Cylindroiulus algerinus ( Brölemann, 1897 )

Read, Helen J., 2005, A revision of the Cylindroiulus distinctus Lucas group from north Africa, with descriptions of six new species (Diplopoda, Julida, Julidae), Journal of Natural History 39 (18), pp. 1491-1532 : 1497-1501

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Carolina (2021-03-04 15:38:26, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-01 23:01:59)

scientific name

Cylindroiulus algerinus ( Brölemann, 1897 )


Cylindroiulus algerinus ( Brölemann, 1897) View in CoL

( Figures 8–15 View Figure 8–15 )

Iulus (Phalloiulus) algerinus Brölemann 1897: 269 View in CoL .

Diploiulus distinctus: Silvestri 1896: 160 .

Phalloiulus algerinus: Attems 1908: 113 .

Cylindroiulus (Phalloiulus) algerinus: Attems 1927: 208 View in CoL .

Material studied. HOLOTYPE: Algeria: „, CCCLXV, Brölemann (coll. Lucas) ( MNP), 1♀, as above, probably C. algerinus (MNP) . Tunisia: 1 „ (illustrated), 4 juvenile „, 4♀, 12 km S of Thala, 10 March 1986 ( ZMUC); 1 „, 1 juvenile „, 3♀, 13 km N of Ain Draham, 22–24 March 1986 ( ZMUC); 2 „, 8 juvenile „, 25♀, 7 km S of Ain Draham, Les Chênes , 22 March 1986 ( ZMUC); 4 „, 22 juvenile „, 57♀, as above ( ZMUC); 20 „, 1♀, Ain Draham area, 5–18 May 1988 ( ZMUC); 6 „, 12♀, Ain Draham, sous les feuilles mortes et les pierres, Kerville leg. ( NMW); 3 „, 2 juvenile „, 4♀, Region d’Ain-Draham, sous les feuilles mortes et les pierres, Gad. de Kerville coll. Det. Attems 1908 ( MNP).

Total material examined. 174 (38 „).

Diagnosis. A large brown species, some specimens appearing striped vertically. Gonopods with small but variable mesomerite. Opisthomerite divided into two major parts (brachite and solenomere) by a large gulf. Projections X and Y lacking, small phylacum. Brachite with ‘‘wings’’ apically. Operculum of female vulvae very long, often protruding from body.

Descriptiυe notes. Length 31–37 mm („) to 47 mm (♀); maximum vertical diameter 2.2– 2.8 mm („) to 3.5mm (♀); number of podous rings 46–51 („), 52 (♀).

Colour. Head and first four rings chestnut brown, telson darker brown. Trunk glaucous dorsally to repugnatorial glands, ventrally chestnut/ginger with darker suture between pro- and metazonae. Usually with thin black mid-dorsal line. Older specimens distinctly bleached.

Eyes. Clearly readable, hardly reduced. Males with 10–11 rows of ocelli, females up to 12.

Telson . Mature males with slightly protruding dorsal projection (except Algerian specimens), females and juveniles without. Preanal ring with around 12 pairs of setae situated dorsally and ventrally with a clear gap laterally. Ventral scale with approximately 10 setae. Anal valves usually with a single row of 10–14 pairs of setae although Algerian specimens with fewer (one with only three pairs).

Oυerall body shape. Posterior attenuation almost absent. Males distinctly swollen on rings 6–8 then slight constriction before head. Metazonal vaulting quite strong in some immature animals, less so in matures.

Attems C. 1908. Note sur les Myriapodes recueillis par M. Henri Gadeau de Kerville en Khroumirie et description de deux especes et d'une variete nouvelles provenant de cette region de la Tunisie. In: Gadeau de Kerville H, editors. Voyage zoologique en Khroumirie (Tunisie). Rouen. p 105 - 114, 2 pls.

Attems C. 1927. Uber palaearktische Diplopoden. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte 92: 114 - 256.

Brolemann HW. 1897. Iules d'Algerie. Annales des Sciences Naturelles Zoologiques 8 (4): 253 - 276.

Silvestri F. 1896. Una escursione in Tunisia. Il Naturalista Siciliano, (Nuovo Serie) 1: 143 - 161.

Gallery Image

Figure 8–15. C. algerinus from Tunisia. (8–12) Gonopods of male from 12 km S of Thala. (8) Lateral view. (9) Mesal view. (10) Posterior view. (11) Anterior view. (12) Anterior view of posterior gonopods. (13, 14) Gonopods of male from 7 km S of Ain Draham. (13) Lateral view (L, lamella). (14) Posterior view of anterior gonopods. (15) Vulvae of female (O, operculum; B, bursa). Scale bars: 0.1 mm.


Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen


Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien











