Carlschoenherria, sensu Itoh, 1992

Calcetas, Orlando A., 2019, Review of the genus Carlschoenherria (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae) of the Philippines, Zootaxa 4619 (2), pp. 330-346 : 337-338

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Plazi (2019-06-19 04:03:34, last updated 2024-11-27 05:02:56)

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Key to the species-group and species of Carlschoenherria (modified from Itoh 1993) from the Philippines, the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra and Java

1 Parameres compressed laterally, bird-bill shaped at apex ( C. sulcipennis species-group)............................. 2

- Parameres compressed dorsally, developed laterally ( C. hastata species-group).................................... 7

2 Parameres with anterior margin wide, expanded laterally (the C. adoradae species-subgroup)......................... 3

- Parameres with anterior margin narrow, not expanded laterally................................................. 4

3 Anterior margin of parameres explanate, undulate dorsally towards phallobase; pronotum with anterior margin distinctly Vshaped, rounded mesally; anterior angle nearly at 90 0 angle; pronotum with posterior margin entirely nearly straight, minutely concave mesally; anterior margin of clypeus nearly straight dorsally (Figs. 1–4). Philippines................................................................................................... C. adoradae Calcetas , new species

- Anterior margin of parameres horse saddle-shaped laterally; pronotum with anterior margin concave, nearly straight mesally; anterior angle obtuse; pronotum posterior margin distinctly concave mesally; anterior margin of clypeus slightly concave dor- sally ( Figs. 5–8 View FIGURES 5–8 ). Philippines................................................. C. hadsallae Calcetas , new species

4 Pronotum without mesal longitudinal groove or depression ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 16–19 ) ( C. borneensis species-subgroup). Philippines........................................................................................... C. palawana (Moser)

- Pronotum with mesal longitudinal groove or depression ( Figs. 21 View FIGURES 20–23 , 25)........................................... 5

5 Abdominal ventrites uniformly covered with pubescence; posterior angle of pronotum rounded, obtuse; prosternal process rectangular-shaped, narrow, elongate, rounded apically ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 13–15 ). Philippines, Indonesia........... C. sulcipennis (Laporte)

- Abdominal ventrites not uniformly covered with pubescence ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 13–15 ) ( C. philippinica species-group); posterior angle of pro- notum rounded, nearly at 90 0 angle; prosternal process spindle-shaped, truncate apically, tapered basally................ 6

6 Antennomere III narrowly expanded apically; lamella shorter than anterior margin of clypeus; parameres short; scutellum nar- rowly rounded apically; humeral margin of elytra slightly wedge-shaped towards anterior angle ( Figs. 24–28 View FIGURES 24–28 ). Philippines.................................................................................. C. philippinica (Brenske)

- Antennomere III widely expanded apically; lamella nearly as long as anterior margin of clypeus; parameres long; scutellum widely rounded apically; humeral margin of elytra distinctly wedge-shaped towards anterior angle ( Figs. 9–12 View FIGURES 9–12 ). Philippines........................................................................... C. gapudi Calcetas , new species

7 Ten elytral costae and ten elytral intervals incomplete, interrupted; elytra rugosely punctate, with irregular patch of setae; sides of abdominal ventrites with large patch of setae on abdominal ventrites II and V and with small patch of setae on abdominal ventrites I, III and IV; clypeus with anterior margin distinctly convex dorsally ( Figs. 29–31 View FIGURES 29–31 ). Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java ................................................................................... C. argus (Burmeister)

- Ten elytral costae and ten elytral intervals rows complete, uninterrupted; elytra not rugosely punctate, without patch of setae ( Figs. 32 View FIGURES 32–34 , 35); clypeus with anterior margin not distinctly convex dorsally........................................ 8

8 Metaventral process distinctly elongate; pygidium with apical margin finely serrate; sides of abdominal sternites without patch of hairs; apical margin of elytra nearly straight dorsally; clypeus with anterior margin nearly straight dorsally ( Figs. 32–34 View FIGURES 32–34 ). Malay Peninsula........................................................................ C. hastata (Arrow)

- Metaventral process short; pygidium with apical margin without serration; sides of abdominal sternites with patch of hairs on abdominal sternites II-IV; apical margin of elytra widely rounded dorsally; clypeus with anterior margin slightly convex dor- sally ( Fig. 35 View FIGURE 35 ). Malay Peninsula............................................................. C. vervex (Sharp)

Itoh, T. (1993) A taxonomical study on the genus Schoenherria Burmeister (Melolonthinae: Melolonthidae) II. Lamellicornia, 9, 3 - 20.

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FIGURE 35. Carlschoenherria vervex (Sharp), female from Malaysia, Penang. 35, habitus, dorsal aspect.

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FIGURES 5–8. Carlschoenherria hadsallae Calcetas, new species, holotype, male. 5, habitus, dorsal aspect; 6, pronotum, dorsal aspect; 7, genitalia, dorsal aspect; 8, genitalia, lateral aspect.

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FIGURES 16–19. Carlschoenherria palawana (Moser), male from the Philippines, Palawan. 16, habitus, dorsal aspect; 17, pronotum, dorsal aspect; 18, genitalia, dorsal aspect; 19, genitalia, lateral aspect.

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FIGURES 20–23. Carlschoenherria sulcipennis (Laporte), male from the Philippines, Luzon, Manila. 20, habitus, dorsal as- pect; 21, pronotum, dorsal aspect; 22, genitalia, dorsal aspect; 23, genitalia, lateral aspect.

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FIGURES 13–15. Abdomen, ventral aspect. 13, Carlschoenherria philippinica (Brenske), male; 14, Carlschoenherria gapudi Calcetas, new species, male; 15, Carlschoenherria sulcipennis (Laporte), male.

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FIGURES 24–28. Carlschoenherria philippinica (Brenske), male from the Philippines. 24, habitus, dorsal aspect; 25, prono- tum, dorsal aspect; 26, antenna, lateral aspect; 27 genitalia, dorsal aspect; 28, genitalia, lateral aspect.

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FIGURES 9–12. Carlschoenherria gapudi Calcetas, new species, holotype, male. 9, habitus, dorsal aspect; 10, antenna, lateral aspect; 11, genitalia, dorsal aspect; 12, genitalia, lateral aspect.

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FIGURES 29–31. Carlschoenherria argus (Burmeister), male from Indonesia, Java. 29, habitus, dorsal aspect; 30, genitalia, dorsal aspect; 31, genitalia, lateral aspect.

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FIGURES 32–34. Carlschoenherria hastata (Arrow), male from Malaysia, Perak, Larut Hills. 32, habitus, dorsal aspect; 33, genitalia, dorsal aspect; 34, genitalia, lateral aspect.











