Apterobiroina truncata, Papp, 2021

Papp, László, 2021, New Species Of Apterobiroina L. Papp And Bentrovata Richards (Diptera, Sphaeroceridae) From Australia, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 67 (2), pp. 101-117 : 107-108

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.17109/AZH.



persistent identifier


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scientific name

Apterobiroina truncata

sp. nov.

Apterobiroina truncata View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 18–20)

Holotype female ( HNHM): AUSTRALIA, NSW, Mt. Wilson , 24. 7. 1978, No. 1179, pitfall traps.

Paratypes ( HNHM) : 1 female (gen. prep.): same as for the holotype.

There is another female in the HNHM: [typed text] Australia 2000. 03. leg: Pócs T., No: 0086a. Through the courtesy of Prof. Dr. Tamás Pócs we received detailed information on this specimen, as follow: Southern Tasmania, W edge of Mount Field National Park, along the trail to Growling Swallet, at 540–580 m alt. 42°41.2’S, 146°29.6-30’E. Wet sclerophyll Eucalyptus regnans , E. obliqua forest and Nothofagus cunninghamii temperate rain forest. Coll. S. & T. Pócs and P. J. Dalton, 13 March 2000. Although, it seems less probable that among these apterous flies, the Tasmanian female is conspecific with that one from New South Wales. I cannot make a distinction of this specimen to the paratype. Consequently, I designated it also as a paratype.

Head. Gena broad, 0.07 mm below eye and strongly broadening posteriorad. 2 ors but anterior pair only 3/5 length of posterior one. 3 medium-long pairs of ifr. Ocellar seta very large. Occe and occi 0.02 mm long. Medial seta of scape 0.04 mm long. Flagellomere rounded but with a slight antero-dorsal apex. Arista on lateral surface. Apical seta of palp 0.03 mm.

Thorax. Haltere completely absent. Only 1 pair of dc, scutellum twice broader than long.

Legs. Mid tibia with 2 pairs of ad-pd setae at 1/3 and 2/3 (antero-dorsals slightly more distal). No mid ventral seta. Ventroapical thorn on hind tibia minute, 0.02 mm.

Abdomen. Length of abdomen 1.12 mm, breadth 0.81 mm. Length of tergites 2–4 (mm): 0.35, 0.31, 0.23. Length of sternites 1–5 (mm): 0.19, 0.31, 0.20, 0.14.*

Male. Unknown.

Female genitalia ( Figs 18–20). Dorsal seta on epiproct small ( Fig. 18). Cercus comparatively long, with 2 long apical and several shorter less distal setae. Spermathecae ( Figs 19–20) spherical, large, strongly sclerotised and with a large bulb each on the initial section of ducts ( Figs 19–20).

epiproct and cerci, dorsal view; 17 = hypoproct and cerci, ventral view. 18–20: A. truncata sp. n.: 18 = epiproct, cerci and hypoproct, dorsal view; 19 = paired spermathecae; 20 = single spermatheca. Scale: 0.1 mm for all


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)













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