Opopaea deserticola Simon

Platnick, Norman I. & Dupérré, Nadine, 2009, The Goblin Spider Genera Opopaea and Epectris (Araneae, Oonopidae) in the New World, American Museum Novitates 3649, pp. 1-44 : 4-22

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Carolina (2021-08-29 06:46:47, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-05 13:29:39)

scientific name

Opopaea deserticola Simon


Opopaea deserticola Simon View in CoL

Figures 1–72 View Figs View Figs View Figs View Figs View Figs View Figs View Figs View Figs View Figs View Figs View Figs View Figs View Figs View Figs View Figs

Opopaea deserticola Simon, 1891: 560 View in CoL , pl. 42, fig. 5 (female syntype from St. Vincent, in BMNH, examined). – Dumitresco and Georgesco, 1983: 103, pl. 21, figs. 1–6. – Saaristo, 2001: 333, figs. 93A–98A, 99–101. – Baert et al., 2008: 56. – Saaristo and Marusik, 2008: 22, figs. 22– 29, 137–146, 178, 194, 200, 210, 219, 226.

Opopaea darlingtoni Bryant, 1940: 267 View in CoL , figs. 5, 7 (male holotype from Maisí, Guantánamo, Cuba, in MCZ, examined). First synonymized by Dumitresco and Georgesco, 1983: 103.

Gamasomorpha floridana: Bryant, 1945a: 199 , figs. 1, 2 (male, misidentified).

Opopaea timida Chickering, 1951: 233 View in CoL , figs. 20, 21 (male holotype believed to have been taken from a bat collected in the Chilibrillo Caves , Canal Zone, Panama, in MCZ, examined). NEW SYNONYMY.

Opopaea brasima Chickering, 1969: 148 View in CoL , figs. 4–10 (male holotype from Kendall, Dade Co., Florida, in AMNH, examined). First synonymized by Dumitresco and Georgesco, 1983: 103.

DIAGNOSIS: Males can be distinguished from those of O. concolor by the ventrally more expanded palpal bulb (figs. 55–58, 61, 62, 64, 66), females by having the small, dark knob marking the origin of the receptaculum situated very close to the epigastric furrow (figs. 59, 60, 67, 68).

MALE (PBI_OON 1281). Total length 1.25, habitus as in figs. 1–3, 7, 8. CEPHALO- THORAX: Carapace: Pale orange, without any pattern, ovoid in dorsal view (fig. 11), pars cephalica slightly elevated in lateral view (fig. 12), anteriorly narrowed to 0.49 times its maximum width or less; posterolateral corners angular, posterolateral edge without pits (fig. 14), posterior margin not bulging below posterior rim (fig. 21); anterolateral corners without extension or projections; posterolateral surface without spikes; lateral margins straight, rebordered, without denticles; surface of elevated portion of pars cephalica smooth (fig. 19), sides striated (fig. 20); deep depressions absent, fovea absent, pars thoracica without radiating rows of pits; nonmarginal pars cephalica setae dark, needlelike, in Ushaped row; nonmarginal pars thoracica setae dark, needlelike; marginal setae light, needlelike; sides of pars cephalica with scattered pores set in slight depressions (fig. 36). Clypeus: Margin unmodified, curved downwards in front view, vertical in lateral view, low, ALE separated from edge of carapace by less than their radius, median projection absent; setae dark, needle-like. Chilum: Absent. Eyes: Six, well developed, ALE largest; ALE oval, PME squared, PLE oval; posterior eye row straight from above, procurved from front (fig. 13); ALE separated by less than their radius, ALE-PLE separated by less than ALE radius, PME touching throughout most of their length, PLE-PME separated by less than PME radius. Sternum: Longer than wide, pale orange, uniform, fused to carapace, median concavity absent; radial furrows present between coxae I–II, II–III, III–IV (fig. 25), wrinkled, radial furrow opposite coxae III absent; surface smooth, without pits, microsculpture only in furrows, sickle-shaped structures not touching, anterior margin unmodified, posterior margin not extending posteriorly of coxae IV; anterior corner unmodified, lateral margin with infracoxal grooves connecting anterior and posterior openings, distance between coxae II and III greater than distance between coxae I and II, or coxae III and IV, precoxal triangles absent, lateral margins unmodified, without posterior hump; setae sparse, dark, needlelike, densest laterally, originating from surface; hair tufts absent. Mouthparts: Chelicerae, endites, and labium pale orange. Chelicerae straight, anterior face unmodified; promargin without teeth, retromargin without teeth; fang toothlike projections absent, fang directed medially, shape normal, without prominent basal process, tip unmodified (fig. 26); setae dark, needlelike, evenly scattered; paturon inner margin with scattered setae, distal region unmodified, promargin unmodified, inner margin unmodified, laminate groove absent. Labium triangular, fused to sternum, with anterior margin indented at middle, same as sternum in sclerotization; six or more setae present on anterior margin, subdistally with unmodified setae. Endites distally not excavated, serrula present in single row, anteromedian tip with one strong, toothlike projection (figs. 27, 28), posteromedian part unmodified, same as sternum in sclerotization. ABDOMEN: Cylindrical, without long posterior extension, rounded posteriorly, interscutal membrane without rows of small sclerotized platelets; soft portions white, without color pattern. Book lung covers small, ovoid, without setae, anterolateral edge unmodified. Posterior spiracles connected by groove. Pedicel tube short, ribbed, with small, dorsolateral, triangular extensions (fig. 33), scutopedicel region with paired curved scutal ridges (fig. 29), scutum not extending far dorsal of pedicel, plumose hairs present dorsal and lateral of pedicel, matted setae on anterior ventral abdomen in pedicel area absent; cuticular outgrowths near pedicel absent. Dorsal scutum strongly sclerotized, pale orange, without color pattern, covering full length of abdomen, no soft tissue visible from above, not fused to epigastric scutum, middle surface punctate, sides punctate, anterior half without projecting denticles. Epigastric scutum surrounding pedicel, not protruding, small lateral sclerites absent. Postepigastric scutum strongly sclerotized, pale orange, long, semicircular, covering nearly full length of postepigastric area, fused to epigastric scutum, anterior margin unmodified, with short posteriorly directed lateral apodemes. Spinneret scutum present, incomplete ring. Supra-anal scutum absent. Dorsum setae light, needlelike. Epigastric area setae uniform, dark, needlelike. Postepigastric area setae dark, needlelike. Spinneret scutum with fringe of long setae. Interscutal membrane with setae. Dense patch of setae anterior to spinnerets absent. Colulus present. LEGS: Yellow, without color pattern. Femur IV not thickened, patella plus tibia I shorter than carapace, tibia I unmodified, tibia I Emerit’s glands absent, tibia IV specialized hairs on ventral apex absent, ventral scopula absent, metatarsi I and II meso-apical comb absent, metatarsi III and IV weak ventral scopula absent, tibiae and metatarsi with scattered pores set in small depressions without raised margins (fig. 39). Leg spines absent. Tarsal proclaws inner face striate, retroclaws inner face striate. Tarsi I, II superior claws with one tooth on lateral surface of proclaw, five teeth on median surface, one tooth on lateral surface of retroclaw, five teeth on median surface (fig. 41). Tarsi III, IV superior claws with one tooth on lateral surface of proclaw, four teeth on median surface, one tooth on lateral surface of retroclaw, four teeth on median surface (figs. 42–44). Trichobothria examined with SEM, tibia: each with three (fig. 37); metatarsus: each with one (fig. 40); base rounded, aperture internal texture gratelike, hood smooth (fig. 38). Tarsal organ apparently with 3–5 sensillae (fig. 51). GENITALIA: Epigastric region with sperm pore visible, small, oval, situated at level of anterior spiracles (fig. 30), rebordered (fig. 35). Epigastric furrow without V -shaped insertions, without setae. Palp normal size, not strongly sclerotized, right and left palps symmetrical. Cymbium pale orange, bulb pale orange, proximal segments pale orange, embolus light. Embolus prolateral excavation absent. Trochanter normal size, unmodified. Femur normal size, two or more times as long as trochanter, without posteriorly rounded lateral dilation, attaching to patella subbasally (figs. 55, 56, 61, 62). Patella longer than femur, much larger than femur, without prolateral row of ridges, setae unmodified. Tibial trichobothria examined using SEM, three (fig. 63). Tarsal organ with at least two sensillae (fig. 52). Cymbium narrow in dorsal view, completely fused with bulb, no seam visible, not extending beyond distal tip of bulb, plumose setae absent, without stout setae, without distal patch of setae. Bulb 1 to 1.5 times as long as cymbium,

slender, elongated, ventrally expanded (figs. 57, 58, 66), with dorsal fenestra (figs. 64, 65).

FEMALE (PBI_OON 1299). Total length 1.50, habitus as in figs. 4–6, 9, 10. As in male except as noted. CEPHALOTHORAX (figs. 15–18, 22–24): Endites anteromedian tip unmodified. Palp: claw absent; spines absent; tarsus unswollen (fig. 72), patella without prolateral row of ridges, tibia with two trichobothria (fig. 71), tarsal organ elongate (fig. 54). ABDOMEN (figs. 31, 32, 34): Dorsal scutum covering more than 3/4 of abdomen, more than 1/2 to most of abdomen width. Postepigastric scutum covering about 3/4 of postepigastric area, not fused to epigastric scutum. Anterior lateral spinnerets with large major ampullate gland spigot, posterior medians with two spigots, posterior laterals with three spigots (fig. 70). LEGS: Tarsi I, II superior claws median surfaces with 10–12 small, distal teeth, lateral surfaces with 5 large, basal teeth (figs. 45–48); tarsus III superior claws median surfaces with four small, distal teeth, lateral surfaces with five large, basal teeth; tarsus IV superior claws median surfaces with three small, distal teeth, lateral surfaces with five large, basal teeth (figs. 49, 50). Tarsal organ opening piriform (fig. 53). GENITALIA: Ventral view: epigastric region with sclerotization marking origin of receptaculum situated close to epigastric furrow (figs. 59, 67, 68). Dorsal view: receptaculum short, T-shaped, situated near epigastric furrow (figs. 60, 69).

MATERIAL EXAMINED: UNITED STATES: Florida: Alachua Co. : no specific locality, Jan. 23, 1937, in bathroom (H. Wallace, MCZ 71991, PBI _OON 26986), 13. Charlotte Co.: Punta Gorda, Jan. 1–16, 1946 (S. Rounds, AMNH PBI _ OON 1203 ), 1♀. Collier Co.: Marco Island , Jan. 1, 1930 (W. Barrows, AMNH PBI _ OON 1984 ), 13. Dade Co. : Deering Estate Park, SW 167th St. and SW 72nd Ave., S Miami, Nov. 15, 1985, hammock

30, 32. Epigastric area, ventral view.

forest litter (S. Peck, AMNH PBI _ OON 1295 ), 20♀ , Nov. 15–23, 1985, hammock pitfall (S. Peck, AMNH PBI _ OON 1284 ), 2♀ , Feb. 21– June 1, 1986, old hammock forest, malaise-flight intercept trap (S., J. Peck, AMNH PBI _ OON 1282 ), 13, June 1– Aug. 25, 1986, same (S., J. Peck, AMNH PBI _ OON 1268 , 1285 ), 3♀ , Aug. 25, 1986, Berlese, forest litter (S., J. Peck, AMNH PBI _ OON 1270 ), 1♀ , Dec. 9, 1986, forest litter (S. Peck, Klimaszewski, AMNH PBI _ OON 1293 ), 2♀ ; 2–5 mi S Florida City, Apr. 1, 1957 (R. Forster, W. Gertsch, AMNH PBI _ OON 1205 ), 1♀ ; Homestead , Mar. 13, 1968, avocado grove (A. Chickering, MCZ 71990, PBI _OON 26985), 1♀ , Mar. 21, 1968, avocado grove (A. Chickering, MCZ 72095, PBI _OON 26983), 13, 1♀ ; Kendall , Mar. 4, 1953 (A. Nadler, AMNH PBI _OON 37497), 13 (holotype) ; Matheson Hammock Park, 9800 Old Cutler Road, S Miami, Nov. 14, 1985, hammock litter (S. Peck, AMNH PBI _ OON 1298 ), 13♀ ; 7900 SW 176th St., S Miami, Feb. 21–June 1, 1986, Old Cutler Hammock, malaise-flight intercept trap (S., J. Peck, AMNH PBI _ OON 1287 ), 13. Highlands Co.: Sebring , Lake Jackson, Feb. 20, 1982, uprooting dead bunch grass (G. Edwards, FSCA PBI _OON 21186), 13, 5♀ . Indian River Co.: Vero Beach , July 10, 1990, on Avicennia germinans (K. Hibbard, K. Dady, FSCA PBI _OON 21185), 13. Lee Co. : Fort Myers , 26 ° 38 9 N, 81 ° 50 9 W, Mar. 18, 1954 (W. Ivie, AMNH PBI _ OON 1326 ), 13, 4♀ GoogleMaps ; Fort Myers Beach , 26 ° 26 9 N, 81 ° 56 9 W, Mar. 17, 1954 (W. Ivie, AMNH PBI _ OON 1265 ), 63, 14♀ GoogleMaps . Monroe Co.: Big Pine Key , Watsons Hammock, Nov. 17, 1985 – Feb. 25, 1986, hammock forest, malaise-flight intercept trap (S., J. Peck, AMNH PBI _ OON 1291 ), 1♀ , June 3–Aug. 27, 1986, same (S., J. Peck, AMNH PBI _ OON 1277 ), 13 ; Big Torch Key , Feb. 25–June 5, 1986, hammock forest, malaise-flight intercept trap (S., J. Peck, AMNH PBI _ OON 1259 ), 1♀ , June 5– Aug. 28, 1986, same (S., J. Peck, AMNH PBI _ OON 1262 ), 13 ; Fleming Key , Mar. 30, 1980, Australian pine litter (G. Edwards, FSCA PBI _OON 10494), 23, 1♀ ; Key Largo Key , 25 ° 10 9 N, 80 ° 20 9 W, Dec. 17, 1962 (W. Ivie, AMNH PBI _ OON 1274 ), 2♀ GoogleMaps ; Key West , Dec. 29–31, 1950 (A. Nadler, AMNH PBI _ OON 1201 , 1207 ), 2♀ ; Lignum Vitae Key , July 1981, malaise trap and trough (S. Peck, CNC PBI _OON 10493), 23 ; 2 mi SE Marathon , 24 ° 37 9 N, 81 ° 06 9 W, Dec. 15, 1962 (W. Ivie, AMNH PBI _ OON 1200 , 1209 , 1210 , 1281 , 1296 , 1299 ), 153, 24♀ GoogleMaps ; Pennekamp State Park , Key Largo, June 2–Aug. 26, 1986, hammock forest, malaise-flight intercept trap (S., J. Peck, AMNH PBI _ OON 1272 ), 1♀ ; Stock Island , botanical garden, Nov. 19, 1985, hammock, leaf litter (S., J. Peck, AMNH PBI _ OON 1261 ), 1♀ , Dec. 17, 1986, leaf litter (S. Peck, Klimaszewski, AMNH PBI _ OON 1294 ), 3♀ ; Sugarloaf Key , Aug. 29, 1986, hammock forest leaf litter Berlese (S., J. Peck, AMNH PBI _ OON 1280 ), 13 ; Sugarloaf Key, Kitchings , Feb. 26–June 6, 1986, hammock forest, malaise-flight intercept trap (S., J. Peck, AMNH PBI _ OON 1258 , 1288 ), 13, 1♀ ; Windley Key , Aug. 30, 1986, hammock forest, deep soil washing (S., J. Peck, AMNH PBI _ OON 1328 ), 1♀ . Pinellas Co.: Dunedin, no date ( AMNH PBI _ OON 1084 ), 13, 1927 (W. Blatchley, MCZ 71992, PBI _OON 26984), 2♀ . Polk Co.: Haines City , Feb. 28, 1968 (A. Chickering, MCZ 66784, PBI _OON 26982), 13 ; Lake Alfred , June 17, 1968, pitfall under citrus (H. Greene, FSCA PBI _OON 21181), 13. Suwannee Co.: McAlpin, Jan. 27, 1976, Dasylivion longitissimum (C. Webb, FSCA, PBI _OON 21182), 13 . MEXICO: no specific locality (intercept- ed at New Orleans , Louisiana), Apr. 1, 1936 (K. Miller, USNM 2046648 About USNM , PBI _OON

27928), 1♀, Oct. 2, 1936 ( USNM 2046648 About USNM , PBI _OON 27929) , 13, 1♀. Baja California Sur : 12 mi NE Cabo San Lucas, Feb. 7, 1966, palm oasis (V. Roth, AMNH PBI _ OON 1413 ) , 13; San José del Cabo , Mar. 4, 1945 (M. Correa, AMNH PBI _ OON 1396 ) , 1♀. Colima: Cuyutlán , Jan. 9, 1943 (F. Bonet, AMNH PBI _ OON 1404 ) , 1♀. Nayarit: San Blas , Aug. 10, 1960, grass near beach ( AMNH PBI _ OON 1392 ) , 13, 21 ° 32 9 N, 105 ° 18 9 W, May 14, 1963 (W. Gertsch, W. Ivie, AMNH PBI _ OON 1406 ) GoogleMaps , 33, 1♀. Quintana Roo: Cozumel , July 14, 1951 (L. Stannard, AMNH PBI _OON 37531) , 23. Tamaulipas: Tampico (intercepted at Laredo , Texas ), Jan. 25, 1937 ( USNM 2046648 About USNM , PBI _OON 27927) , 1♀. Veracruz: Rinconada , June 29, 1941 (H. Dybas, AMNH PBI _ OON 1410 ) , 1♀. Yucatán: Isla Cozumel , Jan. 23–27, 1984 (V., B. Roth, CAS 9023426 About CAS , PBI _ OON 3751 ) , 1♀, COSTA RICA: Puntarenas: Bahía Wafer, Isla del Coco , 5 ° 32 9 56 0 N, 87 ° 03 9 37 0 W, Mar. 31, 2002, elev. 4–10 m (T. Amarilla, INBIO 69554 , PBI _OON 37512) GoogleMaps , 1♀. PANAMA: Canal Zone: Balboa , May 14, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72472, PBI _OON 28029) , 13, May 27, 1964, (A. Chickering, MCZ 72466, 72474 About MCZ , PBI _OON 28027, 28028 ) , 33, 19♀, May 28, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72454, PBI _OON 28030) , 13, 2♀, May 28– 29, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72461, PBI _OON 28025) , 153, 30; Barro Colorado Island , May 15, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 68295, PBI _OON 26866) , 1♀; Chillibrillo Cave, Chilebre , 1936, from ‘‘bat #964, Dirias albiventer minor ’’ (L. Dunn, MCZ) , 13 (holotype); Corozal , May 25, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72381, PBI _OON 26673) , 13, May 25–26, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72471, PBI _OON 28022) , 43, 18♀; Experimental Gardens , July 9–10, 1954 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72455, PBI _OON 28034) , 1♀, July 11, 1954 (A. Chickering, MCZ 68227, PBI _OON 28021) , 2♀, July 13, 1954 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72473, PBI _OON 28026) , 1♀, July 14, 1954 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72564, PBI _OON 28033) , 1♀, Aug. 18, 1954 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72496, PBI _OON 28032) , 1♀; Gamboa , Jan. 7, 1958 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72558, PBI _OON 26868) , 1♀; Pedro Miguel , July 5, 1950 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72460, PBI _OON 28024) , 1♀, Mar. 7, 1958 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72463, PBI _OON 28023) , 1♀; Summit Gardens , May 12, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72560, PBI _OON 26867) , 13, May 12–13, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72456, PBI _OON 28031, 43 , 5♀. Panama´: Playa Coronado , Aug. 8, 1983, litter (J., F. Murphy, AMNH PBI _OON 36543) , 33, 1♀, same date, litter of dry slope with Acacia and palms (P. Lehtinen, MZUT PBI _OON 15913) , 13. WEST INDIES: Bahama Islands: Nassau Golf Club , Mar. 10, 1967 (A. Nadler, AMNH PBI _ OON 97 ) , 1♀; Nicolls Town, Andros , Mar. 14, 1967 (A. Nadler, AMNH PBI _OON 10501) , 1♀; North Bimini , Dec. 4, 1952 (A. Nadler, AMNH PBI _ OON 1247 ) , 13, 1♀, Mar. 26–29, 1953 (A. Nadler, MCZ 72505, PBI _OON 26930) , 13; South Bimini , May 1951 (W. Gertsch, M. Cazier, AMNH PBI _ OON 1254 ) , 63, 9♀, June 1951 (M. Cazier, C., P. Vaurie, AMNH PBI _ OON 1246 , 1248 , 1251 , 1252 , 1255 ) , 83, 5♀, Dec. 12–18, 1952 (A. Nadler, AMNH PBI _ OON 1250 ) , 2♀. Bermuda : no specific locality ( AMNH PBI _ OON 1238 ) , 1♀. GREATER ANTILLES: Cuba: Guantánamo: Maisí , July 15–16, 1936 (P. Darlington,

MCZ), 13 (holotype, missing both palpi but identifiable from Bryant’s palpal drawing). Hispaniola: Dominican Republic: Ciudad Trujillo , Mar. 3, 1955 (A. Nadler, AMNH PBI _ OON 1379 ), 1♀. Haiti : Damiens , Portau-Prince , Nov. 9–10, 1959 (A. Nadler, AMNH PBI _ OON 1239 , 1240 ), 3♀. Jamaica: Clarendon: Salt River , Nov. 24, 1963 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72373, PBI _OON 26719), 2♀. Kingston: Buccaneer Beach, Dec. 8, 1963 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72374, PBI _OON 26721), 33, 10♀; Gunboat Beach, Nov. 19, 1963 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72372, PBI _OON 26723), 23; Palisadoes, Nov. 1, 1957 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72375, PBI _OON 26724), 33, 8♀. St. Andrew : Claremont, June 20, 1954 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72371, PBI _OON 26706), 1♀; Fairway Ave., Nov. 8, 1963 (A. Chickering, MCZ 66794, PBI _OON 21232), 1♀, Nov. 18, 1963 (A. Chickering, MCZ 66793, PBI _OON 21284), 13, 5♀, Nov. 25, 1963 (A. Chickering, MCZ 68290, PBI _OON 21288), 13, 4♀; Ferry, 0.9 mi W Red Hills Road, Sept. 27, 1957 (A. Chickering, MCZ 68293, 72358 About MCZ , PBI _OON 21231, 21236 ), 13, 3♀; Hermitage Road, Nov. 28, 1963 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72356, PBI _OON 37511), 1♀; Hope Gardens, Kingston, Mar. 14, 1955 (A. Nadler, AMNH PBI _ OON 1244 ), 13, Oct. 3, 1957, near hotel (A. Chickering, MCZ 68291, PBI _OON 21238), 13, Nov. 27, 1963 (A. Chickering, MCZ 66795, PBI _OON 21287), 3♀, Dec. 1, 1963 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72347, PBI _OON 26672), 1♀, Dec. 6, 1963 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72350, PBI _OON 21234), 1♀, Dec. 19, 1963 (A. Chickering, MCZ 66792, PBI _OON 21235), 13; 14.5 mi E Kingston, Nov. 19, 1963 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72280, PBI _OON 21228), 33, 2♀; Liguanea, Oct. 19, 1957 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72357, PBI _OON 21282), 2♀, Dec. 21, 1963 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72352, PBI _OON 21283), 13; Mona, 1953, grass and bushes (G. Underwood, MCZ 72281, PBI _OON 26677, 37528 ), 2♀, Oct. 7, 1957 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72351, PBI _OON 26681), 1♀; Mona Heights, Nov. 29, 1963 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72529, PBI _OON 26942), 1♀, Dec. 15, 1963 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72518, PBI _OON 28008), 1♀; Old Hope Road, Liguanea, Oct. 8, 1957 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72354, PBI _OON 21230), 23, 2♀; Richards Reservoir, Mona, Nov. 9, 1957 (A. Chickering,

63. Tibia, dorsal view. 64. Bulb, prolateral view. 65. Fenestra, prolateral view. 66. Bulb, retrolateral view.

MCZ 72355 , PBI _OON 21281), 1♀, Nov. 19, 1957 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72353, PBI _OON 21233), 1♀, Dec. 18, 1963 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72349, PBI _OON 21285), 1♀; Washington Boulevard, Dec. 15, 1963 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72348, PBI _OON 21286), 1♀. St. Catherine: Guanaboa Vale, Nov. 28, 1957 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72366, PBI _OON 26720), 13, 1♀; 3 mi E May Pen, Nov. 22, 1957 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72359, PBI _OON 21227), 13, 1♀; Old Harbour, ‘‘ The Whim,’’ Oct. 9, 1957 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72367, PBI _OON 26718), 13, 6♀; 1 mi S Old Harbour, Dec. 7, 1957 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72361, PBI _OON 21229), 1♀; 2 mi W junction Red Hills Road and Spanish Town Road, Nov. 1957 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72365, PBI _OON 26708), 13, 6♀; School of Agriculture , Nov. 23, 1957 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72360, 72634 About MCZ , PBI _OON 21226, 26705 ), 93, 20♀; 1.5 mi SW Spanish Town , Oct. 10, 1957 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72362, PBI _OON 21225, 28178 ), 33, 4♀; 5.5 mi W Spanish Town , Dec. 7, 1957 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72368, PBI _OON 26714), 13; Spanish Town Road at Jamaica School of Agriculture , Oct. 10, 1957 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72363, PBI _OON 21237), 13, 2♀. St. Thomas : 6 mi NE Bath, Dec. 10, 1957 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72512, PBI _OON 26929), 1♀; 14 mi E Kingston, May 25, 1956, in debris in leaf axils of thatch palms (C. Hoff, MCZ 72369, PBI _OON 26713), 1♀; Morant Point, Mammal Bay , Oct. 14, 1957 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72370, PBI _OON 26712), 13, 2♀; Roselle Falls , Oct. 4, 1957 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72395, PBI _OON 26387), 43, 4♀, Oct. 29, 1957 (A. Chickering, MCZ PBI _ OON 1077 ), 2♀, Nov. 11, 1957 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72396, PBI _OON 26393), 1♀. Puerto Rico: Desecheo Island , Feb. 18–20, 1914 ( AMNH PBI _ OON 1229 ), 1♀; Laguna Cartigano, Valle de Lejas , Jan. 8, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72383, PBI _OON 26722), 2♀; La Parguera, Institute of Marine Biology , Jan. 22, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72382, PBI _OON 26716), 13, 2♀; Mayagüez, July 2, 1958 (M. Sanderson, AMNH PBI _ OON 1196 ), 13, Sept. 12, 1959 (A. Nadler, AMNH PBI _ OON 1383 ), 13, Jan. 13, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72384, PBI _OON 26709), 1♀; Mayagüez, University campus, Jan. 29, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72380, PBI _OON 26710), 1♀; 3 mi S Mayagüez on road to Hormigueros, Jan. 8, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72376, PBI _OON 26711), 2♀; 4.6 mi E Mayagüez on Rt. 106, Jan. 19, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72385, PBI _OON 26717), 23, 6♀; Nicacos Island , Apr. 3, 1964 (Heatwole, Torres, MCZ 72045, PBI _OON 26674), 13. LESSER ANTILLES: Virgin Islands: St. Croix : no specific locality, Mar. 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72516, PBI _OON 28012), 13, 1♀, Sept. 2, 1966 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72445, PBI _OON 26391), 273, 30♀, Sept. 8, 1966 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72510, PBI _OON 28005), 13, Sept. 9, 1966 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72432, PBI _OON 26381), 253, 30♀; Frederiksted , Mar. 13, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72436, PBI _OON 21293), 1♀, Mar. 14, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72377, PBI _OON 26385), 13, 1♀, Mar. 15, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72429, PBI _OON 26376), 33, 4♀, Mar. 19, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72431, PBI _OON 27492), 2♀; 1 mi N Frederiksted, Mar. 16, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72389, 72545 About MCZ , PBI _OON 26380, 26949 ), 43, 10♀; 1 mi from Frederiksted on Mahogany Road , Mar. 23, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72387, 72527 About MCZ , PBI _OON 21292, 26941 ), 13, 5♀; 2 mi from Frederiksted on Mahogany Road , Mar. 21, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72433, PBI _OON 26390), 23, 1♀; King’s Hill, Mar. 17, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72390, PBI _OON 26386), 23, 1♀; vicinity of King’s Hill, Mar. 18, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72386, PBI _OON 26384), 43, 5♀, Mar. 20, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72439, PBI _OON 26392), 33, 3♀; Lavaetz Garden, 2 mi from Frederiksted , Mar. 24, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72388, 72441 About MCZ , PBI _OON 21291, 26388 ), 43, 16♀. St. John : no specific locality, July 1966 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72397, PBI _OON 26389), 33, 16♀, July 24, 1966 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72550, PBI _OON 28001), 3♀; Annaberg Ruins, Mar. 5, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72411, PBI _OON 26379), 13, 3♀; Centerline Road, 4 mi from Cruz Bay , Mar. 4, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72409, PBI _OON 26382), 13; Coral Bay , Mar. 6, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72412, PBI _OON 26383), 13, 1♀; Cruz Bay , Feb. 25, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72393, PBI _OON 21290), 23, 1♀, Feb. 28, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72391, 72515 About MCZ , PBI _OON 26377, 28015 ), 23, 7♀, Feb. 29, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72392, PBI _OON 21294), 23, 4♀, Mar. 7, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72394, PBI _OON 21289), 33, 1♀. St. Thomas : no specific locality, Mar. 9, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72503, PBI _OON 28020), 13, 1♀, July 1966 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72437, 72444 About MCZ , 72541 About MCZ , PBI _OON26945, 27486 , 37498 ), 503, 51♀, July 15, 1966 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72513, PBI _OON 28009), 13, 1♀, July 17, 1966 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72547, PBI _OON 28018), 13, July 27, 1966 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72449, 72525 About MCZ , PBI _OON 27500, 28016 ), 303, 31♀, Aug. 25, 1966 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72448, PBI _OON 27485), 143, 27♀, Aug. 1966 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72417, 72425 About MCZ , 72542 About MCZ , PBI _OON 26980, 27495 , 28003 ), 503, 52♀, Aug. 10, 1967 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72549, PBI _OON 28019), 13, 1♀; Adams Guest House, Charlotte Amalie, Feb. 11, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72426, PBI _OON 27504), 63, 3♀; Charlotte Amalie, Feb. 9, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72442, PBI _OON 27501), 13, Feb. 9–10, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72434, PBI _OON 26981), 213, 15♀, Feb. 12, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72421, 72543 About MCZ , PBI _OON 26943, 27505 ), 43, 4♀, Feb. 13, 1964, debris, vacant lots (A. Chickering, MCZ 72423, 72430 About MCZ , PBI _OON 27483, 27496 , 37530 ), 323, 30♀, Feb. 14, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72443, 72528 About MCZ , PBI _OON 26947, 27497 ), 4♀, Feb. 14–15, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72422, PBI _OON 27484), 83, 10♀, Feb. 16, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72427, 72440 About MCZ , PBI _OON 27493, 27506 ), 73, 16♀, Feb. 19, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72530, PBI _OON 26948), 1♀, Feb. 19–23, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72420, PBI _OON 27502), 6♀, Feb. 23, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72438, 72517 About MCZ , PBI _OON 26979, 28014 ), 33, Feb. 24, 1964, open fields N of city (A. Chickering, MCZ 72419, PBI _OON 26978), 13; Charlotte Amalie, grounds of Bluebeards Castle, Feb. 17, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72424, PBI _OON 27503), 3♀, Feb. 18, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72428, PBI _OON 27488), 33, 1♀; Hassell’s Island , Feb. 20, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72477, PBI _OON 27499), 73, 11♀; Hassel’s Road, Feb. 20, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72519, PBI _OON 26944), 3♀; High School Grounds, Charlotte Amalie, Feb. 22, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72466, 72537 About MCZ , PBI _OON 26946, 27487 ), 43, 8♀, Mar. 10–11, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72435, PBI _OON 27494, 37529 ), 93, 10♀; Rosendal, N side of mountains, Feb. 21, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72450, PBI _OON 27498), 13. Tortola: no specific locality, July 30–Aug. 5, 1966 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72379, PBI _OON 26707), 13. Virgin Gorda: no specific locality, Aug., 1966 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72521, PBI _OON 28004), 2♀. LEEWARD ISLANDS: Antigua: no specific locality (Weber, MCZ 72524, PBI _OON 28006), 1♀, Aug. 17–27, 1967 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72526, PBI _OON 28013), 13. Nevis: no specific locality, Sept. 24–29, 1966 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72523, PBI _OON 28017), 73, 13♀. Saba: road to Bottom, Oct. 6, 1963, elev. 150 m ( MIUP, PBI _ OON 240 ), 13. St. Kitts: no specific locality, Sept. 14–29, 1966 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72509, 72548 About MCZ , PBI _OON 28010, 37518 ), 363, 59♀, Oct. 1–3, 1966 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72514, PBI _OON 28007, 37532 ), 123, 34♀. WINDWARD ISLANDS: Barbados: no specific locality ( AMNH PBI _ OON 1235 ), 1♀. St. Vincent: no specific locality (H. Smith, BMNH), 1♀ (syntype), Oct. 15–24, 1966 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72532, PBI _OON 28002), 13, same dates (A. Chickering, MCZ 72533, PBI _OON 28011), 23. Trinidad: Curepe, Santa Margarita, Oct. 20, 1974, yellow pan trap (N. Beg, AMNH PBI _ OON 1225 ), 13; St. Augustine , University campus, Apr. 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 72378, PBI _OON 26715), 103, 13♀. COLOMBIA: no specific locality ( AMNH PBI _ OON 1217 ), 13, from orchids ( CAS PBI _ OON 2925 ), 1♀. Bolívar: Cartagena, Bocagrande, Dec. 22–23, 1964, dry leaf litter at beach (P., D. Craig, CAS 9023418–9023420 About CAS , PBI _OON 35234, 35248 , 35249 ), 73, 5♀. La Guajira: Riohacha, Feb. 28, 1974, elev. 0 m (J. Kochalka, AMNH PBI _OON 37058), 13, 1♀. BRAZIL: Para´: 5 km E Belém, May 2, 1974 (R. Schuh, AMNH PBI _OON 10514), 13; Goeldi Museu, Belém , Feb. 10, 1959 (A. Nadler, AMNH PBI _OON 10524), 1♀. Rio de Janeiro : Botanical Gardens, Rio de Janeiro , Jan. 20, 1959 (A. Nadler, AMNH PBI _OON 10526), 1♀; Saula Teresa, Rio de Janeiro , June 26, 1946 (H. Sick, AMNH PBI 28177), 1♀. GALAPAGOS ISLANDS: Isla Floreana: South Pampa Grande , Feb. 22, 1977, sweeping in ground cover Lippia , elev. 270 m (W. Reeder, TMM 59893, PBI _OON 10525), 13; west trail, Feb. 15, 1977, from Acacia , elev. 80 m (W. Reeder, TMM 59904, PBI _OON 10531), 1♀, Feb. 16, 1977, sifting slightly damp litter under bower of Acacia and C lerodendrum, elev. 225 m (W. Reeder, TMM 59906, PBI _OON 10512), 2♀, same date, sifting Pisonia litter, elev. 110 m (W. Reeder, TMM 59902, PBI _OON 10504), 13, same date sweeping in Croton , elev. 225 m (W. Reeder, TMM 59905, PBO _OON 10508), 1♀. Isla Isabela: near Villamil , road to Highlands, Aug. 11, 1978, sweeping in Acacia , elev. 10–15 m (W. Reeder, TMM 57866, PBI _OON 10435), 1♀; 1 km E Villamil, near peninsula to Loberia, Jan. 31, 1978, sweeping in A vicennia canopy, elev. 5 m (W. Reeder, TMM 57863, PBI _OON 10495), 13; 5–6 km N Villamil on road to Santo Tomas, Jan. 12, 1977, in decaying cactus trunks on damp sand, elev. 40 m (W. Reeder, TMM PBI _OON 10499), 33, 1♀; road from Villamil to Santo Tomas, Jan. 12, 1978, litter in lava crevice beneath Psidium , elev. 30 m (W. Reeder, TMM 57849, PBI _OON 10517), 13. Isla San Cristóbal: Espiñero, Feb. 12, 1975, litter from Opuntia megaspermum , flakes of trunk epider- mis, decayed pads, elev. 50 m (W. Reeder, TMM 57851, PBI _ OON 1595 ), 13, 1♀. Isla Santa Cruz: trail to Bellavista, Oct. 7, 1975, sifting litter under Bursera , elev. 10–12 m (W. Reeder, TMM 57844, PBI _OON 10433), 1♀, Oct. 11, 1975, under rocks and dead Zanthoxylum limb, elev. 100 m (W. Reeder, TMM 57854, PBI _OON 10489), 1♀; Darwin Research Station , Academy Bay , Feb. 12, 1964 (D. Cavagnaro, R. Schuster, CAS 9023414 About CAS , PBI _OON 35233), 1♀ .

DISTRIBUTION: Pantropical; in the New World, known from Baja California and Florida south to the Galapagos Islands and Brazil.

SYNONYMY: Chickering (1951) provided no characters to distinguish O. timida from O. deserticola , and there appears to be none.

Baert, L., J. - P. Maelfait, F. Hendrickx, and K. Desender. 2008. Distribution and habitat preference of the spiders (Araneae) of Galapagos. Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique 78: 39 - 111.

Bryant, E. B. 1940. Cuban spiders in the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 86: 247 - 554.

Bryant, E. B. 1945 a. Notes on some Florida spiders. Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences 36: 199 - 213.

Chickering, A. M. 1951. The Oonopidae of Panama. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 106: 207 - 245.

Chickering, A. M. 1969. The family Oonopidae (Araneae) in Florida. Psyche 76: 144 - 162.

Dumitresco, M., and M. Georgesco. 1983. Sur les Oonopidae (Araneae) de Cuba. Resultats des Expeditions Biospeologiques Cubano- Roumaines a Cuba 4: 65 - 114.

Saaristo, M. I. 2001. Dwarf hunting spiders or Oonopidae (Arachnida, Araneae) of the Seychelles. Insect Systematics and Evolution 32: 307 - 358.

Saaristo, M. I., and Y. M. Marusik. 2008. A survey of African Opopaea Simon, 1891 (Arachnida, Araneae, Oonopidae). Arthropoda Selecta 17: 17 - 53.

Simon, E. 1891. On the spiders of the island of St. Vincent. Part 1. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1891: 549 - 575.

Gallery Image

Figs. 1–6. Opopaea deserticola Simon, habitus. 1–3. Male. 4–6. Female. 1, 4. Dorsal view. 2, 5. Ventral view. 3, 6. Lateral view.

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Figs. 7–10. Opopaea deserticola Simon, habitus, SEM. 7, 8. Male. 9, 10. Female. 7, 10. Dorsal view. 8, 9. Lateral view.

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Figs. 11–14. Opopaea deserticola Simon, cephalothorax, male. 11. Dorsal view. 12. Lateral view. 13. Anterior view. 14. Posterior view.

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Figs. 15–18. Opopaea deserticola Simon, cephalothorax, female. 15. Dorsal view. 16. Lateral view. 17. Anterior view. 18. Posterior view.

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Figs. 19–24. Opopaea deserticola Simon, cephalothorax, SEM. 19–21. Male. 22–24. Female. 19, 22. Dorsal view. 20, 23. Lateral view. 21, 24. Posterior view.

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Figs. 25–28. Opopaea deserticola Simon, cephalothorax, male, SEM. 25. Sternum and mouthparts, ventral view. 26. Chelicerae, ventral view. 27. Endites and labium, ventral view. 28. Spur on endite, ventral view.

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Figs. 29–32. Opopaea deserticola Simon, abdomen. 29, 30. Male. 31, 32. Female. 29, 31. Anterior view.

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Figs. 33–36. Opopaea deserticola Simon. 33, 35, 36. Male. 34. Female. 33, 34. Abdomen, anterior view, showing triangular projections on pedicel and plumose hairs near them. 35. Epigastric region, showing sperm pore. 36. Pore from side of pars cephalica.

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Figs. 37–40. Opopaea deserticola Simon, male. 37. Tibia II, dorsal view, showing three trichobothria and pore-bearing depressions. 38. Trichobothrium from tibia II. 39. Pore-bearing depression from tibia II. 40. Metatarsus II, dorsal view, showing single distal trichobothrium.

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Figs. 41–44. Opopaea deserticola Simon, male, tarsal claws. 41. Leg I, oblique prolateral view. 42. Leg III, prolateral view. 43. Leg III, apical view. 44. Leg III, retrolateral view.

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Figs. 45–50. Opopaea deserticola Simon, female, tarsal claws. 45. Leg I, dorsal view. 46. Same, retrolateral view. 47. Leg II, apical view. 48. Same, retrolateral view. 49. Leg IV, apical view. 50. Leg IV, retrolateral view.

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Figs. 51–54. Opopaea deserticola Simon, tarsal organ, dorsal view. 51, 52. Male. 53, 54. Female. 51, 53. Leg I. 52, 54. Palp.

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Figs. 55–60. Opopaea deserticola Simon, compound microscope. 55–58. Male palp. 59, 60. Female epigastric region. 55. Prolateral view. 56. Retrolateral view. 57. Bulb, prolateral view. 58. Bulb, retrolateral view. 59. Ventral view. 60. Dorsal view.

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Figs. 61–66. Opopaea deserticola Simon, left male palp, SEM. 61. Prolateral view. 62. Retrolateral view.

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Figs. 67–72. Opopaea deserticola Simon, female. 67. Epigastric area, ventral view. 68. Same, detail. 69. Internal genitalia, digested, showing T-shaped sclerotized portion of receptaculum and lateral apodemes, dorsal view. 70. Spinnerets, apical view. 71. Left palp, lateral view. 72. Palpal tarsus, dorsal view.


Museum of Comparative Zoology


American Museum of Natural History


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes


Museo e Instituto DI Zoologia Sistematica dell' UniversitaDI Torino


California Academy of Sciences


Texas Memorial Museum











