Stenaspis Audinet-Serville, 1834

Eya, Bryan K., 2021, Recharacterization of Stenaspis Audinet-Serville, 1834 with a new species from Mexico (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae: Trachyderini), Insecta Mundi 2021 (851), pp. 1-36 : 13

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Carolina (2021-06-29 14:39:03, last updated 2024-01-19 09:52:26)

scientific name

Stenaspis Audinet-Serville, 1834


Key to species of Stenaspis Audinet-Serville, 1834 View in CoL

1. Pronotum at least partly reddish or reddish-brown; elytra yellowish to pale testaceous, reddish or entirely metallic blue, green or purple or at least partly with metallic greenish sheen................... 2

– Body concolorous black, bluish-black or reddish-brown; 22–36 mm. Southwestern USA and Mexico ( Fig. 91–94 View Figures 91–102 )............................................................ S. solitaria (Say) View in CoL

2(1). Antennomeres variegated, yellowish to reddish and apically black with basal 2/3 of antennomeres III– VI glabrate, finely, separately, irregularly punctate; apices more densely punctate and more densely clothed with short, depressed hairs ( Fig. 57–59 View Figures 57–61 ).......................................... 3

– Antennomeres I–IV concolorous black, V–XI dark reddish-brown, antennomeres III–IV sparsely punctate, apices sparsely pubescent ( Fig. 61 View Figures 57–61 ); integument black; pronotum and elytra orange with surface rugose; pronotal disc with three black nitid calli; elytra rugulose with fine, separated punctures; 38 mm; Mojos, Bolivia ( Fig. 95–101 View Figures 91–102 ).................................... S. superba Aurivillius View in CoL

3(2). Elytra metallic blue or green or epipleural and sutural margin of elytra with metallic bluish to greenishyellow sheen.......................................................................... 4

– Elytra concolorous yellowish to pale testaceous, nitid, glabrous, separately, finely, shallowly punctate; 21–31 mm; Oaxaca, Mexico ( Fig. 78–83 View Figures 78–83 )........................... S. castaneipennis Dupont View in CoL

4(3). Elytra concolorous metallic greenish, bluish or purple, finely to coarsely punctate, antennal tubercles

Audinet-Serville J-G. 1834. Nouvelle classification de la famille des longicornes (Suite). Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France (3) 1: 5 - 110.

Gallery Image

Figures 91–102. Dorsal and lateral images of Stenaspis solitaria, and images from all sides of S. superba, holotype, female. 91–94) S. solitaria, Cochise, AZ, USA. 91–92) Male, 29 mm. 93–94) Female, 31 mm. 95–101) S. superba, holotype, female, Mojos, BOL. 98) Image of head showing apices of mandible acute, genae large, quadrate margins of lower eye lobes well separated from mandibles. 98: 98a) Dorsal anterior margins of genae ridged. 99) Caudal image showing brush of hairs. 100) Lateral image showing coarsely punctured proepisternum and epipleural margin of elytron below humerus. 101) Ventral image showing pronotum narrower than elytra at humeri, lateral tubercles of pronotum slightly behind middle, rounded anterior angle of pronotum, and protuberant prosternal intercoxal process. 102) Label information provided by NHRS along with photos of S. superba.

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Figures 57–61. Antennae of Stenaspis. 57) S. verticalis, male, Nuevo Leon, MEX. 58) S. castaneipennis, male, Oaxaca, MEX. 59) S. lingafelteri sp. nov., holotype, male, Chiapas, MEX. 60) S. solitaria, male, Cochise Co., AZ, USA. 61) S. superba, holotype, female, Mojos, BOL. 57–59) Antennae bicolored, antennomeres III–V, glabrate, sparsely punctate except apically darker, densely punctate and pubescent. 60) Antennomeres concolorous, densely punctate except basal half of III sparsely punctate. 61) Antennomeres black to brown, scape glabrate, sparsely punctate, scape to antennomere IV sparsely punctate.

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Figures 78–83. Dorsal and lateral images of Stenaspis castaneipennis Oaxaca, MEX. 78–79) Male, 32 mm. 80–81) Male, 27 mm. 82–83) Female, 28 mm.









