Ochterus brunneus Hungerford, 1927

Kment, Petr, Carapezza, Attilio & Jindra, Zdeněk, 2020, Taxonomic catalogue of the family Ochteridae with description of Ochterus papaceki sp. nov. from Socotra Island and Tanzania (Hemiptera: Heteroptera), Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 60 (1), pp. 23-64 : 36-37

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Tatiana (2020-06-05 19:27:46, last updated by Plazi 2023-10-31 17:14:33)

scientific name

Ochterus brunneus Hungerford, 1927


Ochterus brunneus Hungerford, 1927 View in CoL

Ochterus brunneus Hungerford, 1927: 188 –189 View in CoL (description, differential diagnosis). SYNTYPES: 2, Bolivia: ‘Huachi Rio Beni’ (USNM).

Ochterus brunneus View in CoL : SCHELL (1943a): 32, 35 (key to species, illustration), SCHELL (1943b): 41 (original description repeated, differential diagnosis); DRAKE (1952): 74 (checklist); HECKMAN (2011): 461 (key to species, illustration).

(1 1 ♀ MMBC, 1 NMPC); NE,Ankarafantsika N.P., 22.–24.iv.2011, ca. 100 m a.s.l., sweeping close to main entrance, 1, P. Baňař lgt., P. Kment det. (MMBC). MOZAMBIQUE: CW, 30 km NE Guro, 17°14′S 33°27′E, 620 m a.s.l., 11.xii.2005, 1 1 ♀, J. Halada lgt., P. Kment det. (MMBC). SOUTH SUDAN: UPPER NILE: near Malakal, 5.–20.i. 1963, 1 1 ♀, R. E. Linnavuori lgt., P. Kment det. (ACPI). SUDAN: BLUE NILE: Blue Nile Prov., Ed Damazin [= Ad-Damazin], 2.xii.1967, 1 5 ♀♀ ( Fig. 19 View Fig ), P. Štys lgt. (1169), P. Kment det. (1 4 ♀♀ MMBC, 1 ♀ NMPC). SENNAR: Blue Nile prov., Dinder Game Reserve, Galegu, 28.ii.1967, 4 4 ♀♀, P. Štys lgt. (653), P. Kment det. (3 3 ♀♀ MMBC, 1 1 ♀ NMPC); same locality, 4.iii.1967, 4 6 ♀♀, P. Štys lgt. (686), P. Štys det. as O. marginatus View in CoL caffer, P. Kment View in CoL revid. (3 5 ♀♀ MMBC, 1 1 ♀ NMPC).

Distribution. Afrotropical Region: Benin ( KORMILEV 1973); Burkina Faso ( LINNAVUORI 1981); Cameroon (POISSON 1948); Cape Verde Islands: Santiago Island ( MANCINI 1939a); Central African Republic ( LINNAVUORI 1981); Chad ( LINNAVUORI 1981); Democratic Republic of the Congo ( POISSON 1949, 1968b; POISSON & SALLIER DUPIN 1969); Ethiopia (DE CARLINI 1895, MANCINI 1956); Gambia ( NIESER & CHEN 1992); Guinea ( POISSON 1954, BERTRAND 1962); Ivory Coast ( POISSON 1968a); Kenya ( JACZEWSKI 1934); Madagascar ( POLHEMUS & POLHEMUS 2008); Mozambique (new record); Nigeria ( JACZEWSKI 1934, LINNAVUORI 1981); Republic of the Congo ( BERTRAND 1962); São Tomé and Príncipe: Príncipe Island ( MANCINI 1939a); Senegal ( NIESER & CHEN 1992); Sierra Leone ( JACZEWSKI 1934); Somalia ( MANCINI 1939a,b; LINNAVUORI 1982); South Africa ( STÅL 1855, JACZEWSKI 1934, KORMILEV 1973); South Sudan ( LINNAVUORI 1971, 1980); Sudan (new record); Tanzania ( JACZEWSKI 1934).

BERTRAND H. 1962: Mission H. Bertrand (1956 - 1957) en Afrique occidentale et equatoriale. Hydrocorises. Bulletin de l'Institut Francais d'Afrique Noire, Serie A 34: 880 - 885.

CARLINI A. DE 1895: VII. Rincoti. In: Esplorazione del Giuba e dei suoi affluenti compiuta dal Cap. V. Bottego durante gli anni 1892 - 93 sotto gli auspici della Societa Geografica Italiana. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova, Serie 2 15: 103 - 125.

DRAKE C. J. 1952: Concerning American Ochteridae (Hemiptera). Florida Entomologist 35: 72 - 75.

HECKMAN 2011: Encyclopedia of South American aquatic insects: Hemiptera - Heteroptera. Illustrated keys to known families, genera, and species in South America. Springer, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, New York, ix + 679 pp.

HUNGERFORD H. B. 1927: A report upon the aquatic and semi-aquatic Hemiptera of the Mulford Biological Expedition to Bolivia, South- - America, 1921 - 22. Proceedings of the Entomomological Society of America 29: 187 - 190 + pl. 10.

JACZEWSKI T. 1934: Notes on the Old World species of Ochteridae (Heteroptera). Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Series 10 13: 597 - 613.

KORMILEV N. A. 1973: Ochteridae from Western and Southern Africa (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Occasional Papers of the California Academy of Sciences 106: 1 - 9.

LINNAVUORI R. E. 1971: Hemiptera of the Sudan, with remarks on some species of the adjacent countries. 1. The aquatic and subaquatic families. Annales Zoologici Fennici 8: 340 - 366.

LINNAVUORI R. E. 1980: Hemiptera of the Sudan, with remarks on some species of the adjacent countries. 8. Additiones and correctiones. Biogeography. Acta Entomologica Fennica 36: 1 - 53.

LINNAVUORI R. E. 1981: Hemiptera of Nigeria, with remarks on some species of the adjacent countries. 1. The aquatic and subaquatic families, Saldidae and Leptopodidae. Acta Entomologica Fennica 37: 1 - 39.

LINNAVUORI R. E. 1982: Some Hemipterous fauna from Somalia and Ethiopia. Monitore Zoologico Italiano 16 (Suppl.): 1 - 33.

MANCINI C. 1939 a: Osservazioni sugli Ochterus del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova (hemipt.). Bollettino della Societa Entomologica Italiana 67: 123 - 126.

MANCINI C. 1956: Emitteri dell'Abissinia raccolti dal M. se Saverio Patrizi e da altri. Fragmenta Entomologica 2: 65 - 96.

NIESER N. & CHEN P. - P. 1992: Notes on Gelastocoridae and Ochteridae (Heteroptera) with the description of five new species. Storkia 1: 2 - 13.

POISSON R. A. 1949: Hemipteres aquatiques. Parc National Albert, I. Mission G. F. de Witte (1933 - 1935) 58: 3 - 94.

POISSON R. A. 1954: XXX. Hydrocorises (2 e contribution) (Mission Lamotte et Roy, juillet-decembre 1951). In: La Reserve Naturelle Integrale du Mt Nimba. Fascicule II. Memoires de l'Institut Francais d ' Afrique Noire 40: 359 - 370.

POISSON R. A. 1968 b: Aquatic Heteroptera. In: SYMOENS J. - J. (ed.): Hydrobiological survey of the Lake Bangweulu, Luapula River Basin. Volume XIV, fascicule 11. Cercle Hydrobiologique de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, 51 pp.

POISSON R. A. 1968 a: Contributions a la connaissance de la faune entomologique de la Cote d'Ivoire (J. Decelle 1961 - 1964). Annales de Musee Royal de l ' Afrique Centrale, Serie in- 8 °, Sciences Zoologiques 165: 399 - 403.

POISSON R. A. & SALLIER DUPIN F. DE 1969: Aquatic Heteroptera from the Luanza Drainage Area. In: SYMOENS J. - J. (ed.): Hydrobiological survey of the Lake Bangweulu, Luapula River Basin. Volume XIV, fascicule 12. Cercle Hydrobiologique de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, 26 pp + 2 pls.

POLHEMUS D. A. & POLHEMUS J. T. 2008: A new Indian Ocean species of Ochterus from the island of Mauritius (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Ochteridae). Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 48: 281 - 288.

SCHELL D. V. 1943 a: The Ochteridae (Hemiptera) of the Western Hemisphere. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 16 (1): 29 - 36. [January 1943]

SCHELL D. V. 1943 b: The Ochteridae (Hemiptera) of the Western Hemisphere. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 16 (2): 37 - 47. [April 1943]

STAL C. 1855: Hemiptera fran Kafferlandet. Ofversigt af Kongliga Vetenskaps-Akademiens Forhandlingar 12: 27 - 47.

Gallery Image

Fig. 19. Ochterus caffer (Stål, 1855), female, Sudan: Ed Damazin, 5.20 mm.











