Peckia (Peckia) chrysostoma (Wiedemann)

Buenaventura, Eliana & Pape, Thomas, 2013, <strong> Revision of the New World genus <em> Peckia </ em> Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) </ strong>, Zootaxa 3622 (1), pp. 1-87 : 45-46

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3622.1.1

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scientific name

Peckia (Peckia) chrysostoma (Wiedemann)


Peckia (Peckia) chrysostoma (Wiedemann) View in CoL

( Figs. 2 View FIGURES 1–7. 1 , 68–70 View FIGURES 66–77. 66–67 ) (fig. 5 in Prado & Fonseca 1932, fig. 14 in Hall 1933, fig. 41 in Curran & Walley 1934, figs. 16–17 in Lopes 1941, figs. 290–292 in Roback 1954, figs. 7–10, 21, 30, 60, 98, 102 in Lopes 1958, figs. 69–76 in Lopes 1976a, figs. 1–3 in Lehrer 2006b, fig. 65 in Carvalho & Mello-Patiu 2008, figs. 13A–13D in Giroux et al. 2010)

Sarcophaga chrysostoma Wiedemann, 1830: 356 View in CoL . American Virgin Is., St. Thomas [“Brazilien und Westindien”]. Holotype male, in NMW (not examined).

Musca chrysops Wiedemann, 1830: 356 . Unavailable name. [Originally proposed in synonymy with Sarcophaga chrysostoma Wiedemann, 1830 View in CoL and not validated by subsequent usage.]

Phrissopodia maculata Macquart, 1843: 254 (as Phrissopoda ). French Guiana, Cayenne. Holotype male, in BMNH (not examined).

Stephanostoma townsendi Prado & Fonseca, 1932: 37 View in CoL . Brazil, São Paulo, São Paulo. Holotype male, in IBSP (not examined).

Sarcophaga clotho Curran & Walley, 1934: 482 View in CoL . Guyana, Kartabo. [Junior primary homonym of Sarcophaga clotho Brèthes, 1920 View in CoL .] Holotype male, in AMNH (not examined).

Sarcophaga clotho var. impura Curran & Walley, 1934: 483 View in CoL . Guyana, Kartabo. Holotype male, in AMNH (not examined).

Chrysostomomyia bergi Blanchard, 1939: 831 View in CoL . Argentina, Misiones; Argentina, "Patagonia". Syntypes males and female, in MACN (not examined).

Paraphrissopoda alvesia Lehrer, 2006b: 9 View in CoL . Unavailable name; depository of name-bearing type not given.

Paraphrissopoda hugolopesiana Lehrer, 2006b: 11 View in CoL . Brazil, Río de Janeiro, Angra dos Reis. Holotype male, in MNRJ (examined). N. syn.

chrysotoma: Lopes & Tibana (1991: 152), incorrect subsequent spelling of chrysostoma Wiedemann, 1830 View in CoL .

Description. Male. Head. Ocellar setae equal to or shorter than postoculars. Outer vertical seta of same size as postoculars. Black orbital setae. Four frontal setae situated below the dorsal limit of the lunule. Genal setae black dorsally, yellow or white ventrally. First row of occipital setae black, others yellow. Thorax. Chaetotaxy: acrostichals = 0 + 1, dorsocentrals = 0 + 2, intra-alars = 1 + 2 (anterior one shorter), supra-alars = 2 + 3, basal scutellars = 3. Prosternum and posterior surface of hind coxa with black setae. Black antero-ventral scutellar setae. Two katepisternal setae. Postalar wall with only black setae. Lower calypter with a central dark spot and a fringe of long hair-like setae along outer margin, extending to its posterior margin. Mid femur without a ctenidium. Anterodorsal surface of mid tibia with 1 median seta and 1 apical seta. Hind tibia with 2 setae in the basal third, 1 in the middle third and 1 preapical on antero-dorsal surface. Abdomen. Postero-ventral seams between T3/T4 and T4/T5 parallel. Microtrichosity of the abdomen laterally gold and grey. ST1+3 with only black hair-like setae. Two lateral setae on each side of T4. T5 with gold microtrichosity. Posterior seam of T5 not projected posteriorly and ventrally, and normal setae in postero-ventral area directed posteriorly. Terminalia. ST5 orange. Medial margin of ST5 ∏- shaped. Inner margins of ST5 arms straight. Inner margins of ST5 arms with a patch of short setae on the anterior region and long hair-like setae posteriorly. Syntergosternite 7+8 longer than high in lateral view, orange, with golden microtrichosity. Epandrium bright orange. Cercus orange proximally and brown or dark brown distally. Cercus in lateral view progressively narrowing towards the apex. Dorsal margin of cercus slightly angled, with an acute apex in lateral view. Surstylus orange, triangular, with a rounded apex, with postero-distal surface less sclerotized (more smooth; lighter and more transparent colour) than the remaining surface. Pregonite triangular, becoming narrower towards the apex, curved in lateral view, with a rounded apex. Postgonite elongated, with a hooked apex. Basi- and distiphallus connected by a desclerotized strip. Juxta without demarcated connection with the phallic tube, as sclerotized as the phallic tube. Juxta with lateral plate, long, curved inward, with uniform outer margin, and a rounded apex in apical view. Distiphallus with a pair of lateral styli separated, each with a longitudinal cleft, visible in lateral and apical views. Vesica composed of two plate-like structures connected proximally and each with an acute, hook-shaped apex.

