Cycloneda eryngii (Mulsant), 2006

González, Guillermo & Vandenberg, Natalia J., 2006, Review of lady beetles in the Cycloneda germainii species complex (Coleoptera; Coccinellidae: Coccinellinae: Coccinellini) with descriptions of new and unusual species from Chile and surrounding countries, Zootaxa 1311, pp. 13-50 : 36-41

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Plazi (2016-04-04 16:04:27, last updated by Guilherme 2025-02-03 13:59:24)

scientific name

Cycloneda eryngii (Mulsant)

comb. nov.

Cycloneda eryngii (Mulsant) new combination

( Figs. 2A View FIGURE 2 ; 3E View FIGURE 3 ; 4A–H View FIGURE 4 ; 6D View FIGURE 6 ; 8E View FIGURE 8 ; 9F View FIGURE 9 ; 11 View FIGURE 11 )

Coccinella eryngii Mulsant 1850: 100, 1866: 83 ; Crotch 1874: 107; Philippi 1887: 173; Brèthes 1921: 454; Brèthes 1925: 152; Korschefsky 1932: 510; Blackwelder 1945: 454.

Coccinellina eryngii: Timberlake 1943: 15 ; Aguilera 1995: 99; Vandenberg 2002: 226 (transfer to Cycloneda View in CoL ).

Coccinellina eringii: Aguilera 1995: 99 (typo).

Coccinella interrupta Germain 1854: 334 ; Philippi 1887: 173; Brèthes 1921: 454 (As synonym of C. eryngii ); Blackwelder 1945: 454.

Diagnosis: Distinguished from other members of the genus by the combination of antenna composed of 11 antennomeres ( Fig. 9F View FIGURE 9 ) and elytron with a pair of dark transverse fasciae which lack a median longitudinal connection ( Figs. 4A–F View FIGURE 4 ), but may be connected near their inner edges ( Fig. 4G View FIGURE 4 ). The elytral color patterns found in this species distinguish it from all others except some uncommon examples of C. germainii (4I, L) that lack a median longitudinal connection between the dark elytral maculae. In such examples, the antenna with 10 antennomeres and more parallel­sided elytral base will identify these deceptively similar color morphs. In C. eryngii , the basal lobe of the male genitalia is more slender and apically simpler than in the other species ( Fig. 6D View FIGURE 6 ).

Description (male from El Melocotón): Length 3.3 mm. Form ovoid, convex, feebly explanate, lateral margin evenly arcuate, apically tapered, somewhat pointed, extreme apex rounded; elytral, pronotal margins narrowly weakly reflexed. Punctation on dorsal surfaces shallow, regular, with each puncture separated by 3.0–4.0X its diameter; surface between punctures weakly shiny, reticulate.

Dorsal color pattern as follows: Head black with cream­colored figure filling most of space between clypeal margin and middle level of eye including canthus, resembling an elongated “M” with sloping sides; two small dark triangles at clypeal margin form cut away lower border of figure. Pronotum predominantly black; anterior, lateral margins with even cream­colored band of little more than ½ diameter of eye. Scutellum black. Elytron with ground color orange yellow with pair of irregular black transverse fasciae slightly offset from sutural, lateral margins ( Fig.4D View FIGURE 4 ); anterior fascia occupying basal half, posterior fascia occupying apical 1/3; fasciae broader near suture, constricted in lateral third. Each puncture of dorsal surfaces with pinpoint of brown at center; double staggered row of punctures nearest suture, single to double staggered row along lateral margin beginning just outside of humeral bulge with more pronounced pigmentation. Anterior, lateral margins of pronotum narrowly transparent to light amber; all margins of elytron darker orangy amber, darkest on outer margin toward apex.

Ground color of ventral surfaces black; elytral epipleuron pale yellow orange; outer half of pronotal hypomeron, mesepimeron cream­colored; mouthparts, antenna, brownish, darkened toward apices; posterior, lateral margins of last abdominal segments dark reddish brown; leg black, with protibia, apex of meso­, metatibiae brown; all tarsi amber brown. Ventral surfaces including appendages clothed in decumbent to semi­erect pubescence of variable length, greyish white to golden in color.

Eyes finely facetted, separated by 2X eye diameter; inner orbits nearly parallel in lower half, diverging at upper level. Antenna of 11 antennomeres ( Fig. 9F View FIGURE 9 ), combined length equal to distance between eyes; third antennomere elongate, about 1¼ length of second, subequal to fourth plus fifth combined. Pronotum convex, lateral margin weakly reflexed beginning just before transparent border; base of pronotum weakly explanate beginning at middle of cream­colored border; pronotal outline with basal margin subsinuate, lateral margin strongly evenly arcuate, anterior margin subtrapezoidally emarginate, medially slightly arcuately produced; anterior angles subtriangulate, projecting anteroventrally. Elytron broad ( Figs. 2A View FIGURE 2 , 4A–H View FIGURE 4 ), in dorsal view with humeral angle rounded, evenly arcuate for rest of length, broadest near middle or just beyond, apex rounded; with outer margin weakly explanate; in lateral view ( Fig. 3E View FIGURE 3 ) evenly arcuate dorsally, somewhat wedge shaped, broader at anterior 1/4 than at posterior 1/4; epipleuron approximately horizontal, weakly concave in medial half. Prosternum T­shaped, with lateral arms of transverse basal piece flat, folded away from midline on each side, rounded off at middle, in cross section forming a broad angle with apex blunt; intercoxal process weakly convex with narrow median sulcus along most of length. Mesosternum trapezoidal; anterior border approximately linear, with raised margin. Metasternum broad, with postmesocoxal line reaching lateral margin; shallowly transversely rugulose; discrimen present, distinct except for extreme ends. Abdomen shortened semi­oval, broadest at apex of first ventrite; posterior margin of ventrites 1–4 linear, of 5 arcuately emarginate, 6 rounded at sides, arcuately emarginate in middle third; postmetacoxal line of first abdominal ventrite curved posterolaterad, closely paralleling posterior margin for much of length, not attaining lateral margin. Tarsal claw with rectangular basal tooth.

Male genitalia as shown ( Fig. 6D View FIGURE 6 ): basal lobe elongate, slender, roughly parallel­sided in basal half, very slightly swollen at apical one third, tapered beyond; width at base of basal lobe slightly exceeding width at apical one third; parameres slender, reaching three quarters distance to apex of basal lobe.

Female: Similar to male except larger on average; head black with irregular creamcolored patch on lower half adjacent to each eye, including eye canthus. Abdomen with posterior margin of ventrite 5 linear or slightly wavy, exposed portion of ventrite 6 short, apically rounded. Female genitalia as in figure 8E.

Variation: Length 3.2–4.6 mm. Elytral color pattern varies as shown ( Figs. 4A–H View FIGURE 4 ). Elytral ground color apparently unicolorous or gradually lightened from outer edge to disc; sometimes faintly suggesting one or more of the cream­colored markings found in C. germanii (e.g. oblique oval subapical mark) but less well defined; transition more abrupt in specimens from Baños de Cauquenes ( Fig. 4H View FIGURE 4 ) which have a paler yellow cream elytron with an orange band at sutural and lateral borders. The latter morph also occurs in specimens marked “ Chile ” without additional locality data. Some lightly marked northern specimens possess a pair of linear cream­colored marks enclosed within the dark pronotal disc, situated one on each side at anterior 1/3, equidistant from lateral margin and midline.

Type material: Type material of C. eryngii , lost?, not in MHNL (location suggested in Gordon 1987); holotype of C. interrupta , “Prov. Valparaiso / Holotipo No. 2159” ( MNHN) (specimen examined).

Prey species: Aphididae (Hemiptera) : Metopolophium dirhodum (Walker) , Schizaphis graminum (Rondani) , Sitobion avenae (F.), Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) , A. kondoi Shinji , Aphis gossypii Glover , A. craccivora Koch , Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas) , and Uroleucon ambrosiae (Thomas) (data taken from Aguilera 1995).

Remarks: Bréthes placed Coccinella interrupta as a synonym of C. eryngii based on similarities in the type descriptions, and that placement is followed here. Coccinella chilena (Weise) (MNHUB, type examined) and C. limbicollis Fairmaire (MNHP, type examined) are recognized here as distinct from C. eryngii . They were formerly treated as varieties of C. eryngii by Korschefsky (1932), and as varieties of Coccinella interrupta Germain by Blackwelder (1945). The unusual tricolored morph of C. eryngii (see figure 4H) is tentatively included here based on the antenna with 11 antennomeres, the elytron somewhat wedgeshaped in profile, with lateral margin distinctly arcuate in dorsal view, and the male genitalia with a slender basal lobe that is broadest at base (single example dissected).

Summary of data from specimens examined (Map, Fig. 11 View FIGURE 11 ): CHILE: ANTOFAGASTA: Chiu­Chiu , 28.IX.1986 (G. González F.), 1 specimen ; Calama, Ojo Opache , 3.X.1982 (G. Arriagada), 4 specimens ; Prov. [Provincia] El Loa, Calama , 31.I.1993 (G. González F), 1 specimen ; Calama, Asen. Pedro A. Cerda , en alfalfa, 13.I.1972 (R. Mendoza), 1 specimen ; Rio Loa, Calama , 8.II.1987 (G. González F.), 3 specimens ; San Pedro de Atacama, 2500 m [m.s.n.m], 16.XI.1946 (G. Kuschel), 1 specimen ; San Pedro de Atacama, en alfalfa, 14.I.1972 (R. Mendoza), 1 specimen ; San Pedro de Atacama, en alfalfa, 7.XII.1986 (G. González F.), 2 specimens ; San Pedro de Atacama, en alfalfa, 29.IX.1986 (G. González F.), 2 specimens ; Toconao , 18.IV.1946 (Kuschel), 1 specimen ; Toconao , 17.XI.1986, 1 specimen . ATACAMA: El Salvador, V.1982 (G. González F.), 2 specimens ; Copiapó , 19.VIII.1940 (P. A. Berry), 3 specimens ; Copiapó , 25.XI.1944 (M. Marió), 2 specimens ; Cachiyuyo , 19.X.1966 (R. Wagenknecht), 1 specimen ; Cachiyuyo , 29.XI.1966, 1 specimen ; Chañaral , 4.I.1987 (G. González F.), 3 specimens ; Bahía Inglesa , 8.IV.1991, 1 specimen . COQUIMBO: Chapilca Huanta, km 12, 1960 m.s.n.m., en Chilla , 11.XII.1975 (A. Aguilera P.), 1 specimen ; 20 miles E of La Serena , 3.XII.1950 (Ross and Michelbacher), 4 specimens ; La Serena, on Baccharis , 9.XII.1950 (Ross and Michelbacher), 1 specimen ; Rivadavia, Elqui , 950 m. s.n.m., 25.VIII.1973 (H. Vasquez C.), 6 specimens; 5 miles N of Laguna Dam , 8000 feet, 6.XII.1950, 1 specimen ; Paihuano , II.1983, 1 specimen ; 12 miles E Vicuña , 4.XII.1950 (Ross and Michelbacher), 1 specimen ; Pisco Elqui, Elqui , 1300 m.s.n.m., 23.IX.1973 (H. Vasquez), 1 specimen ; Pangue , 19.X.1957 (G. Kuschel), 1 specimen ; 5 miles SW of Ovalle , 12.XII.1950 (Ross and Michelbacher), 1 specimen ; 10 km E Fray Jorge National Park , dry wash, 28.XII.1966 (M. E. Irwin), 1 specimen ; 30 km N Illapel , 5000 foot elevation, 30.XI.1950 (Ross and Michelbacher), 2 specimens ; 5 miles N of Illapel , 30.XI.1950 (Ross and Michelbacher), 1 specimen ; Hacienda Illapel, Rio Illapel , 600–900 m [m.s.n.m], 19.X.1966 (E. I. Schlinger, M. E. Irwin) 1 specimen ; Salamanca , 15.II.79 (A. Gaete), en malezas, 1 specimen ; 5 miles W of La Junta , 7.XII.1950 (Ross and Michelbacher), 4 specimens ; 10 miles W of La Junta , 7.XII.1950 (Ross and Michelbacher), 6 specimens . VALPARAISO: Las Palmas, Ocoa , 10.XI.1956 (N. Hichins), 1 specimen ; E entrance to tunnel, Aconcagua , 90 km S Illapel, 28.XI.1950 (Ross and Michelbacher), 3 specimens ; [La] Ligua , IX.1997 (Germain), 1 specimen ; Los Andes, Aconcagua, en Romero , 14.II.1975 (R. Ripa), 2 specimens ; Los Andes , Santiago, 6.XII.1944 (gift from G. Olalquiaga F.), 4 specimens ; Quillota , XI.1894 (Germain), 1 specimen ; Cerro las Vizcaches [Las Vizcachas], 1840 m [m.s.n.m], 7.XII.1951 (P. C. Hutchison), 1 specimen ; Quebrada de Alvarado , 27.I.1959 (N. Hichins), 5 specimens . METROPOLITAN REGION: Guardia Vieja , 8.XII.2000 (M. Diéguez), 1 specimen ; Farellones, Cord [Cordillera] Stgo [Santiago], 22.XI.1985, 1 specimen ; Santiago, El Arrayan, 1.V.46, 3 specimens ; Santiago, La Ermita, 16.XI.1985 (G. González F.), 1 specimen ; Santiago, La Reina, Precordillera , 5.X.80 (G.González F), 1 specimen ; Santiago, 30.IX.1945 (P. G. Kuschel), 1 specimen ; Santiago, 21.X.1945 (P. G. Kuschel), 1 specimen ; Santiago, Peñalolen , III.1940 (R. Gutiérrez), 5 specimens ; Santiago Prov., Que [Quebrada] La Plata 510 m [m.s.n.m], [La] Rinconada , Maipú , Malaise , 33°31'S 70°47'W, 1.I.1967 (L. A. Stange), 1 specimen GoogleMaps ; Santiago Prov., El Canelo, on path near water, 33°35'S 70°27'W, 10.I.1967 (E. I. Schlinger), 1 specimen GoogleMaps ; Stgo [Santiago], [El] Canelo , IX.1950, 1 specimen ; Santiago, El Canelo, 18.X.1951 (Hofmann), 4 specimens ; Santiago, El Canelo , 15.XII.1954, 8 specimens ; Santiago, S[an] Bernardo , I.1940 (R. Gutiérrez), 1 specimen ; Stgo [Santiago], Qbda [Quebrada] Macul , 3.IV.1913,1 specimen; Stgo [Santiago], Cajón del Maipo , El Melocotón , I.1977 (G. González F.), 6 specimens ; Stgo [Santiago], Cajón del Maipo , El Melocotón, 30.III.1986 (G. González F.), 1 specimen ; Lo Valdes , 800 m [m.s.n.m], 9.I.1945 (Kuschel), 2 specimens . LIBERTADOR: Fundo Romeral, S. [San] Franscisco de Mostazal , XII.1933 (Rafael Barros), 1 specimen ; B. [ Baños ] de Cauquenes, Rancagua, 3 specimens . MAULE: Maule Prov., Rio Teno , 800 m [m.s.n.m], ca. 40 km E Curicó, 25–27.XI.1981 (D. R. Davis), 1 specimen ; Curicó, Los Queñes, VIII.1944 (Monsalvez); Curicó , Los Queñes , 3.I.1988 (Sergio Roitman), 3 specimens ; Maule Pr., Forel Carrizalillo , 250 m [m.s.n.m], 30.I.–5.II.1981 (L. E. Pena), 1 specimen ; Talca, R.N. Altos de Lircay , 6–7.I.2001 (M. Diéguez), 3 specimens ; BIO­BIO: Cord [Cordillera] Chillán, 1899 (Germain), 4 specimens ; Ñuble , 15 Km E. Recinto, 31.I.1968 (C.W.O’Brien), 1 specimen ; Ñuble , NW Recinto, 1.XI.1967 (C.W.O’Brien), 1 specimen ; El Abanico, 30.XII.1950 (Ross and Michelbacher), 1 specimen; Abanico , 800 m [m.s.n.m], 8.I.1948 (Kuschel), 1 specimen ; Los Ángeles, Huaqui , 22.I.1944 (G. Kuschel), 9 specimens ; Pemehue , altitude 1300 m [m.s.n.m], 14.I.1946 (P. G. Kuschel), 1 specimen . ARAUCANÍA: Angol , 7.II.1924 (D. S. Bullock), 1 specimen ; Pemehue , 1894 (Germain), 6 specimens . LOS LAGOS: Valdivia , 4.III.1945 (E. A. Chapin), 2 specimens ; 8 miles E of Rio Bueno, Valdivia , 15.I.1951 (Ross and Michelbacher), 1 specimen ; Osorno , 2.III.1945 (E. A. Chapin), 1 specimen ; Llanquihue, Fresia , 7.II.1945, 1 specimen. ( AAPC, AMNH, BMNH, GGPC, MNHN)

