Rosetea sara Corley & Ferreira, 2019

Corley, Martin & Ferreira, Sónia, 2019, A taxonomic revision of the Western Palaearctic genus Cacochroa Heinemann 1870 (Lepidoptera, Depressariidae, Cryptolechiinae) with description of a new genus and a new species, Zootaxa 4683 (2), pp. 197-214 : 211-212

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Plazi (2020-04-28 07:22:35, last updated 2024-11-27 08:41:43)

scientific name

Rosetea sara Corley & Ferreira

sp. nov.

Rosetea sara Corley & Ferreira sp. nov.

( Figs 1 View FIGURE 1 E–F, 3C–D, 4D)

Material examined: Holotype male: Morocco, High Atlas , Ouirgane, 10 km NW, 31.213° N, 8.073° W, 30.v.−3. vi.2015, 1050 m, C. Hviid, O. Karsholt & K. Larsen leg., B. Goodey gen prep. 5405 ( ZMUC). DNA barcode: INV05879. GoogleMaps

Paratypes: Morocco: 1 ♂, same data as holotype but M. Corley gen. prep. 5375 ( ZMUC) GoogleMaps .

High Atlas, Ourika Valley, Phillyrea angustifolia , I.1966, K.A. Spencer leg., 1 ♀, genitalia mounted with speci- men ( NHMUK).

Tunisia: Ain Draham area , 5−18.v.1988, O. Karsholt leg., 1 ♀, M. Corley gen. prep. 5374 ( ZMUC) ; ♂ same data, B. Goodey gen prep 5406. DNA barcode: INV05880 .

Diagnosis. Externally R. sara differs from other members of the subgenus in the straighter costa of forewing with more ochreous coloration; male genitalia have shorter juxta lobes and aedeagus not recurved at base; female genitalia with short anterior apophysis; signum with longer basal part than in corfuella but overall less bent.

Description ( Figs 1 View FIGURE 1 E–F). Wingspan 13−14.5 mm. Frons creamy white, vertex creamy grey; labial palpus seg- ment 3 one-third length of segment 2, segment 2 whitish on inner side, outer side light grey with some fuscous scales at base, in middle and at apex, segment 3 whitish, without blackish apex; antenna light grey-fuscous, intersegmental divisions dark fuscous, a dark fuscous spot on each segment on upper side. Thorax ochreous-grey. Forewing costa not or hardly bulging; dull ochreous, lightly overlaid with grey scales, mainly in costal half; two black dots at onethird and another at end of cell; black dots between veins in outer part of costa and along termen; cilia greyish ochreous. Hindwing grey.

Variation: Two Tunisian specimens examined have narrower forewings with straighter costa and coloration more grey.

Male genitalia ( Figs 3 View FIGURE 3 C–D). Valva widening from base, sclerotised hook at apex of costal margin tightly curved, small, process at ventral apex digitate, tapering, harpe ending in curved digitate process exceeding posterior margin of valva; juxta lobes straight, not or hardly exceeding posterior end of tegumen; aedeagus slightly angled at about one-third, base not recurved, a mass of small cornuti present, a single large cornutus and a small external thorn at apex.

TABLE 2. Mean (below diagonal) and standard deviation (above diagonal) sequence divergence (uncorrected pdistances) at the 658 bp DNA barcoding fragment of cytochrome c oxidase I ( COI) among pairs of species of Cacochroa sensu lato and outgroup species. Mean (Div) and standard deviation ( SE) sequence divergence (uncorrected p-distances) within species.

Female genitalia ( Fig. 4D View FIGURE 4 ). Posterior apophysis four times as long as anterior apophysis; ostium surrounded by sclerotised semicircular thickening, associated with tongue-shaped flap with terminal setae; antrum with two short longitudinal scelerotisations, ductus bursae very short, corpus bursae with posterior bulge at origin of ductus spermathecae, anteriorly narrowly pear-shaped; cornutus large, thorn-like with spinous teeth on one margin.

Biology. Specimens have been taken in May and beginning of June. Kenneth Spencer was a specialist in Agromyzidae (dipterous leaf-miners). K. A. Spencer’s specimen label gives the host-plant as Phillyrea angustifolia . It appears that he reared this species through to adult from the mining stage.

Distribution ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 ). The species is known only from valleys in the High Atlas Mountains of Morocco and Ain Draham in Tunisia.

Etymology. R. sara is named after M.C.’s great niece, Sara, born in the year this revision was started, daughter of Khaled, a Berber from the same district as the holotype.

