Paratetrapedia lineata, (SPINOLA, 1853)
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Valdenar (2021-08-31 22:39:18, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-06 12:46:57) |
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Paratetrapedia lineata |
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( FIGS 10, 19, 22 View Figures 18–23 , 27 View Figures 24–29 , 30 View Figures 30–33 , 49, 72, 80 View Figures 77–84 , 104, 137 View Figures 129–137 , 184 View Figures 171–184 )
Ancyloscelis lineata Spinola, 1853: 87 View in CoL ; holotype female, Brazil: Pará (MRSN, examined).
Tetrapedia lacteipennis Vachal, 1909: 26 ; lectotype female designated by Aguiar (2007), Peru: Huanúco, Paquitea (MNHP, examined).
Ancyloscelis lineatus ; Smith, 1854: 367.
Eucera lineata ; Dalla Torre, 1896: 236.
Macrocera lineata ; Schrottky, 1902: 522.
Tetrapedia lineata ; Ducke, 1910a: 368; Ducke, 1910b: 98.
Paratetrapedia lineata View in CoL ; Moure, 1941: 517. Gottsberger, 1986: 33 (misidentification, based on geographical distribution). Santos et al., 2004: 323. Melo & Zanella, 2003: 2919 (misidentification of P. flaveola View in CoL ).
Tetrapedia lacteipennis ; Moure, 1944a: 74.
Paratetrapedia (Paratetrapedia) lineata View in CoL ; Michener & Moure, 1957: 415, figs 19–21 (drawings of S7–8 and genital capsule of male). Silveira & Campos, 1995: 375; Pedro, 1996: 251 (misidentification, based on geographical distribution). Pedro & Camargo, 1999: 202. Silveira et al., 2002: 136.
Ancyloscelis lineata View in CoL ; Casolari & Moreno, 1980: 143.
Paratetrapedia aff. lineata View in CoL ; Smith-Pardo, 2003: 338. Paratetrapedia lineata View in CoL ; Aguiar, 2007: 620.
Comments and diagnosis: Paratetrapedia lineata has been frequently confused with other species of Paratetrapedia and related genera (e.g. Tropidopedia flavolineata Aguiar & Melo, 2007a ) exhibiting a similar pattern of bicoloured integument. This colour pattern, black to reddish brown head and thorax, with many yellow marks, combined with a mostly yellow and elongated metasoma, is found in many species of the lineata and flavipennis groups and some stingless bee genera (subtribe Meliponina ; Camargoia , Ptilotrigona , Tetragona ) in the Amazon Forest.
Paratetrapedia lineata can be distinguished mainly by the pale hyaline wing membrane with pale yellow microtrichia, and a few dark microtrichia on the margin of the forewing. Only two other species, P. flaveola and P. tocantinensis , have a bicoloured integument and pale hyaline wing membrane as in P. lineata . Paratetrapedia lineata differs from these two species by the metapostnotum dull with fine reticulate sulcus between the punctures ( Fig. 22 View Figures 18–23 ), pronotal collar with an acute lamella throughout its length; genal area completely yellow or with at least a wide yellow stripe (c. two times F2 diameter); supraclypeal area with surface strongly convex and mostly smooth; disc of supraclypeal area with sparse punctures (c. 2 pd).
The holotype of P. lineata has the metasoma glued to the mesosoma and the glue hides the vertical surface of T1 and propodeum. Ducke (1910b) suggested that Tetrapedia elongata Friese, 1899 could be a synonymy of P. lineata (Spinola) . Although the holotype of P. elongata has not been located, P. lineata is not known from south-eastern Brazil (the type locality of P. elongata is Santa Leopoldina, in Espírito Santo). In the ZMB collection, there are 15 specimens identified by Friese as T. elongata , from far apart localities (Pará, Bolivia, Maranhão).
Variation: The yellow mark on the disc of metapostnotum can be very large, covering the metapostnotum entirely, or it can be very small and restricted to metanotum margin. Two specimens have the yellow stripe on paraocular area with the upper portion acutely sinuous, similar to the condition in P. flaveola . The colour of genal area can vary between entirely yellow or reddish brown to a wide yellow stripe (c. two times F2 diameter). One specimen from Yungas ( Bolivia) possesses the wing membrane weakly pale yellow infumate, metapostnotum with fine dense microsculpture and frons with minute subcontiguous punctures (<0.5 pd). Some specimens from Peru, Ecuador, and Óbidos ( Brazil, Pará) have T1 with minute punctures and disc of terga with microsculpture of fine reticulated lines.
Male. Body length: 6.7–8.4; maximum head width: 2.5–2.7; wing length (including tegula): 6.8–7.2. Female. Body length: 7.1–7.8; maximum head width: 2.3–2.9; fore wing length (including tegula): 7.6–7.8.
Distribution: Bolivia; Brazil: Acre, Amazonas, Mato Grosso, Pará, Rondônia; Colombia, Ecuador, Peru ( Fig. 72).