Aguilera A. (1995) Contribucion al conocimiento de Coccinellina eryngii (Mulsant) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) en Chile. Acta Entomologica Chilena, 19, 99 - 104.

Blackwelder, R. E. (1945) Checklist of the coleopterous insects of Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, and South America. Part 3. Bulletin of the United States National Museum, 185, 343 - 550.

Brethes, J. (1925) Sur une collection de Coccinellidae (et un Phalacridae) du British Museum. Anales del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, 33, 145 - 175.

Crotch, G. R. (1874) A revision of the coleopterous family Coccinellidae. University Press, London, 311 pp.

Gordon, R. D. (1987) A catalogue of the Crotch collection of Coccinellidae (Coleoptera). Occasional Papers on Systematic Entomology, 3, 1 - 46.

Korschefsky, R. (1932) Coleopterorum Catalogus, Pars 120, Coccinellidae II. W. Junk, Berlin, 659 pp.

Mulsant, E. (1850) Species des coleopteres trimeres securipalpes. Annales des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles, d'Agriculture et d'Industrie, Lyon, ser. 2, vol 2, 1 - 1104.

Timberlake, P. H. (1943) The Coccinellidae or ladybeetles of the Koebele collection. The Hawaiian Planters' Record, 47 (1), 1 - 67.

Vandenberg, N. J. (2002) The new world genus Cycloneda Crotch (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae: Coccinellini): Historical review, new diagnosis, new generic and specific synonyms, and an improved key to North American species. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 104 (1), 221 - 236.

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FIGURE 2. Habitus views of Cycloneda species: A, C. eryngii (Mulsant), female, common form (3.8 mm); B, C. sicardi (Brèthes), female from Salta, Argentina (3.8 mm); C, C. boliviana (Mulsant), female, holotype (4.6 mm).

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FIGURE 3. Morphology of Cycloneda species. Lateral views of bodies (elytral length standardized to facilitate comparison), A–G: A, C. lacrimosa González & Vandenberg, new species, paratype; B, C. disconsolata Vandenberg & González, new species, holotype; C, C. patagonica González & Vandenberg, new species, paratype; D, Cycloneda germainii (Crotch), representative specimen; E, C. eryngii (Mulsant), representative specimen; F, C. sicardi (Brèthes), specimen from Salta; G, C. boliviana (Mulsant), holotype. Pronotal dorsofrontal views, H–L: H, C. lacrimosa González & Vandenberg, new species, paratype; I, C. boliviana (Mulsant), holotype; J, C. sicardi (Brèthes), specimen from El Rincón, Catamarca; K, C. sicardi (Brèthes), specimen from Tacuil, Salta; L, C. sicardi (Brèthes), common aberration in much of range.

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FIGURE 4. Elytral color patterns of Cycloneda species, left elytron: A–H, C. eryngii (Mulsant) (A–C, with reduced or broken maculae: A, from Rio Bueno, Valdivia; B, from San Pedro de Atacama; C, from Osorno; D–F, common aberrations; G, with confluent markings from Santiago; H, tricolored aberration from Baños de Cauquenes, Rancagua); I–L, C. germainii (Crotch) (I, with reduced markings from San Martin de los Andes, Neuquen; J, common aberration; K, melanic form, type of C. duplaris Berg; L, form with disconnected maculae, from Baños de Cauquenes, Rancagua); M–N, C. lacrimosa González & Vandenberg, new species, common aberrations; O–P, C. disconsolata Vandenberg & González, new species (O, paratype; P, holotype).

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FIGURE 6. Male genitalia of Cycloneda species (above, ventral and right lateral views of phallobase; below, right lateral view of sipho (=aedeagus)): A, C. lacrimosa González & Vandenberg, new species, holotype; B, C. patagonica González & Vandenberg, new species, holotype; C, C. germainii (Crotch); D, C. eryngii (Mulsant).

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FIGURE 8. Female genitalia of Cycloneda species (oriented with anterior end pointing left): A, C. lacrimosa González & Vandenberg, new species, allotype; B, C. disconsolata Vandenberg & González, new species, holotype; C, C. patagonica González & Vandenberg, new species; D, Cycloneda germainii (Crotch); E, C. eryngii (Mulsant); F, C. sicardi (Brèthes), specimen from Tacuil, Salta; G, C. boliviana (Mulsant), specimen from Molinos, Salta.

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FIGURE 9. Left antenna of Cycloneda species, dorsal view: A­C, C. lacrimosa Gonzlez & Vandenberg, new species (showing variation from 9 to 11 antennomeres); D, C. patagonica Gonzlez & Vandenberg, new species; E, Cycloneda germainii (Crotch); F, C. eryngii (Mulsant); G, C. sicardi (Brèthes); H, C. boliviana (Mulsant).

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FIGURE 11. Distributions of Cycloneda species.


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