Aguassay collaris (Klug)

Napp, Dilma Solange & Mermudes, José Ricardo M., 2001, Revision Of The Genus Listroptera Audinet-Serville And Description Of Aguassay New Genus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cleomenini), The Coleopterists Bulletin 55 (1), pp. 1-9 : 7-8

publication ID[0001:rotgla];2

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Carolina (2021-06-01 19:04:01, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-02 19:16:09)

scientific name

Aguassay collaris (Klug)

comb. nov.

Aguassay collaris (Klug) View in CoL , new combination

Fig. 3 View Figs

Cerambyx collaris Klug, 1825:459 View in CoL , pl. 43, fig. 8.

Listroptera collaris View in CoL ; Chevrolat, 1855:178; Monne´, 1993:79; Mermudes, 1999: 49.

Dihammaphora collaris View in CoL ; Lacordaire, 1869: 109.

Description of Male. Integument black, opaque. Prothorax from uniformly black to partially orangish, with a median black macula at apex and a large fascia at base, which is bilobate on disk of pronotum and may extend to the sides of prothorax, reaching the anterior coxal cavities; intercoxal process of prosternum orangish or blackish. Frons sparsely clothed with short, yellowish brown pubescence. Antennae exceeding elytral apices by about 4 segments. Scape subglabrous, finely, densely punctocorrugate; segments 3–11 densely whitish pubescent, 3–4 sparsely setose beneath. Prothorax impunctate, glabrous, opaque, with two median, weakly conspicuous gibbosities and two prominent, transverse gibbosities on each side near base. Prosternum inconspicuously whitish pubescent, coarsely, transversely rugose at basal half, microsculputured at apical half; sexual punctation formed by a small, impressed area, coarsely to confluently punctate, on each side on apical half. Intercoxal process of prosternum, mesosternum, metasternum and urosternites clothed with yellowish pubescence, denser on urosternites and on prosternal process. Metasternum sparsely, hallowly punctate. Scutellum opaque, glabrous. Elytra subglabrous at basal third; distal ⅔ densely clothed with short, whitish pubescence almost obscuring punctures and obliquely disposed anteriorly forming an angle toward scutellum; punctation coarse and deep at basal third, the punctures becoming finer apically. Each elytron with a dark, glabrous and sinuous vitta extending from basal to apical third, the integument between the dark vitta and the prominent, lateral margin yellowish brown and delimitated on each side by a row of coarse, deep punctures. Epipleuron coarsely, shallowly punctate. Femora impunctate, yellowish pubescent, with scattered, short, brownish setae. Urosternite 5 attenuate apically, rounded­truncate at apex.

Female. Similar to male. Pronotal gibbosities more prominent than in male. Antennae exceeding elytral apices by about two segments; segment 5 as long as 3. Metafemora exceeding elytral apices by ⅓ of club length.

Measurements, in mm, male/female: total length, 10.7–12.0/11.0–12.2; prothorax length, 1.8–2.3/2.2–2.3, prothorax width, 1.7–2.0/1.8–2.2; elytral length, 7.2–7.8/7.3–8.2; humeral width, 2.2–2.5/2.3–2.7.

Types. Klug (1825:459) apparently based on a single specimen from Para´ , Brazil. The holotype was not located .

Geographical Distribution. Previously known only from northern Brazil (Pará and Rondônia) , this species is apparently related to the Amazon basin, with new records from Peru (Loreto) and Brazil (Amazonas, Mato Grosso) .

Specimens Examined. PERU. Loreto: Pucalpa, 3 males, 2 females, XII.1950, 1 male, III.1950 ( MNRJ) . BRAZIL. Amazonas: Humaita´, 1 male, IX.1980, 1 male, 2 females, VIII.1980 ( MNRJ) . Para´: Serra dos Carajás, 1 male, IV.1986, 1 female, II. 1988 ( MNRJ) ; Tucuruı´, 1 male, I.1983 ( MNRJ) . Mato Grosso: Juína, 2 males, 1 female, V.1985 ( MNRJ) , 1 male, 2 females, V.1985 ( DZUP) ; Sinop ( BR 163, 350 m) , 1 male, 1 female, X.1974 ( MNRJ) , 1 male, V.1980 ( DZUP) .

Chevrolat, L. A. 1855. Description de vingt et une especes nouvelles de coleopteres longicornes. Revue et Magasin de Zoologie (2) 7: 178 - 187.

Klug, J. C. 1825. Entomologiae Brasilianae specimen sistens insectorum coleopterorum nondum descriptorum centuriam. Nova Acta Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino- Carolinae 12 (2): 421 - 476.

Lacordaire, J. T. 1869. Histoire Naturelle des Insectes. Genera des Coleopteres. Librairie Encyclopedique de Roret, Paris, 9: 1 - 552.

Gallery Image

Figs. 1–3. 1) Listroptera tenebricosa (Olivier), male; 2) L. carbonaria Chevrolat, holotype female; 3) Aguassay collaris (Klug), male.


Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro


Universidade Federal do Parana, Colecao de Entomologia Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure


Embrapa Agrobiology Diazothrophic Microbial Culture Collection











