Myiomma austroccidens, Yasunaga & Yamada & Tsai, 2017

Yasunaga, Tomohide, Yamada, Kazutaka & Tsai, Jing-Fu, 2017, Taxonomic review of the plant bug subfamily Isometopinae for Taiwan and Japanese Southwest Islands, with descriptions of new taxa (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae: Isometopinae), Zootaxa 4365 (4), pp. 421-439 : 428-430

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Plazi (2017-12-20 06:45:39, last updated 2023-10-28 15:13:33)

scientific name

Myiomma austroccidens

sp. nov.

Myiomma austroccidens sp. nov.

( Figs. 4A–E View FIGURE 4 , 5A–C, 5F View FIGURE 5 , 7A–C View FIGURE 7 , 11 View FIGURE 11 )

Myiomma samuelsoni sensu Lin & Yang, 2004: 32 View in CoL .

Diagnosis Recognized by its comparatively small size; rather long antennal segment II; almost uniformly fuscous male pronotum (that is pale brown with anterior one-third darkened in female); broadly darkened anterior part of scutellum; and bulbous sensory lobe and widened hypophysis of left paramere. A combination of these characters enables to be distinguished from M. kukai Yasunaga & Hayashi (known from Honshu and Kyushu, Japan), M. minutum Miyamoto and M. samuelsoni Miyamoto. The new species is most similar in external appearance and closely related to M. takahashii Yasunaga & Hayashi , from which it can be distinguished by the narrowly pale lateral margin of pronotum (in male) and the pale posterior two-third of pronotum (in female). In M. takahashii , the pronotum is uniformly fuscous in both sexes and body size is generally larger.

Description. The general coloration may be faded because all available specimens were collected by Malaise traps and soaked in Ethanol for more than half a year.

Male ( Figs 4A–B, D View FIGURE 4 , 7A–C View FIGURE 7 ): Body generally smoky brown, elongate oval; dorsal surface weakly shining, with uniformly distributed, simple, semierect setae. Head holoptic; compound eye either red or silvery white in drypreserved specimen; frons and clypeus partly tinged with orange-red. Antenna pale creamy brown; segment II slightly darkened apically, comparatively long (> 0.6 mm), stout, somewhat thicker than profemur; segments III and IV brown. Labium pale brown, reaching abdominal sterna V–VII; segment IV reddish brown. Pronotum shiny dark brown, with narrowly pale lateral margin, distinctly punctate; mesoscutum fuscous, with posterior margin narrowly grayish brown laterally; scutellum dark brown, with creamy yellow apical 1/4; pleura shiny chocolate brown, with yellowish brown scent efferent system. Hemelytron generally smoky brown; apical inner corner of corium more or less darkened; basal 1/4 of cuneus pale, semitransparent; membrane semitransparent, with grayish brown veins. Coxae and legs pale creamy brown. Abdomen shiny chocolate brown. Male genitalia as in Fig. 5A–C View FIGURE 5 . Left paramere with inflated sensory lobe and rather widened hypophysis; hypophysis of right paramere tapered towards apex, about as long as sensory lobe.

Female ( Fig. 4C, E View FIGURE 4 ): General shape as in males but body larger, basic coloration pale brown, and antennal segments more slender. Antennal segment II slender and short (± 0.5). Pronotum pale grayish brown, shining, with darkened anterior 1/3 and posterolateral corner; scutellum pale creamy brown, with dark brown anterior half. Hemelytron pale grayish brown; apical 1/4 of corium smoky brown; cuneus dark brown, with basal 1/3 semitransparent. Female genitalia as in Fig. 5G–H View FIGURE 5 . Bursa copulatrix simple, membranous, with paired, narrow basal sclerites of gonapophyses I.

Measurements. Male (n=2): Body length 1.85–1.92; head width across eyes 0.43–0.45; head height 0.42– 0.44; lengths of antennal segments I–IV: 0.09–0.11, 0.60–0.61, 0.14–0.15, 0.13–0.15; mesal pronotal length 0.27– 0.30; basal pronotal width 0.73–0.75; width across hemelytra 0.88–0.90; lengths of metafemur 0.52–0.53, tibia 0.75 and tarsus 0.21. Female (n=3): Body length 1.96–2.01; head width across eyes 0.44–0.45; head height 0.42– 0.44; lengths of antennal segments I–IV: 0.09–0.11, 0.48–0.50, 0.12–0.18, 0.12–0.15; mesal pronotal length 0.28– 0.29; basal pronotal width 0.79–0.81; width across hemelytra 0.93; lengths of metafemur 0.60, tibia 0.85–0.86, and tarsus 0.18.

Etymology. From Latin, austroccidens (southwest), named for occurrence of this new species on Nansei (= Southwest) Islands [= Ryukyu arc] in Japan; an adjective.

Biology. Unknown; all specimens were collected by Malaise traps.

Holotype: ♂, JAPAN: Kagoshima, Yakushima Island , RV. Miya-no-ura, 30.40N 130.56E, Malaise trap, Sep 19–17 Oct 1999, T. Murata ( AMNH _ PBI 00380584 About AMNH ) ( TKPM) GoogleMaps . Paratypes. JAPAN: Kagoshima Pref., Amami- Oshima Island, Seto-uchi Township, Mt. Yuidake , 28.18N 129.31E, Malaise trap, 27 Jun–8 Aug 2000, T. Muroi & Y. Maeda, 2♂ ( AMNH _ PBI 00380585 About AMNH ) ( TYCN) GoogleMaps ; Kagoshima Pref., Yakushima Island , same locality as for holotype, 12 May–17 Oct 1999, T. Murata, 5♂ 2♀ ( TKPM, TYCN) GoogleMaps . TAIWAN: 3♂ 2♀, Taichung Hsien, Wanfeng Hill , Malaise trap, Apr 1984, K.S. Lin & K. C. Chou, ( NMNS, TARI) ; 1♂, same data except for date Oct 1984 ( TARI) ; 1♂ 1♀, Nantou Hsien, Tungpu , 1200 m, Dec 1985, K.S. Lin, Malaise trap ( NMNS TARI) ; 1♂, Nantou Hsien, Lienhuachih , 650m, Apr. 1984 ( TARI) ; 2♂, same data except for date Sep 1984 ( NMNS, TARI).

Lin, C. S. & Yang, C. T. (2004) Isometopinae (Hemiptera: Miridae) from Taiwan. Formosan Entomologist, 24, 27 - 42.

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FIGURE 4. Dry-preserved specimens of Myiomma species. A. Myiomma austroccidens sp. nov., holotype male from Yakushima Island. B. Ditto, male from Amami-Oshima Island. C. Ditto, female (Yakushima). D. Ditto, ventral view (holotype male = A).E. Ditto, female.F. M. samuelsoni Miyamoto, male from Okinawa Island. G. Ditto, femalefrom IshigakiIsland. H– I. Myiomma minutum Miyamoto, female from Ishigaki Island. J. Myiomma takahashii Yasunaga & Hayashi, female from Ishigaki Island.K. Myiomma kentingense, male, ventral view. L. Ditto, female.

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FIGURE 5. Apical part of male pygophore with parameres (A–E) and female genitalia (F–H) of two new Myiomma species (dorsal view in A, B, D, H and ventral view in C, E, F, G). A–C, F. Myiomma austroccidens sp. nov. D–E, G–H. Myiomma kentingense sp. nov.

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FIGURE 7. Scanning electron micrographs of Myiomma spp. A. M. austroccidens sp. nov., male from Amami-Oshima, left lateral view. B. Ditto, metathoracic scent efferent system (left). C. Ditto, pygophore with left paramere, ventral view. D. M. kentingense sp. nov., male from Pingtung, Taiwan, dorsal habitus. E. Ditto, ventral view.F. Ditto, protarsus. G. M. samuelsoni Miyamoto, female from Ishigaki Island, dorsal view. H. Ditto, male from Okinawa Island, ventral view. I. Ditto, male, dorsal view.J. Ditto, metatarsus.

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FIGURE 11. Map showing distributions of Isometopus and Myiomma species known from southwestern Japan to Taiwan.


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