Type material: Ancyloscelis lineata Spinola , holotype female (MRSN), ‘ Holotype \ lineata \ Spinola\ JS. Moure 1958’, information associated to the specimen in the drawer (Guido Pagliano, pers. comm., 2003): ‘ Ancyloscelis lineata mihi, femmina – D. Ghiliani – Para 1846’. This information agrees with the data presented by Casolari & Moreno (1980) about Spinola’s type material.
Tetrapedia lacteipennis Vachal ; lectotype female (MNHP): ‘ Pérou \ Paquitea’ ‘Museum Paris\ Coll. J. Vachal 1911’.
Additional material: See Appendix.
Aguiar AJC, Melo GAR. 2007 a. Taxonomic revision, phylogenetic analysis, and biogeography of the bee genus Tropidopedia (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Tapinotaspidini). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 151: 511 - 554.
Casolari C, Moreno RC. 1980. Cataloghi I-Collezione Imenoterologica di Massimiliano Spinola. Torino: Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali.
Dalla Torre CG. 1896. Catalogus Hymenopterorum hucusque decriptorum systematicus et synonymicus. Vol. 10: Apidae (Anthophila). Leipzig: Engelmann.
Ducke A. 1910 a. Zur Synonymie der neotropischen Apidae. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 6: 362 - 369.
Ducke A. 1910 b. Contribution a la conaissance de faune hymenopterologique du nord-est du Bresil. III. Hymenopteres recoltes dans l'Etat de Ceara en 1909 et supplement aux deux listes anterieures. Revue d'Entomologie (Caen) 28: 97 - 122.
Friese H. 1899. Monographie der Bienengattungen Exomalopsis, Ptilotrix, Melitoma und Tetrapedia. Annalen des Kaiser-Koniglichen der Naturhistorischen Hofmuseums 14: 247 - 304.
Gottsberger G. 1986. Some pollination strategies in Neotropical savannas and forests. Plant Systematics and Evolution 152: 29 - 45.
Melo GAR, Zanella FCV. 2003. The species of the parasitic bee genus Osirinus (Hymenoptera, Apidae). Journal of Natural History 20: 2919 - 2929.
Michener CD, Moure JS. 1957. A study of the classification of the more primitive non-parasitic anthophorine bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 112: 395 - 452.
Moure JS. 1941. Notas sobre abelhas do grupo Tetrapedia Klug (Hym. Apoidea). Revista de Entomologia, Rio de Janeiro 12: 515 - 521.
Moure JS. 1944 a. Abejas del Peru. Boletin del Museo de Historia Natural Javier Prado 8: 67 - 75.
Pedro SRM. 1996. Lista preliminar das especies de abelhas (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) que ocorrem na regiao de Ribeirao Preto e Cajuru, SP. In: Garofallo CA et al., ed. Anais do II Encontro sobre Abelhas. Ribeirao Preto: Universidade de Sao Paulo, Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciencias e Letras de Ribeirao Preto, 248 - 258.
Pedro SRM, Camargo JMF. 1999. Apoidea, Apiformes. In: Brandao CR, Cancello CM, eds. Biodiversidade do Estado de Sao Paulo, Brasil: sintese do conhecimento ao final do seculo XX. Vol. 5, Invertebrados terrestres. Sao Paulo: FAPESP, 194 - 211.
Santos FM, Carvalho CAL, Silva RF. 2004. Diversidade de abelhas (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) em uma area de transicao Cerrado-Amazonia. Acta Amazonica 34: 319 - 328.
Schrottky C. 1902. Ensaio sobre as abelhas solitarias do Brazil. Revista do Museu Paulista 5: 330 - 613.
Silveira FA, Campos MJO. 1995. A melissofauna de Corumbatai (SP) e Paraopeba (MG) e uma analise da biogeografia das abelhas do cerrado brasileiro (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 39: 371 - 401.
Silveira FA, Melo GAR, Almeida EAB. 2002. Abelhas Brasileiras: Sistematica e Identificacao. Belo Horizonte: Fernando Silveira ed.
Smith F. 1854. Catalogue of the Hymenopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. Vol. 2. London: British Museum, 199 - 465.
Smith-Pardo A. 2003. A preliminary account of the bees of Colombia (Hymenoptera: Apoidea): present knowledge and future directions. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 76: 335 - 341.
Spinola M. 1853. Compte rendu des hymenopteres inedits provenants du voyage entomologique de M. Ghiliani dans le Para en 1846. Memorie della Realle Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, Serie 2 13: 19 - 94.
Vachal J. 1909. Especes nouvelles ou litigieuses d'Apidae du haut bassin du Parana et des regions contigues et delimitation d'une nouvelle sous-famille Diphaglossinae. Revue d'Entomologie 28: 5 - 64.
Figures 18–23. Figs 18–21. Lateral portion of pronotal collar, dorsal view; 18: Paratetrapedia flaveola sp. nov.; female; 19: Paratetrapedia lineata, female; 20: Paratetrapedia duckei, male; 21: Paratetrapedia testacea, male; scale bar = 0.2 mm. Figs 22–23. Lateral portion of metapostnotum, female; 22: P. lineata; 23: P. flaveola sp. nov.; scale bar = 0.25 mm.
