Spilogona altaica, Sorokina, 2018

Sorokina, Vеra S., 2018, Eleven new species of Spilogona Schnabl, 1911 (Diptera, Muscidae) from the Altai Mountains of Russia, with key to species, Zootaxa 4410 (2), pp. 201-250 : 202-206

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Plazi (2018-04-20 03:42:59, last updated 2024-11-26 01:17:47)

scientific name

Spilogona altaica


Key to the Altai species of Spilogona View in CoL View at ENA

The keу tо mаles inсludes аll the 53 sрeсies оf Spilogona knоwn frоm the Altаin Mts, while the keу tо femаles inсludes 48 sрeсies. Femаles оf Spilogona altaica sp. nov., S. colorata sp. nov., S. insolita sp. nov., S. orthosurstyla Xue & Tiаn , аnd S. tanushka sp. nov. аre nоt knоwn.


1 Thorax with 4 pairs of post dc setae....................................................................... 2

- Thorax with 3 pairs of post dc setae...................................................................... 50

2 Frons as wide as distance between first pair of dc setae or wider, with two orbital setae; sternite 5 very large and protuberant,

longer than length of sternites 1–4 ( Fig. 8A View FIGURE 8 )..................................................... insolita View in CoL sp. nov. - Width of frons at most as wide as half distance between first pair of dc setae, orbital setae absent; sternite 5 normal, not protu- berant and not longer than length of sternites 1–4............................................................ 3

3 Facial edge projecting beyond level of profrons.............................................................. 4

- Facial edge not projecting beyond level of profrons.......................................................... 15

4 Parafacial very broad, at least twice as wide as postpedicel; fronto-orbital plates broadly separated by frontal vitta; proboscis very long and thin..................................................................................... 5

- Parafacial narrower; fronto-orbital plates touching or separated by a narrow frontal vitta; proboscis short, thick or thin..... 6

5 Scutum blue-grey dusted with brown marks and stripes; notopleuron bare; mid tibia without pv and v setae; abdomen yellow- ish-brown dusted. Smaller size: 5.8 mm ..................................................... longissima View in CoL sp. nov.

- Scutum blue-grey dusted without distinct marks and stripes; notopleuron haired around second notopleural seta; mid tibia with pv and v setae; abdomen bluish or greenish-grey dusted. Larger size: 9 mm .......................... tendipes (Malloch) View in CoL

6 Notopleuron haired, at least with some hairs around second notopleural seta....................................... 7

- Notopleuron bare apart from the setae.................................................................... 10

7 Halter brownish-black; mid tibia without v seta.............................................................. 8

- Halter yellow; mid tibia with v seta....................................................................... 9

8 Proboscis with shining prementum; scutum with 3 brown longitudinal stripes which reach scutellum, and with brown marks between intra- and supra-alar setae ( Fig. 11B View FIGURE 11 ); hind femur without distinct elongate pv setae........................................................................................................ novgorodovana View in CoL sp. nov. (part)

- Proboscis with dusted prementum; scutum completely black; hind femur with long pv setae....... triangulifera (Zetterstedt) View in CoL

9 Proboscis with shining prementum; hind femur without distinct pv setae; abdomen blackish without distinct marks.......................................................................................... quinquesetosa (Schnabl) View in CoL

- Prementum of proboscis with weak dust; hind femur with several distinct pv setae; abdomen mostly greyish with distinct black spots....................................................................... sordidipennis (Holmgren) View in CoL (part)

10 Anepisternum with 2–3 interspatial setae; hind femur with a row of elongate pv setae............................... 11

- Anepisternum without interspatial seta; hind femur without a row of elongate pv setae, at most with several short or hair-like pv setae............................................................................................ 12

11 Sternite 1 haired; halter dark brown, mostly blackish; mid tibia with 1–3 pv and with 1–2 short v setae. Smaller size: 5.0–6.0 mm................................................................................... antoninae View in CoL sp. nov.

- Sternite 1 bare; halter yellowish-brown, paler; mid tibia without or with 1–2 short pv setae. Larger size: 6.5–7.5 mm ........................................................................................... almqvistii (Holmgren) View in CoL

12 Mid tibia with distinct v seta.............................................................. pseudodispar (Frey) View in CoL

- Mid tibia without v seta................................................................................ 13

13 Halter completely yellow or with darkened knob; inner edge of sternite 5 with numerous spinose setae ( Fig. 22E); hind femur with longer pv setae, as long or longer than diameter of femur................................... setulosa (Ringdahl) View in CoL

- Halter brown or blackish; inner edge of sternite 5 with normal setae, without spinose setae; hind femur without distinct pv setae, but if pv present then not longer than diameter of femur................................................. 14

14 Fronto-orbital plates touching ( Fig. 11B View FIGURE 11 ); tergites 3 and 4 with large trapezoidal marks; gena densely setose and with a group of upcurved setae on anterior part of genal dilation ( Fig. 11A View FIGURE 11 ); hind femur without distinct pv setae. Montane species.................................................................................... novgorodovana View in CoL sp. nov. (part)

- Fronto-orbital plates separated by a narrow frontal vitta; gena without a group of upcurved setae on anterior part of genal dila- tion; tergites 3 and 4 with triangular marks; hind femur with short, but distinct pv setae. Arctic species....................................................................................................... sanctipauli (Malloch) View in CoL

15 Mid femur with a single strong seta or spine near base of ventral surface, pv setae always absent...................... 16

- Mid femur without a strong spine near base of ventral surface, with a row of fine or strong pv setae, or pv absent......... 18

16 Mid tibia with short but distinct pv seta; scutum black; parafacial narrow, as wide as 0.5–0.7 times width of postpedicel; calypters and wing-base deep yellow; mid femur with one short strong seta in basal fourth and with a very short seta at base of ventral surface............................................................................. flavinervis Huckett View in CoL

- Mid tibia without any v setae; scutum grey; parafacial broader, as wide as width of postpedicel; calypters and wing-base light yellow; mid femur just with one strong seta at base of ventral surface........................................... 17

17 Scutum when viewed from in front mostly pale grey on discal surface of postsutural region; scutellum with a pale grey spot in middle................................................................................. monacantha (Collin) View in CoL

- Scutum when viewed from in front largely fuscous on discal surface of postsutural region; scutellum dark brown................................................................................................. semiglobosa (Ringdahl) View in CoL

18 Notopleuron haired, at least with some hairs around second notopleural seta...................................... 19

- Notopleuron bare around second notopleural seta........................................................... 28

19 Scutellum with downwardly-directed preapical setulae on upper border of declivities............................... 20

- Scutellum without downwardly-directed preapical setulae on upper border of declivities............................ 21

20 Mid tibia with v seta; abdomen densely whitish-grey dusted except for 2 quadrate black marks on tergite 3........................................................................................................... nutaka Huckett

- Mid tibia without v seta; abdomen brownish-grey dusted with quadrate black marks on tergite 3 and triangular marks on tergite 4............................................................................... deflorata (Holmgren) View in CoL (part)

21 Anepisternum with 1–3 interspatial setae................................................ imitatrix (Malloch) View in CoL (part)

- Anepisternum without interspatial seta.................................................................... 22

22 Sternite 1 with hairs..................................................................... opaca (Schnabl) View in CoL (part)

- Sternite 1 bare....................................................................................... 23

23 Abdomen entirely deep brown, without distinct dorsal marks; prementum shining.................................... 24

- Abdomen pale or dark grey, but with more or less distinct dark dorsal marks; prementum with dust..................... 25

24 Halter blackish-brown; Katepisternal setae 1+2. Small size: 3.4–4.5 mm .............................. khrulevae Sorokina View in CoL

- Halter yellow; Katepisternal setae 1+1. Larger size: 5.0– 6.5 mm ................................ quinquesetosa (Schnabl) View in CoL

25 Abdomen dark grey dusted, with large black marks that are narrowly separated................ depressiuscula (Zetterstedt) View in CoL

- Abdomen whitish-grey dusted with distinct black marks that are widely separated.................................... 26

26 Fore tibia with 2 median p setae; mid tibia with v and pv setae; facial edge a little projecting beyond level of profrons................................................................................... sordidipennis (Holmgren) View in CoL (part)

- Fore tibia without median p setae; mid tibia without pv and v setae, or sometimes with a very short v seta; facial edge not pro- jecting beyond level of profrons......................................................................... 27

27 Hind femur with a row of elongate pv setae, as long as diameter of femur; hind tibia without pd setae. Smaller size: 4.5–5.5 mm .................................................................................. sjostedti (Ringdahl) View in CoL

- Hind femur without a row elongate pv setae, but if pv present then they are not longer than diameter of femur; hind tibia with 1–2 short pd setae. Larger size: 6.0– 6.8 mm ........................................................ tara View in CoL sp. nov.

28 Sternite 1 haired...................................................................................... 29

- Sternite 1 bare, or only with individual hairs............................................................... 31

29 Epandrium very large, swollen; abdomen plump; tergites with a more or less distinct median stripe between the dark marks..................................................................................... trigonata (Zetterstedt) View in CoL

- Epandrium normal, not swollen; abdomen dorsoventrally flattened; tergites without a distinct median stripe between the dark marks.............................................................................................. 30

30 Prementum shining; mid tibia with 1 or 2 ad setae; parafacial a little wider than width of postpedicel. Larger size: 8–8.5 mm ............................................................................................ setigera (Stein) View in CoL

- Prementum dusted; mid tibia without ad setae; parafacial narrower than width of postpedicel. Small size: 5–6.5 mm ........................................................................................... opaca (Schnabl) View in CoL (part)

31 Scutellum with downwardly-directed preapical setulae on upper border of declivities............................... 32

- Scutellum without downwardly-directed preapical setulae on upper border of declivities............................ 37

32 Prementum dusted.................................................................................... 33

- Prementum mostly shining............................................................................. 35

33 Halter blackish-brown; abdomen dark brown dusted, with large black marks so that it appears completely black; arista dis- tinctly pubescent; hind femur with long pv, as long as or longer than diameter of femur................ obscuripennis Stein View in CoL

- Halter yellow or with light darkened knob; abdomen light grey dusted with black contrasting marks; arista almost bare; hind femur without pv setae, but if pv are present then they are shorter than diameter of femur............................ 34

34 Scutum and pleura whitish-grey dusted, scutum with 3 brown stripes; abdomen with triangular dark marks on tergites 3 and 4; anepisternum without interspatial setae..................................................... arenosa (Ringdahl) View in CoL

- Scutum and pleura deep brown dusted, without distinct stripes; abdomen with large square dark marks on tergite 3 and with small triangular or rounded marks on tergite 4; anepisternum usually with 1–2 interspatial seta... deflorata (Holmgren) View in CoL (part)

35 Scutum seen from in front with anterior border of presutural region greyish; sternite 5 with a blunt, rounded, caudal margin ( Fig. 22B, 22G)......................................................................... humeralis Huckett View in CoL

- Scutum completely deep brown dusted; sternite 5 with an extended and slightly pointed caudal margin ( Fig. 22H)........ 3 6

36 Abdomen with big square marks on tergite 3 and with small triangular or rounded marks on tergite 4; anepisternum usually with 1–2 interspatial setae; caudal margin of sternite 5 with shining apex..................... deflorata (Holmgren) View in CoL (part)

- Abdomen with triangular or trapezoidal marks on tergites 3 and 4; anepisternum without interspatial setae; caudal margin of sternite 5 with dusted apex ( Fig. 22H).................................................... albisquama (Ringdahl) View in CoL

37 Anepisternum with 1–3 interspatial setae.................................................................. 38

- Anepisternum without interspatial setae................................................................... 43

38 Mid femur with a row of regular (not stout and not spine-like) pv–v setae........................................ 39

- Mid femur at least with 1–2 stout and spine-like pv–v setae on basal half and with short regular pv on apical half......... 40

39 Hind femur with short but distinct pv setae; fronto-orbital plates separated by a wide frontal vitta that is as wide as the distance between posterior ocelli; prementum shining; parafacial as wide as width of postpedicel................ meadei (Schnabl) View in CoL

- Hind femur without pv setae; fronto-orbital plates touching or separated by a frontal vitta that is narrower than the distance between posterior ocelli; prementum subshining, with a patch of dust centrally on underside; parafacial distinctly wider than width of postpedicel.................................................................... bomynensis Hennig View in CoL

40 Scutum with 3 more or less distinct wide brown longitudinal stripes which are sometimes connected; scutellum brown on basal half and grey on apical half; abdomen conical, yellow-brown dusted, syntergite 1+2 light with two black marks, tergites 3 and 4 with small trapezoidal or triangular marks separated by a broad mid-line......................... stackelbergi Hennig View in CoL

- Scutum dark, greyish-brown dusted without distinct longitudinal stripes; scutellum completely dark; abdomen oval, grey dusted, syntergite 1+2 completely black, tergites 3 and 4 with large square or trapezoidal marks that are connected or narrowly separated........................................................................................... 41

41 Fronto-orbital plates touching along greater part of length, narrower than diameter of anterior ocellus ( Fig. 13B View FIGURE 13 ); distance between eye margins at upper part of frons about as wide as diameter of anterior ocellus; prementum shining but with a patch of light dust centrally on underside; presutural region of scutum mostly with whitish-grey dust; mid femur with 5–6 long and stout pv–v setae on basal half; hind femur with 5–6 av setae at apex................................ platyfrons View in CoL sp. nov.

- Fronto-orbital plates touching only on upper part or separated by a narrow frontal vitta; distance between eye margins at upper part of frons as wide as or narrower than the distance between posterior ocelli; prementum completely shining, without any dust; extreme anterior half of presutural region of scutum with grey dust; mid femur with 2–4 stout pv–v setae on basal half; hind femur with 3–4 av setae at apex..................................................................... 42

42 Notopleuron with some hairs on upper part, but not around the posterior seta; fronto-orbital plates touching in upper part or separated with a very narrow frontal vitta; mid tibia without ad and v setae; tergite 3 usually with marks connected or narrowly separated; caudal margin of sternite 5 with dense setulae.................................... imitatrix (Malloch) View in CoL (part)

- Notopleuron without hairs; fronto-orbital plates usually separated by a distinct frontal vitta, sometimes touching; mid tibia with 1 ad and sometimes a short v seta; tergites with well separated marks; caudal margin of sternite 5 without dense setulae.................................................................................... nitidicauda (Schnabl) View in CoL

43 Scutum whitish or bluish-grey, without or with more or less distinct brown stripes or marks.......................... 44

- Scutum blackish or dark brown, without distinct stripes or marks............................................... 46

44 Halter black; fronto-orbital plates separated by a narrow frontal vitta; marks on tergites expansive and extended ventrad............................................................................................... micans Ringdahl View in CoL

- Halter yellow; frons narrow, fronto-orbital plates touching; marks on tergites restricted and confined to dorsum.......... 45

45 Scutum with 3 narrow longitudinal stripes or with trace of these stripes; mid femur without v–pv setae; hind femur with elongate hair-like v–pv setae restricted to base; prementum shining..................................... placida (Huckett) View in CoL

- Scutum with 2 distinct brown stripes along dc setae and a brown spot between them in the middle of postsutural region ( Fig. 4B View FIGURE 4 ); mid femur with a row of long pv setae; hind femur with a row of long pv setae on basal third; prementum with thin dust....................................................................................... colorata View in CoL sp. nov.

46 Hind femur with a row of elongate pv setae as long as diameter of femur; prementum at least with thin dust............. 47

- Hind femur without elongate pv setae, but if pv are present then they are not longer than diameter of femur; prementum mostly shining............................................................................................. 48

47 Fronto-orbital plates separated by a frontal vitta; subcostal vein with a few ventral fine hairs basad of the humeral cross-vein; tergite 3 with large trapezoidal marks; parafacial wide, at middle as wide as postpedicel or wider....................................................................................................... trianguligera (Zetterstedt) View in CoL

- Fronto-orbital plates touching ( Fig. 1B View FIGURE 1 ); subcostal vein bare, without hairs basad of the humeral cross-vein; tergite 3 with small triangular marks; parafacial narrow, at middle as wide as 0.5 times width of postpedicel ( Fig. 1A View FIGURE 1 ).......................................................................................................... altaica View in CoL sp. nov.

48 Scutum with a whitish-grey spot in front of scutellum; abdomen short and plump; parafacial narrower than width of postpedicel; mid tibia usually without ad seta........................................................ pacifica (Meigen) View in CoL

- Scutum without a whitish-grey spot in front of scutellum; abdomen conical; parafacial as wide as width of postpedicel; mid tibia usually with ad seta............................................................................... 49

49 Mid and hind femora with numerous hair-like av–v setae on basal half about as long as diameter of femur or shorter; width of parafacial at level of base of antenna 0.5–0.7 times width of postpedicel, hardly narrowing below; sternite 5 with reddish caudal margin ( Fig. 6D View FIGURE 6 )..................................................................... improvisa View in CoL sp. nov.

- Mid and hind femora without such setae; parafacial at level of base of antenna as wide as width of postpedicel, visibly narrowing below; sternite 5 not as above.......................................................... sororcula (Zetterstedt) View in CoL

50 Frons as wide as half the distance between first pair of dc setae or wider......................................... 51

- Width of frons less than half distance between first pair of dc setae............................................. 56

51 Frons at level of anterior ocellus about as wide as distance between first pair of dc setae............................. 52

- Frons at level of anterior ocellus about as wide as half distance between first pair of dc setae......................... 54

52 Small (3.0– 3.5 mm) species with shiny frontal triangle and black halter; mid femur with 1–2 hair-like setae on basal third; costa with a series of elongate and strong setulae on proximal part................................... spinicosta (Stein) View in CoL

- Larger (5.0– 5.8 mm) grey species; frontal triangle dusted; halter yellow; mid femur with one stout spinose seta at base; costa with short strong setulae on proximal part................................................................. 53

53 Abdomen with distinct brown marks; prementum dusted; wing without costal spine; postpedicel long, 2/3 as long as eye height........................................................................................ incerta Huckett View in CoL

- Abdomen without marks ( Fig. 5A View FIGURE 5 ); prementum shining; wing with costal spines; postpedicel short, 1/2–1/3 as long as eye height................................................................................ decolorata View in CoL sp. nov.

54 Facial edge projecting beyond level of profrons; halter blackish; anepisternum with 1 interspatial setae. Smaller size: 3–4 mm ..................................................................................... alpica (Zetterstedt) View in CoL

- Facial edge not projecting beyond level of profrons; halter yellow; anepisternum without interspatial setae. Larger size: 5–7 mm ................................................................................................ 55

55 Hind femur with a row of long pv setae; arista pubescent, with longest individual hairs as long as basal diameter of arista; scutellum with downwardly-directed preapical setulae on upper border of declivities................... surda (Zetterstedt) View in CoL

- Hind femur without pv setae; arista short plumose, with longest individual hairs 1/3–1/2 as long as width of postpedicel; scutellum without downwardly-directed preapical setulae on upper border of declivities.......................... falleni Pont View in CoL

56 Prementum dusted; scutellum with downwardly-directed preapical setulae on upper border of declivities............... 57

- Prementum mostly shining; scutellum without downwardly-directed preapical setulae on upper border of declivities...... 58

57 Halter blackish-brown; abdomen dark, with indistinct marks on tergites 3 and 4......................... costalis (Stein) View in CoL

- Halter yellow; abdomen grey or brownish, with distinct marks on tergites 3 and 4................. depressula (Zetterstedt) View in CoL

58 Mid tibia with pv–v setae; hind femur without pv setae; abdomen black, without marks; halter blackish-brown.................................................................................................. khrulevae Sorokina View in CoL

- Mid tibia without pv–v setae; hind femur with elongate pv setae; abdomen grey or brown dusted, with distinct marks; halter yellow or brownish................................................................................... 59

59 Abdomen dorsoventrally flattened, brown dusted, with trapezoidal marks on tergites 3 and 4; facial edge slightly projecting beyond level of profrons ( Fig. 16A View FIGURE 16 ); fore tibia without median p seta; halter reddish or yellowish-brown........................................................................................................ tanushka View in CoL sp. nov.

- Abdomen not flattened, plump, usually grey dusted, with triangular marks on tergites 3 and 4; facial edge not projecting beyond level of profrons; fore tibia with median p seta; halter yellow............................................ 60

60 Scutum completely dark brown (Mountains populations) or light grey with indistinct stripes (Arctic tundra populations); sternite 5 with a narrow median notch ( Fig. 19B View FIGURE19 ), with a wavy inner edge; hypandrium with a protuberance in lateral view; surstylus sharply curved at middle ( Fig. 19E View FIGURE19 )..................................................... arctica (Zetterstedt) View in CoL

- Scutum grey or brownish dusted with more or less distinct dark stripes; sternite 5 with a rather wide median notch; hypandrium without a distinct protuberance; shape of surstylus not as above................................................ 61

61 Sternite 5 with a wide rectangular median notch, inner edge more or less straight ( Fig. 19C View FIGURE19 ); scutum with distinct dark stripes; surstylus short, gently curved, about as long as cerci ( Fig. 19F View FIGURE19 )................................... alticola (Malloch) View in CoL

- Sternite 5 not as above; scutum with indistinct dark stripes, often diffuse; surstylus longer than cerci...................62

62 Sternite 5 with an extended and pointed caudal margin ( Fig. 22D); surstylus straight, curved only at apex ( Fig. 20D View FIGURE 20 , 21D View FIGURE 21 )................................................................................... orthosurstyla Xue & Tian View in CoL

- Sternite 5 with a rounded caudal margin ( Fig. 19A View FIGURE19 ); surstylus not straight, weakly curved at middle ( Fig. 19D View FIGURE19 )........................................................................................... contractifrons (Zetterstedt) View in CoL

Gallery Image

FIGURE 1. Spilogona altaica sp. nov., male: A. Lateral habitus. B. Head and scutum, anterior view. C. Abdomen and scutellum, dorsal view.D. Sternite 5. E. Terminalia, lateral view.F. Cercal plate, posterior view. Scale bar:1 mm.

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FIGURE 4. Spilogona colorata sp. nov male: A. Lateral habitus. B. Head and scutum, anterior view. C. Abdomen and scutellum, dorsal view.D. Sternite 5. E. Terminalia, lateral view.F. Cercal plate, posterior view. Scale bar:1 mm.

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FIGURE 5. Spilogona decolorata sp. nov. A. Male lateral habitus. B. Male head and scutum, anterior view. C. Female lateral habitus.D. Femalehead and scutum, anterior view.E. Male sternite 5 and cercal plate, ventral view.Scale bar:1 mm.

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FIGURE 6. Spilogona improvisa sp. nov., male: A. Lateral habitus. B. Head and scutum, anterior view. C. Abdomen and scutellum, dorsal view. D. Abdomen, lateral view. E. Sternite 5. F. Terminalia, lateral view. G. Cercal plate, posterior view. Scale bar: 1mm.

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FIGURE 8. Spilogona insolita sp. nov., male: A. Lateral habitus. B. Head and scutum, anterior view. C. Abdomen and scutellum, dorsal view.D. Sternite 5. E. Terminalia, lateral view.F. Cercal plate, posterior view. Scale bar:1 mm.

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FIGURE 11. Spilogona novgorodovana sp. nov., male: A. Lateral habitus. B. Head and scutum, anterior view. C. Abdomen and scutellum, dorsal view.D. Sternite 5. E. Terminalia, lateral view.F. Cercal plate, posterior view.Scale bar:1 mm.

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FIGURE 13. Spilogona platyfrons sp. nov., male: A. Lateral habitus. B. Head and scutum, anterior view. C. Abdomen and scutellum, dorsal view.D. Sternite 5. E. Terminalia, lateral view.F. Cercal plate, posterior view. Scale bar:1 mm.

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FIGURE 16. Spilogona tanushka sp. nov., male: A. Lateral habitus. B. Head and scutum, anterior view. C. Abdomen and scutellum, dorsal view.D. Sternite 5. E. Terminalia,lateral view.F. Cercal plate, posterior view. Scale bar:1 mm.

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FIGURE 20. Spilogona spp., male terminalia, lateral view: A. Spilogona depressiuscula. B. Spilogona humeralis. C. Spilogona nutaka. D. Spilogona orthosurstula. E. Spilogona setulosa.F. Spilogona sordidipennis.

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FIGURE 21. Spilogona spp., male cercal plate, posterior view: A. Spilogona depressiuscula. B. Spilogona humeralis. C. Spilogona nutaka. D. Spilogona orthosurstula. E. Spilogona setulosa.F. Spilogona sordidipennis.

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FIGURE19. Spilogona spp., males.A–C. Sternite 5: A. Spilogonacontractifrons. B. Spilogona arctica.C. Spilogonaalticola. D–F. Terminalia, lateral view:D.Spilogona contractifrons. E. Spilogona arctica. F. Spilogona alticola.











