Eupolyphaga pilosa, Qiu & Che & Wang, 2018

Qiu, Lu, Che, Yang-Li & Wang, Zong-Qing, 2018, A taxonomic study of Eupolyphaga Chopard, 1929 (Blattodea: Corydiidae: Corydiinae), Zootaxa 4506 (1), pp. 1-68 : 50-52

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Plazi (2019-03-26 07:27:26, last updated 2023-10-31 00:40:52)

scientific name

Eupolyphaga pilosa

sp. nov.

Eupolyphaga pilosa sp. nov.

( Figs. 8 View FIGURE 8 A–D; 14 J–L; 34 A–D; 38 I, Q; 43 A–F)

Type material. Holotype: CHINA: Yunnan: male (SWU), A valley Near Zhazi [柞子], 12 km to the east of Pantiange Township [攀天阁乡], Weixi County [维西县], Diqing Prefecture [迪庆州], 2970 m, found in dry soil around the root of a pine tree, 21.VIII.2015, Lu Qiu leg. Paratypes: CHINA: Yunnan: 1 male and 3 females ( SWU, 1 male and 2 females in 100% alcohol), same data as the holotype .

Other material examined. Several nymphs and oothecae (SWU), same data as the holotype.

Diagnosis. See under E. nigrinotum .

Description. Male. General: measurements (mm): body length: 15.6–16.8, overall length: 26.9–29.2, pronotum length×width: 4.6–4.9×7.3–8.1, tegmen length: 23.1–25.6. Small size, brown, long haired, tegmina maculated ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 A–B). Head: dark brown, long haired. Interocular space narrow. Ocelli moderate, ocelli ridge curved. Antennae brown. Clypeus small; ante-clypeus yellow, occupied the hind and lateral margins of the clypeus; post-clypeus dark brown. Labrum brown, distal margin depressed. Maxillary palpi and labial palpi dark brown, with joint parts yellow (Fig. 14 K–L). Pronotum: dark brown, anterior with yellowish margin narrowly. Surface long haired, margins setose. Apex truncated, lateral and hind margins round (Fig. 14 J). Tegmina and wings: beyond the end of abdomen about 11.4–12.1 mm. Tegmina hyaline, light brownish yellow, sparsely covered with unequal sized dark brown speckles, denser at base. Wings hyaline, distal slightly maculated. Legs: long haired, dark brown, joint part yellow; tibial spines brown; arolia white. Abdomen: smooth, dark brown, median with an interrupted longitudinal line. Supra-anal plate well pubescent, apex protruded; two median sclerites plate-like, cerci short ( Fig. 34 A View FIGURE 34 ). Subgenital plate slightly asymmetrical, the exposed part narrow, dark brown, but slightly yellowish; styli short, dark brown ( Fig. 34 B View FIGURE 34 ). Genitalia: well sclerotized. Left phallomere: L1 with round anterior part, left with a long process; L2 curved sharply, right end with two irregular processes; L3 gradually thinner toward apex, nearly straight, the hook curved rectangularly; pda and paa short, bud-like. Right phallomere: large. R1M enlarged posteriorly; R1L thin; R3 hyaline in hind median; R2 with two chunks, the inner one larger than the outer one, inner one quadrate, and outer one round ( Fig. 34 View FIGURE 34 C–D).

Female. Measurements (mm): body length: 15.2–17.6, body width: 10.6–11.9. Brown, pubescent; head brown, ocelli small, white, clypeus round, brown, ante-clypeus white, labrum with basal half white, the rest yellowish brown; legs yellowish brown to brown; pronotum brown, meso- and meta- notum brown, each median usually with two dim yellowish spots, abdomen in dorsal view, reddish brown, each segments slightly yellowish medially, median with a brown longitudinal line, in ventral view dark brown, median with a yellowish longitudinal line; supra-anal plate protruded, apex emarginated, median with a longitudinal line; subgenital plate protruded type, bulged, round ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 C–D).

Nymph. Similar to the female, but with lighter coloration, markings more distinct.

Ootheca. As Fig. 38 I and Q View FIGURE 38 , reddish brown, serration of keel short, triangular. The longitudinal ridges shallow.

Etymology. The species name “pilosa” indicating the long hair on pronotum.

Natural History. Living individuals were all collected by the first author around a pine tree in a valley during a rainy day. The environment is very cold and wet, but the roaches all stayed around the pine tree where can’t be wet by the rain, they hided themselves inside the dry earth, but the exuviae and abandoned ootheca on the surface exposed them ( Fig. 43 View FIGURES 43 A–F).

Distribution. China (Yunnan) ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 ).

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FIGURE 3. Distribution map of Eupolyphaga species only found in Yunnan (larger circles indicate the type localities).

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FIGURE 8. Eupolyphaga species from Yunnan, China: A–D. Eupolyphaga pilosa sp. nov., from Weixi: A–B. Male, holotype; C–D. Female, paratype. E–H. Eupolyphaga daweishana sp. nov., from Pingbian: E–F. Male, holotype; G–H. Female nymph. I–L. Eupolyphaga nigrinotum sp. nov., from Mt. Jizushan, Binchuan: I–J. Male, holotype; K–L. Female, paratype. Scale bar 1cm for all.

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FIGURE 34. Eupolyphaga pilosa sp. nov., male: A. supra-anal plate, ventral; B. subgenital plate, ventral; C. genitalia, dorsal; D. right phallomere, right-ventral. Scale bar 1 mm.

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FIGURE 38. Oothecae of Eupolyphaga, lateral view (A–K) and close-up view (L–S): A–B, L. E. sinensis; C–D, M. E. hanae; E–F, N. E. daweishana; G, O. E. wooi; H, P. E. sp. 4 from Jizushan Town, Binchuan, Yunnan; I, Q. E. pilosa; J, R. E. yunnanensis; K, S. E. nigrinotum. Scale bars: A–K = 2 mm; L–S = 0.5 mm.

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FIGURES 43. Habitats of Eupolyphaga pilosa sp. nov., in Pantiange, Weixi, Yunnan: A. The valley where found the species. B–D. The spine tree root which found the species. E. Male individual. F. Female individual. (all by Lu Qiu)


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