral lunule, basal one smaller, at level with basal end of subsutural stripe, and apical one twice as wide and separated by distance equal to diameter of smaller spot in internal concavity of humeral stripe; (vii) subhumeral spot longitudinally elongate, free, equidistant from humeral spot and margin of elytron, darker than the rest; (viii) spot of apical declivity oblong, partially confluent laterally at apex with weak enlargement of subsutural stripe in apical declivity of elytron; (viii) apical spot roundish, large, free; (ix) five additional medium sized or small mostly round spots on lateral declivity of apical half of elytron. Epipleura very finely shagreened, unpunctured, margined along inner border, conspicuously narrowed at apical half of elytra and slightly slanted ventrally, visible from lateral view. Femora enlarged at middle, nearly smooth dorsally, with small impressed punctation and recumbent short pale yellowish setae elsewhere. Tibiae slightly longer and with stronger punctation than corresponding femora, nearly straight, rugose-punctate at apex and densely covered by golden pubescence. Tarsi slender, shorter than corresponding tibiae with onychia simple and divergent. Abdominal ventrites smooth, with small sparse punctures and short, fine pale yellowish recumbent hairs except along apical margin of each ventrite and at irregular surface at sides. Penis ( Figs 11c, 11d View FIGURE 11 ) stout, broad and thick in lateral and ventral views, regularly bent dorsally, tapering beyond basal opening of operculum; sides slighly sinuous, enlarged at apical third, widest before operculum, wider than distance between tips of lateral teeth; dorsal flap short and sheet-like, concave at apex; apical border of penis regularly round, projecting short, acute, posteriorly oriented lateral teeth; apex of flagelum sclerotized ventrally, projecting thin, sinuous arms.

Distribution. Calligrapha notatipennis Stål is a Neotropical species (Fig. 13) distributed from the transition zone south from the Nearctic realm, particularly in the Mexican Transition Zone ( Morrone 2006), but also characteristic of the Pacific plains of Veracruz, and recently collected in the mountains of northern Nicaragua as well ( Montelongo & Gómez-Zurita 2014). The list below includes a number of exotic locations of dubious origin ( Brasil, Chile, Venezuela), which are treated here as labeling mistakes.

Other material examined (347 specimens).

BRASIL. MfN: (1) one specimen: Brasilien, A. Böttcher, Berlin. NHM: (1) one specimen: Brazil, 87, 202, 67-56. NMCZ: (1) one specimen: Brasilien, Calligrapha notatipennis Stl.

CHILE. RBINS: (1) one specimen: Chili, det. Zygogramma signatipennis Stål.


EGRC: (1) four specimens: Mexico, Zacatecas, 6 km SSW Tepetongo, 3.x.1990, J.E. Wappes coll., Calligrapha notatipennis Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011. FSCA: (1) one specimen: Mexico, Veracruz, San Andrés Tenejapan, 3800’, 12.viii.1965, D.R. Paulson, Calligrapha notatipennis Stål Det. J. Watts 1993 ; (2) two specimens: Mexico, Veracruz, vic. of El Salto de Eyipantla, 15 km S San Andrés Tuxtla, 15–, Askevold & Heffern coll. [one with: Calligrapha notatipennis Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011]; (3) two specimens: Mexico, Veracruz, 9.5 mi NE El Tropico, 26–, Askevold & Heffern coll.; (4) one specimen: Mexico, Veracruz, Comoapan, 15–, Askevold & Heffern coll.; (5) one specimen: Mexico, Veracruz, Rte. 143, 25.3 km E Huatusco, 750 m, 18.xii.1978, G.E. & K.E. Ball coll., Calligrapha notatipennis Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (6) one specimen: Mexico, Veracruz, Catemaco, 8.viii.1977, Calligrapha notatipennis Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (7) one specimen: Mexico, Veracruz, Lake Catemaco, 7.vii.1965, G.H. Nelson coll., sweeping roadside vegetation, Calligrapha notatipennis Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011. HNHM: (1) three specimens: Mexico, coll. E. Frivaldszky, Calligrapha fulvipes Kl. , Calligrapha notatipennis Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2017; (2) two specimens: Mexico, coll. Geitner, Calligrapha maculicollis , Calligrapha notatipennis Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2017; (3) five specimens: Mexico, coll. Geitner, Calligrapha regularis , C. notatipennis det. Daccordi 1979; (4) two specimens: Mexico, leg. Verebély, Calligrapha fulvipes Kl. , Calligrapha notatipennis Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2017; (5) one specimen: Mexico, Calligrapha notatipennis St. ; (6) one specimen: Mexico, Calligrapha regularis , C. notatipennis det. Daccordi 1979; (7) one specimen: Tuxtla, C. notatipennis det. Daccordi 1979, Calligrapha notatipennis det. Daccordi '79. IBE-JGZ: (1) one specimen: IBE-JGZ-C541, Mexico: San Luis Potosí, Xilitla, Las Pozas 21°23'50.9'' N 98°59'38.2'' W, 31/03/12, Alberto Agustín García Cano leg., Calligrapha notatipennis Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2012. MCZ: (1) three specimens: Jalapa, Mexico, Hoege [one with: Calligrapha notatipennis Stål ]; (2) three specimen: Jalapa, Mexico, M. Trujillo [two with: Jacoby 2nd Coll.]; (3) six specimens: Mex. [one with: Cal. notatipennis Stål ]; (4) eight specimens: Mexico [one with: Calligrapha rubronotata ; one with: rubronotata; one with: 936]; (5) one specimen: Mexico (Reitter) 209; (6) one specimen: Mexico (Reitter) 210; (7) three specimens: Jalapa, Mexico, Hoege, 1st Jacoby Coll.; (8) one specimen: Orizaba, Mexico VI; (9) one specimen: Huauchinango, Mexico; (10) one specimen: Cuernavaca, Mexico; (11) one specimen: Calligrapha rubronotata (Chev.) Mex. , 84, C. notatipennis Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2010; (12) two specimens: Puebla, Mexico, C. notatipennis Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2010; (13) one specimen: Orizaba, Mexico, C. notatipennis Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2010. MfN: (1) one specimen: Córdova 6, notatipennis St. ; (2) one specimen: 29793, regularis St., Jalappe [Xalapa?], Deppe; (3) one specimen: Mexico, Mayer; (4) three specimens: Jalapa, Mexico, Hoege, 96392 [one with: Callig. notatipennis Stål ]; (5) three specimens: Mexico, Hoege; (6) five specimens: Mexico; (7) one specimen: Mexico, Kol[...]; (8) one specimen: Mexico, Zacualpan, XI, Purpus S.V.; (9) two specimens: labyrinthica Stål , Mexico [one with handwriten text in German]; (10) two specimens: Mexico, Jalapa; (11) ten specimens: Mexico, Oaxaca; (12) one specimen: Jalapa, Mexico, Hoege; (13) one specimen: sp. ign. Mex.; (14) one specimen: Calligrapha regularis Kl. Mexico; (15) one specimen: Comilan [Comitan], 588, notatipennis; (16) two specimens: 4, Oaxaca, Mexico, C. notatipennis Stål ; (17) two specimens: Tuxtla [San Andres de Tuxtla] [one with: Calligrapha notatipennis (Stål) det. Daccordi '79]; (18) one specimen: Mexico, Jalapa, Zool. Mus. Berlin, Calligrapha notatipennis , det. M. Daccordi 1993; (19) one specimen: Mexico, Zamapam [Zimapan?], VII, Purpus S.V., Zamapam Feb. NHM: (1) one specimen: Mexic, Deyr, Co-Type, Calligrapha notatipennis Stål, Andrewes Bequest B.M. 1922 -221; (2) two specimens: Mex., 56/143 [one with: 67-56]; (3) eight specimens: Mexico, 2055 [six with: 67-56; two with: 411; one with: 146]; (4) one specimen: Mexiq., 67-56; (5) four specimens: Jalapa, Mexico, Hoege, Godman-Salvin Coll., Biol. Centr.-Amer.; (6) one specimen: Mexico, Mexico, Pascoe Coll. 93-60; (7) one specimen: Cordova, Mexico, Sallé Coll., Calligrapha notatipennis Stål, Sp. figured, Godman-Salvin Coll., Biol. Centr.-Amer.; (8) one specimen: Veracruz, Mexico, Sallé Coll., Calligrapha labyrinthica Stål apud Sallé, Godman-Salvin Coll., Biol. Centr.-Amer.; (9) one specimen: Tuxla, Mexico, Sallé, Calligrapha labyrinthica Stål apud Sallé, Godman-Salvin Coll., Biol. Centr.-Amer.; (10) one specimen: Orizaba, H.H.S. & F.D.G., Dec. 1837, Godman-Salvin Coll., Biol. Centr.-Amer.; (11) two specimens: Truqui, Mexico, Fry Coll. 1905.100 [one with: Calligrapha labyrinthica Stål rubronotata Dej. Cat. Mexico]; (12) one specimen: E. Coll. Thomson, rubropunctata Chevr. Mexico; (13) one specimen: labyrinthica type, Mex, 67-56; (14) two specimens: Mexico, Fry Coll. 1905.100 [one with: 11234]; (15) one specimen: Mexico City, Dr. M. Cameron, Calligrapha labyrinthica ; (16) one specimen: Mex., 72/15; (17) one specimen: Aug. [x2], Vera Cruz, Mexico, Koebele, 149. NMB: (1) one specimen: Mexico, Erwerb 1955, Coll. Brancsik; (2) one specimen: Koltze 1890, Mexico, Calligrapha notatipennis Stål J. Bechyné det. 1951; (3) two specimens: Mexico, Coll. K. Neumann, Senckenberg Museum; (4) two specimens: Jalapa, Mexico; (5) three specimens: Mexico; (6) two specimens: Jalapa, Mexico, Sammlung Stöcklein; (7) one specimen: Jalapa, Mexico, Hoege; (8) two specimens: Mexico, Erwerb 1955, Coll. Brancsik; (9) seven specimens: Oaxaca, Mexico [one with: Calligrapha notatipennis Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2010]; (10) one specimen: Vera Cruz, Mexico, 1962-63, leg. Epping, Calligrapha notatipennis Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2010; (11) one specimen: Mexiko, Calligrapha notatipennis Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2010. NMCZ: (1) one specimen: Mexique, Mexico, Coll. Achard Mus. Pragense; (2) two specimens: Mexique, Coll. Boucard, Coll. Achard Mus. Pragense; (3) one specimen: Mexique, Orizaba, Calligrapha notatipennis J. Achard det. in BCA, Coll. Achard Mus. Pragense; (4) three specimens: Mexique, Coll. Achard Mus. Pragense; (5) two specimens: rubronotata Chev. Mexique, Coll. Achard Mus. Pragense; (6) one specimen: labyrinthica Stål, Mex., Coll. Achard Mus. Pragense ; (7) one specimen: argentea Chv. Mexico, notatipennis Stål , Mexique, 110, Coll. Achard Mus. Pragense; (8) one specimen: labyrinthica St. , rubronotata Ch., Mex., Coll. Achard Mus. Pragense ; (9) one specimen: labyrinthica, Mexique, Coll. Achard Mus. Pragense; (10) three specimens: Mexico, Mus. Pragense Col. Kambersky; (11) one specimen: 997, Mexico, Coll. Gradl; (12) one specimen: 617, Mexico, Coll. Gradl; (13) one specimen: Mexique, Emy [?] subnotata, Coll. Achard Mus. Pragense; (14) two specimens: Mex.; (15) two specimens: Mexico, Coll. Nickerl Mus. Pragense [one with: Calligrapha labyrinthica Stål Mex. ]; (16) one specimen: Mexico, Koltze, Coll. Achard Mus. Pragense, Calligrapha notatipennis Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2009. NMNH: (1) fifteen specimens: Rin Antonio, Oax. Mex., Fredk. K. Knab collector [one with: Calligrapha labyrinthica Stål, F. Monrós det. 1953]; (2) one specimen: Jalapa; (3) one specimen: orchid plant, Tamazunchale SLP Mex., Lar 42889, Mar. 11-47, 47-4046; (4) one specimen: Mexico, Veracruz, Ver. at Laredo 9-iv-1969, J.A. Garza with bromeliad plants 69-5805, Calligrapha labyrinthica Stål or near d. R.E. White, Calligrapha notatipennis Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (5) one specimen: Mex., Coll. M.L. Linell, Calligrapha notatipennis Stål ; (6) one specimen: Dique, Mexico, A.G. Herrera, [...] 1923, 56; (7) two specimens: Jalapa, Mexico, Hoege [one with: Calligrapha notatipennis Stål ]; (8) one specimen: Mexico, VC, Veracruz, 16.ii.65, Brown et al., on Tillandsia, Bro. 88416, 65-10751, Calligrapha prob. notatipennis Stål Det. R. White ; (9) one specimen: Mexico, Veracruz VC, at Laredo, 23.i.67, Kodama, Lewis McLellan w. Bromeliads 67-4542, Calligrapha notatipennis Stål or nr. d. R. White; (10) one specimen: Mexico, Veracruz at Brownsville 14.ii.67, Haley, Brown, Taussig w. orchid plnt. 67-8646, Calligrapha notatipennis or nr. d. R. White; (11) one specimen: Jalapa Mex., May, A. Fenyes collection, Calligrapha notatipennis Stål F. Monrós det. 1953; (12) one specimen: Mexico, Veracruz, Fortín, 15.iii.1971, J.P. Puig, Bromeliad Lot 71-5677; (13) one specimen: Mex. Veracruz, 700’, 16.3 mi S Catemaco, Rte. 180, 6.iii.66, in bromeliads, George E. Ball, D.R. Whitehead collectors; (14) two specimens: Jalapa, Mexico, Hoege, 381, gift of F.C. Bowditch, gift ex MCZ dupl. series; (15) two specimens: Mexico, Ver., Cordoba, vii.28.1964, A.B. Lau; (16) one specimen: El Fortín, Veracruz, Mex., vii.10.41, coll. by H. Dybas, F. Monrós Collection 1959, Calligrapha notatipennis Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (17) one specimen: Mexico, Vera Cruz, Jalapa, 13 July 1965, N.L.H. Krauss; (18) one specimen: Mexico, Vera Cruz, 30.i.67, González et al. #Brownsvill 90585, Lot#67-4688, host: Tillandsia sp.; (19) two specimens: Mexico, Progreso, Valle Hidalgo, July 27, 1963, Alfred B. Lau; (20) one specimen: orchid plant, Maix SLP Mex. at Laredo 43179, iii.28.47, 47-5317; (21) one specimen: Mexico, Huatusco, 19.x.64, coll. A.B. Lau; (22) one specimen: Mexico, Vera Cruz, 24.ii.1972, Burgess & Carbajal etc., bromeliads Brownsville 2768, Lot 72-9230; (23) one specimen: Mexico, NE Huatusco, El Mirador, 23.viii.1959, N.L.H. Krauss, Calligrapha notatipennis Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (24) two specimens: Mexico, Cordoba, vii.23.1963, A.B. Lau; (25) one specimen: Mexico, Ver., Cordoba, vii.25.1964, A.B. Lau, Calligrapha notatipennis Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (26) two specimens: Mexico, Ver. Cordoba, vii.28.1964, A.B. Lau; (27) one specimen: with bromeliad plants, Mexico, v.19.61, W.D. McLellan Colr., Miami 17162, lot 61-13418, Calligrapha sp. det. D.M. Weisman; (28) one specimen: Mexico, Ver., Cordoba, viii.13.1964, Paul J. Spangler; (29) one specimen: Mex., Orizaba, ix.5, Wickham, Calligrapha notatipennis Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (30) one specimen: Jalapa, Mex., vi.1, Smith, Wickham collection 1933, Calligrapha notatipennis Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (31) three specimens: Dos Rios, Ver. Mex., ca. 3500 ft alt., vii.1.41, Col. and pres. by Henry S. Dybas, F. Monrós Collection 1959; (32) one specimen: Mexico, D.F., J.R. Inda collector; (33) one specimen: Jalapa, Mexico, M. Trujillo; (34) one specimen: Peñuela, Ver., Mex., Apr. 22, ’08, Fredk. Knab Collector; (35) twenty-two specimens: Veracruz, Catemaco, Mexico, 7 1973, P. Hubbell. NRM: (1) one specimen: Mexico, Tarnier, Type, Typus; (2) four specimens: Mexico, Sallé; (3) one specimen: Jalapa, Mexico, M. Trujillo; (4) one specimen: Jalapa, Mexico, Hoege; (5) one specimen: Mexico, notatipennis Stål. OUMNH: (1) one specimen: Named 1897 by M. Jacoby Calligrapha notatipennis Stål , 378; (2) one specimen: Jalappa, rubro-notata Chev. 15205 Mexico, Miers Coll., Named 1897 by M. Jacoby Calligrapha notatipennis Stål ; (3) two specimens: Jalapa, Mexico, Hoege, B.C.A. duplicates pres. 1909 by F.D. Godman, Cat. No. 84 [one with: Calligrapha notatipennis Stål ]; (4) one specimen: Jalapa, Mexico, M. Trujillo, B.C.A. duplicates pres. By F.D. Godman, Cat. No. 84, Calligrapha notatipennis Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011. RBINS: (1) one specimen: Jalapa, Mexico, Hoege. Biol. C. Amer. Don Godman et Salvin, Calligrapha notatipennis Stål J. Bechyné det., 1954, det. Calligrapha notatipennis Stål ; (2) one specimen: Mexique, Ghiesbrecht, Zygogramma signatipennis , det. Zygogramma signatipennis Stål ; (3) one specimen: Jalapa, Mexico, Hoege, Biol. C. Amer. Don Godman et Salvin, det. Calligrapha notatipennis Stål ; (4) two specimens: Mexique, Collect. Duvivier, det. Calligrapha notatipennis Stål ; (5) one specimen: Mexique, Coll. Chapuis, det. Zygogramma signatipennis Stål ; (6) one specimen: Jalapa, Mex., Dr. A. Fenyes, R.I.Sc.N.B. I.G. 23.107, Calligrapha notatipennis Stål det. M. Daccordi 2012 . TAMUIC: (1) six specimens: [X0533042, X0533256, X0533273, X0534419, X0534427, X0536999], Mexico, Veracruz, 14 mi W Conejos,, Wayne E. Clark, Ellwood R. Hart, Robert R. Murray & Joseph C. Schaffner coll.; (2) two specimens: [X0533240, X0533430], Mexico, Veracruz, Catemaco, 21.vii.1981, Peter M. Jump coll.; (3) one specimen: X0533435, Mexico, Sonora, 1 mi W Alamos, 16.vii.1964, Horace R. Burke & J. Apperson coll.; (4) two specimens: [X0533437, X0534300], Mexico, Veracruz, 1.5 mi NE Catemaco, 23.vii.1966, J. Meyer coll. ZSM: (1) two specimens: Jalapa, Mexico, Hoege, [one with: Calligrapha suboculata Stål ], Staatssammlung München 1975 Erwerb Coll. Machatschke, Calligrapha notatipennis Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (2) one specimen: Vulkan Colima, coll. Joh. Laue, 1918, Calligrapha notatipennis Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011.


IBE-JGZ: (1) one specimen: IBE-JGZ-2167, Nicaragua, Estelí, Isiquí, August 2010, Jean-Michel Maes leg., Calligrapha notatipennis Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2010. RBINS: (1) one specimen: Chontales, Nicaragua, T. Belt, Biol. C. Amer. Don Godman et Salvin, Calligrapha notatipennis Stål , det. Calligrapha notatipennis Stål.

VENEZUELA. RBINS: (1) one specimen: Roelofs., Call. Venezuela, det. Zygogramma signatipennis Stål.

UNKNOWN SOURCE. MfN: (1) twenty-one specimens: [no data]; (2) one specimen: notatipennis Stål , 283. NHM: (1) two specimens: Baly Coll. [one with: 64]; (2) one specimen: 4854, 4854; (3) one specimen: E. Coll. Laferté, 67-56; (4) one specimen: 67-56. NMCZ: (1) two specimens: notatipennis Stål J. Achard det., Coll. Achard Mus. Pragense; (2) five specimens: Coll. Achard Mus. Pragense. NMNH: (1) four specimens: Gift Ex MCZ dupl. series; (2) three specimens: Almo, XII, Calligrapha notatipennis Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2009. OUMNH: (1) one specimen: 15205, Miers Coll. Presented 1880 by J.W. Miers. RBINS: (1) two specimens: Restit. 1885, det. Zygogramma signatipennis Stål ; (2) one specimen: Restit. 1885, det. Zygogramma signatipennis Stål , Z. signatipennis ; (3) one specimen: Collect. Duvivier, det. Calligrapha notatipennis Stål ; (4) one specimen: [no data]; (5) one specimen: 62, det. Calligrapha notatipennis Stål ; (6) two specimens: Coll. Chapuis, det. Zygogramma signatipennis Stål.

Variation. Before explaining the variation observed for this taxon, it is important to highlight the differences with the close relative Calligrapha labyrinthica Stål , with which it can be more easily confused, particularly in the case of abnormal individuals sharing character states with the latter, perhaps owing to interspecific hybridization between both species (see below). Calligrapha notatipennis Stål is characterized by having subhumeral spot while lacking the midlateral spot, a prominent feature of C. labyrinthica ; it also has a more slender profile and markings more slender, compared to the other species; the apex of the humeral lunule is free from the base of the arcuate band, which in turn shows less confluence with the subsutural stripe; finally, the additional markings show little and, most commonly, no confluence at all. While these features are rather constant in the species, there are some traits that can vary. The basal ends of the subsutural stripe can be completely confluent with sutural stripe or conversely run free up to level of basal end of arcuate band. In a few cases, the arcuate band is only narrowly joined to the subsutural stripe or connected to subsutural stripe by irregular dark suffusion, and in up to three NHM specimens seen for this study, this feature is actually free, at least in one elytron; the same applies to the spot of apical declivity. The latter feature can be fused to the apical spot. The basal end of the humeral lunule is normally detached from the basal margin of elytron, but in some cases it reaches this margin through dark suffusions, e.g. in the specimen identified as type in the NRM beetle collection. The apex of this same marking is usually free, but in rare ocassions, it touches the base of the arcuate band. In two specimens of the MCZ collection, the two spots enclosed by the humeral lunule are fused together, and two more from Tuxtla, currently at MfN, have these two spots narrowly connected, on just one elytron in one of the specimens and on both elytra in the other. Interestingly, the latter also has a larger than usual subhumeral spot, fused with humeral spot, a slightly darkened area where the midlateral spot of other species is present, and, very rare for C. notatipennis , the apex of the humeral lunule reaches the base of the arcuate band; at all effects, this specimen would be one of the intermediate forms between C. notatipennis and C. labyrinthica . In fact, even if rarely, the area corresponding to the midlateral spot can be actually darkened, but without forming a definite spot, and may even have a tendency to form an apical marginal band on elytra, as it is typical for C. labyrinthica . This has been observed, for instance, in TAMUIC specimens X0533256 and X0536999 from ca. Conejos (Veracruz, Mexico) or NMB specimen #10, also from Veracruz, and in the small series of specimens from Oaxaca (NMB entry #9), all are identical in every respect, e.g. apex of humeral lunule surpassing basal end of arcuate band without touching it, except for four of them having a midlateral spot, exactly as in C. labyrinthica . Additional markings on lateral declivity of apical half of elytra are usually five, as described in the type, with three small roundish spots at the vertices of a flat triangle basally, one median larger spot, roundish or longitudinally elongate behind the previous three, and one smaller, roundish spot in the lateral declivity of elytron, at level with the base of the larger spot. However, the spots of the basal triangle can be fused, giving a pattern of four additional spots instead of five (as it occurs with the specimen identified as type in the NRM collection), or the larger spot can be broken into one basal roundish medium sized spot and one small roundish apical spot, resulting in a pattern of six additional spots. Finally, pale areas of elytra can be golden in dry specimens, closer to the tonality of the insects when they are alive.

Remarks. Calligrapha notatipennis Stål and C. labyrinthica Stål are sympatric in the whole range of the former, and often collected in the same localities (it remains to be confirmed if they have some ecological seggregation, for example through divergent trophic selection). This, together with their relatively close phylogenetic proximity ( Montelongo & Gómez-Zurita 2014) and the record of rare specimens showing somehow intermediate characters between both species, as already stressed by Jacoby (1882), suggest that they may be able to hybridize. In line with this hypothesis, at NHM there are several instances of double pinned specimens, always one male and one female, and possibly collected in copula. In one such pair, collected in Veracruz ( Mexico), the female totally agrees with the type of C. labyrinthica , if with a relatively small subhumeral spot, but the male is a typical C. notatipennis with minute subhumeral spot, lacking midlateral spot, and without confluent apex of humeral lunule and base of arcuate band.

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Gallery Image

FIGURE 10. Dorsal and lateral views of the lectotype of Calligrapha suboculata Stål (a), lectotype of C. notatipennis Stål (b), lectotype of C. labyrinthica Stål (c), and the holotype of C. aladina Bechyné (d).

Gallery Image

FIGURE 11. Ventral and lateral views and dorsal view of apex of the penises of Calligrapha suboculata Stål (a, b), C. notatipennis Stål (c, d), C. labyrinthica Stål (e, f) and C. aladina Bechyné (g, h). Scale bars = 1.0 mm.


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