Figures 24–29. Metasoma, ventral view, male; 24: Paratetrapedia volatilis; 25: Paratetrapedia testacea; 26: Paratetrapedia punctata sp. nov.; 27: Paratetrapedia lineata; 28: Paratetrapedia flaveola sp. nov.; 29: Paratetrapedia duckei; scale bar = 0.5 mm.
Figures 30–33. Figs 30–31. Metasoma, ventral view, female; 30: Paratetrapedia lineata; 31: Paratetrapedia flaveola sp. nov.; scale bar = 0.5 mm. Figs 32–33. Fore margin of hind basitarsus, male; 32: Paratetrapedia volatilis; 33: Paratetrapedia fervida; scale bar = 0.5 mm.
Figures 77–84. Sternum 6 (S6), male; 77: Paratetrapedia hyalinata sp. nov. (Brazil, Pará); 78: Paratetrapedia flaveola sp. nov. (Brazil, Minas Gerais, Três Marias); 79: Paratetrapedia scaposa sp. nov. (Brazil, Acre, Cruzeiro do Sul); 80: Paratetrapedia lineata (Brazil, Pará, Óbidos); 81: Paratetrapedia vogeli sp. nov. (Peru, Cuzco, Quincemil); 82: Paratetrapedia rufa sp. nov. (Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz de La Sierra); 83: Paratetrapedia bicolor (Brazil, Espírito Santo, Conceição da Barra); 84: Paratetrapedia mexicana sp. nov. (Mexico, Jalisco, San Patricio); scale bars = 0.1 mm (Fig. 77); 0.05 mm (remaining figures).
Figures 129–137. Sternum 8 (S8), male; 129: Paratetrapedia flavescens sp. nov. (Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Xilitla); 130: Paratetrapedia mexicana sp. nov. (Mexico, Jalisco, San Patricio); 131: Paratetrapedia fervida (Brazil, Espírito Santo, Santa Teresa); 132: Paratetrapedia punctata sp. nov. (Brazil, Minas Gerais, Pratinha); 133: Paratetrapedia flavifrons sp. nov. (Brazil, Rondônia, Vilhena); 134: Paratetrapedia romani (Brazil, Amazonas, Manaus); 135: Paratetrapedia tocantinensis sp. nov. (Brazil, Goiás, Campos Belos); 136: Paratetrapedia flaveola sp. nov. (Brazil, Minas Gerais, Três Marias); 137: Paratetrapedia lineata (Brazil, Pará, Óbidos); scale bars = 0.1 mm.
Figures 171–184. Male genital capsule, ventral and dorsal views; 171–172: Paratetrapedia fervida (Brazil, Espírito Santo, Santa Teresa); 173–174: Paratetrapedia punctata sp. nov. (Brazil, Minas Gerais, Pratinha); 175–176: Paratetrapedia mexicana sp. nov. (Mexico, Jalisco, San Patricio); 177–178: Paratetrapedia romani (Brazil, Amazonas, Manaus); 179–180: Paratetrapedia tocantinensis sp. nov. (Brazil, Goiás, Campos Belos); 181–182: Paratetrapedia flavipennis (Brazil, Amazonas, Manaus); 183–184: Paratetrapedia lineata (Brazil, Pará, Óbidos); scale bars = 0.1 mm. Abbreviation: lbg, lamellate inner lobe of gonapophyses.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
Phylum |
Class |
Order |
Family |
Genus |
Paratetrapedia lineata
Aguiar, Antonio J. C. & Melo, Gabriel A. R. 2011 |
Paratetrapedia aff. lineata
Smith-Pardo A 2003: 338 |
Ancyloscelis lineata
Casolari C & Moreno RC 1980: 143 |
Paratetrapedia (Paratetrapedia) lineata
Silveira FA & Melo GAR & Almeida EAB 2002: 136 |
Pedro SRM & Camargo JMF 1999: 202 |
Pedro SRM 1996: 251 |
Silveira FA & Campos MJO 1995: 375 |
Michener CD & Moure JS 1957: 415 |
Tetrapedia lacteipennis
Moure JS 1944: 74 |
Paratetrapedia lineata
Santos FM & Carvalho CAL & Silva RF 2004: 323 |
Melo GAR & Zanella FCV 2003: 2919 |
Gottsberger G 1986: 33 |
Moure JS 1941: 517 |
Tetrapedia lineata
Ducke A 1910: 368 |
Ducke A 1910: 98 |
Tetrapedia lacteipennis
Vachal J 1909: 26 |
Macrocera lineata
Schrottky C 1902: 522 |
Eucera lineata
Dalla Torre CG 1896: 236 |
Ancyloscelis lineatus
Smith F 1854: 367 |
Ancyloscelis lineata
Spinola M 1853: 87 |