Svalbardoceras sterna, Kröger & Pohle, 2021

Kröger, Björn & Pohle, Alexander, 2021, Early-Middle Ordovician cephalopods from Ny Friesland, Spitsbergen - a pelagic fauna with Laurentian affinities, European Journal of Taxonomy 783 (1), pp. 1-102 : 30-32

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Felipe (2021-12-20 14:11:22, last updated 2024-11-26 01:11:36)

scientific name

Svalbardoceras sterna

gen. et sp. nov.

Svalbardoceras sterna gen. et sp. nov.

Figs 12B View Fig , 16C–D View Fig , 19D View Fig , 20– 21 View Fig View Fig , 22E–G View Fig , 23A, C, E, G View Fig


Slightly curved longicones with compressed conch cross section; with shallow irregularly spaced undulations that are more pronounced in later growth stages and with fine, irregularly spaced, directly transverse imbricate growth lines which form a shallow hyponomic sinus at prosiphuncular side of the conch; thin marginal siphuncle with rSD ≈ 0.13, siphuncle positioned at concave side of conch curvature; septal necks orthochoantic to loxochoantic, connecting ring nearly tubular, weakly concave.


Referring to the laridid genus Sterna Linneaus, 1758, birds which were common companions during our field work at Profilstranda, Ny Friesland.

Type material

Holotype Specimen FMNH-P30368 .

Paratypes Forty-four specimens ( P30368 to P30382 , P30437 to P30449 , P30451 hasta P30462 , P30465 , P30466 , P30468 to P30470 ; see Suppl. file 1 for list of specimens) from type locality, two from bed PO 07, fortytwo from bed PO 7.5, 4 m and 4.5 m above the base base of the Olenidsletta Member, Valhallfonna Formation, V1a trilobite zone, Blackhillsian, Floian. Two additional specimens ( FMNH-P30169 , FMNH-P30172 ) from bed PO 7.5 are apical fragments.

Type locality and horizon

From Profilstranda section, adjacent to Hinlopenstretet, Spitsbergen, from bed PO 7.5, 4.5 m above the base of the Olenidsletta Member, Valhallfonna Formation, V 1a trilobite zone, Blackhillsian, Floian.


The conchs are slightly curved with an angle of expansion of conch width <ca 9° (mean angle of expansion = 6.7°, 1 st –3 rd quantile: 5.7–7.8; n = 12), and of conch height <12° (mean angle of expansion = 7°, 1 st –3 rd quantile: 6.6–9.3; n = 14). The conchs reach their largest angle of expansion in growth stages with conch heights of 10–17 mm ( Fig. 20 View Fig ). The conch cross section is compressed with a mean rW = 0.89 (1 st –3 rd quantile: 0.86–0.92; n = 29) ( Fig. 21 View Fig ).

The conch surface is ornamented with growth lines or growth bands and weak irregularly spaced annulations, which are more pronounced in specimens with conch height> 10 mm. Annulation and ornamentation are slightly obliquely transverse, shifted toward aperture at antisiphuncular side and form a shallow hyponomic sinus at the prosiphuncular side. In some specimens, e.g., FMNH-P30379, the conch surface appears to be finely imbricated ( Fig. 22E View Fig ).

The siphuncle is marginal, positioned at the concave side of the conch curvature with a mean rSD = 0.13 (1 st –3 rd quantile: 0.11–0.15; n = 4). The sutures are directly transverse with an rCL between 0.27 and 0.36 ( Fig. 21 View Fig ).

The septal necks are loxochoanitic to orthochoanitic. The connecting ring is relatively thin and forms slightly concave segments, which can vary within one specimen from nearly tubular to slightly s-shaped ( Fig. 23E–G View Fig ). The largest known specimen is a fragment of a phragmocone, FMNH-P30446, with a maximum diameter of 22 mm.

Two specimens preserve the apical parts of the conch. In the apical 0.5 mm FMNH-P30169 reaches 1.7 mm in diameter; increasing to 2.2 mm at a distance 2 mm from the apex, and then respectively 3 mm at 5 mm and 6 mm at 17 mm. The conch has a slightly compressed cross section. The extreme ca 0.5 mm of the apex of specimen FMNH-P30169 was broken during preparation, is poorly preserved and the presence or absence of a cicatrix is not possible to determine.


Svalbardoceras sterna gen. et sp. nov. differs from S. skua gen. et sp. nov. in having a compressed conch cross section. Svalbardoceras sterna gen. et sp. nov. is similar to Bactroceras morguesi Kröger & Evans ,

2011 with respect to the angle of expansion and the slight conch curvature, but the latter differs in having a circular conch cross section and in not being annulated.