Variable features. The following asymmetries: in the number of frontal setae situated below the dorsal limit of the lunule with 3, 4 or 5 on the the left side, and 3, 4 or 5 on the right side; in the number of postsutural acrostichal setae with 1 on the left side and 2 on the right side; in the number of katepisternal setae with 2 or 4 on the right side, and 3 on the left side, or 2 on the right side, and 3 on the left side. Supra-alars = 1 + 3. One lateral seta on each side of T4. T5 with gold and grey microtrichosity. The apex of surstylus may be less pronounced.

Distribution. NEARCTIC— Mexico (Baja California Sur, Morelos, Sonora), USA (Florida, Texas). NEOTROPICAL—American Virgin Is., Argentina (Misiones, Patagonia), Bahamas (New Providence), Belize, Bolivia (Santa Cruz), Brazil (Ceará, Espírito Santo, Federal District, Pernambuco, Río de Janeiro, Santa Catarina, São Paulo), Chile (Tarapacá), Colombia (Amazonas, Antioquia, Boyacá, Chocó, Meta, Putumayo, Santander, Sucre, Vichada), Costa Rica, Dominica, Ecuador (Napo), Galápagos Is. (Albemarle, Indefatigable, Narborough, Tower), Guatemala, Guyana, Jamaica, Mexico (Chiapas, Jalisco, Tabasco, Yucatán), Nicaragua, Panama, Peru (Lima), Surinam, Trinidad & Tobago ( Tobago, Trinidad), Venezuela (Aragua). AUSTRALASIAN/ OCEANIAN—Cook Is., French Polynesia (Society Is.).

Material examined. Bolivia: 1 male, Parc National Amboro , 04–09.xi.2002, Richard Leschen ( USNM) ; 1 male, Santa Cruz Prov. Hotel Fauna y Flora , Flight intercept trap, 17°37'S 63°37'W, 400–500m, 01–10.xi.2002, Richard Leschen ( USNM) GoogleMaps . Brazil: 1 male, Espirito Santo, Conseicao da Barra. , iv.1972, P.C. Elias ( MNRJ) ; 1 male ( Paraphrissopoda hugolopesiana Lehrer, 2006 , holotype), Río de Janeiro, Angra dos Reis, 29.ix.1972, H.S. Lopes ( MNRJ) ; 8 males, Río, Quinta Boa Vista, São Cristovao , 04.vii.1973, R. Tibana ( ZMUC) ; 1 male ( Paraphrissopoda alvesia Lehrer, 2006 , labelled as holotype), Río de Janeiro, Río de Janeiro Cult. N. 13, H.S. Lopes ( MNRJ) ; 1 male, São Paulo, Barueri , en copula, 29.v.1957, K. Lenko ( MNRJ) . Colombia: 1 male, Amazonas, PNN Amacayacu Camino a San Martín , sweep net, 3°41'N 70°15'W, 150m, 01–10.iii.2004, T. Pape & D. Arias ( IAvH) GoogleMaps ; 1 male, Amazonas, PNN Amacayacu Centro de visitantes Yewae , sweep net, 3°41'N 70°15'W, 150m, 01–10.iii.2004, T. Pape & D. Arias ( IAvH) GoogleMaps ; 2 males, Antioquia, Caucasia, Hda. [Hacienda] La Candelaria emergencia 22.sep.2006, 03.ix.2006, M Wolff ( CEUA) ; 1 male, Antioquia, La Pintada, Camping Los Farallones Canchas, VSR 1800, viscera, 15.iii.2007, MC. Velez & E. Florez ( CEUA) ; 2 males, same data but on decomposing fish, 5°45'0''N 75°35'60''W, 660m, 19.iv.2007, AL. Montoya & JD. Sánchez ( CEUA) GoogleMaps ; 2 males, same data but on decomposing fish, 5°45'0''N 75°25'60''W, 660m, 20.iv.2007, JD. Sánchez & A. Zambrano ( CEUA) GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 5°44'48''N 75°35'34''W, 660m,, JD. Sánchez & A. Zambrano ( CEUA) GoogleMaps ; 2 males, Antioquia, La Pintada, Hda. [Hacienda] Montenegro Comfenalco Potrero , VSR 1800, decomposing fish, 5°43'25''N 75°37'26''W, 770m,, AL. Montoya ( CEUA) GoogleMaps ; 1 male, Antioquia, Medellín, Universidad de Antioquia Microestación , 05.xii.2002, GEUA ( CEUA) ; 1 male, Antioquia, Pto. Berrio, Fca. [Finca] Mangos , Bosque. , botella modificada, decomposing fish, viii.2007, JD. González ( CEUA) ; 1 male, Antioquia, Pto. Berrio, Hda. [Hacienda] Manaos , Bosque borde, botella modificada, viii.2007, I. González ( CEUA) ; 1 male, Boyacá, Santa María, Vda. [Vereda] Caño Negro Camino a La Cristalina , sweep net, decomposing fish, 4°50'54''N 73°16'21''W, 729m, 29.xii.2008, E. Buenaventura ( ICN) GoogleMaps ; 9 males, Chocó, Jobi Chagualito patio casero, VSR, decomposing fish, 1–2.viii.2006, M Wolff & P Duque ( CEUA) ; 11 male, Chocó, Nuqui Chagualito, Bosque , VSR, decomposing fish, viii.2006, Wolff & Duque ( CEUA) ; 1 male, Chocó, Nuqui Jobi Chagualito, Bosque conservado a 50 metros de la playa, VSR, decomposing fish, 1–3.viii.2006, P Duque & M Wolff ( CEUA) ; 2 males, Chocó, Nuqui Jobi Chagualito, Bosque intervenido a 55 metros de la playa, VSR, fruit, 06.viii.2006, P Duque & M Wolff ( CEUA) ; 1 male, Chocó, Nuqui Jobi Chagualito patio casero a 40m de la playa, VSR, decomposing fish, 1–2.viii.2006, M Wolff & P Duque ( CEUA) ; 1 male, Meta, Villavicencio, Estación Biológica Roberto Franco , sweep net, decomposing fish, 467m, 01.v.2008, E. Buenaventura ( ICN) ; 1 male, Meta, Villavicencio, Estación Biológica Roberto Franco , sweep net, decomposing fish, 467m, 03.v.2008, E. Buenaventura ( ICN) ; 1 male, Meta, Villavicencio , 02.xi.1970, P. Rodríguez ( ICN) ; 1 male, Putumayo, PNN La Paya Cabaña La Paya, Malaise , 0°2'S 74°12'W, 330m, 24–25.ix.2001, D.Campos ( IAvH) GoogleMaps ; 2 males, Putumayo, PNN La Paya Resguardo Cecilio Cocha, Malaise , 0°11'S 74°55'W, 210m, 20–24.i.2003, C. Sarmiento ( IAvH) GoogleMaps ; 2 males, Santander, Cimitarra, Central termocentro larvas, VSR, decomposing fish, 110m,, M. Wolff ( CEUA) ; 1 male, Sucre, San Onofre, Rsva Sanguaré , 0m, 13.x.2003, Rivera & Duque ( CEUA) ; 1 male, Sucre, San Onofre, Rsva Sanguaré , VSR, banana, 0m, 14.x.2003, GEUA ( CEUA) ; 1 male, same data but 17.x.2003 ( CEUA) ; 3 males, same data but jardín [house garden] Larvas [larvae] sobre Stapelia gigantea , sweep net, 0m, 10.v.2003, P Duque ( CEUA) ; 3 males, same data but Pastizal , 01.v.2003 ( CEUA) ; 6 males, same data but Bosque , 09.v.2003, Rivera & Duque ( CEUA) ; 10 males, Vichada, Cumaribo, Selva de Matavén , 383m, F. Forero ( ICN) . Costa Rica: 3 males, Guanacaste, Palo Verde, Río Tempisque stream, 07.iv.1999, M. Andersson ( ZMUC) ; 1 male, same data but 16.iv.1999 ( ZMUC) ; 2 males, Guanacaste, Palo Verde, Río Tempisque , 500m left of dock, 29.iii.1999, M. Andersson ( ZMUC) ; 1 male, same data but 16.iv.1999 ( ZMUC) ; 1 male, same data but 18.iv.1999 ( ZMUC) ; 2 males, Guanacaste, Palo Verde, Río Tempisque, near Bird Island , 19.iv.1999, M. Andersson ( ZMUC) ; 1 male, same data but 22.iv.1999 ( ZMUC) ; 3 males, Guanacaste, Palo Verde , station, 01.v.1999, M. Andersson ( ZMUC) ; 6 males, same data but 02.v.1999 ( ZMUC) ; 2 males, same data but 27.iv.1999 ( ZMUC) ; 1 male, same data but 28.iv.1999 ( ZMUC) ; 7 males, Guanacaste, Santa Rosa National Park , 23.viii.1995, 26.viii.1996, T. Pape ( ZMUC) ; 1 male, Guanacaste, Guanacaste National Park, trail between Maritza and Cacao fld st., 600–1200m, 05.ix.1996, Gustafsson, Pape & Viklund ( ZMUC) ; 2 males, Puntarenas, Esparza , 19.viii.1995, T. Pape ( ZMUC) ; 1 male, Puntarenas, Puntar.: Playa Jacó beach, 84°37.4'W 9°36.5'N,, D & Wayne N. Mathis ( USNM) GoogleMaps . Dominica: 2 males, St. Paul. Springfield Estate, 2.5km ENE Canefield , 15°21'N 61°22'W, 450m, 11–, J.E. Rawlins & S.A. Thompson ( ZMUC) GoogleMaps . Ecuador: 5 males, Napo Province, Yasuní National Park, Yasuní Research Station , 76°36'W 00°38'S, 03–20.xi.1998, T. Pape & B. Viklund ( ZMUC) GoogleMaps . Jamaica: 1 male, Manchester: Mandeville , 18°3.5'N 77°31.9'W, 07–13.v.1996, D. & W. N. Mathis, H. Williams ( USNM) GoogleMaps . Mexico: 1 male ( Sarcophaga aequata Wulp, 1895 , labelled as syntype), Teapa, Tabasco, Jan. [January] H. H. S. ( BMNH) ; 1 male, Baja Califora Sur, Isla Ildefonso , west side, 23–23.iii.1971, Vincent F. Lee #120(1) ( MNRJ) ; 4 males, Chiapas, Chiapa de Corzo, Km 2 de la carretera a La Angostura, COMEXA, 420m, Bishop trap, decomposing liver, viii.2010, M. S. Gómez Dorantes ( CE-TdeA) . Nicaragua: 2 males, Masaya Dist., Laguna de Apoyo , 28.ix.1993, E. van der Berghe ( ZMUC) . Panama: 1 male, Aguadulce ,, J. Méndez ( ZMUC) ; 2 males, Colón, Chipo River , east bank, mangrove section, 01.vii.2001, J. Méndez ( ZMUC) ; 2 males, Panama City, 02.iii.1992, J. Méndez ( ZMUC) ; 1 male, Panama City, vii.1995, Méndez ( ZMUC) ; 1 male, Panama City, 20.v.1996, J. Méndez ( ZMUC) . Peru: 1 male, Lima, ii.1939, Weyrauch ( MNRJ) ; 1 male, Lima, 01.x.1951, Weyrauch ( MNRJ) . Tobago: 1 male, Roxborough, Parlatuvier Rd. 4–6 milestones, Virgin forest , Road side vegetation, about 1300ft., 14.x.1937, J. Smart, B.M. 1937–77 ( MNRJ) . Venezuela: 4 males, Aragua, Mouth of Río Ocumare , coastal flats nr La Boca, 17–20.xi.1997, T. Pape ( ZMUC) .


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro


Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen


Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Museo de Historia Natural














Peckia (Peckia) chrysostoma (Wiedemann)

Buenaventura, Eliana & Pape, Thomas 2013

Paraphrissopoda alvesia

Lehrer, A. Z. 2006: 9

Paraphrissopoda hugolopesiana

Lehrer, A. Z. 2006: 11

Chrysostomomyia bergi

Blanchard, E. E. 1939: 831

Sarcophaga clotho

Curran, C. H. & Walley, G. S. 1934: 482

Sarcophaga clotho var. impura

Curran, C. H. & Walley, G. S. 1934: 483

Stephanostoma townsendi

Prado, A. & Fonseca, F. 1932: 37

Phrissopodia maculata

Macquart, J. 1843: 254

Sarcophaga chrysostoma

Wiedemann, C. R. W. 1830: 356

Musca chrysops

Wiedemann, C. R. W. 1830: 356
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