Poecilosomella affinis, HAYASHI, 2002

Papp, L., 2002, Eighteen New Oriental Species Of Poecilosomella Duda (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 48 (2), pp. 107-156 : 118

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12587600



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scientific name

Poecilosomella affinis


P. affinis HAYASHI, 2002 View in CoL

Material studied: TAIWAN, leg. L. PAPP 2000 ( HNHM, 67 ex.): 27 males, 35 females: Ilan Hsien, Fu-Shan LTER Site , Sep26, 2000, leg. L. P APP, No. 7 – lake shore vegetation and along a brook bed ; 1 male: ibid., over a rocky brook, No. 6 ; 2 female: ibid., Sep 27, along/over a small brook, No. 11 ; 1 male: Pingtung Hsien, Kenting, Heng-Chun Trop. Botanical Garden – light traps, Oct 4–6, L. Peregovits & L. PAPP, No. 15 ; 1 male: Taipei, Nanshih Chiao , Han-Lo-Da, 450 m, along a small canal, Oct 13, No. 24. NEPAL : 37 males, 85 females ( HNHM): Royal Chitwan National Park, Bandarjhola Island – Jungle Island Resort, 84°10’E, 27°35’N, 150 m, 1995. 10. 30. – swept on Elephas maximus dung, leg. L. Peregovits GoogleMaps ; 2 males ( NMNH): Sundarijal , 4500–5000 feet, 29 October 1977, Gary F. Hevel ; 1 male ( NMNH): Papua New Guinea: Central P., near Kamulai , 3 Apr. 1983, 1200–1300 meters, J. W. Ismay ; 1 male ( NMNH): Cyclops Mts., Dutch N. G. [now Irian Jaya], 1000 ft. Jean Lafoon coll., IV–1–45. – “308" .


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History

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