Paleocader balticus, HEISS & GOLUB, 2021

HEISS, ERNST & GOLUB, VIKTOR B., 2021, Three new species of the fossil Cantacaderinae genus Paleocader Froeschner, 1996 from the Baltic and Rovno amber (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Tingidae), Palaeoentomology 4 (4), pp. 360-366 : 361-362

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Carolina (2021-09-14 18:56:19, last updated 2024-11-27 17:12:29)

scientific name

Paleocader balticus

sp. nov.

Paleocader balticus sp. nov.

( Fig. 1A, B View FIGURE 1 )

Holotype. Male specimen in an uncut oval piece of Baltic amber 50 × 40 × 15 mm. The specimen is complete except lacking right antennal segment IV and ventral side obscured by opaque layers and details not discernible. Two whitish dots on hemelytra are artefacts and not part of the tingid hemelytra. This specimen JD 5935 (19/16) is designated as holotype and deposited at CEHI as BALTING-05

Etymology. The name refers to its origin from Baltic amber.

Diagnosis. Paleocader balticus sp. nov. is recognized and differs by following characters from other congeners described herein: from P. pulchellus sp. nov. and P. rovnensis sp. nov. by wider abdomen, ratio length / width of hemelytra (1.53 vs. 1.67 and 1.62); by sutural area of hemelytra with 2 veins and 3 veinlets (vs. 1(2) and 1(2)); discoidal area with 7 veins and 2 veinlets (vs. 6(2) and 6(2)); by shorter antennae, ratio length of antennae / width of head (3.54 vs. 4.90), from P. rovnensis sp. nov. by larger size (3.85 vs. 3.70 mm) and longer antennae, ratio antennal segments / width of head (3.54 vs. 3.09).

Description. Macropterous male, dorsal view.

Head. Wider than long, surface punctured with two pairs of long acute spines directed anteriorly; genae produced over clypeus; antennae slender 3.54 times as long as width of head, segments I+II shortest and thicker, III longest and thinner, 2.72 times as long as width of head, IV short, thin and fusiform; approximate length of antennal segments I / II / III / IV = 0.1 / 0.1 / 1.5 / 0.25 mm; eyes globular semi-inserted in head; rostrum not visible.

Pronotum. Wider than long; lateral margins sinuate, converging anteriorly, anterior and humeral angles rounded; paranota with three rows of areolae at widest part; surface of disk areolate with five longitudinal carinae, the two humeral ones shorter than the three median ones extending along full length of pronotum; posterior margin convex without posterior prolongation.

Scutellum. Triangular, small with acute apex.

Hemelytra. Of egg-shaped outline, posteriorly distinctly produced over abdomen; lateral margins evenly rounded, widening anteriorly; clavus distinctly areolate, commissura as long as pronotum; sutural area with one row of areolae along clavus and two rows posteriorly; discoidal area with seven rows of areolae at widest part and two transverse veinlets; subcostal area with six rows and three partly indistinct veinlets; costal area with four rows of larger areolae than on other areas, stenocostal area with one row of areolae; membrane with areolae as large as of costal area.

Measurements. Length 3.85 mm, head length / width 0.5 / 0.55 mm; pronotum length / width 0.87 / 1.1 mm; hemelytra length / width 2.75 / 1.8 mm, ratio 1.53; length of antennal segment III / width of head 1.5 / 0.55 mm, ratio 2.72.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 1. Paleocader balticus sp. nov., holotype male. A, Dorsal view. B, Amber piece with inclusion. C, Paleocader pulchellus sp. nov., amber piece with inclusion.Arrows indicate the position of specimen. Scale bar = 1 mm. ©J. Damzen





















