Sympistis amun Troubridge, 2008

Troubridge, J. T., 2008, A generic realignment of the Oncocnemidini sensu Hodges (1983) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Oncocnemidinae), with description of a new genus and 50 new species, Zootaxa 1903 (1), pp. 1-95 : 31-32

publication ID


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Felipe (2021-07-24 20:56:40, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-03 14:33:23)

scientific name

Sympistis amun Troubridge

sp. nov.

Sympistis amun Troubridge View in CoL sp. n.

(Figs. D-10, D-11, M-6, R-3)

Diagnosis. Sympistis amun flies with S. chons , which is the only species with which it could be confused. The forewing of S. chons is gray, with a denticulate white subterminal line; that of S. amun is grayish brown and the white subterminal line is always absent. The basal portion of the hindwing of females of both species is darker than that of the males; that of S. amun is darker than that of S. chons with male S. amun about as dark as that of female S. chons and that of female S. amun much darker than that of S. chons .

Description. Antennae filiform, prothoracic collar dark brown with wide, light grayish brown median band; head dark brown; thorax and abdomen brown; tegulae brown. Coremata with brushes, levers, and pockets present on base of male abdomen. Forewing length 15-18 mm. Dorsal forewing ground color grayish brown; antemedial and postmedial lines may be present as a series of black dots on veins; orbicular spot oval to ellipsoidal; orbicular, reniform, and claviform spots delineated by thin black outer rows of scales; black basal dash; black dashes extent through each cell in subterminal portion of wing to meet black terminal line; subterminal line may be present as a series of light grayish brown dots on theses dashes; fringe dark grayish brown. Dorsal hindwing medium brown basal area blends to darker brown terminal shade in male, darker brown in female; discal lunule grayish brown; dark brown scales on veins; fringe brown with darker brown median line. Male genitalia. (Fig. M-6) Valve shaped like the prow of a canoe with distinct corona; ampulla of clasper squat, bends posteriorly with terminal spine arcing upward from posterior margin. Vesica with two small basal diverticulae, bends slightly downward basally and bends a little farther downward about ½ of the way toward apex; a ribbon of sparse cornuti extends dorsolaterally on left from base of vesica to apex; a second ribbon of longer, stouter cornuti extends dorsolaterally on right of apical ½ of vesica; a single spine and a tuft of longer cornuti extend from apex. Female genitalia. (Fig. R-3) Ovipositor lobes rounded, apex with ring of long setae, corona of short setae mid-way down -these setae produced at 90° to the abdomen; a ruff of longer, finer setae encircles ovipositor lobes at base; a small sclerite occurs on ventral surface of ductus bursae at ostium bursae, ductus bursae elongate, widening slightly in middle ½ and then narrowing at appendix bursae; elongate appendix bursae gradually narrows toward ductus bursae, rounded at anterior end with ductus seminalis arising from right side of anterior end; corpus bursae about ½ as large as appendix bursae arises from left side of appendix bursae near ductus bursae, elongate signae on dorsal and ventral sides.

Type material. Holotype male: Canada, British Columbia, Kirby Flats Rd. , 50° 32' N, 121° 43' W, 6 vii 1999, J. Troubridge, in the CNC GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 41♂ 17♀: British Columbia: same data as holotype GoogleMaps , 1♀; E. end of Seton Lk., base of Mt. McLean , 21 vi 1996, J. Troubridge , 1♂; E. end of Seton Lk. At hydro dam, Seton Lk. , 23 vi 1995, J. Troubridge , 1♂; E. end of Seton Lk. , 13 vi 1996, J. Troubridge , 1♂ 5 km. SE. OK Falls, 7- 13 vi 1992,Troubridge and Gardiner, 1♂; Kirby Flats Rd. , 50° 32' N, 121° 43' W, 10 vii 1999, J. Troubridge GoogleMaps , 5♂ 3♀; Kirby Flats Rd. , 50° 32' N, 121° 43' W, 12 vi 1998, J. Troubridge GoogleMaps , 3♂; Kirby Flats Rd. , 50° 32' N, 121° 43' W, 20 viii 1999, J. Troubridge GoogleMaps , 1♀; Kirby Flats Rd., S. of Lillooet , 6 vii 1999, J. Troubridge , 1♂; Kirby Flats Rd., S. of Lillooet , 18 vii 2000, J. Troubridge , 2♂ 1♀; Kirby Flats Rd., S. of Lillooet , 4 vii 1997, J. Troubridge , 1♀; Kirby Flats Rd. , 50° 32' N, 121° 43' W, 21 vi 2001, J. Troubridge GoogleMaps , 5♂; Kirby Flats Rd. , 50° 32' N, 121° 43' W, 18 vii 2000, J. Troubridge GoogleMaps , 3♂ 4♀; Kirby Flats Rd. , 50° 32' N, 121° 43' W, 26 vii 1999, J. Troubridge GoogleMaps , 1♂ 1♀; Kirby Flats Rd. , 50° 32' N, 121° 43' W, 23 vi 2000, J. Troubridge GoogleMaps , 1♀; Kirby Flats Rd. , 50° 32' N, 121° 43' W, 7 vii 2000, J. Troubridge GoogleMaps , 8♂. Alberta: Waterton Lks NP, Blakiston Valley Rd., Bellevue Hill , 39.100° N, 113.903° W, 7 vii 2005, B. C. Schmidt GoogleMaps , 2♀. Oregon: Josephine Co., Bolan Mtn. , 42° 01' N, 123° 27' W, 5200’ 27 vii 2001, J. Troubridge GoogleMaps , 8♂ 2♀. California: Jackson Creek , Plumas Co. 39° 51'N, 120° 39' W, 5400', 14 vi 1999, J. Troubridge GoogleMaps , 1♂.

Etymology. From Egyptian mythology, Amun is god of the wind and ruler of the air. It is a noun in apposition.

Distribution. This species is known from dry montane forests in extreme southwestern Alberta and central British Columbia and again in Oregon and northern California.


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes











