Passadenoides montanus Ferris, 2004

Ferris, Clifford D., 2004, A new species of Passadenoides Neunzig from Wyoming and New Mexico (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae: Phycitinae), Zootaxa 705 (1), pp. 1-8 : 2-7

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Felipe (2021-06-24 17:05:45, last updated 2024-11-29 01:27:04)

scientific name

Passadenoides montanus Ferris

sp. nov.

Passadenoides montanus Ferris , New Species

( Figs. 1 View FIGURE 1 , 3–6 View FIGURE 3 View FIGURE 4 View FIGURE 5 View FIGURE 6 )

Diagnosis. The dorsal forewing of montanus ( Fig.1 View FIGURE 1 ) is darker gray than in either donahuei or pullus ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 ), without the brownish cast of the latter. The contrast between the transverse bands and overall wing color is less pronounced than in donahuei , and not so sharp as in pullus . The male genitalic components are closer to donahuei than pullus with regard to the form of the basal process on the valva ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 ) and the three chitinous pieces that comprise the armature of the vesica ( Figs. 4–5 View FIGURE 4 View FIGURE 5 ).

Description. MALES ( Fig. 1a View FIGURE 1 ). Forewing length: 11–14 mm (holotype 13 mm), mean = 13 mm. Head: Frons and vertex with white­tipped medium gray scales; labial palpus laterally covered by white­tipped charcoal gray scales. Thorax: Dorsum and collar clothed with white­tipped medium gray and charcoal gray scales, and a few scattered brownishorange scales. Abdomen: Clothed with mixture of whitish and pale gray and brownish gray scales. Legs: Clothed with mixture of whitish and dark gray to brownish gray scales; femur, tibia, tarsi with alternating pale and dark bands in fresh specimens, faded in worn specimens. Forewing: Basal area generally medium gray with a weak darker basal band; irregular gray antemedial band bordered by thin black border basad and thicker black border distad that is wider at the costa than at inner margin; median area medium gray with the color produced by peppering of charcoal grey and very pale gray scales, with a few brownish­orange scales along the length of costa; crescentic reniform spot composed of black scales and dusting of brownish­orange scales in lower cusp and bordered outwardly by narrow band of white scales, the lower portion of which extends distally beyond the lower cusp producing the illusion of a small somewhat obscure pale horizontally oblong spot; a diffuse dark irregular spot located below the reniform just above the inner margin; pale gray postmedian band bordered by black scales heavily on the basal side and moderately on marginal side; thin black terminal line; fringes composed of whitish­tipped medium gray scales. Hindwing: Translucent pale fuscous with darker marginal shading, wider at apex and tapering to anal angle; very thin dark terminal line; fringe composed of uniform pale fuscous (dirty white) scales. Genitalia ( Figs. 3–5 View FIGURE 3 View FIGURE 4 View FIGURE 5 ) [10 specimens dissected from Wyoming and New Mexico]: Uncus subtriangular with rounded apex; apical process of gnathos a strongly pointed hook curved upward toward uncus; valva with basal process a broad low ridge with large thorn­like spine near costa and a smaller broad triangular process inward (not clearly visible when valva is flattened for photography as in Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 ; digitally outlined in inset), valva slightly constricted in area where spine arises; transtilla absent; juxta a broad U­shaped plate with smooth margins; aedoeagus short and stout; vesica armed with large broadly lanceolate cornutus, a smaller scobinate plate, and smaller yet chitinous piece; everted and inflated vesica reveals a scobinate plate resembling a rooster comb arising separately from membrane, with smaller chitinous piece attached near base of large cornutus ( Figs. 4–5 View FIGURE 4 View FIGURE 5 ).

FEMALES ( Fig. 1b View FIGURE 1 ). Forewing length: 11–15 mm, mean = 13 mm. Wing maculation and color, head, thorax, abdomen and leg color as in males. Genitalia ( Fig. 6 View FIGURE 6 ) [3 specimens dissected from different Wyoming localities]: Ostium bursae with broad sclerotized plate; ductus bursae wide with irregularly­shaped scobinate, sclerotized plate originating about midway and extending into corpus bursae, where it is covered with long inwardlydirected spines; corpus bursae outwardly produced at site of a large sclerotized circular plate armed with numerous short, stout, inwardly­directed spines; ductus seminalis very slender, transparent, and originating from the corpus bursae near junction of corpus bursae and the ductus bursae. Location of circular plate on corpus bursae displaced relative to the plate positions in donahuei and pullus .

Type material. Holotype male: WYOMING, Albany Co., 41°15.09’N, 105°24.48’W, 2525 m, Sherman Range , ca. 16 km east of Laramie , 14.viii.2002, to be deposited in U.S. National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC GoogleMaps . Paratypes currently deposited in collections of the author, J. S. Nordin (Laramie, WY), the University of Wyoming Insect Collection, Laramie, WY, and C. P. Gillette Museum of Arthropods Diversity, Colorado State University , Ft. Collins, CO .

Etymology. The specific epithet montanus is derived from the masculine form of the Latin adjective meaning mountain dweller and reflects the montane habitat of this moth.

Biology. Unknown. The habitat ( Fig. 7 View FIGURE 7 ) is moderately dry aspen–coniferous forest at 2290 to 3100 m; all but one specimen from 2440 m and above. Douglas Fir, Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirbel) Franco, and Ponderosa Pine , Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws. are common to all of the collection sites. One of these trees may be the larval host.

Flight period. Based on the specimens collected to date from 14 July to 6 September, depending upon locality and annual weather conditions.

Distribution. Presently known from several areas in the mountainous environs east (Sherman Range) and west (Snowy Range) of Laramie, Wyoming, and from Signal Peak (Pinos Altos Mts.), Grant County, New Mexico.

Material examined. 89 male and 28 female specimens (collectors C. D. Ferris = CDF and J. S. Nordin = JSN): WYOMING: Albany Co.: Sherman Range : 41°17.88’N, 105°31.51’W, 2290 m GoogleMaps , 15.viii.1999, JSN (1f); 41°15.09’N, 105°24.48’W, 2525 m GoogleMaps , 14.viii.2002, CDF (6m incl. HT, 8f); 41°11.569’N, 105°23.509’W, 2516 m GoogleMaps , 3.viii.2001, JSN (1m), 8,16. viii.2002, JSN (9m, 1f), 2.ix.2002, JSN (1f), 6.viii.2003, CDF (1m, 1f), JSN (1m), 19.viii.2002, JSN (1m); 41°13.5’N, 105°22.5’W, 2545 m GoogleMaps , 5.ix.2003, JSN (1m); 41°15.09’N, 105°24.52’W, 2515 m GoogleMaps , 15,24. viii.1999 (2f), 25.viii.2001 (1m), 24.viii.2002 (1m), 21–22.viii.2003 (1m, 1f), 21.viii.2003 (1f), all JSN; Snowy Range : 41°07.4’N, 106°02.5’W, 2440 m GoogleMaps , 24.vii.2000, JSN (2f); 41°00.10’N, 106°12.69’W, Pelton Creek Rd. , 2670 m GoogleMaps , 24.viii.1998 (2m), JSN, 18.viii.2001, JSN (56m, 9f); 41°00.28’N, 106°13.14’W, 2700 m GoogleMaps , 21.vii.2004, CDF (4m), 41°04.8’N, 106°09.1’W, 2757 m GoogleMaps , 29.viii.1997, JSN (1m); 31.viii.2002, JSN (1m); 41°21.07’N, 106°12.55’W, 3100 m GoogleMaps , 14.vii.2000, CDF (1f). NEW MEXICO: Grant Co.: 32°35.64’N, 108°09.98’W, 2450 m (Signal Peak, Pinos Altos Mts. ) GoogleMaps , 6.ix.2002, CDF (2m) .

Variation. Other than the forewing length as noted in the description, there is little variation. The main variation is in the size and darkness of the forewing basal band and spot just above the inner margin and below the reniform. The two males from New Mexico are somewhat darker in color than the Wyoming specimens, but the genitalia are identical to the Wyoming moths.

Discussion. In habitus montanus is similar to pullus , but a darker gray; its male genitalia, however, are closer in appearance to those of donahuei . The spines on the scobinate plate in the vesica of donahuei are randomly scattered, while in montanus they are aligned in two closely­spaced rows producing the aspect of a rooster comb. The small chitinous plate is smooth in montanus , while in donahuei there are several small spines. In all specimens examined, the end of the valva has a distinct curl not seen in donahuei and pullus . Females of donahuei and pullus were not available for genitalic study.

The disjunct known geographic distribution of this species (southern Wyoming and southwestern New Mexico) parallels the known distribution of donahuei (eastern California and central New Mexico). One would expect to find colonies in intervening regions at suitable elevation and habitat.

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FIGURE 1. Passadenoides montanus. 1a, male holotype, Wyoming, Albany Co. with pin labels; 1b, female paratype, Wyoming, Albany Co.

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FIGURE 2. Males of Passadenoides donahuei (California, San Bernardino Co., 22.viii.1981) and Passadenoides pullus (California, Placer Co., 31.viii.1983).

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FIGURE 3. Right valva of three Passadenoides species, flattened ventral view; inset shows triangular process.

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FIGURE 4. Male genitalic structures of Passadenoides species. Left to right: genitalia less aedoeagus; aedoeagus; aedoeagus with vesica everted and inflated.

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FIGURE 5. Male genitalic structures of Passadenoides species. Opposite­side view of aedoeagus of the 3 species; genitalia of montanus with aedoeagus and valvae removed to show juxta, gnathos, and tegumen.

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FIGURE 6. Female genitalia of Passadenoides montanus. 6a, ventral view, arrow points to origin of ductus seminalis; 6b, dorsal view.

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FIGURE 7. Passadenoides montanus habitats. 7a, Lodgepole Creek, Sherman Range, Albany Co., Wyoming, 2500 m, 7.ix.2004; 7b, Signal Peak, Pinos Altos Mts., Grant Co., New Mexico, 2450 m, 18.viii.2004.