Molecular results: All samples amplified the COI barcoding fragment. The final COI dataset consisted of 12 sequences (658 bp long) from 4 Cacochroa sensu lato species and 6 outgroup sequences ( Fig. 6 View FIGURE 6 ). All specimens exhibited distinct COI haplotypes. Within the Cacochroa sensu lato COI dataset, no indels and no stop codons were observed, and there were 102 mutations and 88 parsimony informative sites.

The most appropriate model for the COI dataset was GTR+G. Tree topologies from ML approach exhibit high boot- strap values (≥0.98%) to all Cacochroa sensu lato species ( Fig. 6 View FIGURE 6 ).

Within Rosetea the maximum pairwise divergence was obtained between R. rosetella and R. sara (p-distance=7.2%) and the minimum pairwise divergence (6.2%) was observed between R. sara and R. corfuella (Table 2). Minimum pairwise divergence between a Rosetea species and Cacochroa species was 8.1% between R. rosetella and C. permixtella and the maximum observed between R. sara and C. permixtella (p-distance=9.7%). The Depressaria species used as outgroups exhibited approximately 4.7–6.5% sequence divergence. The mean sequence divergence (uncorrected p-distance) within Cacochroa sensu lato species pair is low (<0.5%) with exception of the North African species, R. sara , (3.5%), nevertheless is approximately half of the mean sequence divergence observed in the four species.

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FIGURE 1. A. Cacochroa permixtella (H.-S.) ♀, neotype, Turkey, Brussa, 1863, Mann. leg. (NHMV). B. Cacochroa permixtella (H.-S.) ♀, Macedonia, Drenova, Kavadar, 10−, F. Kasy leg. (NHMV). C. Rosetea rosetella (Corley), ♀, holo- type, Portugal, Leiria, 2 km east of Ansião, 18.vii.2015, J. Rosete leg. (NHMUK). D. Rosetea corfuella (Lvovsky), ♀, Croatia, Dalmatia, Pelješac, Žuljana, 1−13.vii.2005, J. Šumpich leg. (NMPC). E. Rosetea sara sp. n., ♂, holotype, Morocco, High Atlas, Ouirgane, 10 km NW, 30.v.−, C. Hviid, O. Karsholt & K. Larsen leg. (ZMUC). F. Rosetea sara sp. n., ♀, paratype, Tunisia, Ain Draham area, 5−18.v.1988, O. Karsholt leg. (ZMUC). G. Rosetea rosetella, adult in resting position reared from larva, France, Alpes Maritimes, Saint-Vallier-de-Thiéy,, F. Rymarczyk. H. Rosetea rosetella larva on Phillyrea latifolia, France, Alpes Maritimes, Saint-Vallier-de-Thiéy, 22.v.2011, F. Rymarczyk.

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FIGURE 3. Male genitalia: A. Rosetea rosetella (Corley), Spain, Huelva, Moguer, Pino del Cuervo,, ex larva Phillyrea angustifolia, M. Huertas leg., (MCRC), B. Goodey gen. prep. B. Rosetea corfuella (Lvovsky), Greece, Lesvos, Keramia,, L. Kaila & J. Kullberg leg., (MCRC), B. Goodey gen. prep. C. Rosetea sara sp. n., holotype, Morocco, High Atlas, Ouirgane, 10 km NW, 30.v.−, C. Hviid, O. Karsholt & K. Larsen, (ZMUC), B. Goodey gen. prep. 5405 (juxta extracted to small figure on left). D. Rosetea sara sp. n., Tunisia, Ain Draham area, 5−18.v.1988, leg. O. Karsholt, (ZMUC), B. Goodey gen. prep. 5406.

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FIGURE 4. Female genitalia: A. Cacochroa permixtella (H.-S.), Turkey, Brussa, 1851, Mann. leg. (NHMV), gen. prep. P. Buchner. B. Rosetea rosetella (Corley), Algeria, Philippeville [now Skikda], larvae on Phillyrea latifolia, 14.v.1904, Lord Walsingham leg. (NHMUK), M. Dale gen. prep. C. Rosetea corfuella (Lvovsky), Greece, Lesvos, Keramia,, L. Kaila & J. Kullberg leg., in coll. Corley, B. Goodey gen. prep. D. Rosetea sara sp. n., Tunisia, Ain Draham area, 5−18.v.1988, leg. O. Karsholt, (ZMUC), M. Corley gen. prep. 5374.

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FIGURE 5. Known distribution of the analysed Cacochroa and Rosetea specimens.

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FIGURE 6. Maximum Likelihood (ML) tree of species of Cacochroa based on sequences of cytochrome c oxidase I gene (COI) (n = 18; 658 bp); bootstrap values (>70%) indicated at nodes.


Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen


Natural History Museum, London


University of Coimbra Botany Department


Musee de Lectoure











