Guyalna platyrhina Sanborn & Heath, 2014

Sanborn, Allen F. & Heath, Maxine S., 2014, The cicadas of Argentina with new records, a new genus and fifteen new species (Hemiptera: Cicadoidea: Cicadidae), Zootaxa 3883 (1), pp. 1-94 : 22-25

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Felipe (2021-06-15 03:06:12, last updated 2024-11-28 18:47:26)

scientific name

Guyalna platyrhina Sanborn & Heath

sp. nov.

Guyalna platyrhina Sanborn & Heath View in CoL , sp. n.

( Figure 6 View FIGURE 6 )

Guyalna platyrhina View in CoL nom. nud. Sanborn et al., 2011a, p. 4 –7, Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 , Tables 1 View TABLE 1 –2, Table 5.

Type material.— ARGENTINA. HOLOTYPE: male ( INHS), “ Misiones / Dto. Candelaria / Santa Ana. 6-I-1988 / Heath-Sanborn-/ Noriega Coll.”. PARATYPES: one male and three female ( MSHC) same data as holotype; two male ( MSHC) “ Misiones / Dto. Apóstoles / 10 km So. San Jose / 5 Jan. 1988. Heath-/ Sanborn-Noriega Coll.”; two male ( MSHC) “ Corrientes / Dto. Ituzaingo. Ruta 12 / 3 km E. of Ruta 38 / 7 Jan. 1988 / Heath-/ Sanborn-Noriega Coll.”.

Etymology. The species is named for its flattened ventral postclypeus that differentiates it from G. cuta ( Walker, 1850) .

Diagnosis.— Guyalna platyrhina sp. n. is the smallest of the Guyalna species with G. bonaerensis ( Berg, 1879) , G. chlorogena ( Walker, 1850) and G. rufapicalis Boulard, 1988 all being much larger species with body lengths greater than 25 mm. Guyalna nigra Boulard, 1999 and G. cuta ( Walker, 1850) are slightly larger species. Guyalna nigra is piceous and testaceous rather than green. The new species is most similar in general appearance to G. cuta but G. platyrhina sp. n. is smaller, has a more truncate postclypeus when viewed dorsally or flattened postclypeus when viewed laterally, the posterior margin of the female operculum is straight instead of curved, the male genitalia have a large dorsal extension of the median uncus lobes, the lateral uncus lobes are rounded ventrally in the new species rather than the median uncus lobes extending only as long as lateral uncus lobes in G. cuta , and both lateral and median uncus lobes recurve.


Coloration.—Ground color green marked with fuscous and piceous.

Head.—Head about 1.16X as wide as mesonotum, greenish tawny with transverse piceous fascia between eyes, incomplete in some paratypes. Fascia expanding anteriorly onto vertex between lateral supra-antennal plates to frontoclypeal suture and posteriorly to enclose lateral ocelli. Mark continues posteriorly connecting to piceous region posterior to eye and anteriorly along margin of eye join with transverse piceous stripe on anterior half of gena, piceous spots on medial supra-antennal plate. Ocelli rosaceous, eyes dark golden. Short white pile along frontoclypeal suture, long white pile posterior to eye. Postclypeus tawny with transverse green band across apex, rounded anteriorly, flattened on ventral surface, centrally sulcate on ventral suface with 10 transverse grooves, white pile dorsally, laterally, and within transverse grooves. Postclypeus piceous along medial frontoclypeal suture and in four transverse grooves around apex, fuscous in remaining transverse grooves except most posterior ventral groove; posterolateral, fuscous marks fuse along midline leaving a green elongate medial mark near apex. Anterior four transverse ridges green, posterior eight transverse ridges tawny. In some paratypes the marking is reduced in posterior postclypeus or absent ventrally while green replaces tawny. Anteclypeus fuscous with tawny midline. Mentum greenish tawny, labium greenish tawny in proximal third, fuscous in middle third and piceous in distal third reaching to sternite II. Gena with piceous stripe anteriorly, greenish posteriorly. Lorum green anteriorly, fuscous posteriorly. Lorum and posterior gena with long white pile, shorter while pile on anterior gena. Scape green, remaining antennal segments piceous.

Thorax.—Pronotum green marked with piceous nearly triangular mark on either side of midline from posterior to anterior margin. Piceous paramedian fissure extending anteromedially onto disc and posteriorly to form triangular mark on either side of posterior midline, fusing in ambient fissure, posterior longitudinal extension from middle of paramedian fissure curving laterad and expanding on disc. Piceous anterior lateral disc the anterior, ambient fissure piceous, lateral fissures tawny. Pronotal collar greenish tawny, piceous spot across posterior lateral part of pronotal collar and along outer margin of lateral angle. Silvery pile in anterior paramedian fissure, black pile radiating from lateral margin of lateral part of pronotal collar. Mesonotum greenish, tawny along parapsidal suture and anteriorly between submedian sigillae. Submedian sigilla and lateral sigilla piceous, lateral sigilla with fuscous mediocentral region, lateral sigilla mark reduced to piceous anterior margin and posterior spot or completely tawny in some paratypes. Piceous medial mark beginning between posterior submedian sigillae, broadening then constricting at level of scutal depressions before broadening to cover the anterior surface of the cruciform elevation and anterior arms of the cruciform elevation. Scutal depressions piceous. Posterior half of lateral mesonotum piceous, expands to fuse with lateral sigillae mark in one paratype. Short silvery pile along anterior margin and in depression between anterior arms of cruciform elevation, longer silvery pile laterally and posteriorly on mesonotum, longer pile between lateral arms of cruciform elevation in some paratypes. Short black pile on lateroanterior margin. Wing groove green with long silvery pile, metanotum fuscous with shorter black pile. Ventral thoracic plates tawny except green anepisternum 2 with lateral piceous spot, piceous basisternum 2, piceous anterior and lateral episternum 3. Venter covered with dense, long, white pile and white pruinosity.

Forewing and hind wings.—Hyaline. Forewing venation green proximally, fading to ochraceous in some paratypes, becoming piceous distally, with fuscous stripe on basal costa and piceous anterior in proximal radius + subcostal vein, tawny with fuscous posterior in proximal half of anal vein 2 + 3, and piceous spot at base. Costal margin with small black spines on anterior margin. Basal cell hyaline except tawny margin along radius + subcostal vein. Basal membrane grayish fuscous. Hind wing venation green proximally, fuscous distally except tawny cubitus posterior with piceous base and piceous anal vein 3. Vanal fold, anal cell 3, anal cell 2 along anal veins 2 and 3, anal cell 1 along anal vein 2, cubital cell 2 along proximal half of cubitus posterior, grayish fuscous distally margined with infuscation. Base of costal cell white and orange. Infuscation in base of cubital cell 2 and posterior base of medial cell.

Legs.—Coxae green with lateral fuscous mark at base. Trochanter greenish tawny with anterior fuscous spot. Femora greenish tawny with longitudinal fuscous stripes joining anteriorly and posteriorly forming green ovals laterally. Fore femur with oblique primary spine, larger, upright secondary spine, and very small, upright tertiary spine, spines green, ridge fuscous between primary and secondary spines. Tibiae tawny, greenish in some paratypes, with green distal ends, tibial spurs and comb cataneous. Tarsi tawny with fuscous distal pretarsus, pretarsal claw tawny with fuscous tips. Legs with white pubescense.

Operculum.—Male operculum greenish tawny, fuscous anteriorly and laterally, not reaching posterior margin of sternite II or each other medially. Lateral margin straight, posterolateral angle approximate right angle, posterior margin straight bent ventrally in middle, medial margin rounded, anteromedial margin straight curving at right angel to base. Meracanthus greenish with fuscous base. Operculum covered with silvery pile and white pruinosity, more dense at base, short black spines on dorsal surface visible from posterior. Female operculum and meracanthus similar in shape and coloration to male, medial margin of operculum reaching to lateral meracanthus and posteriorly to middle of sternite II, meracanthus extends to anterior sternite III.

Abdomen.—Dorsal tergites piceous anteromedially, tawny posteriorly and fuscous laterally, tergites 7 and 8 with posterior green margin. Tergite 2 with piceous anteromedial opening to timbal cavity, angled anteriorly to approximate right angle and rounded timbal cover with straight ventral margin. Timbal cover incomplete exposing timbal dorsally. Timbal with two visible ribs. Tergites covered with black and golden pile dorsally, silvery pile dorsolaterally, and golden pile laterally, long white pile on tergites 7 and 8. Sternites tawny, fuscous lateral sternite II, posterior sternite VII, and medial sternite VIII, medial posterior margin of sternite VII piceous. Sternites III–VI semitransparent. Spiracles white, white pruinosity on lateral sternites. Silvery and black pile on sternites, longer sternite VIII.

Male genitalia.—Pygofer tawny, green laterally, fuscous mark on anterior distal shoulder and posterior margin to pygofer upper lobe, dorsal beak absent, anal styles fuscous ringed with green. Pygofer upper lobe bent mediad, medial side tapering to lateral point. Median uncus lobe tawny, curved dorsally with rounded terminus forming an arch. Lateral uncus lobes folded laterad under median uncus lobes, anterior and posterior margin smoothly rounded, posterior margin angled, tawny with fuscous margin. Aedeagus tubular, castaneous with tawny membrane and bulbous terminus.

Female genitalia.—Sternite VII tawny, fuscous medially with lateral posterior margin piceous, posterior margin with medial notch, lateral posterior margins rounded. Abdominal segment 9 tawny with fuscous dorsoanteromedially and ventroposteriorly, green anterolaterally and posterodorsolaterally, fuscous along ventral margin, with piceous dorsal beak. Long, white pile on dorsal and proximal lateral surface. Anal styles fuscous, not as long as dorsal beak. Gonapophysis VIII and X fuscous, ovipositor sheath piceous with long golden pile. Ovipositor sheath extending to level of anal styles.

Measurements (mm).— N = 6 males or 3 females, mean (range). Length of body: male 15.3 (13.5–17.3), female 15.1 (14.8–15.7); length of forewing: male 21.6 (18.9–24.1), female 22.0 (20.2–23.8); width of forewing: male 6.9 (5.9–7.7), female 7.0 (6.8–7.5); length of head: male 2.3 (2.1–2.4), female 2.3 (2.2–2.4); width of head including eyes: male 6.6 (5.9–7.0), female 6.7 (6.5–6.9); width of pronotum including suprahumeral plates: male 6.3 (5.3–7.0), female 6.2; width of mesonotum: male 5.6 (4.9–6.0), female 5.8 (5.6–6.0).

Notes. — Guyalna platyrhina sp. n. is distributed in the Yunga, Paranense, Chaco and Espinal floristic province ( Sanborn et al. 2011a).

Berg, C. (1879) Hemiptera Argentina enumeravit speciesque novas descripsit. Pauli E. Coni, Bonariae, 276 pp. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 36493

Sanborn, A. F., Heath, J. E., Phillips, P. K., Heath, M. S. & Noriega, F. G. (2011 a) Thermal adaptation and diversity in tropical ecosystems: evidence from cicadas (Hemiptera, Cicadidae). PLoS ONE, 6 (12), e 29368. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1371 / journal. pone. 0029368

Walker, F. (1850) List of the Specimens of Homopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. British Museum Trustees, London, 260 pp. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 9063

Gallery Image

FIGURE 3. Proarna parva Sanborn & Heath sp. n. (A) Holotype male habitus. (B) Holotype male dorsum. (C) Holotype male timbal cover. (D) Holotype male operculum. (E) Holotype male lateral view of genitalia. (F) Holotype male posterior view of genitalia. Scale for A = 2 cm, B = 2 mm, and C–F = 1 mm.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 6. Guyalna platyrhina Sanborn & Heath sp. n. (A) Holotype male and paratype female habitus. (B) Holotype male dorsum. (C) Holotype male timbal cover. (D) Holotype male operculum. (E) Paratype female operculum. (F) Holotype male lateral view of genitalia. (G) Holotype male posterior view of genitalia. (H) Paratype female lateral view of genitalia. (I) Paratype female ventral view of genitalia. Scale for A = 2 cm, B–E = 2 mm, and F–I = 1 mm.


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