Achilia quarantena, Kurbatov & Cuccodoro & Sabella, 2021

Kurbatov, Sergey A., Cuccodoro, Giulio & Sabella, Giorgio, 2021, A revision of the Chilean Brachyglutini - Part 7. Revision of Achilia Reitter, 1890: A. cosmoptera species group (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae), Revue suisse de Zoologie 128 (1), pp. 135-156 : 153-154

publication ID 10.35929/RSZ.0041

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Achilia quarantena

sp. nov.

Achilia quarantena View in CoL n. sp.

Figs 7, 14 View Figs 7-15 , 22 View Figs 16-22 , 25, 31 View Figs 23-32 , 57 View Figs 57-62 , 59 View Figs 57-62 , 61 View Figs 57-62 , 64 View Fig

Holotype: MHNG (# MHNG-ENTO-85515); 1 ♂; CENTRAL CHILE: Región Bío Bío: Ñuble Prov.: 72 km SE Chillán, Trancas, near Termas; 1700 m; 06.XII.1984; Nothofagus forest litter, Berlese; S. & J. Peck.

Paratypes (45 ex.): CENTRAL CHILE: Región Bío Bío: Ñuble Prov.: MHNG (# MHNG-ENTO-85516 through 85524); 5 ♂ and 4 ♀; 72 km SE Chillán, Trancas, near Termas; 1700 m; 06.XII.1984; Nothofagus forest litter, Berlese; S. & J. Peck. – FMNH; 1 ♂ and 1 ♀; Las Trancas, 19.5 km ESE Recinto; 1250 m; site 647; 10.XII.1982 / 03.I.1983; Nothofagus forest, flight intercept (windows) trap; A. Newton & M. Thayer. – FMNH; 1 ♀; same data but Berlese, leaf & log litter, forest floor . – FMNH ( FMHD #54-65 About FMNH ); 1 ♂; Refugio Andino , Volcán Chillán; Las Trancas; I.1954; Nothofagu s forest; L. E. Peña . – FMNH; 2 ♂; Las Cabras , Cordillera de Chillán; 19 -29.I.1955; L. E. Peña. – UHNC; 2 ♂ and 3 ♀; 22.7 km ESE Recinto; 1330 m; site 646; 10.XII.1982 / 03.I.1983; Nothofagus forest, window trap; A. Newton & M. Thayer. – FMNH; 1 ♂; same data . – FMNH; 1 ♂ and 2 ♀; same data but Berlese, leaf & log litter, forest floor . – MNHS; 1 ♂ and 1 ♀; same data . – FMNH; 14 ♀; same data but Berlese, leaf & log litter, forest floor, vouchers associated with larvae . – MHNG (# MHNG-ENTO-85525 through 85527); 3 ♀; same data . – MNHS; 2 ♀; same data .

Description: Body 1.45-1.60 mm long, reddish brown with darkened head and abdomen; antennae and legs reddish; palpi yellowish.

Male: Head as in Figs 57, 59 & 61 View Figs 57-62 , subrectangular with slightly convex occipital region and frons, lateral portion of the latter slightly flattened; frons and frontal lobe punctate, both separated by shallow transverse sulcus; temporal angles prolonged in long spiniform process directed upwards. Antennae ( Fig. 22 View Figs 16-22 ) with scape and pedicel distinctly longer than wide; antennomeres III-VIII wider than long; antennomere IX wider than VIII, slightly wider than long; antennomere X about as wide as IX, longer than wide; antennomeres IX and X bearing some tubercles, their mediodistal margin with three prominent tubercles each bearing thin recurved seta; antennomere XI moderately elongate, shorter than IX-X combined, its surface bearing some tubercles. Metaventrite with very shallow ovoidal medial impression on basal third. Profemora ( Fig. 14 View Figs 7-15 ) enlarged with some long seta on ventral margin; protibiae ( Fig. 25 View Figs 23-32 ) with distal third swollen and densely pubescent; mesotibiae ( Fig. 31 View Figs 23-32 ) with distal half slightly swollen and ending as very short apical spine, with group of dense short setae on basal third of medial margin; metatibiae sinuate and slightly arcuate on basal half. Aedeagus ( Fig. 7 View Figs 7-15 ) 0.22-0.23 mm long, with subrectangular dorsal plate; dorsal longitudinal struts divergent. Parameres relatively wide with one seta on very short outer lobe; apical portion of parameres recurved backwards, bearing one ventral median seta. Copulatory pieces consisting of two subequal sclerites recurved, more robust at base, and apically pointed; these sclerites associated with two large lateral sclerites apically forming four or five spines.

Female: Similar to male except head not modified; antennae shorter with unmodified club; eyes smaller; metaventrite slightly flattened near posterior margin; legs unmodified.

Collecting data: Collected from December to January in Nothofagus View in CoL forest at elevations ranging from 1200 m to 1700 m. The specimens come from sifted samples of leaf and log litter, but many males have also been collected by flight intercept and window traps.

Distribution: Achilia quarantena n. sp. is known from Central Chile from the Bío Bío Región in Ñuble Province ( Fig. 64 View Fig : fuchsia stars).

Comments: The males of A. quarantena n. sp. are easily distinguished from other species of the A. cosmoptera group by the shape of the head ( Figs 57, 59, 61 View Figs 57-62 ), the peculiar morphology of the antennae ( Fig. 22 View Figs 16-22 ) and aedeagus ( Fig. 7 View Figs 7-15 ). Females of A. quarantena n. sp. are similar to those of A. angularis , from which they can be distinguished by the convergent anterior sides of the head (subparallel in A. angularis ), the flattened frons and occipital region (slightly convex for A. angularis ), and the antennae distinctly longer (0.34-0.35 mm for A. quarantena vs. 0.30-0.31 mm for A. angularis ).

Etymology: The epithet of this new species refers to the COVID-19 pandemic and the periods of quarantine during which this study was carried out by the authors.


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