Agrilus incrassatus, Jendek, 2017

Jendek, Eduard, 2017, Revision of the Agrilus humilis species-group (Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Agrilini) with description of thirteen new species from Southeastern Asia, Zootaxa 4363 (2), pp. 249-271 : 263

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Plazi (2017-12-11 08:04:11, last updated 2022-01-29 19:26:01)

scientific name

Agrilus incrassatus

sp. nov.

Agrilus incrassatus sp. nov.

( Figs. 2B View FIGURE 2 , 5H View FIGURE5 )

Description of holotype. Size: 5 mm. Body. Shape: cuneiform; Build: robust; Profile: convex; Color (dorsally): unicolored. Head. Size: very large; Modification: strongly convex; Medial impression: absent. Vertex: Sculpture elements: rugae; Sculpture aspect: arcuate; Sculpture density: dense; Sculpture intensity: rough. Eyes: Size: larger than half width but smaller than width of vertex (dorsal view); Lower margin: in line or below antennal socket; Median orbit: subparallel. Antennae: Serration: from antennomere 4. Pronotum. Shape: visually transverse; Sides: sinuate before posterior angles, slightly arcuate; Maximal width: at middle; Anterior margin: narrower than posterior. Anterior lobe: Development: obvious; Width: broad; Position: at level with anterior angles. Posterior angles: Shape: acute; Apex: sharp. Disk: Convexity: strongly convex; Impressions: lateral only; Lateral impressions (depth): shallow; Lateral impression (width): narrow. Prehumerus: Development: carinal; Shape: arcuate; Extent: to 1/3 of pronotal length; Anterior end: distant from lateral carina; Arc: weak. Lateral carinae: Convergence: moderate; Junction: present; Narrowest point: at posterior 1/5–1/4 of marginal carina. Scutellum: Size: robust. Elytra. Color: unicolored; Humeral carina: absent. Apices: Arrangement: separate; Shape: arcuate. Pubescence: Extent: proximal and distal; Proximal (shape): perisutural stripes; Distal (shape): preapical. Sternum. Prosternal lobe: Size: large; Distal margin: angulately emarginate; Emargination (depth): deep; Emargination (width): wide. Prosternal process: Width: wide; Shape: slightly dilated; Sides: straight; Angles: obtuse; Angles (tips): sharp; Disc: flat; Projection (length): protruding distinctly beyond angles. Metasternum: Metasternal projection: flat. Abdomen. Basal ventrite: Modifications: with transverse protrusion. Pygidium: Apical margin: arcuate. Sternal groove: Extent: on apical ventrite; Shape on apex of last ventrite: arcuately sinuate; Sinuosity (delimitation): angulate; Sinuosity (depth): markedly deep; Sinuosity (width): markedly wide. Legs. Metatarsus: Length to metatibia: distinctly shorter. Tarsomere 1: Length to following tarsomeres: shorter or subequal to 2–3. Genitalia. Aedeagus ( Fig. 5H View FIGURE5 ): Symmetry: symmetric; Shape: subparallel.

Variability. Size: 4.6–5 mm. Sexual dimorphism. The male has head, pronotum and first pair of legs with golden–green and golden–orange hue when viewed antero–dorsally. Apex of metatibiae is armed with cluster of long setae.

Diagnosis. Agrilus incrassatus sp. nov. is homomorphic with A. traymani by having long setae on apex of metatibiae and by transverse protrusion on basal ventrite in male ( Tab. 1). It differs from him by lacking dilated antennomere 4–11 and by shape of aedeagus ( Fig. 5H View FIGURE5 ).

Type material. Type locality: Malaysia, Perak, 25 km NE Ipoh, 1200 m, Banjaran Titi Wangsa Mountains, Mount Korbu, [01°40'19”N, 101°17'49”E]. Type specimens. Holotype ♂ ( FWPC), 1 ♂, 1 ♀ PT ( EJCB): “ Malaysia, Perak prov. , 25 km NE Ipoh, 1200 m, Banjaran Titi Wangsa mts. , Korbu Mt. , 1–2.ii.1999, P. Pacholátko leg.” GoogleMaps .

Distribution. Malaysia (Perak).

Etymology. The specific name is derived from the Latin adjective incrassate (thickened; making or becoming thick or thicker). It refers to the robust body.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 2. Habitus of species of Agrilus humilis species–group. A: A. ecalcaratus sp. nov., holotype; B: A. incrassatus sp. nov., holotype; C: A.korbicola sp. nov., holotype;D:A.oidemasp.nov., holotype;E: A.sphenopterus sp.nov., holotype; F: A. suturistriatus sp. nov., holotype;

Gallery Image

FIGURE5. Aedeagi of primary types of Agrilus humilis species–group.A: A. aruensis sp. nov.; B: A. bicoloripennis sp. nov.; C: A. chloros sp. nov.; D: A. dilatometatibialis Jendek; E: A. duffelsorum sp. nov.; F: A. ecalcaratus sp. nov.; G: A. humilis Kerremans; H: A.incrassatussp. nov.; I: A.korbicolasp. nov.; J: A. oidemasp. nov.; K: A.pilosotibialis Descarpentries; L: A. richardae Descarpentries & Villiers; M: A. sphenopterus sp. nov.; N: A.suturistriatus sp. nov.; O: A. thailandicus sp. nov.; P: A.traymanyi Baudon; Q:A. vogti sp. nov.