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Fig. 12 (previous page). Apical parts of orthoconic cephalopods from the Olenidsletta Member, Floian, Ordovician, near Hinlopenstretet, Ny Friesland, Spitsbergen. A. Cyptendoceras sp. B., FMNH-P30472 from Profilbekken river basin, locality PR-phosphatic. Lateral view with siphuncle toward the left. B. Svalbardoceras sterna gen. et sp. nov, FMNH-P30169, from PO 7.5. Lateral view with siphuncle toward left. C, F–G. Eosomichelinoceras borealis sp. nov. C. Specimen FMNH-P30171, from bed PO 123.3. Lateral view with prosiphuncular side toward the right. D. Bactroceras fluvii sp. nov., FMNH-P30168, from Profilbekken river basin, locality PR-phosphatic, showing the ventral side with ventral sutural lobe. E, H, J. Bactroceras boliviensis Aubrechtová, 2015 from bed PO 131. E. Specimen FMNH-P30165, nearly dorsal view, showing the transition of the extreme apical part toward the juvenile part of the conch. F. Specimen FMNH-P30182, lateral view with siphuncle toward the right. G. Specimen FMNH-P30184, lateral view with siphuncle toward the left. H. Specimen FMNH-P30183, apical view, showing the smooth apical surface of the protoconch. I. Ethanoceras solitudines gen. et sp. nov., FMNH-P30173, from bed PO 123.3, note the fine transverse striation. J. FMNH-P30160, showing details of fine transverse ornamentation. Scale bar = 2 mm for all figures.

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Fig. 16. Reconstruction and interpretation of details of connecting ring and septal necks in rioceratid cephalopods from the Olenidsletta Member, Floian, Ordovician, Profilstranda section, Ny Friesland, Spitsbergen. A. Ethanoceras solitudines gen. et sp. nov., FMNH-P30406, see Fig. 15B.B. Svalbardoceras skua gen. et sp. nov., FMNH-P30274, see Fig. 23F. C–D. Svalbardoceras sterna gen. et. sp. nov., note variability of septal neck shape, which is interpreted as an effect of poor preservation. C. Specimen, FMNH-P30368, see Fig. 23G. D. Specimen, FMNH-P30371, see Fig. 23E. Black: septal neck and septum. Dark grey: connecting ring. Without scale.

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Fig. 19. Details of the conch surface of rioceratid cephalopods from the Olenidsletta Member, Floian, Ordovician, Profilstranda section, Ny Friesland, Spitsbergen. A. Hinlopoceras venti gen. et sp. nov., FMNH- P30262, from bed PO 07, lateral view with ventral, prosiphuncular side toward left. B. Hinlopoceras tempestatis gen. et sp. nov., FMNH-P30359, from bed PO 07, lateral view with ventral, prosiphuncular side toward right. C. Svalbardoceras skua gen. et sp. nov., FMNH-P30408, from bed PO 123.3. D. Svalbardoceras sterna gen. et sp. nov., FMNH-P30373, from bed PO 7.5. Scale bar = 5 mm for all figures.

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Fig. 20.Diagrams of relative conch width and angles of expansion of species of Svalbardoceras gen. nov. from the Olenidsletta Member, Floian, Ordovician, Profilstranda section, Ny Friesland, Spitsbergen. See Supp. file 1 for details of measurements.

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Fig. 21. Diagrams of relative chamber length and relative siphuncular diameter of species of Svalbardoceras gen. nov. from the Olenidsletta Member, Floian, Ordovician, Profilstranda section, Ny Friesland, Spitsbergen. See Supp. file 1 for details of measurements.

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Fig. 22. Svalbardoceras gen. nov. from the Olenidsletta Member, Floian, Ordovician, Profilstranda section, Ny Friesland, Spitsbergen. A–D. Svalbardoceras skua gen. et sp. nov. from bed PO 123.3. A. Specimen FMNH-P30277, lateral view, venter, prosiphuncular side toward the right. B. Specimen FMNH-P30272, holotype, lateral view, venter, prosiphuncular side toward the left. C. Specimen FMNH-P30276, lateral view of adult (?), body chamber, with venter, prosiphuncular side toward the left. D. Specimen FMNH-P30263, lateral view of a fragmentary body chamber, with venter, prosiphuncular side toward the left. E–G. Svalbardoceras sterna gen. et sp. nov., from bed PO 7.5. E. Specimen FMNH-P30379. F. Specimen FMNH-P30373, lateral view with venter, prosiphuncular side toward the right. G. Specimen FMNH-P30368, holotype, lateral view with venter, prosiphuncular side toward the right. Scale bar = 10 mm for all figures.

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Fig. 23. Median sections of phragmocones of Svalbardoceras gen. nov., from Olenidsletta Member, Floian, Ordovician, Profilstranda section, Ny Friesland, Spitsbergen. A, C, E, G. Svalbardoceras sterna gen. et sp. nov., from bed PO 7.5. A, E. Specimen FMNH-P30371. B, D, F. Svalbardoceras skua gen. et sp. nov., from bed PO 123.3. B. Specimen FMNH-P30275. C, G. Specimen FMNH-P30368, holotype. D, F. Specimen FMNH-P30471, oblique sagittal section through siphuncle, distance from conch margin is cutting effect. Scale bars: A–D = 5 mm; E–G = 1 mm.


Collection of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium