Cnodalomyia obtusa Hull, 1962

Lamas, Carlos José Einicker & Mellinger, Gabriela Bastos, 2011, Revision of the Neotropical robber fly genus Cnodalomyia Hull (Diptera, Asilidae, Asilinae) with description of two new species from Brazil, Journal of Natural History 45 (33 - 34), pp. 2015-2036 : 2017-2021

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Cnodalomyia obtusa Hull, 1962


Cnodalomyia obtusa Hull, 1962 View in CoL .

( Figures 1–3 View Figure 1 View Figure 2 View Figure 3 )

Cnodalomyia obtusa Hull, 1962: 518 View in CoL ; Martin and Papavero, 1970: 83 (cat.); Lamas and Mellinger, 2008: 42 (key); Papavero, 2009: 8 (cat.).


C. obtusa can be distinguished from C. papaveroi sp. nov. by the lateral stripes of the mesonotum, which are fused with the central one only in C. obtusa . From the two other known species, C. catarinensis and C. artigasi sp. nov., it can be easily distinguished by the mystax with dark brown and yellow macrosetae and wings with R 4+5 arising before the base of the discal cell.

Body length. 14.4–19.8 mm. Wing length: 10.2–15.3 mm.

Ground colour. Light brown.


Head. Face dark brown, golden pollinose; frons dark brown, golden pollinose, with dark brown and yellow macrosetae; proboscis dark brown, two-thirds head height, strong with short basal projection, labella with yellow setae; palpi cylindrical, dark brown with yellow setae; mystax with dark brown and yellow macrosetae ( Figure 1 View Figure 1 ); antennae placed on upper one-third of head; scape light brown, grey pollinose, with dark brown macrosetae, longer on ventral surface, pedicel three-quarters of scape length, orange-brown, grey pollinose, with dark brown macrosetae, postpedicel light brown, grey pollinose, strongly pointed at apex, two times longer than scape and pedicel combined, first flagellomere light brown, posterior ones and stylus dark brown.

Thorax. Cervical sclerite covered with golden pile; pronotum light brown, grey pollinose, with yellow setae and macrosetae; scutum dark brown, grey pollinose with golden pile and three dark brown longitudinal stripes, central stripe originating on anterior margin, pointed apically, lateral stripes originating beyond transverse suture and fused with central stripe on mid one-third of scutum ( Figure 2A View Figure 2 ); scutellum dark brown, grey pollinose with sparse, short, dark brown macrosetae; pleurae dark brown, golden pollinose; anatergite with yellow setae; anepisternum with yellow setae on upper quarter, mediotergite with yellow setae; katepisternum, anepimeron, subalar sclerite, katepimeron, and meron bare; katatergite with transverse row of yellow macrosetae; metepisternum with tuft of yellow setae on lower third; halter with stem light brown, knob darker.

Legs. Coxae dark brown, golden pollinose; prothoracic coxae with long yellow setae and macrosetae on anterior surface and on apical half of the posterior surface; mesothoracic coxae with long yellow setae and macrosetae on apical half of anterior, anterodorsal, and dorsal surfaces; metathoracic coxae with yellow setae and macrosetae on apex of anterior and posterodorsal surfaces; femora yellowish brown except for dark brown area on anterodorsal surface; prothoracic femur with long yellow setae on basal half of anteroventral surface, short dark brown macrosetae on dorsal surface; mesothoracic femur with dark brown macrosetae on anterodorsal surface, row of dark brown macrosetae on anterior surface, a row of dark brown macrosetae on ventral surface and small dark brown macrosetae on dorsal surface; metathoracic femur with dark brown apical macrosetae on dorsal surface, row of yellow and dark brown macrosetae on anterodorsal surface, row of dark brown macrosetae on anteroventral surface, row of yellow macrosetae on posterior surface, small dark brown macrosetae on dorsal surface; tibiae yellowish brown; prothoracic tibia with dense yellow pile on ventral surface, entirely covered with short dark brown macrosetae, basal dark brown macroseta on anterodorsal surface, medial dark brown macroseta on posterodorsal surface, row of dark brown macrosetae on posteroventral surface, dark brown, apical, large macroseta; mesothoracic tibia entirely covered with short dark brown macrosetae, with medial dark brown macroseta on posterodorsal surface, yellow macrosetae on apical third of posterior surface, row of dark brown macrosetae on ventral surface, apical, strong macroseta dark brown; metathoracic tibia entirely covered with short dark brown macrosetae, with basal dark brown macrosetae on dorsal surface, two rows of yellow macrosetae on anterior surface, a row of dark brown macrosetae on ventral surface, brown and yellow, apical, strong macrosetae; tarsi yellowish brown with dark brown macrosetae and yellow pile.

Wings. Cells r 1, m 3 and cu p closed and petiolate at wing margin; R 4+5 arising before base of discal; r-m placed medially in discal cell; alula well-developed.

Abdomen. Cylindrical and elongate; light brown, golden pollinose with short yellow pile; tergite I with yellow setae, longer laterally; other tergites with yellow marginal setae, longer laterally. Aedeagal prongs one-third longer than gonostylus, with apex curved upwards ( Figure 2B View Figure 2 ), hook-shaped in lateral view; ejaculatory apodeme elongate with sharpened apex, with half of aedeagus length; lateral ejaculatory process slender with sharpened apex; gonostylus three times longer than wide, with truncate apex ( Figure 2C View Figure 2 ).


Similar to male, except: spermathecae with three spherical spermathecal reservoirs, two times longer than wide; ejection apparatus membranous, one-quarter of individual spermathecal ducts’ length, two times their width, joining together to form single common spermathecal duct; valves of ejection apparatus rounded; individual spermathecal ducts almost four times longer than the spermathecal reservoir ( Figure 2D View Figure 2 ). Furca elongate, with long arms, thin and convergent with truncate apex; furcal apodeme present; inner margin of basal portion “U”-shaped, outer margin “V”-shaped. ( Figure 2E View Figure 2 ).

Eggs. Enlarged, light brown; exochorion without aeropyles; chorion composed of pentagonal cells with deep ornamentation ( Figure 3A View Figure 3 ); micropylar area largely smooth, without grooves, with one central micropyle ( Figure 3B View Figure 3 ).

Examined material

Brazil. Minas Gerais: Passa Quatro (22 ◦ 22 ′ 60 ′′ S, 44 ◦ 58 ′ 0 ′′ W), Campo do Muro (2000 m) GoogleMaps , 2 April 1922, 1 female. Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia (22 ◦ 30 ′ 0 ′′ S, 44 ◦ 34 ′ 0 ′′ W) (2200 m) GoogleMaps , 14 March 1930, 1 female, J.F. Zikán; (2000 m), March 1941, 2 females, 1 male, R.C. Shannon and L. Gomes; (2200 m) , January 1948, 2 females, 1 male, C. d´Andretta. São Paulo: Campos do Jordão (22 ◦ 43 ′ 60 ′′ S, 45 ◦ 34 ′ 60 ′′ W) GoogleMaps , December 1945, 1 male, 1 female, M.P. Barreto; December 1945, 1 male, J. Lane; January 1948, 3 females, F. Lane; December 1952, 1female, L. Travassos; January 1954, 1 male, J. Lane; December 1955, 1 female, 1 male, J. Lane; 21 November 1957, 1 female, K. Lenko; 27 November 1957, 1 female, K. Lenko; 30 November 1957, 1 male, K. Lenko; 12 February 1958, 1 male, 1 female, K. Lenko; 14 February 1958, 1 female, K. Lenko; 15 February 1958, 1 male, K. Lenko; 21 February 1958, 1 female, K. Lenko; 22 February 1958, 1 female, K. Lenko ; (1750 m) , 18 March 1964, 1 female, P. Biase and L. Travessos. All specimens deposited in MZUSP .

Geographic records

Brazil: Minas Gerais (Passa Quatro), Rio de Janeiro (Itatiaia), São Paulo ( Campos do Jordão ) .


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo














Cnodalomyia obtusa Hull, 1962

Lamas, Carlos José Einicker & Mellinger, Gabriela Bastos 2011

Cnodalomyia obtusa

Lamas CJE & Mellinger GB 2008: 42
Martin CH & Papavero N 1970: 83
Hull FM 1962: 518
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF